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Jake Virtanen | #18 | RW


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1 hour ago, guntrix said:

I'd define Benning's and Linden's comments as nothing more than lip service. When asked about Jake, I HIGHLY doubt they'd throw him under the bus. 


Sometimes what is said to the media isn't always the truth. And sometimes personally tuning in to watch him play is the best way of seeing his "progress" for yourself. 

Sadly if I try watching him play life gets in the way and I am forced to watch highlight reels.  I prefer to hear first hand from people like Utica or what's his name over 5 second clips of success.  Honest opinion or criticism is always far more welcome to unending homerism and hope or endless negativity derived from the moment of the draft.


I still try to watch shift by shift if possible and I see what everyone else does.  I see a kid who just needs to put it all together and will succeed or fail based on his own merits because of it.

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2 minutes ago, The 5th Line said:


How am I not supposed to talk about who we should of drafted when someone like you comes in here with a statement like "I would still take Virtanen over Nylander and probably even Ehlers in a re-draft".  


And you know who does add to this discussion?  Somebody who actually watches Comets games...something that you do not do.


Don't poke the bear! 

No actually what I said and here you are continuing... I'll not feed  you any further than this post.

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19 hours ago, The 5th Line said:

Did you just make that up?  because I don't recall ever saying that.  Stooping to some all time lows here, hippy.


Basically what I do here is argue against people who still would take Ehlers and Nylander in a re-draft, I argue against people who still Virtanen as a 30 goal scorer or an impactful top 6 winger, I argue with people about his hockey IQ etc etc etc.  IT's not because I hate him...it's for the sake of discussion and If I have offended some of you then I am sorry...I don't know what else you want me to say.  If you think I am tiresome then ignore what I write.  It's pretty simple.  I'll try to tone her down, how about that?  


Don't go making stuff up, it makes you look bad when I ask you to present a quote and you can't do it.  This is actually the second time I have caught you making something up



I don't think anyone comes here to just to see you argue, if anything your constant rants just push more useful information about Jake further down in the thread.

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44 minutes ago, shayster007 said:

The thing that pisses me off most about this thread is the fact that any positivity is stifled with the same old arguments. Robble robble Ehlers, robble robble hockey IQ, robble robble over weight.


The fact of the matter is, if Jake progresses into the player that he had the potential to be, we will all be laughing. That is not how the world goes sometimes. Benning took a shot on a hometown kid with the physical tool set to change the face of a team. Looking back, yeah, we should have taken Ehlers or Nylander. But that does not affect us anymore, we do not have Ehlers, we have Jake. We should be cheering on the hometown kid and celebrating the fact that HE HAS progressed over the course of the year. It may not be offensively yet, but his game is getting better. At this point, all we can do is continue to hope the kid becomes the player that he still has the potential to become.


If any posters float around here claiming to be realists and getting their panties in a bunch over a negative rep, they need to give their head a shake. Unnecessary negativity deserves bad reputation. I for one, will wear my Virtanen hat proudly and root for the kid until the day he makes it or breaks it. What else can we do?

I really don't think you will find a Canuck's fan who is not pulling for Jake.  God we need him to reach his ceiling.  My issue is not with Jake, but with JB drafting so high a prospect who clearly had character issues.  JB said he drafts for character.

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41 minutes ago, shayster007 said:

The thing that pisses me off most about this thread is the fact that any positivity is stifled with the same old arguments. Robble robble Ehlers, robble robble hockey IQ, robble robble over weight.


The fact of the matter is, if Jake progresses into the player that he had the potential to be, we will all be laughing. That is not how the world goes sometimes. Benning took a shot on a hometown kid with the physical tool set to change the face of a team. Looking back, yeah, we should have taken Ehlers or Nylander. But that does not affect us anymore, we do not have Ehlers, we have Jake. We should be cheering on the hometown kid and celebrating the fact that HE HAS progressed over the course of the year. It may not be offensively yet, but his game is getting better. At this point, all we can do is continue to hope the kid becomes the player that he still has the potential to become.


If any posters float around here claiming to be realists and getting their panties in a bunch over a negative rep, they need to give their head a shake. Unnecessary negativity deserves bad reputation. I for one, will wear my Virtanen hat proudly and root for the kid until the day he makes it or breaks it. What else can we do?

