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10 hours ago, 48MPHSlapShot said:

Seems like there might be some chemistry there. I wonder if this Erikkson guy would consider playing in the NHL? :ph34r:

Yes!  He looks like a rugged, Viking warrior-type from the pic.  Allvin better scoop him up on a long-term deal before someone else does:excl:

Edited by Captain Canuck #12
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On 3/23/2023 at 12:59 AM, Timråfan said:

Maybe because we don’t know how much OELs injury affected his play.


I bet you wanted to trade Petey when he was injured also… B)


I rather see if OEL can get back as a valuable 3/4 D than to cap strap us when our window is open.

We have him for at least one more season. 
Then Myers and Pearson is off the cap. Almost ten mill just those two.

The cap strapping is one year less in a buyout and we know how good or bad OEL is by then.



I didn’t want to trade OEL because he’s hurt, I want him bought out because he’s awful and not worth anywhere near the cap hit, and wasn’t even worth it when he was healthy. This team will struggle to ice a playoff calibre defence UNDER the cap, until he’s outa here. Never wanted to trade Petey at all, don’t make stuff up. 

It is paying OELs contract that is the primary cause of being cap-strapped, since he is untradeable, that can only be resolved by buying him out. Myers contract is much easier to get rid of - though he is our only big D for certain match-ups. As for Pearson,Dermott and Poolman, we might as well accept that they are more or less permanent LTIR - The two defenders being the kind of end injury types that Benning used to send his scouts out to find.

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2 minutes ago, Ray_Cathode said:

I didn’t want to trade OEL because he’s hurt, I want him bought out because he’s awful and not worth anywhere near the cap hit, and wasn’t even worth it when he was healthy. This team will struggle to ice a playoff calibre defence UNDER the cap, until he’s outa here. Never wanted to trade Petey at all, don’t make stuff up. 

It is paying OELs contract that is the primary cause of being cap-strapped, since he is untradeable, that can only be resolved by buying him out. Myers contract is much easier to get rid of - though he is our only big D for certain match-ups. As for Pearson,Dermott and Poolman, we might as well accept that they are more or less permanent LTIR - The two defenders being the kind of end injury types that Benning used to send his scouts out to find.

So you want to have almost five mill in dead cap during 2 of the best years of the window?

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20 minutes ago, Timråfan said:

So you want to have almost five mill in dead cap during 2 of the best years of the window?

No. I want to move from having 7.2 mil in dead cap to having 2.7 in useful cap - the DEAD cap leaving with OEL. Anything we pay OEL results in him being in the line-up. Don’t know if you’ve noticed, but we are tied for first in the league over the past ten games + since he’s been out. That is no accident. We have three guys that are effective playing for that 2.7 mil - Brisebois, Juulsen and Wolanin. That is useful cap as opposed to the blizzard of dung that hits us with OEL in the lineup.

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3 minutes ago, Ray_Cathode said:

No. I want to move from having 7.2 mil in dead cap to having 2.7 in useful cap - the DEAD cap leaving with OEL. Anything we pay OEL results in him being in the line-up. Don’t know if you’ve noticed, but we are tied for first in the league over the past ten games + since he’s been out. That is no accident. We have three guys that are effective playing for that 2.7 mil - Brisebois, Juulsen and Wolanin. That is useful cap as opposed to the blizzard of dung that hits us with OEL in the lineup.

Still, you don’t know squat.


why didn’t we ship away Demko, Petey and others that were injured? 
Can you answer that simple question?

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1 minute ago, Timråfan said:

Still, you don’t know squat.


why didn’t we ship away Demko, Petey and others that were injured? 
Can you answer that simple question?

What on earth are you talking about? Is that really your argument? Look up ‘Straw Man’ under logical fallacies.


