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7 minutes ago, The Lock said:

My whole family went through a major cold back in January/February. I hadn't felt that bad in years. It has crossed our mind if it was an early strain of the coronavirus. My parents basically had a cold in the Dominican Republic. Then they came back and gave it to us.


Our neighbours also had a major cold in February when a colleague of her's recently came back from China.


The 2nd instance we are pretty sure was coronavirus whereas our cold is kind of up in the air about what it was. Both instances involved really bad cases as well as really minor cases depending on the person.

So perhaps these kids and those second waves in China is of a stronger strand...


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Let's re-open.  FREEDOM!!



Live updates: Texas coronavirus cases surge as restaurants, gyms, bars, and childcare facilities reopen


  • Two weeks into the reopening of Texas, coronavirus cases continue to climb — along with tensions.
  • Shops, restaurants, nail salons, cinemas, barbershops, beaches, gyms, offices, childcare facilities, and personal care services are among the businesses that have reopened to the public.
  • Bars, wine tasting rooms, bowling alleys, skating rinks, and rodeo events will reopen on Friday so long as they stay under 25% of their maximum occupancy rate. Zoos can follow suit next Monday.
  • Professional sports leagues, including basketball, baseball, football, and tennis, can hold events from May 31, but fans are not allowed.
  • Regardless of the type of establishment, people are encouraged to maintain social distance, keep their faces covered, and wash or sanitize their hands frequently.
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6 minutes ago, gurn said:

Canadians falling for conspiracy theories:


Nearly half of Canadians subscribe to coronavirus conspiracy theories -- including debunked miracle cures, notions of a 5G cover-up or that the virus was engineered in a Chinese lab, according to a new study.

The School of Journalism at Carleton University in Ottawa surveyed 2,000 Canadians and found that 46 percent believe in at least one of four key myths circulating online.

"This high rate is alarming because conspiracy theories risk overwhelming an already overwhelmed health system," study co-author and Carleton professor Sarah Everts told AFP on Thursday.

The fear, she said, is that people won't take the COVID-19 threat seriously and will ignore public health guidance such as social distancing, opening the door to a resurgence of the outbreak.

The top fake, according to the study -- that the coronavirus was engineered as a bioweapon in a Chinese lab and released into the general population -- was believed by 26 percent of Canadians.

Another 11 percent of respondents said they thought COVID-19 is not a serious illness but was being spread to cover up alleged harmful health effects associated with exposure to 5G wireless technology.

Police in Quebec are investigating this belief as a possible motive after several cell towers in the province were set ablaze.

Twenty-three percent also said they believe unproven claims promoted by US President Donald Trump that medications such as hydroxychloroquine -- an anti-malaria drug which has been linked to heart complications -- are effective in treating the illness.

And 17 percent thought that rinsing their nose with a saline solution would provide protection from infection.

The survey was conducted May 5 to 8, and has a 2.19 percent margin of error.

The researchers noted that people who spent a lot of time on social media platforms, including Twitter, Instagram and TikTok, were most likely to believe in the conspiracy theories.

Some 57 percent of Canadians also said they believed they could spot misinformation. Everts said this overconfidence "sets people up for being duped."

She said it's human nature to want to understand goings-on, especially in a crisis when people feel anxious or powerless.

"When bad things happen, we want to know why because it's comforting, even if the explanation is bizarre," she said. 

"And people during this pandemic have certainly come up with some bizarre scapegoats"


They’ll know soon enough.


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3 minutes ago, thedestroyerofworlds said:

Let's re-open.  FREEDOM!!



Live updates: Texas coronavirus cases surge as restaurants, gyms, bars, and childcare facilities reopen


  • Two weeks into the reopening of Texas, coronavirus cases continue to climb — along with tensions.
  • Shops, restaurants, nail salons, cinemas, barbershops, beaches, gyms, offices, childcare facilities, and personal care services are among the businesses that have reopened to the public.
  • Bars, wine tasting rooms, bowling alleys, skating rinks, and rodeo events will reopen on Friday so long as they stay under 25% of their maximum occupancy rate. Zoos can follow suit next Monday.
  • Professional sports leagues, including basketball, baseball, football, and tennis, can hold events from May 31, but fans are not allowed.
  • Regardless of the type of establishment, people are encouraged to maintain social distance, keep their faces covered, and wash or sanitize their hands frequently.

Darwin facepalms.......


Keep our borders closed.....I'll throw you a lifeguard preserver but I ain't going to dive in the ocean to save you (heh, I can't swim for one thing).

