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18 minutes ago, canuckster19 said:

Oh yay, the same tired argument tech companies use when they want to censor people as well...

Vast difference between removing accounts from platforms for inciting violence or hate speech over restricting the access of SOME from what is supposed to be a free market.


I would be very interested to see a lawyer argue that this doesn't constitute a fault on the part of robinhood to unilaterally change their terms of services without first getting agreement from users

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11 minutes ago, NucksPatsFan said:

Apparently people couldn't trade more than 1 share of CCIV on Robin Hood either.


The only reasonable response is run CCIV up to $500!!!


Me and my 12 average will watch the madness :ph34r:

I certainly hope so.... I would have more than enough to buy a Lambo to drive for each day of week :towel:

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1 hour ago, Warhippy said:

Vast difference between removing accounts from platforms for inciting violence or hate speech over restricting the access of SOME from what is supposed to be a free market.


I would be very interested to see a lawyer argue that this doesn't constitute a fault on the part of robinhood to unilaterally change their terms of services without first getting agreement from users

Yeah but the argument is they are a private platform and they can pick and choose what they want to censor and don't have to follow any rules. It would seem a tad shady to me that they would be treated differently. It's all about optics and nothing to do with what was said or done, I agree with your argument but I think you can agree there is an optical double standard.

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Certainly no shortage of stuff to do this week. Coming back to equity trading after such a long absence has been a bit of an eye opener. I couldn't believe how fast the market was. Though most of that is due to the short busting plays which I traded a lot. I also could not believe how slow I was in the beginning. Thankfully the rust has shaken off and I am up to speed again.


Still waiting on a second account to get opened. Gonna take about another week or so but that will make a big difference. Pleased with how the week went, 13 large today and 44 for the week.


Have a good weekend guys.

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7 hours ago, canuckster19 said:

Except as many who are putting in money have explained, they aren't doing it to make a profit, just look on reddit, everyone is prepared to take a loss, they're just doing it as an f-you to wall street. Wall street made the rules they should die by them.

I was more so speaking towards what led to this, not necessarily what is occurring at this moment with it. Huge difference there. The context around this is much bigger than what has just happened this past week. The idea of meme stocks and yoloing just didn't appear out of thin air. 

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1 hour ago, nuckin_futz said:

Certainly no shortage of stuff to do this week. Coming back to equity trading after such a long absence has been a bit of an eye opener. I couldn't believe how fast the market was. Though most of that is due to the short busting plays which I traded a lot. I also could not believe how slow I was in the beginning. Thankfully the rust has shaken off and I am up to speed again.


Still waiting on a second account to get opened. Gonna take about another week or so but that will make a big difference. Pleased with how the week went, 13 large today and 44 for the week.


Have a good weekend guys.

jesus mary and joseph.. nuckin is the yoda of the investing thread.


For real though, your contributions, and other regular contributors, have taught me a lot over the last year. So thank you.



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So silver lake cashed out on AMC for like 712 million/ 33 million shares, just wondering what I can expect now since I decided to put 1k into AMC.


Relatively new to this whole stocks world, could someone elaborate what the pro’s and con’s are ? 

Also, the cash in/deal was done 2 days ago and I guess it just became public now ? But today’s stock rose up quite a bit, but now that the news is out, will I be seeing a drop on Monday? 

Edited by EoH
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37 minutes ago, AriGold2.0 said:

Points been made. Robinhood will never be treated seriously again, Hedge Fund almost bankrupt. People will move onto the next one.

Amc still has a relative high short % from what  I’m seeing online. Options expired worthless today. Correct me if I’m wrong @nuckin_futz but those firms whose options expired worthless at market close have to buy up shares Monday, no?

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7 minutes ago, NucksPatsFan said:

Amc still has a relative high short % from what  I’m seeing online. Options expired worthless today. Correct me if I’m wrong @nuckin_futz but those firms whose options expired worthless at market close have to buy up shares Monday, no?

This is my question... What time frame is allotted to buy up the shares that they owe.

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6 hours ago, nuckin_futz said:

Certainly no shortage of stuff to do this week. Coming back to equity trading after such a long absence has been a bit of an eye opener. I couldn't believe how fast the market was. Though most of that is due to the short busting plays which I traded a lot. I also could not believe how slow I was in the beginning. Thankfully the rust has shaken off and I am up to speed again.


Still waiting on a second account to get opened. Gonna take about another week or so but that will make a big difference. Pleased with how the week went, 13 large today and 44 for the week.


Have a good weekend guys.

*Watches Nuckin posts intensely so I can learn what he likes and why*


Definitely opposite of me, I probably averaged 3k drop each day this week, it was a bad red week....

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23 minutes ago, NucksPatsFan said:

Amc still has a relative high short % from what  I’m seeing online. Options expired worthless today. Correct me if I’m wrong @nuckin_futz but those firms whose options expired worthless at market close have to buy up shares Monday, no?

The short interest you're looking at it is typically 2-4 weeks behind real time. It gets reported mid month and at month end. Currently the most recent data is from Jan 15th. Given the recent action, it's likely to be quite inaccurate. There are some services which will provide real time short interest. A buddy of mine pays $1,000/month for such information.


If your option expires worthless or out of the money, nothing happens. The money paid for the option evaporates.

If it expires in the money it'll be exercised.

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8 minutes ago, Russ said:

*Watches Nuckin posts intensely so I can learn what he likes and why*


Definitely opposite of me, I probably averaged 3k drop each day this week, it was a bad red week....

I trade in both directions, long and short. I like stuff doing lots of volume. Your typical flavor of the day stuff.


Today's trade list looks like....


Short some Aussie dollar

Long some JNJ

Short some NVAX

Long some BBBY

Short LMFA

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