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Coronavirus outbreak


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Any medical buffs here able to clarify why this virus or SARS or any other virus that is highlighted by media coverage outweighs the fact that the annual influenza infects about 1 billion (yes, billion and not million) people worldwide while killing between 290,000 and 650,000 people?  Seems to me the standard flu virus is way more deadly, yet media glances over it.

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3 hours ago, NewbieCanuckFan said:

Too soon to make jokes?  I wonder if Ozzy Osborne should donate his blood so authorities can figure out if they could make a serum of sorts ala snake venom?  He did bite the head off a bat and survived.

Mix it with Keith Richards blood.


problem solved.

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18 minutes ago, HKSR said:

Any medical buffs here able to clarify why this virus or SARS or any other virus that is highlighted by media coverage outweighs the fact that the annual influenza infects about 1 billion (yes, billion and not million) people worldwide while killing between 290,000 and 650,000 people?  Seems to me the standard flu virus is way more deadly, yet media glances over it.

Always the way it is. People die from the flu, car crashes, heart attacks etc way more than these news making events. So it goes.

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1 hour ago, HKSR said:

Any medical buffs here able to clarify why this virus or SARS or any other virus that is highlighted by media coverage outweighs the fact that the annual influenza infects about 1 billion (yes, billion and not million) people worldwide while killing between 290,000 and 650,000 people?  Seems to me the standard flu virus is way more deadly, yet media glances over it.

No medical buff here, but from what I see the regular flu has a mortality rate of about .02%. SARS was about 9%. This new virus' mortality rate is unknown but appears to be +3% at least.


With SARS you were only infectious when you were showing symptoms. I believe it's the same with garden variety influenza. With this new one you're infectious before you display any symptoms. That's the new wrinkle.


You can get a flu shot to limit your susceptibility to the flu. No coronavirus shot. Take that FWIW.




CDC Calls CoV "Serious Emerging Public Health Threat", Confirms 5th US Case

CDC is closely monitoring an outbreak of respiratory illness caused by a novel (new) coronavirus (termed "2019-nCoV") that was first detected in Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China and which continues to expand. Chinese health officials have reported more than a thousand infections with 2019-nCoV in China, including outside of Hubei Province. Infections with 2019-nCoV also are being reported in a growing number of international locations, including the United States, where 5 cases in travelers from Wuhan have been confirmed in four states (AZ, CA, IL, WA) as of January 26, 2020.


more in the link



Regarding the 5th case of an ASU student.........." They say he/she is severely ill and in isolation. They're working with the patient to identify anyone who may have been in close contact or been exposed. "


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China coronavirus death toll rises to at least 80 from 56

Sun 26 Jan 2020 23:29:45 GMT


The latest death toll

The main briefing from Beijing is coming up in 90 minutes. We'll get more details on the number of confirmed cases then.

China confirms 2744 cases of coronavirus

Mon 27 Jan 2020 00:03:29 GMT
That's 769 since yesterday
Here is the progression:
  • Jan 17: 41
  • Jan 19: 62
  • Jan 20: 201
  • Jan 21: 291
  • Jan 22: 440
  • Jan 24: 830
  • Jan 25: 1,287
  • Jan 26: 1,975
  • Jan 27: 2,744



China says 30,453 people are under medical observation and at risk of coronavirus

Today's data:


769 new confirmed cases (total 2,744)

137 severe cases

24 new deaths

461 cases of severe cases

30 provinces affected

5794 suspected cases

32,799 close contacts have been traced

583 people have been released from medical observation

30,453 people are currently receiving medical observation



In the provincial breakdown, some of the hardest hit provinces outside of Hubei were:

Henan - 128, particularly in Zhengzhou

Hunan - 26

Zhejiang - 24




Mongolia closes its border with China

Mon 27 Jan 2020 03:45:12 GMT

Mongolia is not messing around

Mongolia has closed its border crossings for auto vehicles and pedestrians and called for all public gatherings to be cancelled.
The country also announced it will close all universities and educational institutes until March 2 -- five weeks away.

Australia confirms fifth case of coronavirus. Thailand warns on tourism curbs

Mon 27 Jan 2020 04:23:18 GMT


No word yet on where it is

Separately, Thailand is probably the country to watch. It's a major destination for Wuhan travelers and it's the highest-probability case for a second outbreak. Thailand's health minister said tourism curbs may help reduce the the incidence of the virus
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2 hours ago, gurn said:

80 dead out of the 2744 confirmed cases is 1 out of  34 or 2.9%

That's only *reported*


The number could be far higher.


This virus has experts worried due to double mutation, short incubation time and willingness to attack all ages.  No extra susceptibility to only young, old or compromised.


It's infection rate seems to be growing incredibly fast.  Meaning close proximity and just breathing can transmit the virus.


Experts are genuinely worried.  Think on that

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15 hours ago, gurn said:

To me it is neither amazing or surprising.

governments that have previously driven tanks over protesters and have locked up millions of people in re-education camps, have installed a great deal of fear in their populace.

The people will obey.

Dude, you are ignorant. People are obeying because they don't want the virus themselves or affect others if they have it. The only fear the populace has right now is over the virus not the government. I can understand that you don't like the government but stop spewing your hate when more important things need to be focused on.