We read posts from people who actually watch the Comets and ask their insight about Virtanen. Sometimes what they say about Virtanen isn't always what you feelers want to hear, and it has to be sugar coated or else you'll go out whining saying " it's too much"

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6 minutes ago, Alflives said:

I really don't think you will find a Canuck's fan who is not pulling for Jake.  God we need him to reach his ceiling.  My issue is not with Jake, but with JB drafting so high a prospect who clearly had character issues.  JB said he drafts for character.

Just curious as the character issues you are referring too? Other then coming into camp overweight, which lots of players have this issue in there first couple seasons,  what has he done to signify he has character issues? He took his demotion to the A with a positive attitude and has been working on the defensive side of his game. Last year when he was in Van he was always positive, gave good media interviews and was involved in the community. I just don't see the character issues you're referring too.

Edited by Spitfire_Spiky
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56 minutes ago, shayster007 said:

The thing that pisses me off most about this thread is the fact that any positivity is stifled with the same old arguments. Robble robble Ehlers, robble robble hockey IQ, robble robble over weight.


The fact of the matter is, if Jake progresses into the player that he had the potential to be, we will all be laughing. That is not how the world goes sometimes. Benning took a shot on a hometown kid with the physical tool set to change the face of a team. Looking back, yeah, we should have taken Ehlers or Nylander. But that does not affect us anymore, we do not have Ehlers, we have Jake. We should be cheering on the hometown kid and celebrating the fact that HE HAS progressed over the course of the year. It may not be offensively yet, but his game is getting better. At this point, all we can do is continue to hope the kid becomes the player that he still has the potential to become.


If any posters float around here claiming to be realists and getting their panties in a bunch over a negative rep, they need to give their head a shake. Unnecessary negativity deserves bad reputation. I for one, will wear my Virtanen hat proudly and root for the kid until the day he makes it or breaks it. What else can we do?

well said Shayster...

It is what it is... all this whining...

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5 minutes ago, Spitfire_Spiky said:

Just curious as the character issues you are referring too? Other then coming into camp overweight, which lots of players have this issue in there first couple seasons,  what has he done to signify he has character issues? He took his demotion to the A with a positive attitude and has been working on the defensive side of his game. Last year when he was in Van he was always positive, gave good media interviews and was involved in the community. I just don't see the character issues you're referring too.

I see it taking a strength of character to make off ice sacrifices to be the best player you can be.  For example:  proper diet, extra fitness training, and getting needed rest.  Do these things requires sacrificing a great many fun things.  It takes a strength in character to make those sacrifices.  

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14 minutes ago, BlackBeard said:

We read posts from people who actually watch the Comets and ask their insight about Virtanen. Sometimes what they say about Virtanen isn't always what you feelers want to hear, and it has to be sugar coated or else you'll go out whining saying " it's too much"

Did you even bother reading my post?


People who watch the game aren't who bug me around here. I myself have only had the chance to watch a handful of comets games on a terrible stream, and what I have seen from Virtanen he has been hit and miss. His play differs from game to game, and even shift to shift. People who regularly watch the games he's in are where we can get the most reliable information on how his play is progressing outside of interviews with the coaches who are professionally teaching the kid. 


I don't think I have ever read a post about someone ripping into a fellow member about jakes play on any given night, if they had the opportunity to watch the game and have insightful opinions on how he's doing, good or bad. My entire post is directed at the other side, the robble side. 


Solid reply on your part though, great execution. 

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19 minutes ago, Alflives said:

I see it taking a strength of character to make off ice sacrifices to be the best player you can be.  For example:  proper diet, extra fitness training, and getting needed rest.  Do these things requires sacrificing a great many fun things.  It takes a strength in character to make those sacrifices.  

I see where you're coming from there and totally agree that his off ice habits need to improve but those weren't things he was having issues with when he originally drafted. He also seems to have trimmed down a bit since the start of the season so hopefully he can keep it up and put in the work in the off season to make an impact on the big club next year.

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22 minutes ago, Alflives said:

I see it taking a strength of character to make off ice sacrifices to be the best player you can be.  For example:  proper diet, extra fitness training, and getting needed rest.  Do these things requires sacrificing a great many fun things.  It takes a strength in character to make those sacrifices.  

It's lack of knowledge not lack of character. 

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3 minutes ago, Camel Toe Drag said:

It's lack of knowledge not lack of character. 