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1 hour ago, bree2 said:

I don't see why we can't protect both!

I think we should protect ALL! Who is actually dying right now in our population? Every day I see deaths from those in assisted living residents or those that are elderly. Those people should be quarantined from all right now.

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15 hours ago, EdgarM said:

I think we should protect ALL! Who is actually dying right now in our population? Every day I see deaths from those in assisted living residents or those that are elderly. Those people should be quarantined from all right now.

...and the system rethought from top to bottom in these sectors.


This pandemic is showing us the real underlying of our society’s functions and which positions are important. 


That’s where the money should go and remain, as anything else is fluff.


Perhaps our sense of what is important needs to be rethought also. 

Trying times in need of innovation.


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11 minutes ago, Cerridwen said:

"Concentrating on some rare child symptoms, which are way less lethal"

^^^^^^^^ This right here tells me you don't know what the &^@# you're talking about. "Way less lethal"??????? Come back when you've actually done some research into what this syndrome does to children. I'm gobsmacked that you would make your post at all, let alone with the quoted portion above. Holy $&!# you better hope that nobody in your family gets COVID-19 or that one of the children doesn't present with these 'syndrome' symptoms.. Your learning curve could be tragic and life altering in the extreme.

Ok genius, So this virus is killing our children as much as our elders? Is that what your saying? Lethal means death last time I checked and so far the elderly are leading the way in the death toll. So what am I supposed to be researching? Man I can't believe the gall of some of you who think you know it all and try to belittle others who are expressing a different point of view from yourselves, how arrogant. 

Last time I "researched", there was no deaths to ANY of our children here in BC and there was a small amount of fatalities in NY which they may or may not link to the coronavirus. 

So Einstein, tell me what research am I leaving out here, or that I am apparently unaware of, would ya. 

I am not even going to comment on your statement about my family because that is just downright idiotic on your part. 

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Just now, EdgarM said:

Ok genius, So this virus is killing our children as much as our elders? Is that what your saying? Lethal means death last time I checked and so far the elderly are leading the way in the death toll. So what am I supposed to be researching? Man I can't believe the gall of some of you who think you know it all and try to belittle others who are expressing a different point of view from yourselves, how arrogant. 

Last time I "researched", there was no deaths to ANY of our children here in BC and there was a small amount of fatalities in NY which they may or may not link to the coronavirus. 

So Einstein, tell me what research am I leaving out here, or that I am apparently unaware of, would ya. 

I am not even going to comment on your statement about my family because that is just downright idiotic on your part. 

Here’s the thing.


We know for certainty, that we do not know.

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15 minutes ago, kloubek said:

In even the best scenario, these are the people that end up getting screwed. In the worst scenario, they are treated as sacrificial to economic continuation. It is a hard time to be a senior right now - especially if you are in a home.


Unless the virus somehow manages to fade off or we get a vaccine, reopening will inevitably lead to reinfection, and us getting close to where we were trying to avoid by closing up in the first place.


Phase 1 sucked.


Phase 2 might be worse.

At least with Phase 2 we have more testing in place.  If we test, test, test, we should be able to be alerted to where the virus is breaking out and hopefully quarantine those in the outbreak so the virus can't take hold.  Hopefully people are willing to be tested.

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TransLink recommends masks on public transit, as it begins to restore pre-COVID-19 service levels


TransLink will also be monitoring passenger loads in order to deploy additional service at times and on routes where physical distancing is more difficult.

Commuters are recommended to travel outside of peak times, allow for more time in their commute and stay off transit entirely when sick.



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54 minutes ago, EdgarM said:

Ok genius, So this virus is killing our children as much as our elders? Is that what your saying? Lethal means death last time I checked and so far the elderly are leading the way in the death toll. So what am I supposed to be researching? Man I can't believe the gall of some of you who think you know it all and try to belittle others who are expressing a different point of view from yourselves, how arrogant. 

Last time I "researched", there was no deaths to ANY of our children here in BC and there was a small amount of fatalities in NY which they may or may not link to the coronavirus. 

So Einstein, tell me what research am I leaving out here, or that I am apparently unaware of, would ya. 

I am not even going to comment on your statement about my family because that is just downright idiotic on your part. 


Definition of lethal:

1a : of, relating to, or causing death
b : capable of causing death
2 : gravely damaging or destructive
3 : very potent or effective a lethal fastball
Better be sure you really want to go here with me. And please don't put words in my mouth.

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