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1 minute ago, Stelar said:

How is this a ref issue?  ROusell shot it over the glass and Poo Poo high sticked him......

Because they're not calling the game equally?? They call anything and everything against the Canucks while ignoring absolute blatant penalties the Sharks have committed. I have no issues with the calls on the Canucks. It's the lack of calls against the Sharks that's the problem.

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2 minutes ago, DIBdaQUIB said:

And no call on a blatant trip on Petey and no call on a blatant hook on granlund leading to the second goal.  League decided before the season started that nucks would not make the playoffs....The schedule and Reffing are  making sure that is the case.

Well yeah, how else are they gonna justify giving as the 1st overall. :bigblush:

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2 minutes ago, whcanuck said:

I know it's almost ridiculous to think this seeing as how we've had so many coaches over the past few years, but is there any chance Green gets fired after the year if the season just continues with this nosedive and never recovers. What about Benning?

WTF is with this fire Green crap?

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6 minutes ago, ktcy2 said:

I am really curious what other fans think 


I followed his team through thick and thin since 1998 and they are now showing this non sense 


I haven’t seen a worse canucks team ever 


People we’re talking about how Sedins retiring might rejuvenate the team? What a joke, the Canucks has been dragged and carried by the sedins and only the sedins. 


I feel like giving up already. It’s not only about losing, it’s that they have zero offense outside of EP. 


Guys like schaller, gaudette, Pouliot, goldobin, MDZ, the list goes on and on, wouldn’t even be on anothe nhl roster 


beyond disgusted right now at this team

shut the door behind you...….p.s. TAKE FEDOR FEDOROV with you .

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2 minutes ago, DIBdaQUIB said:

And no call on a blatant trip on Petey and no call on a blatant hook on granlund leading to the second goal.  League decided before the season started that nucks would not make the playoffs....The schedule and Reffing are  making sure that is the case.

The schedule is an absolute joke and a major factor in our injury issues. 

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1 minute ago, Zhukini said:

Not a bad period aside from the goals,  Petey and Goldy has some thing going but Gaudette is having a rough one. I don’t have a problem with how it’s been reffed aside from the trip on 40

Honestly, I haven't been impressed with Gaudette. He has 3 points in 18 games. He gets power play time on the 1st unit. He never barries when he's wide open in the slot.


The guy needs more seasoning in the A. 


He tries, but just isn't good enough to contribute much. Yet.

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I have an issue with people complaining about whoever is defending Rakkell.  No, Draisatl couldn't have done better because Rakkell is one of the top 5 young forwards in the game.   


Get well soon Lu 

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