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9 minutes ago, nucksnavsfan said:

Thanks Petey 

leading the way again :towel:

Just watching Global News...apparently Earl’s restaurants have opened a new company; Earl’s Grocery !

Said they are selling food as well as TP.   Striking while the iron is hot!

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Here's the thing.


Leaders should be discussed in here regarding their impact on COVID control as this is the COVID thread.


Some of you, for what ever reason, have been on Don's leg for a while and refuse to let go regardless of what he does.


So, should his taxes or sexual accusations be discussed in here? no

The way he is steering the USA during this pandemic? yep.


Let me know if you have any questions. 

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27 minutes ago, Elias Pettersson said:

Whole Foods has lots of toilet paper.  Every time I go there they have some with no lineup to get it.

No wonder there is always toilet paper at Whole Foods.   Everything is expensive as heck there, especially TP because they are "green" products.

Edited by DonLever
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A US politician on the fight for pro choice just dropped a lol of a bombshell.


Ladies, demand money from the government at this point in time for your fetus.  If the current administration wants to repeal roe-v-wade and clamp down on abortions; than they should now and forever more put their money where their mouths are or forever shut up about it.


Yes, I know it's poor taste and shoddy timing but the lady bawls on her must be enormous

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15 minutes ago, bishopshodan said:

Here's the thing.


Leaders should be discussed in here regarding their impact on COVID control as this is the COVID thread.


Some of you, for what ever reason, have been on Don's leg for a while and refuse to let go regardless of what he does.


So, should his taxes or sexual accusations be discussed in here? no

The way he is steering the USA during this pandemic? yep.


Let me know if you have any questions. 

But there is something to be said for comic relief during a time of crises...

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30 minutes ago, redhdlois said:

Probably because their vegan, organic, gluten free TP is about $15/pack.

Gah, lol, well if my parents run out I will be taking a road trip to try and buy expensive , organic gluten free tp.... their eyesight is bad maybe they won’t know the difference :blink:

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41 minutes ago, debluvscanucks said:

Rushed my son to ER at 3 am once....didn't grab my purse, just keys, son and goooo!


Realized I was "locked in" the parking lot...no way to pay/get out.  An ambulance was leaving and the driver offered to let me out that gate or I would have been hooped.


So dumb.  

Was at emergency around the same time of night with my mom, long wait so I had to go put in more money , was followed by a shady looking guy through the empty underground parking , scary stuff 

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1 hour ago, Heretic said:

I guess Trudeau listened to the "experts" for this as well?


LILLEY: MPs take a pay raise while raising your taxes during a crisis


Talk about being tone deaf.

MPs, who fled Ottawa over concerns about COVID-19 on March 13, will pocket a pay raise on April 1, the same day many Canadians will be wondering how to make rent or mortgage payments. It’s also the same day the carbon tax goes up.

How’s that for a double whammy?

MPs currently have a base salary of $178,900. That doesn’t include their housing allowance for their time in Ottawa or the per diems that they get to cover meals while on government business.


It doesn’t cover extra pay for sitting on a committee, chairing a committee or being a cabinet minister — that will net you an extra $85,500 yearly.

Well, add another roughly $2,800 to their annual salaries.

For the Prime Minister, who earns double what an MP makes, his annual salary of $357,800 is about to go up by almost $5,700.

Now in the grand scheme of things where the government was sending money out the door faster than they could print it even beyond the COVID-19 crisis, this raise doesn’t add up to much.

In light of the COVID-19 crisis, it makes no sense and has them all looking a little out of touch.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau seemed surprised that the annual raise would be an issue when I asked him about it on Monday.

“I haven’t heard the Parliament of Canada having those discussions, but I’m sure they will reflect on it. Now that you’ve asked the question,” Trudeau said.








But carry on thinking that Trudeau is a great Prime Minister.





I think few in this thread think he is a great PM. 


Look at how many people are praising Ford. It's because he is saying and doing the right things and demonstrating leadership. I think very few in this thread would have expected this... and yet many are willing to change their opinion and give credit where it is due. 


You just keep posting nonsense, get called out on it, fail to reply to anyone, and then cry in a status update about people attacking you. Nobody is attacking you. They're attacking your opinion. While everyone around here is entitled to their opinion, that doesn't make everyone's opinion equally accurate. 

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