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[GDT] Canucks @ Blackhawks - Oct 21st, 2021, 5:30pm PST

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1 minute ago, Canuck Luck said:

No. But late on a Saturday night he probably puts on lace!!!



and here I thought that he always wanted to be a ......lumberjack and he's okay.........

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3 minutes ago, stawns said:

Yeah, let's not hold the players accountable for being, you know, professionals.  

Yeah, let's not hold the coaches accountable for the consistent trends in the teams performance, and for being , you know, professionals. 

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2 minutes ago, Canuck Luck said:

I said it before, we need to trade Petey for Eichel while we can. Get something plus Eichel since he cant play for awhile.


Petey is a disaster and I don't think paying him 7 million for bad play will help his psyche.


The biggest mistake NHL GMs have done in decades is paying these snot nosed highly skilled 21 year olds huge bucks in their 2nd contract. Not only has it totally screwed up the cap but it is paying guys who have almost no consistent history showing they deserve it.

Eichel needs major neck surgery.  He may never be the same again.

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3 minutes ago, 1-d said:

I fee there's a disconnect somewhere within  this team. Don't know if it's between the players or the coaches, but some guys are just going through the motions. 


After such a disgraceful loss and hard practice, you should be firing in all cylinders from the puck drop but no. Other than the nice sequence on the first goal, it's the same old uninspiring performance especially by the leadership group.

Yeah, I agree.  Don't know what it could be.  Combination of dealing with new team mates, loss of the old ones. The loss of Hughes and Pettersson for the pre-season. Boeser not up to speed. Hamonic issues. New coach with new ideas. Or maybe something we don't even know about.  But it seems to be something that is affecting the mood and chemistry in the room, not just their playing abilities. There just seems to be an overall lack of effort and determination for some odd reason.

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Nothing works, garbage PP, Garbage PK, terrible defensive coverage 5 on 5, terrible offensive attacks, terrible passes and no chemistry on any line. I blame this on green for not preparing them in preaeason. Instead he was fiddling with AHL players that were eventually waived eventhough some deserved the spots more than Highmore or Dowling. I never got the point of the preseason for the Canucks since they didnt work as a team preparing for regular season or pick any of the prospects that were better than Highmore and Dowling in preseason. Now we are playing preseason games in regular season trying to gel. Benning better be looking for a new coach if we lose this game.

Edited by DefCon1
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