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Big time disappointment this off-season so far?

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For me, it is not the trading of Miller, nor the pick that has me somewhat down, it is the statements of Jimmy Rutherford that he can change the team mentality, and move us forward, and becoming a playoff team. It is about the promises  and statements (which I wish he never made). But I am reminded, we need to give him some time, and remember who put us in this mess!


I think why I am most annoyed is the moving of players and picks by other teams, that we are not doing, because of the way Benning handled the club. Not seeing Miller traded only reminds me of the players Benning squandered, and the position we are in today.


It is all the above, on a day that I absolutely love.....The NHL Draft........the only thing that actually gets me thinking that I should relax is the Draft where we took Virtanen and Winnipeg took this scrawny kid named Nikolaj Ehlers, who at 26 is only 6'0" and 172 pounds, and he seems to be doing not badly, so from that perspective, I am not upset on our pick at all.......


I am hoping for better things tomorrow! (Day 2 of the 2022 draft) pretty entertaining day to watch! Imagine if someone said 6 months ago that Wright would go 4th! Wow!

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57 minutes ago, Nucklefuts said:

You're cheering for the wrong team!


I'm a canucks fan because i like getting really close and then blowing it :D

Jim Morrison > Quotes > Quotable Quote


Jim Morrison

“I think of myself as an intelligent, sensitive human being with the soul of a clown which always forces me to blow it at the most important moments.”

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People should not be down.


We added Kuzmenko; we WILL be more exciting offensively! 


We have loads of young players that can still progress, WILL progress. Status quo save Spencer Martin as backup, we can otherwise field the same line up + Kuzmenko.  Which means we may have a 3rd line with Garland & Hoglander at wing; which is actually dynamite. I suggest 3, 4 or 5 (bolded most likely) of the following players will logically progress enough to help lift the team;


Nils Hoglander

Thatcher Demko

Vasili Podkolzin

Elias Pettersson

Jack Rathbone

Spencer Martin

Jett Woo

Quinn Hughes


How hard, for example, would it be for Spencer martin to be better than Halak last year? Rathbone versus Brad Hunt??


Probably fair to not expect Miller (career year nearing 30) or Myers to get better? But OEL, and certainly Horvat, likely Boeser also have more to give. Poolman could come out of hibernation. Nothing not to like from Lamhiko or Garland who won't be worse...


We will be fine! I like this off season so far better than last...



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I can see Miller regress, score around a point per game this season while Petey takes control of the team and scores at a 90ish point pace. Then come TDL there'll be big chat to trade Miller, his value will drop and it might get done, or we might get lucky and Miller re-signs much cheaper.


There's not much chance Miller keeps up his 100 point pace all of next year and that bodes well for the Canucks because we can't afford him otherwise and he's clearly too difficult to trade so we're stuck here. Best thing would be that he drops to just an 80 point pace and we do a Fiala-like trade (1st + young player or prospect), or we just re-sign him for 7.5M x 6yrs and he slowly moves down our depth chart over the next few seasons, solving our 3C issue as well.

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1 hour ago, DownUndaCanuck said:

There's not much chance Miller keeps up his 100 point pace all of next year and that bodes well for the Canucks because we can't afford him otherwise and he's clearly too difficult to trade so we're stuck here. Best thing would be that he drops to just an 80 point pace and we do a Fiala-like trade (1st + young player or prospect), or we just re-sign him for 7.5M x 6yrs and he slowly moves down our depth chart over the next few seasons, solving our 3C issue as well.

Still though Miller might want to term even if he doesn't score 99 pts. Maybe something like 7 x 6.5. I would still not do that 

I still think he's tradable. But it's clear he's went to the "hottest" trade asset earlier last season to playing 3rd or 4th fiddle now with Kadri, Gaudreau, and the recently traded Debrincat


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2 hours ago, Gawdzukes said:

But if we trade him before next season for a good return it's the same result right? Really you have no clue what they are doing. You're saying they should have made a move because you're bored even though they technically have 3 months to complete such moves. Okay then.


This is why our fanbase on here is obnoxious sometimes. New management that hasn't had the time allotted to make changes from one year to the next and people are jumping all over them. Is this like an engrained reaction?


