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2 minutes ago, kingofsurrey said:

Schools can be kept open and teachers can be kept safe..... both.   Just need social distancing, PPE , sinks  and plastic barriers.

BC government refuses to spend any money to keep teachers safe....  it  is just a choice.  Money is chosen over the safety of a largly female workforce.. teachers and teaching assistants...

Rather than focusing on male/female, perhaps focus on just the workforce for the reasons I mentioned above. By using numbers like that 75%, you're just shifting the focus away from the actual problem at hand: the schools are open.

Edited by The Lock
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3 minutes ago, janisahockeynut said:

my mother, and my children

I am afraid for me, and I am afraid for you

But should and will do the best we can.....as I believe in my hearts of heart all will

Those that fail, and are punished will suffer their own fate

and no one will punish them more then themselves

It is a difficult time, one we have never before experienced in our lifetime

We should be afraid, but will survive, we must!

My daughter is a teacher and puts her life unnecessarily at risk everyday due to weak decisions made by our BC government.

This is not fair and not right.   


Her paycheck is 1300 every  2 weeks and she has 6 years university...  She doesn't really have extra money to buy plastic barriers and her school district will not even allow her to bring it into her room.


Dr. B and Horgan are a joke.  Their science is an embarrassment.   The BC government has failed in the fight against covid.  We have made the same mistakes other provinces made... and we had a head start and time to learn from other provinces mistakes....


Edited by kingofsurrey
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42 minutes ago, kingofsurrey said:

We will both have to wait for that info... because contact tracing is all but over now in BC due to huge infection rate.


Being told that you likely contacted a covid positive person 3 weeks ago.....  well that is not very useful.  



Do you also  believe in the Easter Bunny ?


From the death traps that you claim pubs to be, surely there must be some mention of these super spreading public houses that have exacerbated the deaths around this great province

Surely you have some reference of such evidence before you castigated pubs as being Corona havens, without the lime.  

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5 minutes ago, Sharpshooter said:

From the death traps that you claim pubs to be, surely there must be some mention of these super spreading public houses that have exacerbated the deaths around this great province

Surely you have some reference of such evidence before you castigated pubs as being Corona havens, without the lime.  

Discussing things with you is comparable to banging my head against a wall.... or similar to banging my head into Janisisanut.  

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8 minutes ago, janisahockeynut said:

Could you not buy it for her



IF ..... you could read..... you would have read that her school district will not let her bring in a plastic barrier...

but that is a pretty big if.........  you are better at talking than  you are at listening. / reading..

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8 minutes ago, -Vintage Canuck- said:

We may need to increase the fines as the message is not clear for some people...



Some people are painfully stupid and self centered.

Life, and this pandemic would be so much easier if people would just follow the bar rules. 

Rule #1 - Don't be a dick.

Rule #2 - See rule #1


Edited by luckylager
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2 hours ago, janisahockeynut said:

Hi Silky...............Not sure if you are being serious or not........


But GYMs are not essential....................exercise is................not the same..............enjoy your walk!

Na bra bench press is essential along with gains.  Got to remain stacked .

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5 minutes ago, Ghostsof1915 said:

Passed away from cancer in July. I miss her, she was brutally honest. But she was the most wonderful woman.

When they diagnosed her with lung cancer, she said to her doctor, use the treatments for a younger person who needs it. 

She didn't even use any painkillers stronger than aspirin. And kept gardening, and taking care of dogs. 

Wonderful, strong, woman. She was always in your corner. In her later years worked parking for Giants games. Always referred the Vancouver Giants as her "boys". 

Condolences Ghosts. Sounds like a great woman.

Your description reminds me of my Gran. A brutally honest stoic, yet gentle and kind.


Irish or Scotish?

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55 minutes ago, kingofsurrey said:

IF ..... you could read..... you would have read that her school district will not let her bring in a plastic barrier...

but that is a pretty big if.........  you are better at talking than  you are at listening. / reading..

Her paycheck is 1300 every  2 weeks and she has 6 years university...  She doesn't really have extra money to buy plastic barriers and her school district will not even allow her to bring it into her room.



