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Pettersson podcast appearance sets off Twitter storm.

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30 minutes ago, DeNiro said:

Who are these people with no lives sitting around looking for things to cancel?


We give them way too much of a voice.

They are new sportnet analysts unfortunately. 

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3 hours ago, stonecoldstevebernier said:

I've never listened to Spittin Chiclets, but everything I've seen from Petey's character points towards him being a young man with a good head on his shoulders. Also if JD Burke is against it I'll definitely tune into the episode. Guy's literal human garbage

Theres been some good ones.  Horvat was good, I enjoyed Sopels, Shane OBrien, Crosby, etc.  Guys let a little more personality out and open up a bit more rather than this picture perfect robotic image most hockey players have on and off the ice.  Thats one of the things about the NHL I hate, guys are so preprogrammed what to say, what to do, etc. Other sports like NBA and NFL guys are more open and outspoken, etc. 

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5 hours ago, Outsiders said:

People got nothing else to talk about I guess. People need to learn to live their own life and mind their own business. It is pretty simple, if you don't like the pod just don't listen and carry on with your day. No need to bash Petey and storm twitter. 


I have listened to a couple episodes of players I like or ex players and have always found they don't cross the line. I don't listen regularly so I'm sure they say borderline things but I find they don't cross it. 


Re the Roenick interview the boys Biz and Whit did try to save him and say woah careful but Roenick kept going. Now, there is no excuse that kind of stuff, and shouldn't be said period but definitely not recorded and posted on a podcast. Roenick has been held accountable for what he said.

Same, only listened a bit, usually skip the banter they chat about for part of it and go straight to the interviews and have quite enjoyed them.  


The fact that Roenick (who I think we all know what he's like even before this), was on there, all these far left cancel culture people are coming out of the woodworks and anything that doesn't align with their "perfect views" 100% should be cancelled because these guys aren't completely PC and like the bend that line.  

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6 minutes ago, Down by the River said:

I think people are overreacting to the overreaction. It is JD Burke and 1040 guys and not really many others. Don't give Burke the attention he needs for not being good at his actual job. 

its not the 1040 guys, Its burke and the 5 memebers of the boradcast they there followers 

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8 hours ago, DeNiro said:

What is “Canucks Twitter” exactly?

I wonder that a lot too. Seems like every time someone wants a $&!#ty story about Vancouver they either dip into "Canucks twitter" or claim that group represents the views of the city and/or fanbase. 


From what I can tell, "Canucks twitter" doesn't represent anything close to what CDC or even HF Boards discusses other than maybe the really fringe trolls. 

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41 minutes ago, DeltaSwede said:

I honestly have no idea why people are against or are quick to denounce Spittin Chiclets. Spittin Chiclets is not only approachable for hockey fans but sports fans in general. Damn, people in general. I can't think of a single thing within hockey for the past 50 years that makes the game more approachable for fans. The world is different now. We access information in new ways and we also want to intake that information differently. I have friends who have never been fans of hockey that have listened to that podcast and are now asking me more and more questions about the game. It's the simple fact that it isn't just about hockey it's about the person wearing that uniform. Their funny stories that probably would never see the light of day if it weren't for this podcast. 


EP and Quinn wrestled each other at that rookie event the Canucks have. How funny is that? 


Petey talks about how he wants to show the fans more of his personality using social media. Going on the #1 podcast for hockey is doing just that. It was a treat to listen to. I went on a 2 hour walk just to finish the episode in one sitting and people must have thought i was mental walking around laughing and with a big grin on my face. Petey talks about the difference between being a player in the NBA or the NFL when it comes to expressing themselves. Aren't we all tired of the "get pucks in deep" "he's a big body player" type of useless hockey insights that we as a community are forcing onto players? I don't want that. I want NHL players to have space to express themselves so this game can grow to a wider audience. 


Biz said it best himself. They are on the Barstool platform because it allows them to say whatever the f**k they want without having some publicist at TSN or Sportsnet telling them no. Why do you think Bieksa was so praised when he was involved with Sportsnet? - it was because he broke the norm of boring sports journalism. If you prefer that, great, don't click play or download episode. Nothing is forcing you to listen. 


Or do we all prefer Sportsnets "let's connect with our younger audience so we hire a screaming into the camera massive Leafs fan in Steve Dangle because he's a youtuber" approach?


Take a hike. 


Never heard of Spiitin chicklets and could care less, EP is an intelligent young man with a good head on his shoulders, not worried what he would say. Maybe it is Sportsnet and or other media doing this to control their own interests?

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9 hours ago, DeNiro said:

What is “Canucks Twitter” exactly?


Also did I miss something? Since when did people start boycotting Spittin chiclets?


40 minutes ago, Robert Long said:

I wonder that a lot too. Seems like every time someone wants a $&!#ty story about Vancouver they either dip into "Canucks twitter" or claim that group represents the views of the city and/or fanbase. 


From what I can tell, "Canucks twitter" doesn't represent anything close to what CDC or even HF Boards discusses other than maybe the really fringe trolls. 

A bunch of self serving, whiny, know-it-alls with the audacity to declare themselves 'Canucks Twitter' as though they're the voice of the team, fans etc...


Clearly a bunch of winners we should give a &^@# about :lol:

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29 minutes ago, aGENT said:


A bunch of self serving, whiny, know-it-alls with the audacity to declare themselves 'Canucks Twitter' as though they're the voice of the team, fans etc...


Clearly a bunch of winners we should give a &^@# about :lol:

I don't care what the individuals claim, it bugs me more when people with some credibility like Freidman uses it to paint the fan base. He hans't done that for a while but others do.


I suspect this will land with a thud in the same way Bo's appearance did, from an "outrage" pov. 


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10 hours ago, DeNiro said:

What is “Canucks Twitter” exactly?


Also did I miss something? Since when did people start boycotting Spittin chiclets?

Since SJW’s decided they would get upset and offended by anything and everything. 

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