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[GDT] VGK @ Canucks - GAME 6 - Sept 3 2020 - 6:45PM Pacific - SNET, NBC, NHLTV

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I was not surprised that the Canucks won the last game, but I did expect that their energy level would have been higher going into it.  The hockey Gods usually allow you to steal a game every once and a while, and that was game 5 for the Nucks, as they were outplayed for much of it.  Demko channelling his inner Petey with his out of this world play.


If the bottom six forwards don't show up tonight, I'm iffy about our chances.  Sooner or later, you will break under the constant Vegas forechecking assault.  The great news, if the Nucks win this game, that puts us in a really good position for game 7, as Vegas would have thrown everything but the kitchen sink at us for two games in a row trying to put us down, thats an awful lot of mental & physical energy expended for a Team expected to be a finalist with two more rounds to go.  We would have edge in age, momentum, confidence on our side, not too mention still considered the underdog. As many have said before, anything after the Blues, is all gravy.  But hey, I won't say no to a Vegas banana cream pie being served up as dessert!


They can do it, I believe!!  Go Nucks!

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2 hours ago, Ghostsof1915 said:

The only time I saw Bure unleash his full potential was at Nagano in the Olympics. He not only scored, he set up plays, he hit, he back checked. He was a different player than in the NHL. (Maybe it was the big ice?) I don't want Petey to be Bure, I want Petey to be the best player he can. He doesn't take any crap. But he defends, he passes, he tips in pucks, he shoots pucks. And will even hit, and back check and block shots. (Which scares me every time he does). 

Petey doesn't have the flair for the net that Bure did. But he's amazing regardless. And I'd rather have complete players, than snipers. 

The awesome part. Is wait 2-3 more years when he fills out, and gets stronger. 

Re watch the 94 playoffs. Bure was a wrecking ball. He threw some huge hits. Yeah he took Churla out but he also threw some really nice clean hits. I remember one hit on Brian Leetch in the finals behind the net that rung Leetch’s bell. 

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2 hours ago, Tracksuit said:

These playoffs have been a Huge success

they've shown what we need and what we don’t.

It’s  shown who shows up when it matters most and who doesn’t.

markstroms a top goaltender in this league.

Demko after not playing since March tossed into an elimination game and looks like an veteran all star. 
the top six Carrying the team.
Bo showing why he’s the captain and a faceoff superstar.

hughes already the teams #1 d and will only get better. 
Motte Showing he’s the best of the bottom six.


The needs are still many but it’s a way clearer picture now that the team has been put to the test.

Hope this group can put together two more strong games and put the league on notice. 


Tyler Motte’s been great. The guy rubs off on the whole team as well with his desperate play. 

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Goalies have been super stars all series long after being out shot badly almost every game 


time for the 5 in front to return the favour and keep the puck in the Vegas zone longer 


also, just me or would Big Mac not be better option in this series than gaudette 

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The boys really need to push the pace and get some secondary scoring these next 2 games.

We cannot win the next 2 games sitting on our heels hoping a rookie tendy bails them out.

What drives me up the wall is how much our undersized D men are being smashed and bashed in the corners and checks are ALWAYS being finished on them, it forces them to make dumb turnovers or flip it up the wall (the wall battle 99% of the time being won by a Golden Knight player). WHY aren't any of our players doing the same to Shea Theodore? it doesn't always have to be a big hit, but finish your check on him, make him feel it, make him know he doesn't get a free pass.

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I just heard from a friend that if and when we force a game 7 tonight we have to play again at 10 AM tomorrow morning.

What the hell is the NHL thinking??? As if it’s not bad enough playing a back to back for game 6 & 7 but then you make them do a night game followed by a day game?! Then you have the audacity to put it right in the middle of a workday?! Not happy about that one bit. :mad:

EDIT: Okay it turns out my friend is going off of the time from the score app. I’m willing to bet that that’s just a placeholder until the real time is announced (I hope). I guess he just wanted to text me at work and raise my blood pressure LOL 


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