Why not see what happens first and then bitch. 


And what are you talking about undecided on Boeser, they signed him to a 3 year contract?

No Im not bored. The offseason is obviously not over and Miller can still be traded, but people are upset it's not done before the draft, so we can draft more in 2022 and take 1 more step towards a rebuild; if you dont get it, let me spell it out for you. Indecisiveness is written all over, you just can't see it. What does a decisive team look like? The Ducks before TDL unloaded. For us, we are holding onto players wait and see if we have a shot at the playoffs, without a clear direction. 


You hear talk that Miller/Boeser is on the market. And then you hear management we would like to keep the Miller/Boeser/Horvat, but "we will see". They need to have a vision. Go for it in 3-4 years, have a plan, so we unload now. 


Stop imagining we are competitive. We didn't even make the playoffs the last 2 years. 3 years ago we inched in because of COVID. 

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I was expecting a d-man to be drafted instead of another winger. That said it sounds like they took the BPA which is fine. We don't know what Allvin has cooking. Have to assume he has deals in the works that produce more/better d-men. 

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6 hours ago, Gawdzukes said:

But if we trade him before next season for a good return it's the same result right? Really you have no clue what they are doing. You're saying they should have made a move because you're bored even though they technically have 3 months to complete such moves. Okay then.


This is why our fanbase on here is obnoxious sometimes. New management that hasn't had the time allotted to make changes from one year to the next and people are jumping all over them. Is this like an engrained reaction?


Why not see what happens first and then bitch. 


And what are you talking about undecided on Boeser, they signed him to a 3 year contract?

It's the same fanbase that talked about new management being so much better than Benning, despite the results being almost negligible (so far). The roster is still very much Benning's, which contradicts the opinions that Benning destroyed this team, or built this team 'poorly'. It almost seems like they are not concerned with evidence as they are chasing after the individual.


Allvin/JR have so far done so little that they don't deserve the praise that they're getting. It's basically a continuation of Benning at this point. There's nothing major addressed, but people are apparently happy with two unproven free agents, and a mid-round first round pick due to the team that was originally constructed by Benning had nearly making the playoffs :lol:


Green is an awful coach - and I'm glad the majority of those people no longer make excuses for him. People mistake this perspective of mine as being a 'homer' of Benning. No. Benning extended this clown, so he deserves blame. But what if Benning hired a proven coach earlier? He's nowhere near as bad as people say he is doing, considering JR still kept this team intact, even today. I've been clamoring for Green's firing since after the preseason last year. The dude cannot adapt to any roster that's given to him, whether that's in the NHL or in the AHL.


Make no mistake, I am not blaming this new regime, but the fanbase that often demonstrates that they can't look at things in a logical manner.

Edited by Dazzle
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10 hours ago, hammertime said:

Is it patience though? I don't know what path we're on but it really does seem like they are just standing pat and not taking any direction at all. All theyve done is fire and hire execs. They havn't changed the course JB set they haven't done anything to improve that course now or in the future. 

would you prefer they rush and make a mistake? Benning left us in some difficult positions, I don't know why we'd want to rush some quick fix that maybe leaves us worse off. 


But the idea that we aren't improving just isn't correct. We didn't trade our 1st for something dumb, we used it for a quality future goal scorer. They landed a kHL free agent. They fixed the goaltending snafu. They got a real NHL coaching staff in. We have a functioning front office.


Did you really think one draft would fix all of Bennings roster issues? 

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The fan base that must be shocked and horribly disappointed is the Habs.  The pass on Wright (Slafkovsky has bustaroo written all over him).  Trade away Romanov (a top pair D, who plays with bite and is very young).  Then trade two high picks for Dach (Who is busting out already). 

Habs’ fans must be so disappointed with yesterday.  Just a mess of a day.  

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5 minutes ago, JM_ said:

would you prefer they rush and make a mistake? Benning left us in some difficult positions, I don't know why we'd want to rush some quick fix that maybe leaves us worse off. 


But the idea that we aren't improving just isn't correct. We didn't trade our 1st for something dumb, we used it for a quality future goal scorer. They landed a kHL free agent. They fixed the goaltending snafu. They got a real NHL coaching staff in. We have a functioning front office.


