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[ GDT] Canucks @ Lightning, January 7, 2020 - 4:00 PM PST -- Streak vs Streak Edition

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Green's not going anywhere. A 7 game win streak buys them 6 weeks of union .500 hockey.


I used to think that the NHL is a young man's game. The truth is that guys get big bank so early now (UFA @ 27)

by the time they are in their 30s they are loaded and lose their desire. Sure there are exceptions, but why bother with injuries and concussion risk when you can walk away with a big bank acct and full pension?

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1 minute ago, N7Nucks said:

Tampa was all over Canucks in the 1st and 2nd period. Only reason we had the lead in the first was cause of Marky before he fell apart. I am not sure which game you were watching but at no point was Vancouver on par with Tampa tonight.

I would say the same to you.  Clearly we are seeing different games.

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Tampa announcers are literally roasting the Canucks' defensive zone coverage, been roasting the Canucks all game, for not skating and just standing around. THAT'S BEEN THE DEFENSIVE STRUCTURE ALL YEAR. I am not anti Green, but something has to change. The good teams have been roasting us all year but we beat up on the middling/crappy teams so people think everything is fine. "PoWeRpLaY iS 4tH iN tHe LeAgUe :frantic:

Edited by N7Nucks
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Just now, N7Nucks said:

Tampa announcers are literally roasting the Canucks, been roasting the Canucks all game, defensive coverage for not skating and just standing around. THAT'S BEEN THE DEFENSIVE STRUCTURE ALL YEAR. I am not anti Green, but something has to change. The good teams have been roasting us all year but we beat up on the middling/crappy teams so people think everything is fine. "PoWeRpLaY iS 4tH iN tHe LeAgUe :frantic:

Green is fine, Baumgartner? Not so much. 

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4 minutes ago, DeNiro said:

Not gonna pin this one on him.


Not his fault Myers can’t make a routine play at the point. That goal changed everything. We had the momentum after tying it and Myers gave it right back.

Fair. But it was Green's moment to take a breath. None taken. So many opportunities. He's out of his depth.

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