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[GDT] Nucks @ Leafs Feb 29 2020 - 4:00 Pacific - HNIC - Leap Year Edition

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34 minutes ago, canuck2288 said:

No but I do speak from having actually played the game at a very competitive level and still playing 


I am not saying couch potatoes don’t have a say but I am speaking from a Knowledge  base 

I hate losing and at this time of the year when every point matters to just am frustrated when it’s so much bivouac we can make better decisions 


Jake needs to be with Brock and EP

move Toffoli with Bo and Pearson 

move Loui to line 3 or4 

sit down roussel 

Crash the net and stop playing on the perimeter , specially on the pp

quit cycling back into the defensive zone 


simple simple things but we don’t do them 


I've played a lot too and have been very near the cusp but you can't say these things would power this team too the top. Bottom line is Jake has played with EP and didn't guarantee success than either. Tofolli has played several games only. Sit Roussel for who, MacEwen, okay he's not Bertuzzi. Playing the perimeter is on the players. Every player in the NHL has the "Green Light", to go make a play if they think they have the opportunity. So it sounds like you don't know coaching at the NHL level. We are simply a young, improving team, whose players make a lot of mistakes. Aaaaaah lot of mistakes.


I completely agree on the last two points but you have to understand they are not consciously trying to do stupid stuff. That's called sports, there is a team completely trying to destroy what you're doing on the other side.


Just because a coach doesn't play the game the way you want to doesn't mean you can make an NHL 2020 move and get an automatic hat-trick and a win. If you played as competitive as you claim you will know that on nights you lose it is 80% on the players for not simply being better than the other players, the coaching has already been done. Not the fault of the guy in a suit-coat on an elevated platform who probably walks less steps than Hawking.

  • Cheers 1
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