OEL wasn’t worth the cap when he was healthy, it was a totally I’ll-conceived trade from the moment it crossed whatever Benning used instead of a mind. It is his tradition of concussion cases: Baertschi, Ferland, Poolman, Dermott and the like and overpayment of superannuated has  beens like Beagle, Roussel, Eriksson, OEL, and the like. The problem is that JBs boys did not do their homework - OEL was awful as far back as 2016-17. Even then he was bucking for league worst minus - a tradition he has resumed this year. Was he playing hurt back then, too? Or are the Canucks in the business of over-paying for all the walking wounded in the NHL and paying top dollar for keeping them on the LTIR

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33 minutes ago, Ray_Cathode said:

No. I want to move from having 7.2 mil in dead cap to having 2.7 in useful cap - the DEAD cap leaving with OEL. Anything we pay OEL results in him being in the line-up. Don’t know if you’ve noticed, but we are tied for first in the league over the past ten games + since he’s been out. That is no accident. We have three guys that are effective playing for that 2.7 mil - Brisebois, Juulsen and Wolanin. That is useful cap as opposed to the blizzard of dung that hits us with OEL in the lineup.



The dead cap is a SERIOUS issue as it is almost $5 million during the years when Hronek, Pettersson, Kuzmenko and Bear all need new contracts.  It also buts up against the year Demko will need a new contract.


We can retain in OEL and trade him almost anywhere he'd be willing to go and be done with him in 4 years.


Or we can buy him out and have a minimum of $2.3 million in dead cap on our books until 2031.


Your call.  But for me, buying him out is about as foolish as buying Bitcoin at $70,000

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2 minutes ago, Warhippy said:



The dead cap is a SERIOUS issue as it is almost $5 million during the years when Hronek, Pettersson, Kuzmenko and Bear all need new contracts.  It also buts up against the year Demko will need a new contract. Keeping 7.2 mil on the cap is an improvement over 4.7 mil on the cap at the same time we keep a player that is nothing but a liability? We can have all three of Juulsen, Brisebois and Wolanin for that money, rather than spend 7.2 mil for a guy who does nothing but harm us. How does that make sense? Benning gifted us a rotten deal, the best we can make of it in end it. In business, you NEVER send good money after bad; you eat your losses and learn your expensive lessons. If you have a less onerous way of unloading OEL and recovering that massive loss, tell me. I know it’s expensive, but that is just the kind of boat anchor Benning tied the Canucks to, and then threw overboard. Keeping his 7.2 mil on the books gets us not one iota closer to paying for Demko and Pettersson. Keeping him keeps us awful and provides a great incentive for players driven to win, to leave.


We can retain in OEL and trade him almost anywhere he'd be willing to go and be done with him in 4 years.


Or we can buy him out and have a minimum of $2.3 million in dead cap on our books until 2031.


Your call.  But for me, buying him out is about as foolish as buying Bitcoin at $70,000


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33 minutes ago, Warhippy said:



The dead cap is a SERIOUS issue as it is almost $5 million during the years when Hronek, Pettersson, Kuzmenko and Bear all need new contracts.  It also buts up against the year Demko will need a new contract.


We can retain in OEL and trade him almost anywhere he'd be willing to go and be done with him in 4 years.


Or we can buy him out and have a minimum of $2.3 million in dead cap on our books until 2031.


Your call.  But for me, buying him out is about as foolish as buying Bitcoin at $70,000

Cap hit calc is below. The actual question is this, do you want to spend 7.2 mil per on a player that is a liability, or less than that. Paying 7.2 is more than 4.7,right? How does paying 7.2 spring any money whatsoever to pay for Pettersson etc.? As long as 7.2 > 4.7 it doesn’t. Plus you are stuck with OEL taking up 1 of 23 spots. After his contract expires, we will have four years of 2.2 mil cap hit. By the time we hit the penalty years, the prime of this team will be nearing its end. We will save 7 mil in the first year, 5  the second and 3.4 the third and fourth, then pay four years of 2.2 penalty. That has to be lined up against the time period that this team has a window to win - most likely the next four years. After that period we will have a burnt a Miller older than God making 8 mil per. With increases in the cap, 2 mil per won’t matter, this team’s window will be likely over and time to divest this group an$ rebuild properly.

OEL, by the way, has a full no trade, and has expressed that he is unwilling to waive. The only way out is if his injury is permanent and he settles in on the LTIR.

