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Benning on donnie and dhali

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1 hour ago, Alain Vigneault said:

  So, if you've ever called Baumgartner an "idiot", or Green "a terrible coach", or Newell Brown "incompetent", and now draw the line at Benning criticism simply because it's expressed on a more heightened scale (evidence that fans believe he's the issue), go kick rocks or something lmfao

What if you think all those things are myopic, oversimplified nonsense?

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9 hours ago, zimmy said:

Not saying lots of things happened that I and many questioned. But some of us have let those things go to some degree and moved on. You seem to be save those negative reactions in some kind of reserve that might be pulled out when the moment suits you. Yah, that was an okay signing but remember when Rousel/Beagle/Myers etc etc?  

Maybe I’m wrong, but your constant and consistent desire to hold JB accountable does not seem in line with taking a clean slate/fresh approach. You can be an effective observer without being so didactic. 

I'd say its slowly moving into trolling territory.... 

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9 hours ago, wallstreetamigo said:

Which are incredibly subjective in nature and therefore are almost impossible to enforce. Freedom of speech does not have a bunch of asterisks attached to it for good reason.

I don't know you Wallstreet, but you are really starting to sound like some Nazi protester, that screams freedom of speech when the bill has to be paid for all their garbage... 

Definitely not like a manager in company with lots of employees....

Edited by spook007
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5 hours ago, VegasCanuck said:

So, what's been interesting is most fans have been freaking out thinking as soon as the Canucks season ended, Clark would automatically be gone, and they seemed to think the same with Green.


Unless someone knows something different, I believe l coaching contracts have the same start and stop date as players, meaning that Clark is still under contract with the Canucks until June 30th. If we were in the playoffs and still playing, he would still be coaching Demko.


Am I wrong here? Most employment contracts in professional sports have a start and stop date as well as escape/termination clauses.

Yeah, I’m pretty sure all contracts run for the hockey season, and not calendar year, so team contractual employees, whether players, managers, coaches, scouts, etc, would all have contract years that run from July 1st to June 30th.


The main difference is that it’s very unusual for anyone other than players to actually work through almost the entire season, during the final years of their deals, without having an extension in place. This is, of course, completely normal for players, but for coaches/managers/etc, the “lame duck” label gets applied as soon as they enter their final year.


It’s usually a signal that the team is unsure about whether or not they’ll be bringing someone back, or that they’ve already mostly decided not to. It’s almost never the case that teams run out the final year on a contract for someone they’re completely happy with and intend to retain. It’s just not how things tend to get done.


This season, in addition to the coaching staff, the Canucks also waited until well into the final contract years of many of their scouts, which is highly unusual. Scouts are usually extended much sooner than that. I don’t think I’ve ever heard of a scouting staff that’s had to face the uncertainty of waiting that late for their extensions.


The coaches, well, they were kind of on the hot seat, and it’s probably fair to say that the owners weren’t really sure whether or not they wanted to bring Green back, and so they kind of were letting him twist in the wind for most of the season.

(Possibly this was a negotiating play, as I’m sure Green wanted more than two years, and he probably wanted a significant bump in salary. Apparently he got the salary, or close to what he wanted, but had to give in on the term.)


And, at the very least, a “lame duck” coach creates an unnecessary distraction, when it comes to media and fans.

It also affects the way the coach works with his team.

It’s generally not a good thing to have somebody coaching to keep their job, versus coaching for what’s best for the team, both short and long term. 

Same can be said for managers.


We know that Benning was allowed to make preliminary offers at the beginning of the season, when it came to coaching extensions, but then something happened, and it would seem that ownership stepped in and forced him to press pause. Jim gave several interviews during the year where he indicated that he wanted to bring back Travis and the staff. But nothing was getting done for most of the season. Pretty much radio silence. Then, the owners had their talks with the advisors, they decided Benning would be brought back (even though he was under contract for two more years, it was apparently still necessary to tell him on May 18th that he was actually returning next season), Francesco decided to loosen the purse strings, empowered his manager to start managing the team again, and very quickly, almost like magic, a Green extension was done, and Jim was allowed to start negotiations with Ian Clark, and consulting with Travis on filling out the rest of the coaching staff.


