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[GDT] Vancouver Canucks vs. Vegas Golden Knights | August 29th, 2020 | 6:45pm PT, SNP | R2G3

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1 minute ago, StealthNuck said:

Protests, not riots. 


I think you're making assumptions about the investigation time - there's no way you know that. 

Trust me I’m not assuming.


Also don’t be so naive about “protests”. The criminal code in our country defines a riot as:

64 A riot is an unlawful assembly that has begun to disturb the peace tumultuously. (b) an offence punishable on summary conviction.

The amount of vandalism, arson, assaults and looting fits this bill plenty of times over.

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7 minutes ago, Robert Long said:

well, most people don't like looting. I don't see how that de-legitimizes BLM, they aren't out there asking people to destroy property. 


Forgive the superficial comparison, but it reminds me of other fan bases that blame "Canucks fans" for the 2011 riots. 

The looting and rioting seem to be justified by people associated with BLM





"The riot is the language of the unheard," said Newsome, who compared modern-day protests to The Boston Tea Party.

"For a country that drops bombs on people, for a country that incarcerates people, for a country that enslaves people -- to criticize us for vandalism is preposterous," said Newsome.


"I want to make sure I'm getting you clearly," pressed Lahren. "It is OK to vandalize, to light things on fire and to loot businesses because the United States of America drops bombs on other countries, and because we have problems... people have grievances."


"It is OK to act in that manner? And you co-sign on to that as the chairman of Black Lives Matter. You were saying that that is OK?"


"I think that it is a tool of white supremacy to say if you want freedom, then you get it by protesting peacefully," said Newsome.


"Why is it a tool of white supremacy?" he concluded. "Because the white supremacists who built this country never earned anything peacefully. They did it through bullets and blood. And that's the American way."


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1 hour ago, Robert Long said:

thats what i'm wondering, is this what it comes down to? "at least I have more than that guy" type of thinking? 

In semiotics, a post modern theory of language and symbol put forth by Roland Barthes, a things meaning is defined by it’s opposite. They are talked about as dominant and recessive binaries. Feminism has used this theory to discuss how groups, such as women and people of colour, have been historically subjugated in favour of a white male dominant class whose privilege only exist as a function of the subjugation of the other side of the privilege binary. 
White men can perhaps feel the slipping away of a long held position of high regard within western culture and it is scary and uncomfortable for some. 

so to answer your question: Yes, semiotics would say we need someone to have less so we can feel we have more. 

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18 minutes ago, 189lb enforcers? said:

You are calling people racist in here, that’s not helping anything, at all.

Its not progressive, nor is conflating my distain for your labelling of others as my being part of any problem concerning racism. 

Your conviction is what you will hopefully learn to manage when you discuss your own perceptions with others. 


I have no comment on BLM really, rather just how you are engaging the forum to state your convictions. 

I wonder what the result would be in here if called everyone I disagreed with about the Sedins, pedofiles, for instance? 

Seems ok today to slander anyone who doesn’t agree with you with the title of racist. Why not pedofile?

Seems about as useful a tactic for bulling someone to quickly bend a knee or be shamed by your label. I see shaming and violent coerciveness in these  riots, I mean peaceful protests, be it in response to climate or whatever. Nobody would deny that tactic as being a fact, unless you’re actually blind. 

Quite the new normal, as the saying goes, you bunch of pedofilies, err, racists! 

There are better ways to make a point than to slander people, sir. Give it a whirl. 


The pedofile bit is exactly what's happening now.

Oprah, Tom Hanks, Clintons etc is called pedofiles, satanists by Q and Qanonfollowers. 

Just to get more support for Trump. 



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9 minutes ago, 189lb enforcers? said:

82 games and an injured roster to start the playoffs isn’t the same path to the cup as this Cup. 

Remember that one Boston Marathon where that one female runner just appeared out of the crowd and started running the final stretch to the finish line? :ph34r:


That’s a similar lack of physical abuse which NHL players have had to put out to get to the final stretch (playoffs). This changes the path and thus the brutal journey. 

A level playing field to start this playoffs just makes it a sprint instead of a marathon, which is why I called it the cheaters cup, not that I’m standing by the title, more so the change in the physical process to get there. 

No nagging injuries, injured stars or the like... that’s just not the same thing, and not the same path to glory in my books. 

Tampa still not breezing through playoffs

Of course it isn't like a normal Stanley Cup 

What is normal now?