So you do understand that a "School District" is NOT, the provincial Government.........Right! They are independent of each other at the district level and make their own decisions


Here is an explanation of Cowichan Valley's School District Scool Trustee's hand book............I am sure they are all the same 


k 1 Policy 10 POLICY MAKING Policy development is a key responsibility of the Board. Policies constitute the will of the Board in determining how the District will be operated and communicate the Board’s values, beliefs and expectations. Policies provide direction and guidelines for the action of the Board, Superintendent, staff, students, electors and other agencies. Policies also serve as sources of information and guidelines to all who may be interested in or connected with the operation of the District. Adoption of new Board policies or revision of existing policies is solely the responsibility of the Board. The Board shall be guided in its approach to policy making by ensuring adherence to the requirements necessary to provide public education and compliance with the School Act and provincial as well as federal legislation. Board policies shall provide an appropriate balance between the responsibility of the Board to develop the broad guidelines to guide the District and the opportunity for the Superintendent to exercise professional judgment in the administration of the District. The Board believes in the establishment and review of policy which reflects its values and perspectives. The Board shall adhere to the following stages in its approach to policy making: 1. Planning The Board, in cooperation with the Superintendent, shall assess the need for a policy, as a result of its own monitoring activities or on the suggestion of others, and identify the critical attributes of each policy to be developed. 2. Development The Board may develop the policy itself or delegate the responsibility for its development to the Superintendent. 3. Implementation The Board is responsible for the implementation of policies governing its own processes. The Board and Superintendent share the responsibility for implementation of policies relating to the Board-Superintendent relationship. The Superintendent is responsible for the implementation of the other policies. 4. Evaluation The Board, in cooperation with the Superintendent, shall evaluate each policy in a timely manner in order to determine if it is meeting its intended purpose.


Here is something about additional financing during the Covid Epidemic.............notice both the provincial and Federal contributions....this goes to the school Districts to administer..........




An additional $45.6 million will help schools implement new health and safety measures.

The investment includes: 

  • $23 million for more staff and staff time for cleaning schools
  • $9.2 million for hand hygiene
  • $5.1 million for cleaning supplies
  • $2.2 million for reusable face masks for students and staff
  • $3 million to support remote learning, including:
    • Technology loans
    • Software to support students with disabilities or complex needs
  • $3.1 million to independent schools

Federal funding

In addition to the Province’s $45.6-million investment to support a safe restart for B.C.’s schools, the federal government is providing up to $242.4 million in one-time funding for the 2020/21 school year. The funds will be received in two equal payments, $121.2 million in September 2020 and up to $121.2 million in January 2021.

September's payment allocation:

  • $101.1 million to school districts
  • $8.0 million to independent schools
  • $12.1 million held in reserve for COVID-19 related issues that emerge between September and December 2020

School districts and independent schools can spend the funding in the following areas, based on local needs.

Learning resources and supports

  • Implementation of online and remote learning options
  • Hiring additional teachers and staff
  • Staff training
  • On-call teacher and staff costs
  • Mental health supports for students and staff

Health and safety

  • Increasing staff and covering salary costs for additional cleaning hours needed to meet health and safety guidelines in schools
  • Improving air systems in schools, such as heating, ventilation and air conditioning 
  • Improving or installing portable air scrubbers
  • Covering increased utility costs needed to run air systems
  • Increasing hand hygiene, including additional handwashing and hand sanitizing stations, installing touchless faucets or additional supplies
  • Installing plexiglass and other barriers
  • Providing outdoor learning spaces
  • Adapting classrooms and school buses to minimize physical contact
  • Purchasing additional cleaning supplies such as sprayers or fogger machines for frequent cleaning and disinfecting of high-touch surfaces
  • Purchasing additional masks, face shields or other PPE as needed


You may have to stop listening to all the gossip.......people are not just sitting on their hands. And I can hardly believe that a plexi-glass barrier

could not be placed on her desk to give her some additional protection. If she wanted it.


I will however agree the Government could do more


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2 hours ago, Sharpshooter said:

Why would your God make such a disease to kill his children. 

Doesn’t seem like a good parent. 

