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4 hours ago, MikeBossy said:

I have worn my masks since this pandemic hit religiously - part of the reason is I was working in the developmental disabilities field as a program supervisor and when covering a shift in one of our group homes worked beside one of my staff who tested positive for COVID the day after we worked together. The nature of the business meant unfortunately social distancing wasn't an option so we wore masks. Its my belief that those masks were the only thing that prevented me and the individuals we were supporting from contracting COVID from this staff member who at the time was exhibiting zero signs or symptoms but was also wearing a mask. Our organization lost 7 individuals to COVID during my tenure there - none at the houses I supervised thankfully but I have seen first hand what this virus does not only to those who get it but also their families and the health system. While I would never wish this virus or death on them and I truly believe you are not being literal when you say you don't care if they die the sad fact is the only way for them to see the light is to catch COVID 19. We will never change their minds with things like science and facts - the truth is they need to experience it first hand to understand this is a real danger and not only does it put innocents at risk it puts an enormous strain on our health system and those heroes who get up every day and face this pandemic head on in our hospitals. 

I’m starting to become a little less facetious about my ‘Live and Let Die’ musings, with regards to anti-vaxxers and a little more genuine, with regards to my apathy towards their self-inflicted demise. 

I honestly think natural selection is at work in real-time and who are we to stand in its way when it comes to the insanely ignorant and dangerously dumb among us? 

There have been enough people recanting on their death beds for others to be sufficiently warned.


If one is too brazenly stupid to not stop at train track when the arms are down and the signals are blaring, then they were not meant to be long on this planet. 

Edited by Sharpshooter
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26 minutes ago, 4petesake said:

You’ve heard of raving fricken lunatic nutbar morons haven’t you? Well now you’ve met their exalted high priest.

That's what happens when you have a dumb, ignorant, inward looking society that can't even find their own country on a map.  They are trained to believe anything they are told.  Such a sad society.   Can't imagine living in a place with so many selfish, dumb simpletons. 42% according to the last election results...... 

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28 minutes ago, RU SERIOUS said:

That's what happens when you have a dumb, ignorant, inward looking society that can't even find their own country on a map.  They are trained to believe anything they are told.  Such a sad society.   Can't imagine living in a place with so many selfish, dumb simpletons. 42% according to the last election results...... 

you're not joking



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1 hour ago, thedestroyerofworlds said:

Wonder why goobers are gobbling up horse dewormer. 





this just makes me want to start a fake website selling sugar pills to these people. Pretty sure if I got caught I could argue that I was trying to save them from taking horsey meds that can blind them. 


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2 hours ago, Sharpshooter said:

I’m starting to become a little less facetious about my ‘Live and Let Die’ musings, with regards to anti-vaxxers and a little more genuine, with regards to my apathy towards their self-inflicted demise. 

I honestly think natural selection is at work in real-time and who are we to stand in its way when it comes to the insanely ignorant and dangerously dumb among us? 

There have been enough people recanting on their death beds for others to be sufficiently warned.


If one is too brazenly stupid to not stop at train track when the arms are down and the signals are blaring, then they were not meant to be long on this planet. 

I am much worse than you. I actually cheered when I saw the protests in front of the hospitals, since there was a good chance a COVID infected person might wander by, and the good chance it would be a superspreader event. Shadenfreude? Yup!

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6 minutes ago, Chip Kelly said:

Lol. Just thought it was interesting what the anti vax people are back referring to Trudeau and the Libs as.


Gonna be interested to see the election results looking to be getting tight between the Libs and the Cons.



Say what?

Wrong thread maybe?



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2 minutes ago, gurn said:

Say what?

Wrong thread maybe?



I think that poster just got turfed gurn.


He posted that classic JT in a pink Nazi out fit with a rainbow swastika.


Pretty sure that is the same image that got Ryan Strome the boot years ago. 


Some people dont use their brains. Hate JT all you want but how do they not understand how wrong that image is? 

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14 hours ago, 4petesake said:

I respect your opinion on this because I know it comes from the right place even though I disagree.


I saw this a little earlier tonight and wonder what you think about it. To simplify things let’s assume he was the only one on set that was unvaccinated and for the sake of the argument let’s say he caused an outbreak among the cast and crew. The entire production now has to be shut down because of one person’s refusal to be vaccinated. He has that right but does the production company not have the right to say we won’t allow an unvaccinated person on their set? Does one man’s rights overrule an entire production company and the rights of every one of their employees and potentially cost millions of dollars and the jobs of everyone else? 

