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[GDT] Preds @ Nucks Feb 10 2020 - 7pm Pacific - SNET

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Just now, XxS3E3DI2N2SxX said:


So no ceremony or even a small event tonight?


The reason I am asking is because I won't get home till around 7:10- 7:20 ish and don't want to miss any Sedin special since it's Sedin week.

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2 hours ago, Odd. said:

As much as I don't like our lack of pushback lately, I think this is the type of rough treatment Petey needs. He can't feel too comfortable out there, that every single hack and whack is going to result in a penalty. In the playoffs, where refs put away the whistles, you can either man up and also play rough, or cry and pout over every single whack, which has and will always be part of the game.


Petey seems to also be retaliating as well to some of these rough incidents. That's good, he needs to also learn to stick up for himself, and not be afraid to show some grit and pushback himself. Too many times I see Petey just falling all over the ice looking at the refs for a penalty. It's quite pathetic really.

Wow.  Yeah he should start taking 30 slashing penalties a year like the Sedins used to - and maybe eventually will get some space.   Or maybe he will just take the punishment and go the Lady Byng route which actually helps the team in the long run - selfish not weak. 


Gretzky did the same thing - as have dozens of other star players over the years (get roughed up and look pleadingly at the refs for a call - it's part of the game isn't it?) so maybe lay off a little bit.   I'm happy with either route - EP shouldn't have to make the game safer for himself - the support players should be doing that - as should the skilled guys with some muscle (Miller/Horvat maybe JV etc).    Crosby took just as much or more abuse.    EP will figure it out - if he decides a liberal use of lumber is his best option don't b!tch about the penalties is all I can say - OR if he decides to take the abuse to help us keep getting the most PP in the league realize that it's actually a tactical decision - doesn't make him soft per say.  Certainly doesn't make it pathetic. 

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2 minutes ago, SILLY GOOSE said:

Stoked to see Bailey and Mac both in.  Really hope these two can inject some speed into the line up.  

Me too, but will they be allowed (within our coaching style) to show that aggression?  We are coached to play so passively I wonder if any player coming in would be able to really play aggressively.  


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Sorry to say posters, but we are not winning tonight.  Our team is coached to play way too passively to compete in these ramped up, end of the year, race for the playoffs games.  The only way we win is if our goalie steals the game, and Marky just hasn’t been on his game for a while.  


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1 minute ago, canuck2288 said:

If we make the playoffs .... maybe


gotta love the Kool Aid drinkers. green sucks 


deal with it 

we know how you feel, i think some people dont want to see the reminder every 10 minutes in the GDT after the game starts lol

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2 hours ago, lmm said:

I need to stop posting

Old News has just given me 2 wonkies and a Partrick Stewart


I don't want to be responsible for him having a kniption

About as little fiddle as it gets, but whatever works for you.  


Sounds like projection - that you're having the kniption over something as trivial as wonkies - that simply indicate that someone disagrees with you - part of the function of the board - might want to appeal to the mods if it raises your sensitivities.   from my viewpoint, the whole emoji-protest thing is ironic (not only yourself protests over receiving an emoji)  - posting about it is borderline spamming the boards imo, but who cares.


If you need to know why you got the captain-star-trek...

Again - nothing special about your post - anyone that what-the one-liners the team's systems gets one.


You said literally nothing abou the team's 'system'(s) - so there's really nothing there to respond to.


What you did refer to was how impressed you are with the Raptors systems.


hat team runs 2 different zone coverages and a man 2 man. And their Defense is deadly.

Wtih all due respect:

My junior high basketball team ran two full court presses, three half court zone defenses, man-to-man, and a more sophistocated hybrid.

That is 7 defensive systems alone - two full court, 5 half court.

That's not touching on half court offensive systems - or outlet, transition, rebound, inbound  or other situational 'systems'/structures (jump balls).



Green seems to need all players to understand his (one) system.

Again - this is the typical-to-these-boards one-liner.

Hockey is not a half court game.

In other words, there are ozone, neutral zone, and dzone 'systems".

That basketball team I described above - 14 yr olds (I played at higher levels but that is irrelevent for this illustration)... that team - we adjusted our systems - depending on whom was on the court, and who the opponents had on the court.  We tried lots of other things - as any coach/team does - but we kept at least 7 systems - without the ball/possession - in play.

Hockey - you can not only add the complication of the neutral zone - but you can add the complication of (at least) 4 different forms of your forward lines, and (at least) 3 different D pairings - all that adjust and alter their systems to 1) attempt to play to their own specific strengths - or roll - and 2) adjust to deal with the oppositions strengths or weaknesses. 

Additionally, you have 'special team' in hockey - powerplays and penalty kiill.


That's how you earned the Patrick Stewart. 

The "one system" comment is....well, I thought a Patrick Stewart was enough - and honestly tire of bothering to respond to this stuff - but you insisted/protested - emojis of all things.  If I was wrong - if you can explain this 'system' = I'm all ears.





Edited by oldnews
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