I'm not going to answer to your question as it's argument theologically but not all disease came from just one source.   If you take a look at virus, any virus, it does give a benefit to humans in other way. For example, I learned something new, a virus can help plants to withstand the the drought.   So God didn't make disease to kill his children but rather help them and save their life by giving out instruction.   Virus can also destroy bacteria so humans need them from any bad bacteria as well..  Virus does have its purpose whether it's helpful or harmful toward others.   Only 1% of the virus is harmful to humans according to virologist.   You also can get illness from bad bacteria as well so like I said, it's is not one source of diseases. 


Remember, back then, we had no science on anything tiny on a microscope that is not visible to human's eyes and God knew what is out there and how to remedy them from any disease and save their population from any disease outbreak by giving them instruction that scientist would later discover thousands of years after it's written in the scripture in last 200 years.  There was mention about running water when washing clothes or bathe your body.  If they didn't mention running water, just any water that is still would still have bacteria or virus growing in the water.  The doctor used to wash their hands in a still water and many of their patients became ill after the surgery and succumbed to illness caused by bacteria on the surgeon's hand.  Best practice to wash your hands in a running water saved many lives after the method was discovered more than 100 years.


I hope that I answered your question, respectfully.

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6 hours ago, kingofsurrey said:

IF ..... you could read..... you would have read that her school district will not let her bring in a plastic barrier...

but that is a pretty big if.........  you are better at talking than  you are at listening. / reading..

I would really like to know what school district will not allow her to bring her own barrier.  That I find weird that they would not allow that. Whats their reasoning behind it, there has got to be a damn good reason why she can't get a piece of plexi made and slapped on her desk?  They don't want something screwed into desks and school property to be damaged?  

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9 hours ago, kingofsurrey said:

Dr. B cracks me up....    Virus's don't differentiate between a mall and a school.......     



Masks are not recommended for children under the age of two, but should be encouraged for children aged two to 12 in public settings. Children over 12 must wear a mask in a public indoor space, unless they are exempt.

I don't understand this "exempt" part.  Whos exempt?  How do you prove your exempt?  I know people who are fighting to not wear a mask for a 20 minute grocery shopping and are going to the store with a mask on, ripping it off as soon as they are in and telling people they have medical reasons (not true).  

I get sick of seeing "masks are full of bacteria and are killing people after wearing them".  Like comeon, if that was the case, every woodworker known to man who wears a mask to protect themselves from fine dust particles would be dead right now.  Every time I do a bunch of MDF cutting I throw on my mask and dust collection, I have been good for years and I am fine still.  



9 hours ago, kingofsurrey said:

Are women less valued as  humans / workers than men ? Is that why women as less protected.....?


Dave Harper @southgateharper
· 45m
Of course it is because teachers are 75 % women. All the trades are better protected than teachers with a @WorkSafeBC mandate backing them up. Teachers get schmarmy platitudes. twitter.com/MovingParadigm…

I really do hate this.  What does sex have to do with anything?  As of now they still feel kids are less of a risk than adults for spreading thats the difference.  I still think middle/high should have mask mandates, elementary I would like to see if they could get kids to wear them as much as possible but I would be less strict with young kids as it would be harder for them I feel but I would still like to see masks encouraged at the younger ages even if they aren't mandatory.

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8 hours ago, luckylager said:

Condolences Ghosts. Sounds like a great woman.

Your description reminds me of my Gran. A brutally honest stoic, yet gentle and kind.


Irish or Scotish?

We're Celtic mutts. A mix of Irish/Scots/English with a bit of French thrown in. Thanks Lucky. Guess, I shouldn't complain. At least she's not in pain anymore.

She lost her "husband" about 10 years ago. (In fact they just lived together they never got married. They were happy that way)

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Alberta (where I live) finally laid down the law last night. Requests and guidance have given way to mandatory and enforceable policy. No visitors to your home. Classes grade 7-12 moved online. 25% max capacity in businesses.  Masks must be worn in almost all workplaces.


...but yet, you can still go to the pubs and drink it up for the evening. Makes sense.


I've been unemployed for almost 2 years now with this crappy Alberta economy, and this is going to make finding a job even more difficult as my savings quickly dwindle.


Worst year ever.

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