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Vitali Kravtsov | #91 | RW


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2 hours ago, Provost said:

Literally from the first result on a Google search that pulls from Oxford dictionary.... plus everywhere else.

Even Webster has it as one of the definitions of the word.  If you keep running into situations where you are calling several people out for being wrong, maybe do more than the briefest cursory look and consider that you may be the one who is actually wrong?


a register recording a line of ancestors
The pedigree traces the family back to the 18th century.
2aan ancestral line LINEAGE
That horse has an impressive pedigree.
the origin and the history of something
Democracy's pedigree stretches back to ancient Greece.
a distinguished ancestry
actions spoke louder than pedigrees in the trenchesDixon Wecter
the recorded purity of breed of an individual or strain
vouch for a horse's pedigree




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1 minute ago, Alflives said:

How many chances did Jake get (like a lot of high picks) that he didn’t deserve? 

Look at the guy. The Oilers even gave him a PTO this September. 


so if in 20 year time Jakes kid come up, 

you pick him in the first round?

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2 minutes ago, lmm said:

so if in 20 year time Jakes kid come up, 

you pick him in the first round?

If he has the same skill set Jake had coming into the draft (pedigree) then some team likely takes him top ten. I wouldn’t. Low character. But there’s always one Benning out there. 

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1 hour ago, lmm said:

so common in fact that 3 of you used the same term

If i were talking about pedigree, I would be talking about Mark Howe or Brett Hull 

Brett Hull had Pedigree even though he was a 5th round pick


So you are saying that Jake V has pedigree?

Ok dude… I have spent enough time trying to civilly answer your questions even though you have been rude about it.


You don’t know what the term means, you don’t want to learn what it means, and you want to keep “correcting” everyone else… even though you are wrong.



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4 hours ago, Provost said:

Ok dude… I have spent enough time trying to civilly answer your questions even though you have been rude about it.


You don’t know what the term means, you don’t want to learn what it means, and you want to keep “correcting” everyone else… even though you are wrong.



well, one of us is right

You think being a first round pick means "Pedigree"

I think pedigree means "Blood Line"

you think disagreeing with you means I am rude


If you had shown me that his father had played hockey at a high level, I'd have quit

but HOckey DB has no other Kratvsov's so I am not buying "Pedigree"

You think because others also think Pedigree means "First round Pick" then you can feel assured that you are correct in your mis-use , (or maybe it's the new age meaning, like "literally, which you also like to throw around) of the word "pedigree"


but I can stop

good night

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15 hours ago, lmm said:

so common in fact that 3 of you used the same term

If i were talking about pedigree, I would be talking about Mark Howe or Brett Hull 

Brett Hull had Pedigree even though he was a 5th round pick


So you are saying that Jake V has pedigree?

Jake V doesn't have pedigree now. Jake V however DID have an expected pedigree. Need proof? Look at the history of every JV thread on CDC. There were high expectations for the kid that he didn't live up to and a lot of it was based on draft position.


You're focused on the here and now when really you should be focusing on the expectations that were in place in 2014 when he was drafted.


So yes, Jake V did have an expected pedigree because he was drafted 6th overall.


If nothing else, think about the draft pick itself. What kind of player would you expect to get at 1st overall? 5th overall? 30th overall? Compare those picks with each other, your own expectations of each pick. Then compare that with the 7th round. What do you personally expect? My guess is you think that 1st overall is a much better pick than that 30th overall, yes? So what kind of expectations are you going to have then for the player drafted in those spots?


Could Kravtsov turn into another Virtanen? Sure, but that doesn't change the perceived pedigree right now. It's no different than how there were high expectations for JV for a long time. Kravtsov could also very well turn into a great player for all we know. We don't know yet. Time will basically tell.

Edited by The Lock
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I am so stoked we go Kravtsov.  He fills a huge gap on our roster.  I could see him being an excellent defensively responsible power winger with nice offensive potential.  


I look at him very different than most "reclamation" projects, as he hasn't proven that he can't play at this level, he just has not ever been given a real chance.  He's gonna get a chance to play way further up the lineup for a while to gain some traction.

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2 minutes ago, BCNate said:

I am so stoked we go Kravtsov.  He fills a huge gap on our roster.  I could see him being an excellent defensively responsible power winger with nice offensive potential.  


I look at him very different than most "reclamation" projects, as he hasn't proven that he can't play at this level, he just has not ever been given a real chance.  He's gonna get a chance to play way further up the lineup for a while to gain some traction.

He’s barely even graduated from being a prospect. Dude only has 48 games under his belt playing unfavourable shifts and being miscasted.


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He looks like 3rd line material, at least to begin with:  defensively responsible, some offense and the skill to develop more but not a Kuzmenko-level finisher, more a play-maker.  Get him playing a solid fundamental game and see where it goes.  He doesn't appear to be a "wall guy" though so he's going to have to be strong in transition and on the forecheck to drive play, which will be key to whether he can stick in the NHL. 

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16 minutes ago, DeltaSwede said:


Hated this interview.. really nonchalant answers. 

Yeah, not a good interview, maybe he has difficulty answering questions in English. As long as he does his job on the ice, and if not, trade him and move on. He only cost VAN Will Lockwood. Sounds like he knows a few guys on the team, would be amazing if they all started to gel. 



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Kravtsov seems a bit immature with his answers as compared to Podz's previous interviews and Podz is a year younger.  VK was in the media capital of the world. By now, he should have been well-versed in media-speak.


That said, how would you compare the two? Both are top 10 picks, potential power forwards (although I have my doubts with VK)., seemingly defensively responsible.

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On 2/26/2023 at 12:01 AM, DownUndaCanuck said:

Big gamble but he's Boeser-lite, a soft skinny perimeter player who has some skill but almost no grit or drive. I think the fans are going to hate him when they watch him float out there but I'm all for giving him a second chance. He's the opposite of a Tocchet player so will be interesting to see what Rick does - usually he'd scratch a guy like him but surely there'll be management pressure to play him in our top 6.

I mean no harm no foul if it doesn't work out it's not like we gave up much. It's not like he's making 6.65m

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On 2/27/2023 at 11:21 AM, Muttley said:

From this morning; Feb. 27th 2023. Dan Milstein chimes in on his client, Vitaly Kravtsov. Hoping he gets the opportunity in Vancouver, that he

didn't get enough of in New York, Is very hopeful Kravtsov can reach super star status with the Canucks. He will be surrounded by other Russians

on the team and that's a plus..


This Milstein seems like a good egg.

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