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[PGT] Nashville Predators at Vancouver Canucks | Nov. 05, 2021

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2 minutes ago, King Heffy said:

I want him, Hunt, and Petan in the AHL where they should have been all along.  I don't care if we have to play a skater short, all of those plugs are absolutely useless and Green should have been fired on the spot for even suggesting allowing any of them to play a single game for us.

That wouldn't change anything though.  Chiasson was really the least of our worries.  


Are we thinking that some 4th liner would've magically made Boeser backcheck harder and changed our PP and PK? 

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1 minute ago, Trebreh said:

Team: "How do we break out of our zone"

Green: "be better"


Team: "Our PP set up isn't working"

Green: "be better"


Team: "the PK is too stationary not enough pressure"

Green: "be better"


Podkolzin/Hog/Garland: "why did we get benched"

Green: "be better"



But it was a hard fought game lol



Teams don't end up in 28th place 11 games in because of bad puck luck Travis.  Get ur head out of ur $#@. Especially ones that are relatively healthy . 

Edited by cuporbust
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24 minutes ago, ken kaniff said:

He’s not even skating. Loses the puck and coasts. Imo that shows no heart. If he was giving the effort I wouldn’t be so hard on him but it doesn’t look like he’s giving it his all

It’s confidence imo. He’s got none. The coach continues to throw him out there thinking it will build it, and not realizing Petey needs to take a step back in order to play himself out of the funk he’s in without the pressure. 

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2 minutes ago, Jam126 said:

Some people are saying that this team is "not very good". I am under no illusion that this team is very good or a cup contender, but we surely have a better roster compared to teams like Detroit, Anaheim, and even Nashville. The alarming thing about this team is not that they are necessarily losing, it is how they lose. They look tired and it doesn't even look like they know what they're doing most of the time. It is strange that all of a sudden our star players like Boeser and Pettersson turn into pumpkins. Also, why are our special teams WORSE than last year? At least they seem to be. This looks like a mental toughness and coaching issue.

Tbh I actually think our team is really good talent wise. 

Im sure we all notice - its the new players that are coming in and doing impressive things - Garland, OEL, Podz, Bailey... 

Almost like they haven't had time yet to learn our cup winning dump-and-chase, and passive-box systems from King and Baumgartner. 

But look our D corps, we've got 2 elite #1 Defensemen (OEL, Hughes). 2 great shutdown Defensemen (Poolman and Hamonic). And a really good top 4 guy (Myers). 

We've got 7 proper top 6 forwards too - Miller, Petey, Boeser, Horvat, Garland, Hoglander, Pearson. 

Even with injuries, we've got a really solid bottom 6 of NHL players, unlike the carousel of AHL guys we had filling out the bottom of our lineup last year. 

We're great on paper, with atrocious systems and coaching on all counts except goaltending. 

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18 minutes ago, Apricot said:

I’m so tired, just so tired. 

Petey says he wants to be on a winning team, WELL PETEY STOP BITCHING AROUND AND START PLAYING LIKE THE STAR YOU ARE FOR EFF SAKES. Like it’s bad. I’m not saying the team needs to rely on him to win games but when the man is giving away pucks and falling down and making terrible passes then how is the line even gonna score. 

The special teams….I have no words for the *#*^%**^*%###%*##%^*#% special teams. It’s going to be another year of complete trash, I just know it will be. God sometimes I can’t take being a Canucks fan

Just imagine how the team feels having petey hold out and miss camp for  big bucks and then coming out and playing like he has.  He can hardly stay on his skates ffs.  

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2 minutes ago, HOFsedins said:

Am I the only one getting worried about Petey? 11 games in and he hasnt taken over 1 game. Superstars just dont have slumps this long. 

I'm more worried about the special teams. Stat watching is fine, but I noticed Petey a lot more tonight than I had been earlier in the season. People are jumping on him now because the numbers aren't there, but the eye test tells me he's getting there. 

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3 minutes ago, Sharpshooter said:

The issue is coaching. That falls on Benning for sure. I hope he realizes that this team no longer has confidence in the coaching staff and Benning makes cuts early, like now, to bring in people who are able to extract/lead the undeniable talent the team has, to save the season. 

I'm not convinced that Benning will make the change soon. If he's going to make a move, it's probably going to be the 20-25 game mark. If at that point, the team continues to tank, he would be forced to make a move to see if they can turn the season around. 


But it might be too late by the 20-25 game mark. Edmonton probably can't catch, they're &^@#ing 9-1. McDavid looks &^@#ing unstoppable. 


I'm really concerned about Pettersson. He doesn't look like he wants to be here. Something is really wrong with the guy. Does he have confidence in the team/management/organization? Is he dealing with an injury? 


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2 minutes ago, MikeyD said:

I agree. But you could interchange Pearson with Lammikko and end up with the same results lol. 

Yup, but Green has already made up his mind that the Bo and Pearson pairing are not to be messed with - plus, perhaps it is a fine print in Pearsons' contract.

Edited by ShawnAntoski
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1 minute ago, VancouverHabitant said:

That wouldn't change anything though.  Chiasson was really the least of our worries.  


Are we thinking that some 4th liner would've magically made Boeser backcheck harder and changed our PP and PK? 

It's a symptom of the problem.  The coaches can't even be trusted to set the lineup properly.  Their systems are garbage and the special teams speak for themselves.  I have never seen anyone who is this incompetent at their job retain employment for as long as these baboons.

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15 minutes ago, viking mama said:

These PGT’s are becoming painful, enter at your own risk, folks. 

#firegreen #firebenning are the most popular demands, but don’t expect  these things until contracts simultaneously expire. 

Rookies & newbies are fast earning our respects. Just, wishing that the coaching staff could reward players exhibiting the most passion, a little more often.

Myers stated things plain & simply. It’s all about getting more effective practice time to evolve the PP & the PK, which ties in to the team’s fortunes ahead.

That’s on the coaching staff. That’s getting voices heard & having a successful system that the team will buy into whole-heartedly. Rolling 4?effective lines also gets players involved & into a good head-space. Asset management here has been questionable.

Who’s hot? Who’s not? 

Another season cannot get-away without some greater strides being made.  Regardless, prepare for more change, because Benning’s last kick at the can is pretty much over & done. 







Uhh... if their contracts expire they don't need to be fired...

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