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Do the Canucks risk losing fans to the Whitecaps?


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Why would you have to choose one over the other? You can be a fan of both teams. 


If the Canucks lose fans, it'll be because of the poor on-ice product and lack of support for the current management/ownership group, among other things.

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8 hours ago, kingleysniper said:

Long time follower of the Canucks, don't really post but as a consumer I was wondering with the Canucks brand taking a big hit this year, especially after the tdl is it possible we see a change in the city where the Whitecaps following increases immensely and people start choosing the Whitecaps over the Canucks. For me I've taken my kids to both Whitecaps and Canuck games, and tbh I've enjoyed the Whitecaps alot more.


it is possible that while the canucks are in the midst of a rebuild that the whitecaps and lions experience a surge in ticket sales. however this is a hockey market and when the canucks start winning again they will always dominate the market. its just facts. 

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9 hours ago, kingleysniper said:

Long time follower of the Canucks, don't really post but as a consumer I was wondering with the Canucks brand taking a big hit this year, especially after the tdl is it possible we see a change in the city where the Whitecaps following increases immensely and people start choosing the Whitecaps over the Canucks. For me I've taken my kids to both Whitecaps and Canuck games, and tbh I've enjoyed the Whitecaps alot more.


What do you mean after the TDL?

You do realise that whatever we might have got in the TDL there would be a strong probability they would not even have played this season and maybe not even next.

We have plenty of guys in Utica and more drafts on the way which doesn't even include what we will get in this year's draft.


Are you just spouting more media garbage or do you seriously think the TDL was in some way a disaster? People like you are acting like we have just turned down Mathews.


By the way why would one compete with the other? They are two totally different sports. They don't even play at the same time of the year.

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9 hours ago, Green Goblin said:



I'd rather watch our non-playoff Canucks team than ANY championship soccer team.


Soccer is a fun sport to play, but professional soccer is just brutal to watch. I mean, who wants to watch a bunch of slim dudes running around a field for 90+ minutes? And most of the time, the final score is 0-0.



And the answer to your question is billions of people across the world.



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5 hours ago, lolwut? said:

How can you blanket state this and label people as idiots who may not agree with your view on football? I've gone to my share of hockey and soccer games in this city.. both have their pros and cons.

Let people like what they like and have their opinions 

Because based on their comments they undoubtedly are idiots who clearly don't watch football.

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6 hours ago, Bob.Loblaw said:

Hahaha.... do you honestly think there have been ANY bandwagoners this year?  Like, any?  Nobody in Vancouver gives a flying fark about the Canucks anymore, and they haven't for quite some time now.

SamJam is a self proclaimed superfan. How dare you insult him in such a manner.


It's all the refs fault anyway. 

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5 hours ago, iinatcc said:

If Vancouver gets an NBA team again perhaps Canucks management should worry.


I believe I heard somewhere that in Toronto the Raptors fanbase is growing at a faster rate than the Leafs especially for younger people.

Two things come to mind:


1) Duh, one of those teams has actually been winning :P, and


2) A sports brand can always grow and absorb more fans, but the Leafs are quite established in TO already so any growth they see might be minimal given their lions share already. The Raptors certainly have a larger untapped market compared to the Leafs, and then combine that with point 1.


It's a shame the Grizz left, but that team was destined to fail and we saw it from their first draft. If the NBA returned and had any success some fans would be fickle enough to switch over, but I doubt that many would ever renounce the Canucks forever. Fan support is unstable during rough stretches here though.

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10 hours ago, luongotv said:

I'm a die hard Canucks fan, die hard Liverpool fan, AND diehard Miami Dolphins fan (Yeah, I know, shhhh)


True sports fans can accommodate and love multiple sports.

Love me some Reds with the Canucks too. Tough year to be a fan of both teams. Good luck with that Dolphin thing.

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11 hours ago, kingleysniper said:

Long time follower of the Canucks, don't really post but as a consumer I was wondering with the Canucks brand taking a big hit this year, especially after the tdl is it possible we see a change in the city where the Whitecaps following increases immensely and people start choosing the Whitecaps over the Canucks. For me I've taken my kids to both Whitecaps and Canuck games, and tbh I've enjoyed the Whitecaps alot more.



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Only fair weather fans just looking for entertainment. You either enjoy hockey and follow the Canucks as your team, or you have disposable income with no way to spend it but going to the popular event in town. Canucks fans will still be fans, and that can mean also being a Whitecaps fan, but it doesn't mean having to pick and choose.

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No big deal, I watch both. I went to my first Whitecaps (MLS) game last year and really enjoyed it. Conversely, I will not give the NHL a dime of my money. My loyalties are not really dollar-related though, because I think all pro sports represent poor dollar-value.

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