It was weird. 

Of course, it’s also been a very weird year.


But the way these negotiations and extensions have gone down, whether the head coach, assistants, or the scouting department, has been far from “business as usual” in the NHL.


Not even “business as usual” for the Vancouver Canucks.


(For example, Gillis and Vigenault were given their extensions in May 2012, while both still had the full 2012-13 season remaining on their multiyear deals.)


I know many people on CDC prefer to take an “everything’s fine” and “there’s nothing to see here” approach to the way the team has handled things this season. They would like to think it was just media “fake news” or the anti-Benning crowd on Twitter stirring up trouble. But it’s pretty clear that the owners had all options on the table, even as recently as early May, and that even included firing the GM and his management team, as well as clearing house on the entire coaching staff.


It now looks like most, and possibly all, will be coming back.


But it would be a mistake to think that any of this was a certainty, or that the way things played out this year was anything close to normal, as far as how NHL teams usually tend to operate (unless a major change in direction was, in fact, being seriously considered by ownership).

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1 hour ago, canuck73_3 said:

Good god Dahlen and Loui suck move on. Everyone else has. 

Who cares about them in the Canucks?

Benning is GM and he can’t handle communication.

That is very bad for the organisation.

Get a President or whatever but don’t let Benning do the interviews.


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11 hours ago, combover said:

Yeah I wanted the team to start rebuilding 7 years ago we should have been top 5 top ten in picks however 

we shouldn’t be drafting top ten 7 years later.

first 5 seasons it was expected. 
except Jim  and company wanted a playoff spot to be clear not a cup but a playoff spot. That alone was stupid.what he did when he came it set this club back. 


So instead of actually being competitive now we’re still rebuilding drafting top ten and have zero depth at any position so thats a crappy manger on any team. 

If Jim was in charge of the flames for 7 years and did what he’s done here nobody here would be praising him. Laughing at him yes but not praising him. 

Now Let me ask you

if jbs contract was up at season end do honestly think he would have been resigned?




What you wanted, and what was reasonable are two different things.   Just be happy the mistakes of previous management, or cloud or whatever you want to call what happened as a result of being a top team with no pool, all claused up is almost finally over.   The moment the Sedins signed their final deal the options shrunk to almost nothing but re-tool.    It worked for one year, two years after a presidents trophy we finished 7th overall.   The goalie drama was gone, eventually by 2017 Bieksa, Hansen and Burrows all waived, ALL contracts were honoured (and yes players were asked to waive and yes some players asked to waive as well).   By then a shadow of the returns we could of got. 


At least UFAs know they will be treated well here, their clauses will be honoured etc.   


SJ went through the same thing, it worked at better for them.   But now they will also be staring down a very long rebuild, with aging vets with NMC as well.   It happens.   Detroit went is also in full rebuild mode now too.  


The only thing i'm not certain of is are we really done rebuilding?   That's debatable.    You aren't the only one i know that wanted to let the Sedins walk (as a pair they were never getting traded, and as every Canuck fan knows neither of them wanted to go to a contender either).    That would have been the time to do something, and build around Kesler  .... who actually did want to leave.     


Pretty logical course (re-tool).   What else could they have done?   Tell all MG country club guys none of their clauses would be honoured? 


Edit:  Also wonder how the fan base would have related if the Sedins were allowed to walk without another deal....and nothing in return either. 

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17 hours ago, Canuckster86 said:

You know...ummm...you know...you know...you know...ummm your correct! Unreal how bad of a speaker he is after all these years he talks like a scared 12 year old doing a presentation in front of the class, or was that just me as a kid!? But I can put sentances together much better now in person, on here it is debateable/laziness on my part haha!


16 hours ago, gurn said:

Maybe you can, or maybe you just think you can.

However, have you ever had to speak into a camera/video knowing hundreds of thousands of people will see it? 

Till you have, don't be so quick to judge other people.

Canuckster86 making fun of someone's English. Hilarious, this kid can barely conjugate a sentence. CDC ay it's best. Twitter tell me Jim talk bad ... I make fun .... ha ha ha

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18 hours ago, debluvscanucks said:

Can you show me a person who doesn't make mistakes?


