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[PGT] New York Islanders at Vancouver Canucks | Jan. 03, 2023

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-Vintage Canuck-

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13 minutes ago, Harold Drunken said:

Yep, that classic Canuck late season surge to ensure we both miss the playoffs and pick lower all at the same time... the best of both worlds.


GIF by Saturday Night Live

Don't forget trade Bo for a winger with a couple years left and $5 mil in salary.

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2 minutes ago, stawns said:

I wouldn't move schenn either........they need more of that, not less.

Agreed. Schenn is solid.

2 minutes ago, stawns said:

  You can move an NMC player if they want to go.  Not sure why oel would want to leave Van though, especially with young swedes coming up

The only reason I can think of, is if he wants to have a chance at playing some meaningful hockey at some point in his career. Maybe that's what playing in Arizona does to a player. :lol:

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This is where management should pull aside Pettersson, Hughes and Demko and explain that they would like to build a championship team around them. It may take 2-3 years, but that they want to do it right an give them a chance to win in VAN.


Then SELL!

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5 minutes ago, PhillipBlunt said:

Fair enough.

The same could be said of Schenn, whose been more consistent in all areas of his game than OEL, in my opinion. I'd rather the Canucks look to keep Schenn as a veteran presence and as a leader who'll do whatever he needs to for his team. 

NMCs don't make it impossible to move someone. 

Clb to move a good 25g / 25a + mid 20s winger signed for multiple years only brought back a 3rd and 4th in the off season.


CGY dumped a negative asset at the time in Monahan for a 1st ( 6.2 x 1 ) also in the off season


We somehow paid a 2nd to dump 1.4m and take on 1.4m as well... Probably the worst decision I've seen in some time lmao.


It's not really possible to move OEL.. The cost to do so would be astronomical..And we don't even have the assets to dress proper team let alone giving up all our futures haha 

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Just now, -DLC- said:

There's really only one way to go now. This draft looks pretty good....start thinking about how to fix "the team" not "the season".  I am in the team's corner but I feel bad for THEM at this point...it just isn't working. Our d was atrocious last night. 

This team is so strange... 

They came out with so much fire last night. Overall, I felt like they didn't have a bad game but the errors were crucial and Martin didn't come up with the save when they needed it. 

I feel like they look great for 70 percent of the game and then the defensive structure has a mind fart and someone gives up the puck inexplicably or  everyone has a collective lapse and suddenly backs off on D and gives their puck carrier a straight path to the slot for a shot. It's confounding how they do this yet look so good at other times in the game. 

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51 minutes ago, NUCKER67 said:

I think what I find frustrating about Miller is his inability to see how bad he is at times. Arrogant. I could see the attitude on that drive with Myers to the Kid's hospital. He seems like a difficult person to be around, argumentative. He would not be a good captain, the way he gives up on plays. Sets a bad example, has his little tantrums.


Yup.  Even in what should have been a feel good video, he wasn't listening to Ty, fiddling with the controls, etc, in his own little world.

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2 minutes ago, NUCKER67 said:

This is where management should pull aside Pettersson, Hughes and Demko and explain that they would like to build a championship team around them. It may take 2-3 years, but that they want to do it right an give them a chance to win in VAN.


Then SELL!

When I played college sports, I went to a university with a losing program (but good education lol). They just hired a highly touted new HC. 

First day of training camp, I kid you not, at one point, the coach asked the rookies to stay back after the team meeting. He then said we're the new recruits that came in. Doesn't matter if there are vets in starter roles. Every position is up for grabs and turning this program around starts with us. 

Same thing needs to be said to Petey and Hughes. The change starts now and we are building around them

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11 hours ago, DeNiro said:

You sure about that?


They balked at a Miller trade. I wouldn’t be surprised if they held on too long and re-signed him out of desperation.


I wouldn't be surprised if they try to sign him until July 1 and he walks like Little Johnny did last summer

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32 minutes ago, -DLC- said:

Tank hard for Bedard. At this point, winning's doing more harm than good. It's sad...was a good game until it wasn't. We need a high pick this draft so I'm just along for the ride at this point. "It is what it is". Still love my team, will go and cheer them on but at this point it's hard to defend a drive for playoffs. In my heart, yes...I still hope for that but reality is we're in the same boat as last year and would need a miracle to pull it off.


I will say one thing...what you don't see on tv is that the Islanders frustrated our team with a whole lot of holding...they do this hook on with one arm deal that really held our guys up at times. It was effective but infuriating. JT's slash was likely in response to some of that. Sutherland still can't call a game to save his life. But in the playoffs, it's a battle out there and that stuff wouldn't be called anyway...so you have to be able to contend with it and still find a way.


