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[Suspended 1 Game] MacEwen to have hearing for kneeing Oilers' Nurse

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2 minutes ago, 4petesake said:

I think Travis handled that well. It’s not what we wanted to hear but he was composed and needs the team to move on.

We've learned we have to play the game.  Not the hockey game...the one that has a body of authority overseeing things that can make life miserable for those who don't comply.  Or speak out against them (just ask the Rangers).

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Sad because this team is in the top ten moneymakers for the league.  Yet we get NO respect from them....that can change if they scare fans away.  Be careful what you wish for DOPS.  You may eventually suspend a fanbase that helps lesser teams survive.

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8 minutes ago, debluvscanucks said:

We've learned we have to play the game.  Not the hockey game...the one that has a body of authority overseeing things that can make life miserable for those who don't comply.  Or speak out against them (just ask the Rangers).

I really don’t think the NHL is qualified to be handling hockey related decisions in the first place. 

They’ve shown they’ve got the financial side down but are completely out of touch with the actual game.


Id like to see the board of governors establish a panel of former players for decisions on things like suspensions. Get away from all the politics and bs and back to common sense.

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14 minutes ago, DeNiro said:

I really don’t think the NHL is qualified to be handling hockey related decisions in the first place. 

They’ve shown they’ve got the financial side down but are completely out of touch with the actual game.


Id like to see the board of governors establish a panel of former players for decisions on things like suspensions. Get away from all the politics and bs and back to common sense.

I agree.


They're not seeing that short term gain doesn't necessarily guarantee long term stability/sustainability.  They're getting in their own way at times in relation to long term forecast.  If you make promises, over time, people expect them to be followed through on or you lose credibility and respect.  Seventeen years ago we were told that things needed to change to ensure players were safe and not subjected to dangerous plays.  Bertuzzi was the sacrificial lamb in that.


Long before that, Roger Nielson made a stand for it (that we're STILL being punished for??).  Other teams are now going full Roger Nielson...time to start listening before the majority rules?  There might be something to this that the league can do to resolve rather than continue to ignore and try to sweep under the rug on thin ice.


If fans go away because they've had enough, that means their $$ does too.   And I'm nearly at that point...if it's sports entertainment, like wrestling, sign me out.  I want an authentic, organic, true competitive sport that isn't decided based on "decisions" made after the game ends unless that's a clearcut and even process.  Intervention by the league shouldn't have such glaring inconsistencies (and confusion).  If they constantly have to explain their rulings, isn't that supporting that?


And suspensions are to be deterrents to avoid future infractions.  But if some don't get called out and are allowed to continue on their merry way...that's pretty ineffective.  They serve more to infuriate a team that then goes back and seeks justice in their own way.  Either do it or don't.  Allow the teams to handle it or let the league handle it...but wavering between the two isn't working.  There's too much margin for error and injury.

The evening out calls.  Sending a message to players.  Allowing some superstars to have immunity.  Inconsistent application of rules, fines and suspension.....all  make it focused on "managing" it more than overseeing it.  If that makes any sense at all.


They dabble in player safety.  Which is a pretty inefficient way to ensure it.


Officials and rulings should be made in fairness to all in clear decisions that all follow the same path.  Right now, that's anything but the case.

Growing the game is great and all but if you do so at the expense of some of the long term franchises, are you really any further ahead?  Take two steps forward and two back doesn't seem a good way to get there.  Don't bite the hand that feeds you and yes, this team is one of the ones that does.

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3 minutes ago, wallstreetamigo said:



Look at what Tippett said. Sided with his player while ignoring all the $&!# Nurse himself did.


Green $&!# the bed here.

He’s picking his battles. Speaking out against the league at this point accomplishes nothing.


I know everyone wants to see him go on a Tortorella like rant but that’s pointless.


Im more concerned about how his players play on the ice. The best revenge is taking it to Edmonton tonight. That’s how you respond to bs.

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4 minutes ago, DeNiro said:

He’s picking his battles. Speaking out against the league at this point accomplishes nothing.


I know everyone wants to see him go on a Tortorella like rant but that’s pointless.


Im more concerned about how his players play on the ice. The best revenge is taking it to Edmonton tonight. That’s how you respond to bs.

And there's enough "noise" out there right now that's directed at the league that we can lay low and watch as they have to answer to some of it.  We don't have to be the focus for once...we can blend in and be part of the story instead of the entire book.


The league has dropped the ball this week.....and they'd likely LOVE to deflect that somewhere else.  So we don't have to volunteer for that.


I agree.  Don't distract from it ... it's glaring right now without any further punctuation marks needed.

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5 minutes ago, debluvscanucks said:

And there's enough "noise" out there right now that's directed at the league that we can lay low and watch as they have to answer to some of it.  We don't have to be the focus for once...we can blend in and be part of the story instead of the entire book.


The league has dropped the ball this week.....and they'd likely LOVE to deflect that somewhere else.  So we don't have to volunteer for that.


I agree.  Don't distract from it ... it's glaring right now without any further punctuation marks needed.

Other than the punishment meted out by DOPS and our anger with that, we should remember that this was a dispute between two players of similar strength that got settled by the guys involved. There is no similarity to the Rags/Caps melee. The league should have looked after Wilson to avoid what happened in the next game. They didn’t and probably got the results that they wanted.


I see no reason that the team should be outraged or out for blood tonight, other than the usual dislike. Mac and Nurse were having an animated talk in the box after and they may or may not think this is over but if it’s not, they’ll try and settle it in the future. Having said that if someone punches Nurse’s lights out I’ll enjoy watching.