It seems that we're holding him to a standard that many of us likely can't meet.  People also can learn from mistakes, that's often how growth happens...by trial and error.  Not sure why we have to dwell on them, even if some have created current issues.  At some point, we do have to move on from "past" mistakes.  Even in court there are statutes of limitations.


"Until his previous mistakes are gone" isn't completely in his control.  Nor is how they panned out.


17 hours ago, wallstreetamigo said:

He is not facing unheard of levels of criticism. He is facing what many other public figures face. 


You contradict yourself in this post which is exactly my point.


You are saying people can only criticize Benning in a way that you deem respectful enough. Why is what you think more important than what others think? Why do you get to decide what is anacceotable outlet for criticism? We have actual laws that do that and are theoretically there to take bias like yours out of the equation.


Do I like and appeove of some people's methods? No. But ai also respect their right to free speech.

No he's smarter than the world. We're all losers and wsa is the greatest.

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13 hours ago, IBatch said:

What you wanted, and what was reasonable are two different things.   Just be happy the mistakes of previous management, or cloud or whatever you want to call what happened as a result of being a top team with no pool, all claused up is almost finally over.   The moment the Sedins signed their final deal the options shrunk to almost nothing but re-tool.    It worked for one year, two years after a presidents trophy we finished 7th overall.   The goalie drama was gone, eventually by 2017 Bieksa, Hansen and Burrows all waived, ALL contracts were honoured (and yes players were asked to waive and yes some players asked to waive as well).   By then a shadow of the returns we could of got. 


At least UFAs know they will be treated well here, their clauses will be honoured etc.   


SJ went through the same thing, it worked at better for them.   But now they will also be staring down a very long rebuild, with aging vets with NMC as well.   It happens.   Detroit went is also in full rebuild mode now too.  


The only thing i'm not certain of is are we really done rebuilding?   That's debatable.    You aren't the only one i know that wanted to let the Sedins walk (as a pair they were never getting traded, and as every Canuck fan knows neither of them wanted to go to a contender either).    That would have been the time to do something, and build around Kesler  .... who actually did want to leave.     


Pretty logical course (re-tool).   What else could they have done?   Tell all MG country club guys none of their clauses would be honoured? 


Edit:  Also wonder how the fan base would have related if the Sedins were allowed to walk without another deal....and nothing in return either. 

Mistakes aid the previous management carried in to what Jim did his first three season. Desperately trying to just make the playoff.

and nothings changed his goal is to be a mediocre  fringe wild card team just as it was 7 season ago.

The team needed a a rebuild as previous management said a year earlier. 
What he said he could achieve and what he’s achieved is nothing short of a miserable failure.


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59 minutes ago, combover said:

Mistakes aid the previous management carried in to what Jim did his first three season. Desperately trying to just make the playoff.

and nothings changed his goal is to be a mediocre  fringe wild card team just as it was 7 season ago.

The team needed a a rebuild as previous management said a year earlier. 
What he said he could achieve and what he’s achieved is nothing short of a miserable failure.




Closing the Loop for Those Losing Sleep about Garbage - Our World


This is you on your best day.


Revolting, go back to the sickening hole you came from. I don't care where it is, this rubbish is rubbish, you are slimy rubbish. Recede into your hole.


I wish the be gone!

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29 minutes ago, Gawdzukes said:



Closing the Loop for Those Losing Sleep about Garbage - Our World


This is you on your best day.


Revolting, go back to the sickening hole you came from. I don't care where it is, this rubbish is rubbish, you are slimy rubbish. Recede into your hole.


I wish the be gone!

Bingo! Between him and a handful of others, it's too much and it's enough!! Negative and hating on the team 99.9% of the time and that extremely rare time they're not, it comes with a backhanded complement, so really it is. Some of them spend all day every day on here regurgitating the same negative agenda over & over & over. No matter how they try and spin it, a majority of us see through the bulls***!! I've said it a few times, it's not what they're doing, it's how they're doing it. Dislike and / or disagree with things the team does and have constructive criticism, then move on and support the team moving forward.....but no, just a negative / hateful agenda aimed at tearing down everything the team does. 

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