It's just not clicking. Petey was a little off last night...likely the frustration setting in. The shot block differential really came in to play...Islanders played a gritty in your face game and, despite getting away with a lot of garbage stuff, it worked.  Which is why I like JT...behind the play, he's battling back in that same in your face way. I agree with what Dan Riccio said....sometimes what people see as a lazy glide off the ice is him depleted/conserving some energy because he does engage in those battles. And that goal that he and Bo clicked on again...that stuff's magic. They have a good thing going there and I will hate to see Bo go. But I'm at the point that something's gotta give. Whatever will be will be. I will still cheer my team on every game but if/when they lose it's for a greater good. We need help on d...badly. I've been patient with this group but am open to anything...I don't want Petey wanting out. That would be disastrous.


If this team fires all on the same cylinder, we can win. But, on any given night, they aren't and that's a problem.



Once Deb has hit her limit on believing in this team, you know they have messed up HARD. 

I feel exactly the same way. 

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8 minutes ago, Mustard Tiger said:

Clb to move a good 25g / 25a + mid 20s winger signed for multiple years only brought back a 3rd and 4th in the off season.


CGY dumped a negative asset at the time in Monahan for a 1st ( 6.2 x 1 ) also in the off season


We somehow paid a 2nd to dump 1.4m and take on 1.4m as well... Probably the worst decision I've seen in some time lmao.


It's not really possible to move OEL.. The cost to do so would be astronomical..And we don't even have the assets to dress proper team let alone giving up all our futures haha 

So keep OEL and pray he has a resurgence like EK in SJ. Why do we need capspace when we are tanking anyway? We should have an abundance of it once we trade Horvat, Miller Boeser, Myers garland. 

Not sure about Ilya and kuz.... 

We need more players like that but unfortunately they don't fit our timeline

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Def an issue playing defense... Not sure what  the answer is to be honest, I am not one to say rebuild as we have good young players some good veterans as well.


Our defense is not deep and we are deep with "offensive" forwards so I think the obvious play is to trade from your strengths. Not sure why management hasn't hit.


Anyways I don't think we look for a rebuild with Pettersson and Hughes on board and as much hate Miller gets, he has good chemistry with Horvat.


My personal preference is to move our soft forwards for "whatever" we can get to clear cap space (Boeser, Pearson) and start shuffling the deck on defence.


This season might be a wash though, not a bad thing for a draft pick, but I don't think a rebuild is warranted with our current players.


I have done a spreadsheet up with next years cap projections, even with Horvat and Kuzmenko (tradebait imho) signing large contracts we aren't too far over the cap... but we would need to move some salary. If we can shed Boeser, Pearson and Myers maybe we would be good for cap space with our forwards signed, but would still need to add/change  the backend... UFA? Trade? IF Horvat truly wants out he would get us a solid RHD+


Ultimately my biggest concern with a "full" rebuild for picks and prospects, no matter what argument anyone offers, there is no guarantee those picks and prospects will develop into the magical winning formula. I mean look at Edmonton... and look around the league, there are some good teams sitting on the outside looking in... there is no book called "How to rebuild your NHL team into a juggernaut in 3 easy steps"


I have no problem with tearing apart the team (supporting cast) by removing players who are not producing and or not willing to focus on defensive play, but we need hang onto our good players, look to add productive players that have chemistry with our core, and also make our drafting and development pipeline a focal point.


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27 minutes ago, stawns said:

If they lose Bo, they might as well throw in the towel and clean house

Not sure that's entirely true. Depends on the return, what subsequent moves are made, do we get a top 3-5 pick...


It could certainly end up that way though. It's a risk.


21 minutes ago, Gawdzukes said:

Yeah true but I think you just showed everyone can be right with your last statement. You can theoretically rebuild with Petey as he's only 22, same with Hughes, and a goalie Demko. Does it really matter what we call it?

Not really. I'm just getting tired of the constant "we need a re-thingy" semantics bickering :lol:


21 minutes ago, Gawdzukes said:

We need some major change whatever name is put on it, right? Whether we keep those 3 plus 2 guys or 8 guys I don't think it matters as long as they come up with a plan that makes sense. Whatever they're doing now doesn't.



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10 minutes ago, PhillipBlunt said:

Agreed. Schenn is solid.

The only reason I can think of, is if he wants to have a chance at playing some meaningful hockey at some point in his career. Maybe that's what playing in Arizona does to a player. :lol:

@stawns I'd move Schenn. We need all the help we can get. No one is so valuable at this point they are must keeps except our youth we choose to move forward with.


He's not doing a single thing for this waste of a season ... and realistically I'd say there is less than 50% chance, probably smaller that he wants to stay here for the next couple years. If I'm Schenn I'd be sick of this crap and I'd like to go to a team with a chance of winning. Especially seeing as how he's somewhat re-invented himself there should be a market. Unless of course he really has settled in and loves it in Van. That's certainly possible, in which case he'd come back and that's win win.


Currently he's providing an example for a group of dmen that should be put out to pasture.

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