I disagree with your assertion.  You don't believe Jake knew his professional responsibilities last season, and summer?  I think he knew, but chose to ignore them.  This is not to say he can't improve, and make the needed sacrifices now.  My issue is with JB selecting (with such a high pick) a player who lacked in character, after stating he drafted for character.  I could see taking a risk with a later pick, but not with six overall.

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1 minute ago, The Sedge said:

I think the problem a lot of people are having is that this thread should not be to discuss who Jim Benning should or shouldn't have selected at the 6th overall.  I'm sure there's a draft thread somewhere where you can debate that endlessly.  This is the Jake Virtanen Talk thread, and the discussion should be around Jake, and what he's doing NOW.  I'm so tired (and I'm sure plenty of others agree) of hearing about how badly Jim messed up this pick and that he could have had an impact player sooner.  That may be true, but it has NOTHING to do with Jake, the one who we got, it was a management decision a few years ago and it's in the past now... let it go.

You'll have more luck telling that to your fish than with alf. 

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1 hour ago, The 5th Line said:

Plenty of discussion goes on about Jake and his current performance, I don't know why people keep refuting this.  But please explain why this thread shouldn't be about who Benning should or shouldn't have selected?  It is very much a part of the discussion and you have no right telling people what or what not to talk about.  I am not encouraging people to talk about other players and quite frankly, other players are brought up in to the discussion by people who claim they don't want to be talking about those said players..Personally, I am fine with never talking about them again(in this thread).  


But what are people supposed to talk about when Jake continuously puts 0's on the board? He played last night but nobody said a word and you know why?  0 goals, 0 assists 2 shots and a -2.  Same old story.  Not many people watch games in Utica so it's harder to find in depth analysis around here.  The way I see it, people should be allowed to discuss anything that remotely has to do with Jake, and that includes his draft status and who was drafted around him.  Just because you are tired of hearing something, doesn't mean you can come in here and tell people how to act or what YOU want them to talk about.   


There is a decent amount of talk regarding Jake's play, if you scroll through all of the other BS......

I think this has more to do with the low quality of the stream for the games. I would watch a game here and there if the quality of the streaming was improved. It's like watching video on a 56k modem. They could literally do better with someone sitting there with an iphone streaming onto facebook. 


With that said, I think generally this has been a disappointing year in Utica. The team is bad, like real bad. They currently sit 22 out of 30 for points and goals for, so there isn't much offence being produced in general. This is partly due to the Canucks sucking as well and having to keep guys like Chaput and Megna in the show instead of leading the offensive push in Utica. You would think that Virtanen, given his draft position and his cohorts, would be able to be that guy to lead the offence, but that just is not happening. We are all disappointed with that fact. Is he the guy that needs a proper setup man to be successful? That could be the case and hopefully next year we can bring in some decent prospects into Utica and start something more worth watching. I have for the most part written this year off with two hopes in mind - that we get a decent draft position in the end and Horvat signs for a decent price. 


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I'm not on the bust train.  Just need to be convinced he is top six.  It's up to him, as I said above I am pulling for him.  I think he ends up a decent 3rd liner in a couple of years.  Not great for a #6 overall pick.


I agree Utica is the place for him, I said this at the beginning of the year. He should remain there until he starts producing consistently to ensure he gets a solid foundation and won't regress when he hits some adversity.  Some players take longer and need more development time.  


I'm just not sure he will have the determination and work ethic to stick it out and develop into a 3rd liner.  I could see him quitting hockey actually.

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On 2/17/2017 at 8:38 AM, N4ZZY said:

I want to see how Jake's second season in the AHL will be like offensively. If he's producing at this current rate next season, then there is cause for concern for sure. 


To be fair he only ever maxed out at junior at a point per game. That's not much in the WHL considering stars from that league light it up well over 1.25-1.5 points per game as young kids before entering the draft.


His ceiling is far lower than many presumed, comparing the kid to Lucic and Perry was unfair and naive from the get go. 


For him to not be a bust we need 20 goals out of him consistently for a few seasons, good defence and strong physical play. He can take his time to get to that level at the NHL, but for me if he only ever scores 5-15 goals a few times he's not worth the 6th overall pick, especially considering the guys selected after him and the controversy that came with it. I can live with 20 goals for a few years and good physical play maybe in 3-5 years from Jake, I can't live with anything less than that from the Canucks highest pick since the Sedins.

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