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9 minutes ago, gizmo2337 said:

We should have secured a supply of N95 masks for the teachers and school workers. You don't have to throw them out everyday. In fact, all you need is 5 disposable masks on a daily rotation and re-use. By the time day 7 rolls around, there's nothing to clean. Any cleaning process just damages the mask anyways.

Aside from that, opening windows helps, provided they don't screw them shut. That was another epic fail in the list.

The kids will be fine though. I know of 3 kids that just had omicron already and it presented very very mild. Not bad enough to even go see a doctor. The class will probably empty fast as they will all be at home in quarantine.

I also think we won't be going back right away.  I expect they'll go an extra week or until they can provide proper masks and rapid tests.  Sending us back into cramped spaces with 550 other people is pretty much throwing us to omicron and I'd bet they have to shut down schools inside a week, maybe two.  The optics of that would be very bad

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1 minute ago, stawns said:

I don't have windows, I'm dead in the middle of the school.  We've been ok through it all, our kids are pretty disciplined with masks, but weve had some sick parents from kids bringing it home and we lost one dad a cpl months ago

You and other teachers are amazing.  No way you guys should have to be worried about getting sick because of doing your jobs.  I know you guys lovevthe kids, but there’s got to be a safe workplace for teachers.  I don’t know what, but it should be as safe as possible.  How can social distance be done with little kids? 

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I still feel we should have provided N95 masks to the school workers. We don't have enough supply for the kids, and they'd unlikely fit those masks anyways. School ventilation systems is another area that could be improved. Some of the CO2 measuring tools are cheap, and give you a visual indicator of risk level in a particular room.

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Just now, gizmo2337 said:

I still feel we should have provided N95 masks to the school workers. We don't have enough supply for the kids, and they'd unlikely fit those masks anyways. School ventilation systems is another area that could be improved. Some of the CO2 measuring tools are cheap, and give you a visual indicator of risk level in a particular room.

The bctf has been demanding that for 18 months now.

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12 minutes ago, stawns said:

The bctf has been demanding that for 18 months now.

Wow, I didn't know that, and pretty shocking at the same time! Is it a money issue or a supply issue? If it was me, I'd just want to know that I could get access to 5 disposable N95 masks, and rotate them. Even if I had to spend the 20 bucks myself, I'd probably still do it. If they aren't available, then that's a different problem that should have been solved long ago.

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20 hours ago, -DLC- said:

I've been paying my gym membership since COVID hit...and have not gone once.  I'm terrified to.


Mind you, it's an upper floor, very small gym with no windows that open.  It used to be ladies only but they converted to co-ed and it gets pretty sweaty in there.  I used to wipe everything down before and after use, but during COVID I'm just creeped out.  I'll keep my membership going, but it'll be a long time before I feel safe there.  Really miss the cardio machines though...I have a stepper (from good old Apple Fitness) but the hydraulic arm broke (I blame Slash's guitar solo in Coma)...might have to get someone in to fix it.

 Watching Elvis Stoyko in the Olympics while on the stair climber. I swear every time he jumped my steps went crazy fast. Could not stop it. Embarrassing! I wouldn't go to a low ceiling gym either.

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1 hour ago, Chris12345 said:

Sorry to hear about your wife.


That is exactly my point....seems like a lot of expensive baindades without solving the root cause.



Yes lots of treat the symptoms but short on cure. You know what they say…an ounce of cure is worth a pound of pharmaceuticals. 

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1 hour ago, gizmo2337 said:

We should have secured a supply of N95 masks for the teachers and school workers. You don't have to throw them out everyday. In fact, all you need is 5 disposable masks on a daily rotation and re-use. By the time day 7 rolls around, there's nothing to clean. Any cleaning process just damages the mask anyways.

Aside from that, opening windows helps, provided they don't screw them shut. That was another epic fail in the list.

The kids will be fine though. I know of 3 kids that just had omicron already and it presented very very mild. Not bad enough to even go see a doctor. The class will probably empty fast as they will all be at home in quarantine.

All covid was like that for kids. I just heard a doctor say 2/3 of kids have had it already. Hope that's true.

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China locks down city of Xi'an. 13 million residents told to stay at home.

  • This is one of China's biggest lockdowns to date.
  • ordered its 13 million residents to stay at home and avoid unnecessary outings
  • Since Dec. 9, the city in the northwest of China has confirmed more than 140 Covid-19 cases
  • Late Wednesday, the Xi’an city government said on its verified social-media account that another 127 people in the city had tested positive for Covid-19 in an additional round of mass testing. It didn’t say what variant caused the new infections.

While not in the industrial heartland of China the official response is indicative of the risk of further lockdowns ahead and consequent disruptions to supply chains and the Chinese economy.


xi'an china

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4 hours ago, Alflives said:

How in the bloody hell can so many people over 50 be not vaccinated?  They had their friggin’ chance.  Screw them!  No health care for antivaxxers!  Our hospitals could function fine if not for these selfish idiots.  Tape an aspirin to their foreheads and send them home.  

Come on Alf ease up. It is 2 aspirin and call me in the morning. 

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2 hours ago, nuckin_futz said:

China locks down city of Xi'an. 13 million residents told to stay at home.

  • This is one of China's biggest lockdowns to date.
  • ordered its 13 million residents to stay at home and avoid unnecessary outings
  • Since Dec. 9, the city in the northwest of China has confirmed more than 140 Covid-19 cases
  • Late Wednesday, the Xi’an city government said on its verified social-media account that another 127 people in the city had tested positive for Covid-19 in an additional round of mass testing. It didn’t say what variant caused the new infections.

While not in the industrial heartland of China the official response is indicative of the risk of further lockdowns ahead and consequent disruptions to supply chains and the Chinese economy.


xi'an china

Thank God the NHL isn't going to Bejing. 

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1 hour ago, -DLC- said:

I went to (try and) get tested at the airport - "5 1/2 hour wait"


Daughter went to a different location pre-opening (before 7:30 am) - 17 block line up.  We both have mild symptoms but many are lining up "just to be sure" which is creating huge delays for those who actually have symptoms and need to know (versus want to know).


It's crazy.  Good news is they're giving out rapid tests to do at home.  


Be safe, be well but most of all be happy people.  T'is the season to get vaccinated.

Deb, were you just returning from a trip? Or do you live near an airport? Was it the airport giving out rapid tests to do at home? I like that idea.

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This is just the beginning of the Omicron wave, unfortunately. People 60 years and older getting the fourth dose in Israel in order to get through the omicron wave. 50,000 new cases in Germany, 100,000 new cases in UK , almost the same number of new cases (100,000) in France. This is going to be a very tough winter for all of us, no matter where we live.

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Due to the large percentage of vaxxed  people, the number of cases is very much secondary to number of hospitalizations.

At least to those of us that are vaxxed. Those that aren't vaxxed, well they should be the ones  worried about case numbers.


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