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5 hours ago, Alflives said:

What are the rules on the books that govern what’s allowed in a fight?  I know it’s a suspension to get into a fight if hands are taped.  And no biting, or hair pulling.  But is there a rule that states the guys can’t throw one another to the ice?  I don’t think there is.  But there should be.  Really, a guy as big and strong as Chara could easily pick up his opponent during a fight and body slam him.  

Missed you!  Eat any cats lately? 



Also yes ... and Simmonds could have clocked Edler but didn't.    Sure sometimes it used to get pretty nuts, Probert took two head butts in one fight, and at the end did it back in one of his battles.  Also a no no.  

Edited by IBatch
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2 hours ago, DeNiro said:

He’s picking his battles. Speaking out against the league at this point accomplishes nothing.


I know everyone wants to see him go on a Tortorella like rant but that’s pointless.


Im more concerned about how his players play on the ice. The best revenge is taking it to Edmonton tonight. That’s how you respond to bs.

There’s picking your battles and then there’s being a draft dodger, Green is the latter.

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4 hours ago, debluvscanucks said:

Here's some of it, from Burke's recollection (the entire chapter is quite revealing).  The initial focus and reaction was on "is the kid ok?"...:


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"The next morning, I tried to contact Moore at the hospital, but he wouldn't take my call.  So I called Bob Goodenow and asked him to pass on a message:  "The kid won't take my call.  I understand.  He probably thinks I had something to do with it.  But I just want to know if he's okay.  I'm just calling to see how he is."

Goodenow called me back later and told me that Moore was fine.  He wouldn't take Bob's call, either, because he had been bombarded with emails and he was busy checking them.

So he's sitting up in his hospital bed, checking his email--what the F!"

Later that morning, Pierre Lacroix, the Avs' general manager, held a news conference where he announced that they were transferring Moore to a rehabilitation hospital in Colorado, where he would receive the best possible care and hopefully make a full recovery.

So they sure made it sound like it was serious.

Iain McIntyre, who was working for the Vancouver Sun then, called the neck hospital and asked them if they had been told to make room for Moore.  They said they hadn't--that it was a long-term care facility, not an emergency facility. (I was mad at Pierre for that.  I thought it was dirty pool. I wouldn't have done it....

I asked our trainer how someone could have a "broken neck" and still be sitting up checking his email.  He told me that we've all got flanges on our vertebrae, and that he had probably broken off one of them--which is painful, but not dangerous.  He said that, because I was a former rugby player, he could probably find one or two broken flanges in my back if they were to take an X-ray.

We went from concern for the kid, wondering if he would ever play again--if he would ever walk again--to wondering if we were getting played by the Avalanche.  Were they trying to milk this to get the biggest suspension they could?

Which is exactly what they did.  To this day, I'm convinced the the injuries weren't severe enough to end his career.  I think he could have come back and played if he'd wanted to.

(He continues on with the story.  But, of course, Bertuzzi was thrown into the fire and Moore has now vanished into oblivion with his pay off).


I know of 2 VPD forensic ident members that went to the hospital to document his injuries that night and he had apparently checked himself out. 

He later returned. Someone put the bug in his head...

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7 hours ago, debluvscanucks said:

Unnecessary roughness?   Start there then work outward?

  OK, but is it suspendible?  Again I think this is a grey area. Once you have 2 willing players, that are willing to break the rules to fight each other, at what point do further rules kick in to punish extra, dirty plays?  We’ve all seen extra punches thrown after a fight is won, we’ve seen hair pulling (sorry Burrows, but that was a weasel move), even biting (not blaming Burrows for that one).  These things usually warrant extra penalties ( which I think Nurse received), but generally not suspensions.


I’m not one to defend the league, and I’m certainly not defending Nurse.  Just not sure that there are rules, or precedent for a suspension due to a dirty takedown.


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18 minutes ago, thundernuts said:

  OK, but is it suspendible?  Again I think this is a grey area. Once you have 2 willing players, that are willing to break the rules to fight each other, at what point do further rules kick in to punish extra, dirty plays?  We’ve all seen extra punches thrown after a fight is won, we’ve seen hair pulling (sorry Burrows, but that was a weasel move), even biting (not blaming Burrows for that one).  These things usually warrant extra penalties ( which I think Nurse received), but generally not suspensions.


I’m not one to defend the league, and I’m certainly not defending Nurse.  Just not sure that there are rules, or precedent for a suspension due to a dirty takedown.


The league changes how they choose to interpret the rules every single season. This could easily be included in unsportsmanlike conduct. Players would adapt and stop doing that.


(ii) Any player or goalkeeper who is guilty of unsportsmanlike conduct including, but not limited to hair-pulling, biting, grabbing hold of a face mask, etc. If warranted, and specifically when injury results, the referee may apply Rule 21 - Match Penalties.

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6 hours ago, RWMc1 said:

The league changes how they choose to interpret the rules every single season. This could easily be included in unsportsmanlike conduct. Players would adapt and stop doing that.


(ii) Any player or goalkeeper who is guilty of unsportsmanlike conduct including, but not limited to hair-pulling, biting, grabbing hold of a face mask, etc. If warranted, and specifically when injury results, the referee may apply Rule 21 - Match Penalties.

My issue isn’t whether it is worthy of a penalty, it’s whether it is suspendible, and how the NHL could differentiate between takedowns.  Yes, they could amend the rules to include the type of thing that Nurse did.  

That would make things a little more cut and dry.


Ultimately, as long as fighting is tolerated in the game, these types of instances will be difficult to handle. 

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