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10 minutes ago, Jimmy McGill said:

it literally took me 20 seconds to find the N95 mask specification. You'd think a journalist could do the same :picard: but they want to get us even more angry and mistakenly give us an idea that we can cut off the material to make it. I really hate it when the media plays us like that. 


I suspect the forestry guys have a lot of good ideas on masks. 

What do you mean on the last line? Like how to make them? Or what we use in process plants? 

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9 minutes ago, stawns said:

Then why does it show up in warm climates?

That's the big question. No one knows definitively. You could also ask why haven't there been mass outbreaks on the scale of Europe and US in some warmer countries. I don't know but there seems to be some sort of regional component as well. And it looks like not all regions are equal in all of this. Plus, people's blood cells in different regions may also react differently under different conditions. You asked, so I took a general stab at it. Who knows right now.


But if we talk specifically about our region in regard to early studies and a possible link between the virus and temperature, there's some early evidence that suggests transmission is slower in warmer temperatures. 


If so, and that applies to our region, then the language used by Henry/Dix makes sense in that some restrictions (but not all) may be removed for 2-3 months when the risk of transmission is much lower but ramped back up again in the fall. 

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7 minutes ago, Standing_Tall#37 said:

What do you mean on the last line? Like how to make them? Or what we use in process plants? 

I'm hearing that there's interest in modifying reusable masks used in the processing plants for medical use. 

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2 hours ago, debluvscanucks said:

I honestly wish that less energy attention was focused on pointing fingers, looking for blame and, as a result, looking backward.  It changes nothing....what's done is done.  Facing forward and ensuring future measures are securely in place seems more valuable and a better use of energy and effort.


I mean, there likely ARE lies/deceit/etc. taking place but what's the value right now in wasting resources on "figuring it out".  Focus on getting this thing under control THEN sort out who did what and why.

Thank you, Deb, for laying out the critical obviousness of the situation.


Hope you are coping with the big changes to your life. Please give your Dad a virtual loving hug from all your brothers and sisters on CDC.


With love,



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13 minutes ago, Dr. Crossbar said:

That's the big question. No one knows definitively. You could also ask why haven't there been mass outbreaks on the scale of Europe and US in some warmer countries. I don't know but there seems to be some sort of regional component as well. And it looks like not all regions are equal in all of this. Plus, people's blood cells in different regions may also react differently under different conditions. You asked, so I took a general stab at it. Who knows right now.


But if we talk specifically about our region in regard to early studies and a possible link between the virus and temperature, there's some early evidence that suggests transmission is slower in warmer temperatures. 


If so, and that applies to our region, then the language used by Henry/Dix makes sense in that some restrictions (but not all) may be removed for 2-3 months when the risk of transmission is much lower but ramped back up again in the fall. 





Florida and Louisiana are pretty tropical........it'd be great if it disappeared though

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1 hour ago, arsenalian said:

Thank you for this. I too had a read an article in the Globe and Mail that said the Pulp in N95 masks came exclusively from a mill in Nanaimo. This demonstrates that’s not true, and I shouldn’t believe everything I read, even from a legitimate source, as they don’t seem to fact check everything anymore.


I have seen instances of pulp being made into a resin that can be used in a 3D printer to make strands. I’m not sure if that’s a type of polymer (I know they can occur naturally). FP Innovations, who I believe have a facility in Vancouver, do a lot of this type of work/research, on new Forestry industries, other than the traditional logging. If anyone is interested, lol

I stopped at Globe and Mail.


(I’m kidding. I read your entire post)


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3 hours ago, Ossi Vaananen said:

Cute, and when have I supported Trump? If you think it's cool that our health minister is supporting Chinese migrants buying PPE in bulk just to send back to China then we're in clear disagreement. 

You feel a little sensitive bud?  Do you feel this was aimed at you my man?  Well it wasn't.




Maybe you should try not to be so sensitive and victimized by a post that closely mirrors yours in response but is entirely mocking due to obvious reasons.


Also, don't jump to ridiculous conclusions, I could very easily try the same tact and claim you're being racist accusing Chinese migrants as a whole for doing what you're suggesting.  But it isn't true, and I won't.  So....you know.



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24 minutes ago, debluvscanucks said:

I'm watching it for the first time ever right now on Netflix.  The best show ever for me.

My wife and I are just on to season 4 episode 7.


I'm seriously struggling with Micheal Scott and Dwight.  Like wow...there are actually people out there like them.


Coming to realize how few series we've ever watched.  We get breaking bad, entourage, GoT, The Office, Sons of Anarchy, Grey's Anatomy and like half a dozen more we've never seen a single episode of.  Kinda feel like either missed out or lucked out

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2 hours ago, Jimmy McGill said:

I'm hearing that there's interest in modifying reusable masks used in the processing plants for medical use. 

Oh, where I work everyone gets their own mask, you just gotta change filters for them once a month. I’ve heard that they’re looking at making sure every employee has one, then donating the 100s of spares we have to the local hospital. But they’d have to get proper filters as ours are for chemical gases such as MDI and H2S. Where they’d need something like the 2097 aerosol filters?  And I’d imagine with the virus they’d want to change filters probably every shift.

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7 hours ago, Jester13 said:

See, here you are again with a post that says nothing of what your point is in all of this.


I quite cleary previously stated that it seems like you and riffraff think global reactions are overreactions (same with the guy in the first video, which is what I addressed in the context of my post, which you are not addressing and instead skew my post to fit your counternarrative), and I side with the majority of medical professionals who think the reactions are warranted, even if they turn out to be overreactions, as it's better to be over than under. 


You're doing the same thing riffraff does and cherry picking parts of my post to fit your narrative rather than actually addressing my point, which I've highlighted again above 


Your appeal to authority with two examples of doctors who agree with your contrarian narrative is a fallacy. 


I haven't twisted anything: both those guys, plus riffraff, and you believe the global reaction is an overreaction because the science and data is flawed.


I think our science and data can always be better, but the current reaction is warranted because it's better to be safe than sorry.


If this in an incorrect interpretation of your stance then say so, and then please correct me on what your stance actually is, because it's still unclear. If you don't agree with these guys and merely find it interesting then say so, and maybe also say what your do believe. 

I think most of what you write including above is oversimplification and over-generalization.  For example in relation to your first paragraph, I have not come across any doctor/expert who has advocated a non reaction.  Even in the last video he suggested reactions as you call them - isolating elderly.   I have no idea what you mean by a counter-narrative nor for that matter a majority view. You have created a false dilemma  in order to argue from a  position of strength.  That is my big take away.  




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39 minutes ago, Standing_Tall#37 said:

Oh, where I work everyone gets their own mask, you just gotta change filters for them once a month. I’ve heard that they’re looking at making sure every employee has one, then donating the 100s of spares we have to the local hospital. But they’d have to get proper filters as ours are for chemical gases such as MDI and H2S. Where they’d need something like the 2097 aerosol filters?  And I’d imagine with the virus they’d want to change filters probably every shift.

thats the idea I think 

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