It is a like a mini tournament

But , It is hockey and i will take it in April Wines The Whole World Is Going Crazy times

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Why was Kadri wearing a Cassius Clay sweater? In Ali's own words " Cassius Clay is a slave name. I didnt choose it and I dont want it. I am Muhammad Ali, a free name - it means beloved of god, and I insist people use it when people speak to me"  

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5 minutes ago, 189lb enforcers? said:

82 games and an injured roster to start the playoffs isn’t the same path to the cup as this Cup. 

Remember that one Boston Marathon where that one female runner just appeared out of the crowd and started running the final stretch to the finish line? :ph34r:


That’s a similar lack of physical abuse which NHL players have had to put out to get to the final stretch (playoffs). This changes the path and thus the brutal journey. 

A level playing field to start this playoffs just makes it a sprint instead of a marathon, which is why I called it the cheaters cup, not that I’m standing by the title, more so the change in the physical process to get there. 

No nagging injuries, injured stars or the like... that’s just not the same thing, and not the same path to glory in my books. 

but a cheaters cup implies the winner had an advantage over the other clubs when in fact all the teams played under the same conditions and circumstances.


I dont buy this "path to glory".  I think this could be potentially the fairest competition of them all.  No mismatched travel where a team like Vancouver has logged 50k more travel miles (just guessing i havent looked it up) than Boston before jumping into the frying pan of the playoffs.  No fans motivating play one way or the other, no intra day travel during playoff games where eastern teams surely have an advantage, no home team advantage where one team knows how to manipulate the boards or curl shot the puck down the ice because they know the ice etc etc...


I get that piling up injuries during the regular season and being able to withstand them is part of the process, but many of those injuries are freak injuries or injuries administered by cheap shots (look at how daniel sedin missed playoff time because of Keith's cheap shot) and have nothing to do with endurance.


at the end of the day can it get any fairer than this?  other than some gripes about back to back games during the schedule this is the most level playing field i have seen.



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Just now, StealthNuck said:

Protests, not riots. 


I think you're making assumptions about the investigation time - there's no way you know that. 

I don’t think you can say that and be serious for even a second. At a political best, you could argue linguistic semantics there, but that’s a revealing political perspective, given the discussion, with you being the forum referee and all. 


I wouldn’t enjoy posting in a politically moderated Canucks Forum, which I trust will never be the case here, correct? 

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3 minutes ago, Darius said:

but a cheaters cup implies the winner had an advantage over the other clubs when in fact all the teams played under the same conditions and circumstances.


I dont buy this "path to glory".  I think this could be potentially the fairest competition of them all.  No mismatched travel where a team like Vancouver has logged 50k more travel miles (just guessing i havent looked it up) than Boston before jumping into the frying pan of the playoffs.  No fans motivating play one way or the other, no intra day travel during playoff games where eastern teams surely have an advantage, no home team advantage where one team knows how to manipulate the boards or curl shot the puck down the ice because they know the ice etc etc...


I get that piling up injuries during the regular season and being able to withstand them is part of the process, but many of those injuries are freak injuries or injuries administered by cheap shots (look at how daniel sedin missed playoff time because of Keith's cheap shot) and have nothing to do with endurance.


at the end of the day can it get any fairer than this?  other than some gripes about back to back games during the schedule this is the most level playing field i have seen.



If we can agree that the physical path to the Cup will be very different this year, we will be in agreement with most of it. 

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1 minute ago, GhostsOf1994 said:

My friend posted an image and it read like this


I support my black friends, but not the blm


I support my white friends, but not the kkk



so your friend equates BLM with a century old racist organization? 

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2 hours ago, You Mad Bro? said:

Few fun facts of several Canucks raising their game in the playoffs 


Pettersson regular season career ppg (.95)

Pettersson career playoffs ppg (1.33)


Hughes regular season ppg (.77)

Hughes playoffs ppg (.92)


Horvat regular season ppg (.62)

Horvat playoffs ppg (.78)


Markstrom regular season stats 

2.80 GAA.  .911%

Markstrom playoffs stats 

2.64 GAA.  .925%


Those are remarkable stats.

It's almost always the case that player production decreases in the playoffs - you can track many, many players - even the 'great' ones - and that is typically the case.


I would put an asterisk by those stats, though, for a number of reasons.