This is what many businesses are up against and we can’t have it both ways. Some people are going to lose their jobs if they deem their personal rights are more important than the rights of the rest of society. I don’t like to see anybody lose their jobs but it is still a choice they will have to make.




For a bit I thought he was related to  Teller of Penn and Teller fame, which would have been awkward given those guys pro vaccine stance,

5 hours ago, Warhippy said:

I just had a friend post that she knows of a family that lost 3 people to the vaccine,


3 people.


I had to ask, as we live in such a small area and know all the same people 



Oh friends

But who, that's crazy!

It's not important.

Sure it is


Well of the now confirmed world wide direct deaths attributed to the vaccine approaching 5000 people from 6 billion jabs, losing 3 people in one family is amazing

I didn't mean they died

But you said they lost them?  Like they're alive


So they're lost?  Like a set of keys or a sock?


They're not responding to me anymore :( 

A some one mentioned, they lost those people to what they perceive as the dark side.

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Thought I'd share.  Gives examples of various vaccines and their significant side-effects.  They tend to happen within 2 months.  Anyone who questions the Covid-19 vaccines regarding long-term effects need to be told this.  Along with the fact that mRNA vaccines had been tested in clinical trials for other diseases and for cancer treatment prior to 2020.  




Feature Article: Long-term Side Effects of COVID-19 Vaccine? What We Know.

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9 hours ago, MikeBossy said:

I have worn my masks since this pandemic hit religiously - part of the reason is I was working in the developmental disabilities field as a program supervisor and when covering a shift in one of our group homes worked beside one of my staff who tested positive for COVID the day after we worked together. The nature of the business meant unfortunately social distancing wasn't an option so we wore masks. Its my belief that those masks were the only thing that prevented me and the individuals we were supporting from contracting COVID from this staff member who at the time was exhibiting zero signs or symptoms but was also wearing a mask. Our organization lost 7 individuals to COVID during my tenure there - none at the houses I supervised thankfully but I have seen first hand what this virus does not only to those who get it but also their families and the health system. While I would never wish this virus or death on them and I truly believe you are not being literal when you say you don't care if they die the sad fact is the only way for them to see the light is to catch COVID 19. We will never change their minds with things like science and facts - the truth is they need to experience it first hand to understand this is a real danger and not only does it put innocents at risk it puts an enormous strain on our health system and those heroes who get up every day and face this pandemic head on in our hospitals. 

So freaking easy to put a mask on when out in a public area.


Saw this pic at the start of all of this,2 people 2 metres apart 80 percent chance of contracting the virus if not wearing mask and one person has the virus.

That was reduced to 50 percent if one person was wearing a mask and down to 10 percent if both people are wearing masks.


Makes it a no brainer as far as I am concerned.

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11 hours ago, Warhippy said:

It gets better.


Same thread, different argument about my body my rights and how they're forcing this on people.


They're not forcing anything on you

ya they are, if I cant go to a movie, or restaurant or anything unless i get a shot thats forcing me to do something i dont want

no it isnt.  your situation is temporary and voluntary.  it ends jan 6th

oh so i miss christmas and you dont see a problem with it?

No, because you can call or video your family

you know thats not the same

So you'd be missing christmas, the same millions do every year and thats a loss of rights because you also can't have brunch?

It's my right and freedom to shop and visit where I want!

its actually not, its your privilege.  Pretty sure nowhere in the consitution it gives you the right to eggs benny on a sunday in a pub

I dont care you're one of those sheeple that wont wake up until your rights are totally stripped.  Next they'll be sending us to jail

Look, we're not texas; you're not going to jail for not getting a shot.  In Texas though, you'll get jailed or fined for getting an abortion, as will anyone who helps you

That's not even remotely the same

Wait what?

That's taking a life, not injecting myself with poison against my wishes

That is exactly the same.  Your body your choice right?

Unless it condones murder

So if you give someone covid and they die....I can jail you?

It is so not the same thing and its disgusting youd even say it is


And this is the mentality of the people we're dealing with

I have had the same sort of response on facebook from my family and the people from my (small town interior) home town. Thankfully the overwhelming majority of my friends and coworkers are engineers so people that deny science would be likely to keep it to themselves. It's how I realised there is no reasoning with the antivaxxers. ( I have simply said "ask your doctor" and all you get is talk about "main stream media"). Anyways only thing that will ever end this is for everyone to get COVID. And after that sure hospital cases might rise but we do have a lot vaccinated now. Maybe we redeploy the army guys fighting the fires to do triage in hospital parking lots. I don't care anymore it's so frustrating. I litterally want everyone to get COVID now after dealing with these people on facebook.

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