Did you really think one draft would fix all of Bennings roster issues? 

Exactly!  Look at the terrible day the Habs had.  That’s a management group (new) who wanted to make a big impact at the draft in their home city.  They rushed what they did, and took their franchise backwards.  Worst Hab day at the draft I’ve seen since they took Wickenheiser over Savard.

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16 minutes ago, Dazzle said:

It's the same fanbase that talked about new management being so much better than Benning, despite the results being almost negligible (so far). The roster is still very much Benning's, which contradicts the opinions that Benning destroyed this team, or built this team 'poorly'. It almost seems like they are not concerned with evidence as they are chasing after the individual.


Allvin/JR have so far done so little that they don't deserve the praise that they're getting. It's basically a continuation of Benning at this point. There's nothing major addressed, but people are apparently happy with two unproven free agents, and a mid-round first round pick due to the team that was originally constructed by Benning had nearly making the playoffs :lol:


Green is an awful coach - and I'm glad the majority of those people no longer make excuses for him. People mistake this perspective of mine as being a 'homer' of Benning. No. Benning extended this clown, so he deserves blame. But what if Benning hired a proven coach earlier? He's nowhere near as bad as people say he is doing, considering JR still kept this team intact, even today. I've been clamoring for Green's firing since after the preseason last year. The dude cannot adapt to any roster that's given to him, whether that's in the NHL or in the AHL.


Make no mistake, I am not blaming this new regime, but the fanbase that often demonstrates that they can't look at things in a logical manner.

I think you're missing the perspective of a lot of fans.  The theory is (whether or not you agree) that Benning made moves to get us in the playoffs (save his job) and hence the short term success that eventually came under BB.  They have confidence in the new regime to fix this shortsightedness and want to be patient with them.  


That's just the nutshell version.  Obviously there's pages of more detailed discussion on it.

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5 minutes ago, Alflives said:

Exactly!  Look at the terrible day the Habs had.  That’s a management group (new) who wanted to make a big impact at the draft in their home city.  They rushed what they did, and took their franchise backwards.  Worst Hab day at the draft I’ve seen since they took Wickenheiser over Savard.

MTL went high risk high reward for sure. 


Cleary everyone is waiting on the UFA situation to resolve itself before teams invest big in a Miller trade. Where's Kardi going? Malkin? those two have to fall first imo. 


As far a Myers goes, again we have to wait and see what happens with Manson before teams look at Myers. 


We're just not in a position to take on picks for cap dump players, and our player situation isn't one where our guys are the prime movers on the 13th. 

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12 minutes ago, JM_ said:

would you prefer they rush and make a mistake? Benning left us in some difficult positions, I don't know why we'd want to rush some quick fix that maybe leaves us worse off. 


But the idea that we aren't improving just isn't correct. We didn't trade our 1st for something dumb, we used it for a quality future goal scorer. They landed a kHL free agent. They fixed the goaltending snafu. They got a real NHL coaching staff in. We have a functioning front office.


Did you really think one draft would fix all of Bennings roster issues? 

Of course not. Sure I guess I need to be more patient. When is it time to panic? When next deadline rolls around and were in a battle for a wild card spot?

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Just now, hammertime said:

Of course not. Sure I guess I need to be more patient. When is it time to panic? When next deadline rolls around and were in a battle for a wild card spot?

probably never a good time to panic :lol:


I think people need to get their heads wrapped around the idea that Miller isn't going to bring back a huge prospect haul. It would have happened yesterday if there was a team willing to do that. 


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4 minutes ago, JM_ said:

MTL went high risk high reward for sure. 


Cleary everyone is waiting on the UFA situation to resolve itself before teams invest big in a Miller trade. Where's Kardi going? Malkin? those two have to fall first imo. 


As far a Myers goes, again we have to wait and see what happens with Manson before teams look at Myers. 


We're just not in a position to take on picks for cap dump players, and our player situation isn't one where our guys are the prime movers on the 13th. 

I don’t see disappointment for us.  We got a great player at 15OA.  

I think it’s Habs’ fans who are suffering the massive disappointment. 

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