Cap Hit Calculations
2023-24 $10,500,000 $8,250,000 $0 $2,416,667 $2,416,667 $8,083,333 $146,667 $20,000
2024-25 $8,000,000 $8,250,000 $0 $2,416,667 $2,416,667 $5,583,333 $2,346,667 $320,000
2025-26 $5,250,000 $8,250,000 $0 $2,416,667 $2,416,667 $2,833,333 $4,766,667 $650,000
2026-27 $5,250,000 $8,250,000 $0 $2,416,667 $2,416,667 $2,833,333 $4,766,667 $650,000
2027-28 $0 $0 $0 $2,416,667 $2,416,667 -$2,416,667 $2,126,667 $290,000
2028-29 $0 $0 $0 $2,416,667 $2,416,667 -$2,416,667 $2,126,667 $290,000
2029-30 $0 $0 $0 $2,416,667 $2,416,667 -$2,416,667 $2,126,667 $290,000
2030-31 $0 $0 $0 $2,416,667 $2,416,667 -$2,416,667 $2,126,667 $290,000
TOTAL $29,000,000 $33,000,000 $0 $19,333,333 $19,333,333 $9,666,667 $20,533,336(88%)
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6 hours ago, Ray_Cathode said:

Don’t know if you’ve noticed, but we are tied for first in the league over the past ten games + since he’s been out. That is no accident. 

We would be doing it with OEL as well.  The whole team is playing better and Demko is back.  Our team structure is finally coming together.  

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21 hours ago, VancouverHabitant said:

We would be doing it with OEL as well.  The whole team is playing better and Demko is back.  Our team structure is finally coming together.  

That’s a claim with no supporting evidence. The only existing evidence is the record since Tocchet arrived. Before OEL got hurt, the Canucks were 3w 4l 0t; after OEL got hurt, we were 15w 9l 2t. That does not argue that we would be “doing it”, it argues that we would have continued to be awful… because the problem was OEL. When he plays we are in the Bedard sweepstakes with an arrow pointed down, when he’s gone we are a playoff team. Not only that, OEL was visibly, measurably awful. He was -24, when none of the other D were even half that - that means that he was a major contributor to them being minus.


OEL getting hurt was the artillery that killed the tank. 

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30 minutes ago, Ray_Cathode said:

That’s a claim with no supporting evidence. The only existing evidence is the record since Tocchet arrived. Before OEL got hurt, the Canucks were 3w 4l 0t; after OEL got hurt, we were 15w 9l 2t. That does not argue that we would be “doing it”, it argues that we would have continued to be awful… because the problem was OEL. When he plays we are in the Bedard sweepstakes with an arrow pointed down, when he’s gone we are a playoff team. Not only that, OEL was visibly, measurably awful. He was -24, when none of the other D were even half that - that means that he was a major contributor to them being minus.


OEL getting hurt was the artillery that killed the tank. 

I wouldn't attribute the team's turnaround to them missing OEL.  It's been a slow, gradual uptick in Canucks' team defense and it really came all together the moment that Demko came back.  You can build your case using the team record, my case is more anecdotal and based on having watched every single game last year and this year.  


This was OEL's worst year in his career, but his skill is still there.  I think it's a much smarter move to bank on OEL coming back healthy next year and rebounding to last year's level, then to lock in a buyout.  That's like selling an asset at the absolute bottom and locking in that price.  

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52 minutes ago, VancouverHabitant said:

I wouldn't attribute the team's turnaround to them missing OEL.  It's been a slow, gradual uptick in Canucks' team defense and it really came all together the moment that Demko came back.  You can build your case using the team record, my case is more anecdotal and based on having watched every single game last year and this year.  


This was OEL's worst year in his career, but his skill is still there.  I think it's a much smarter move to bank on OEL coming back healthy next year and rebounding to last year's level, then to lock in a buyout.  That's like selling an asset at the absolute bottom and locking in that price.  

OEL will definitely, or should be super motivated this summer. Tocchet says he's got a glean in his eye and bets he comes back in top notch form ... for whatever that is worth lol.

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7 hours ago, Gawdzukes said:

OEL will definitely, or should be super motivated this summer. Tocchet says he's got a glean in his eye and bets he comes back in top notch form ... for whatever that is worth lol.

Imagine he comes back and plays like a top-4 defenseman


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