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BREAKING: Ontario's second coronavirus case confirmed

Ontario’s second case of Wuhan Novel Coronavirus has been confirmed in Ontario.


The province’s Chief Medical Officer of Health Dr. David Williams confirmed the case Monday morning, describing the patient as the wife of Ontario’s first victim, a man in his 50s currently recovering in Toronto’s Sunnybrook hospital.


“We are working alongside Toronto Public Health, who has been in regular contact with the individual during their self-isolation period,” Williams said.


“Given the fact that she has been in self-isolation, the risk to Ontarians remains low.”


The man’s family’s members have been in ‘self-isolation’ since he returned from the Chinese city of Wuhan last Tuesday aboard China Southern Airlines Flight number CZ311.


A press conference is scheduled for later this morning at Queen’s Park.


The highly-contagious coronavirus strain, designated as 2019-nCoV first emerged late last year in the east-central Chinese city of Wuhan.


The virus quickly spread, with the first confirmed death reported on January 9 by Chinese officials.


The reported death toll sits at 81 as of Monday morning out of 2,876 confirmed cases worldwide, Chinese officials say.


All of the deaths were contained within China.


The outbreak prompted officials to cancel Lunar New Year celebrations across China, and quarantine a number of cities within Hubei province, including Wuhan.


As of Monday morning, 41 cases have been reported in 11 countries outside of China, including eight in Thailand and five each in the United States and Australia.






Regarding this 2nd case ..............


Another alarming development in the global coronavirus outbreak has been confirmed: Public health officials in Ontario are preparing to announce that the wife of Canada's first coronavirus patient has also been stricken with the virus.


The significance of this news may be lost on some casual observers, as it was no doubt lost on the reporters from the Canadian Press News who got the scoop: But this might constitutes evidence of human-to-human transmission outside of China - a sign that the virus has reached a new stage of contagion that some epidemiologists and researchers dismissed as extremely improbable just last week.


Person to person transmission offshore. This was the catalyst the WHO needed to declare a global emergency





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7 hours ago, smokes said:

Dude, you are ignorant. People are obeying because they don't want the virus themselves or affect others if they have it. The only fear the populace has right now is over the virus not the government. I can understand that you don't like the government but stop spewing your hate when more important things need to be focused on.

Dude, I'm not the one calling people things, other than afraid.

The government over there has trained their populace to obey, eos.

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8 hours ago, Warhippy said:

That's only *reported*


The number could be far higher.


This virus has experts worried due to double mutation, short incubation time and willingness to attack all ages.  No extra susceptibility to only young, old or compromised.


It's infection rate seems to be growing incredibly fast.  Meaning close proximity and just breathing can transmit the virus.


Experts are genuinely worried.  Think on that

&^@# sakes...


41 on jan 17

2744 on jan 27....


so far it grows by times 66.9 per 10 days....

2744 jan 27 + 10 days 183573 cases.... +10 days 12 million...+10 days 821 million....


anyways we need to seal off our borders from and deny entry to anyone coming from asia.  

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3 minutes ago, MoneypuckOverlord said:

This is already posted, sorry for saying this again...


The virus might not evolve for like 2 weeks. so the person might have it and not even know it. 

And thats why the government needs to contact anyone whos been in contact with any of those planes, etc. and have them all tested and see if they can catch it early before the effects start showing and possibly spread the virus themselves.

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40 minutes ago, MoneypuckOverlord said:

This is already posted, sorry for saying this again...


The virus might not evolve for like 2 weeks. so the person might have it and not even know it. 

That's the scary thing. There could be hundreds (even thousands) of people in cities all over the globe that already have it, and won't know for multiple days. Meanwhile they're going about their business, shaking hands, kissing their kids, etc.


Mongolia ain't messing around. Shutting down the border, and all schools? That's the response from a Nation neighbouring ground zero, who is not as worried about public perceptions and market responses...gives you an idea of how bad it might get.


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Just now, D-Money said:

That's the scary thing. There could be hundreds (even thousands) of people in cities all over the globe that already have it, and won't know for multiple days. Meanwhile they're going about their business, shaking hands, kissing their kids, etc.


Mongolia ain't messing around. Shutting down the border, and all schools? That's the response from a Nation neighbouring ground zero, who is not as worried about public perceptions and market responses...gives you an idea of how bad it might get.


They did that when sars hit as well. I was going there and was denied entry. So... 

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11 minutes ago, inane said:

They did that when sars hit as well. I was going there and was denied entry. So... 

Yeah, but the difference with SARS though is that the symptoms were far more obvious by the time you were contagious. It is far easier to contain, even just with educating the public so they can self-isolate. It's hard to tell people (at least at this stage) they need to isolate themselves because they were on a flight a week ago, even though they feel perfectly fine still.


A guy at work said he saw people on the C-Train here in Calgary wearing masks. I'm not getting too worried yet...but I was just looking at face masks on Amazon...:lol:

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18 minutes ago, PhillipBlunt said:

Every country should follow Mongolia's lead and disallow and flights from China for the foreseeable future.  

If a Canadian citizen was in China, and now wants to come home, can we deny them that right?  

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