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1 hour ago, Canuck Surfer said:

Texas continues to struggle through its latest COVID-19 surge, with nearly 14,000 patients currently hospitalized, and more than 16,000 residents testing positive for the virus each day.

According to federal data, Texas currently has the highest number of confirmed and suspected pediatric COVID-19 hospitalizations in the country, with 364 children receiving care across the state. Further, as of Aug. 22, more than 20,200 Texas public school students, and nearly 7,500 teachers and staff members, have tested positive for COVID-19 since the beginning of the school year, according to state data.

Can we abort the ignorant unvaccinated?

Damn, guess not. In Texas you just need a heartbeat without any higher functioning synaptic ability. 

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5 hours ago, Canuck Surfer said:

Grand Final in Perth; Optus stadium.  They will be pumped.  I lived there 12 years also. I cannot go, WA has locked borders to those from states with cases. 


LOL, including very publicly banning Media personality Eddie McGuire. Former president the Collingwood Magpies in an awesome troll job.  


WA West Australia has managed to keep, essentially, Covid zero through the entire pandemic.


There are benefits to living in the most isolated city in the world.


No restrictions except getting in...

Bigoted,mysognist POS. 

Eddie the Broadie boy,what a freakin joke.


I was placed in the Broadmeadows orphanage before mum and dad adopted me.


He might have came from there however once he started shoving his nose up Packers @$$.

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4 hours ago, stawns said:

The attempted gaslighting by this minority group is sad to see.  On the surface they're proclaiming to love and accept everyone.......the reality is they abuse, bulky and try to intimidate at every possible chance


5000 people might have shown up........guess how many didn't?  


Are you refereing to the ones that are clogging up our ICU's and depriving "Normal People" from their surgeries andlife saving treatments because hospitals have postponed their surgeries or there are no beds availbale due to those 90% unvacinated flat-earth/magnetic-embeded microchip, Area 51, Extreme Off-The-Charts, right wing "I hate everything" CONservative Wing-Nuts are the only ones now getting deathly sick and filing up our hospital beds? 


Or, are you refering to the Selfish self-centered folks that don't give a s$1t about anybody but themselves and despise nurses, doctors and all the other health care workers that put their lives and families on the lives just to take care of them because they are "Human Beings" and not animals?

Which is it ????  


Edited by RU SERIOUS
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3 minutes ago, JM_ said:

my wife runs a team of about 20 people who are all coming back to the office this fall,  and of course 1 of them is now bucking getting vaccinated in order to come back. Its taken up most of her week, dealing with various union, HR, management and other team members worried about it.


Why are we spending so much time and energy on these people? this is playing out all over BC. The idea that essential services can't have a vaccine mandate is ridiculous and is spreading beyond just accessing services. 

I wonder if some smart think tank will come up with an analysis of the total cost to our economy caused by these Covid denying, antivaxxer, freedumb fighter, Maskchinians?  

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4 minutes ago, JM_ said:

my wife runs a team of about 20 people who are all coming back to the office this fall,  and of course 1 of them is now bucking getting vaccinated in order to come back. Its taken up most of her week, dealing with various union, HR, management and other team members worried about it.


Why are we spending so much time and energy on these people? this is playing out all over BC. The idea that essential services can't have a vaccine mandate is ridiculous and is spreading beyond just accessing services. 

A vaccine mandate in any work environment can be justified by management. Private or public.

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18 minutes ago, bishopshodan said:

No vaccine mandate for fast food restaurants.


Also, schools are deemed essential so no mandate there either.


This is going to be messy. 

I love my job and I am, imo, an excellent teacher.  I am currently weighing my options for an extended leave or outright resigning and finding a different job.  I absolutely do not feel safe going back to work next week, especially when you look how it's unfolded down south. 


I know situations aren't the same, around vaccination rates, but delta is a whole new ball game and I don't feel confident that masks and vaccines are going to stand up in the face of 500 unvaxxed people in a closed building for the next 10 months.

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17 minutes ago, JM_ said:

my wife runs a team of about 20 people who are all coming back to the office this fall,  and of course 1 of them is now bucking getting vaccinated in order to come back. Its taken up most of her week, dealing with various union, HR, management and other team members worried about it.


Why are we spending so much time and energy on these people? this is playing out all over BC. The idea that essential services can't have a vaccine mandate is ridiculous and is spreading beyond just accessing services. 


10 minutes ago, Boudrias said:

A vaccine mandate in any work environment can be justified by management. Private or public.

The big banks implemented policies.  They have teams of lawyers at their disposal.  Probably something like this from TD:


"Starting November 1, 2021, there will be additional protocols for colleagues who are still not fully vaccinated, or have not disclosed their vaccination status, including the completion of a learning module about the benefits of vaccination, mandatory COVID-19 rapid testing, and the wearing of a face covering at all times"



https://www-cbc-ca.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/www.cbc.ca/amp/1.6147410?amp_js_v=a6&amp_gsa=1&usqp=mq331AQKKAFQArABIIACAw%3D%3D#aoh=16306810728466&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&amp_tf=From %1%24s&ampshare=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.cbc.ca%2Fnews%2Fbusiness%2Fbig-banks-vaccines-1.6147410

Canada's Big 5 banks will mandate COVID-19 vaccines for staff

All the big banks to implement some form of mandatory vaccination policy

Edited by thedestroyerofworlds
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13 minutes ago, Alflives said:

I wonder if some smart think tank will come up with an analysis of the total cost to our economy caused by these Covid denying, antivaxxer, freedumb fighter, Maskchinians?  

oh I'm sure. And some asshat from their group will have an "analysis" ready of how the economy would have been better with no protection. 

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