1) this playoffs is being officiated - and I say this in general because it has still been markedly inconsistent/with moving goalposts - but in general these playoffs are being officiated more like a preseason than a typical playoffs.  We've seen a whole lot of ticky tack calls - a whole lot of powerplays - nothing resembling the typical throwing away of whistles.  For me - this is somewhat of a welcome change - there needs to be a middle ground and far more continuity - so that the game resembles itself as closely as possible from game 1 of the regular season right though the playoffs.  But the implication in this relatively rare small sample - is that the conditions to be productive = are better than they normally are in the playoffs.


2) the players that typically take a lot of punishment - because they possess/own/hold the puck -- and are therefore more exposed to hits -  are coming into this playoffs after four months off - as opposed to after the regular seaseon grind.  this is particularly relevent to younger players - who may recover quickly - but in general have not grown into the strength and stamina that they will possess when they get closer to that 25 yr range.  These conditions are particularly 'ripe' for younger teams to take advantage of.   And it snowballs - because as the calls are being made, teams are less prone to take cheap shots on 'stars' etc.  This is not to say the EP and Hughes have not taken a lot of punishment - they've fought through it in spectacular fashion - but - it's also all relative.


3) the playoffs are taking place within a 'bubble'.  This means that the usual travel and play - is mitigated considerably - and teams like Vancouver - that usually have to trot all over the continent - are not facing the typical disadvantage they normally would.

Ie - travelling back and forth to Minnesota = 2700 km - in both directions!

- travelling back and forth to Missouri = 3500 km x 2 roundtrip = 7000km each time.

- Nevada is 'only' 1700 km one way - but still - compare that to the typical East coast road trip and it's still a relatively huge distance.


4) I'm gonna throw this in here - not so much as an 'objective' point - but as part of my respect and appreciation of 'bottom six plugs'.    The combinations of Beagle/Motte, Sutter and whomever he has played with - have been bloody outstanding - dominant - and have helped create some very advantageous situational play for the young stars.  They have also been stellar in supporting Markstrom - tremendous penalty killing, bending but not breaking vs high end opponents.   The same has to be said about Tanev, Edler, Fantenburg - and Stecher - Myers - and Benn.  These guys not only make life a whole lot easier for EP/Hughes - but (when healthy) they also alleviate some of Horvat's load - and you see what he's doing in that context.  Additionally - as you often see when teams strike a great balance like this - you get the odd huge offensive contributions from those shutdown guys - who's puck pressure and relentless work ethic result in the odd breakthrough - where they counterpunch opponents - and somewhat 'break' them in the process.  There is nothing more deflating than having your 'stars' get rekt by Tyler Motte (or as in the past Sutter/Dorsett running all over McDavid's line).  That can really break an opponent down.  And on the counterpoint - there is nothing more inflating than when your sophomore 'superstar' takes cues from these guys and throws his body in front of shots (ie EP made one of the biggest saves in the playoffs thus far), he's hounding pucks like a bottom six shutdown forward, being as physical as he can looking to separate opponents from the puck, getting in shooting lanes, diving into passing lanes to break up threats/transition.   That's a balanced, complete team effort - and half the game is defending - so every one of those defensive efforts - enhances offensive production in the end - because they lead to the end of opposition possession - and a greater opportunity to possess the puck, transition the puck.  That's why you build a team like this.


Anyhow - none of that is stated to take anything away from Hughes or EP - they have been downright remarkable - and taken full advantage of the situation and their opportunities.

Edited by oldnews
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20 hours ago, 189lb enforcers? said:

Thanks for the response. 
I will greatly appreciate a way to watch the games without being exposed to political narratives.

Im likely chasing a unicorn, but if anybody can help me, please and many thanks. 

I might send you the link, because I don't think it shows intermissions and such. I'll do it after work and you can decide to use it or not. It also gives the away (or other) broadcasts. It also works on your phone :)


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4 minutes ago, GhostsOf1994 said:

That blm group not the idea, perpetuates hate and divide between white and black?



wow, well I don't think your friend has actually read or listened to people at BLM, but I guess thats his right. 

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12 minutes ago, 189lb enforcers? said:

I don’t think you can say that and be serious for even a second. At a political best, you could argue linguistic semantics there, but that’s a revealing political perspective, given the discussion, with you being the forum referee and all. 


I wouldn’t enjoy posting in a politically moderated Canucks Forum, which I trust will never be the case here, correct? 

I'm 100% serious. While there has been some property damage and violence, the vast majority of actions have been peaceful protest. We don't moderate based on politics, which should be obvious from this thread. 

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