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Edler To Have Hearing Today [Update: Suspended 2 games]

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8 minutes ago, Zhukini said:

It would be a joke if he wasn't suspended. Anyone does that to Petey his first game back and we'd be screaming for blood. 

Petey would’ve reverse hit Eddie on to his rear, too smart to do what Hyman tried to do

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18 minutes ago, DarkIndianRises said:

I think Edler will receive the same treatment that other players (non superstars) would receive on other teams.  

Unfortunately, there is a double standard that exists for superstars (I.e. McDavid elbow).


Having said that, I am thankful that Edler is having a hearing today as opposed to 2009-2013 when the NHL’s treatment towards the Canucks was akin to America’s treatment towards many African Americans.   Don’t believe me?  Watch the Canucks’ playoff series when they played Chicago in 2009, 2010, and 2011, the games against Boston in Games, 3,4,5, and 6, and then our playoff series’ against Los Angeles and San Jose in 2012 and 2013.


Even in 2015 when we played the Flames, a lot of what Ferland was doing should have been called as charging or roughing penalties (as would have been called in the regular season).   You look at many of those hits that Ferland was making and he was taking 2 or 3 extra strides.


Anyways - Edler probably will get suspended but the penalty would have been far worse had this been 2009-2013.....and particularly in the playoffs.

Get what you are trying to say but your sentiment is orders of magnitude off, you may want to consider editing that

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2 hours ago, AriGold said:

I disagree with that part, he's a notoriously dirty player it's just not actively talked about or goes unnoticed.


Some examples below..







So, in 15 years of being a physical large defenceman in the NHL, you found only these 5 situations and you call him "dirty"? Looking at the first 2 clips - do you know what they remind me of? Moore hit on Naslund. Remember how many specialists were screaming at that time that Naslund put himself in vulnerable position by reaching out and had his head low? Well, that's the same for Hertl and Clifford. So, you haven't really proven that Edler is "dirty", you are just a typical "throw $&!# to the wall and see what sticks" type of a person.

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30 minutes ago, Oregon.Duck said:

I think this will be 3-5 games. Unfortunately he's a repeat offender, I recall him being suspended in the past for a nearly identical play (although I think it was for team Sweden).


Edler's gotta stop with the sticking the leg out thing, you can't do that my dude.


Edit: Not a "repeat offender" by definition, thanks @Warhippy. But still has done it in the past :/


8 years ago!!!

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2 hours ago, debluvscanucks said:

Damn right I am.  Even though I know this is tongue in cheek, I saw your "he has a history of this" and that just isn't true.  But I can't defend that this isn't the right course of action here because it is.

Anyone have a replay from last night?

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29 minutes ago, Oregon.Duck said:

You're right. In the sense of the English words "repeat offender" he's offended again. Based on the definition of the NHL though, I was unaware that its only 18 months.

Post 2010/2011 after the ridiculous bias shown to members of the Hawks, Pens, Bruins and even the rising LA Kings/Sharks vs what we saw to teams in Canada and yes, even the Canucks we knew and know there's ZERO consistency


The 2013 suspension of edler was on the backs of literally 5-7 other egregious offences by players with far greater histories that got lesser punishments.


There was a running gag here about how any time a player int he league did something bad it would be 1 game for you, 2 for Edler for being a canuck

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7 minutes ago, -Vintage Canuck- said:

Just to clarify, a “Repeat offender” status only applies to the way fines and salary forfeiture is calculated. All disciplinary history is still considered when determining a player's suspension.

Since there seems to be some uncertainty here is the definition, from the DoPS site on nhl.com:


What is a "Repeat Offender"?

A Player is considered a repeat offender for 18 months following his most recent incident that resulted in a suspension. His status as a repeat offender in this category is used to determine the amount of salary forfeited should he receive another suspension.

It is important to note that even if a Player is not defined as a repeat offender, his past history may come into consideration when determining future Supplemental Discipline.

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Too bad this crew wasn’t reffing the game:



Imagine Leafs fan hysteria if Edler had only gotten two minutes for tripping and Hyman got an unsportsmanlike for “diving.” ;) 


In all seriousness, though, Edler probably deserves a game or two suspension. He wasn’t trying for knee on knee. He was trying for shoulder to shoulder, but ended up catching air as Hyman moved to avoid the hit.


You have to really slow down the play to attempt to show any malicious intent by Edler. And Eddie’s brain and body just don’t work that fast (especially last night). It’s certainly nothing like what Dillon did in the above vid, where you can see him hook the leg in real time, and don’t need to go frame by frame to make the case.


But players need to be responsible for their bodies whenever they are on the ice, and knee on knee hits are something that needs to be eliminated, wherever possible, or penalized harshly, when they do happen.


So give Eagle a few days rest, and play one of the kids. 

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2 hours ago, AriGold said:

I disagree with that part, he's a notoriously dirty player it's just not actively talked about or goes unnoticed.


Some examples below..







Have you checked the dates? Notorious dirty player? When was the last time, he got a suspension... on top of that some of the suspensions he got were nonsense... suspensions for intend...  Notorious dirty player? Never.....

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52 minutes ago, Oregon.Duck said:

I think this will be 3-5 games. Unfortunately he's a repeat offender, I recall him being suspended in the past for a nearly identical play (although I think it was for team Sweden).


Edler's gotta stop with the sticking the leg out thing, you can't do that my dude.


Edit: Not a "repeat offender" by definition, thanks @Warhippy. But still has done it in the past :/


3-5 games would be ridiculous for that play. He didn’t go out of his way to knee him, his legs never moved. Unfortunate result that would have been avoided if Hyman took the hit. I can see 1-2, but 3-5 would be bogus. 

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1 hour ago, Dekey Pete said:

Edler just looks like he's bracing himself to throw a big hit.  Watch the replay from 28 seconds, it's Hyman that tries a move to deke around Edler at the last second, Edler just continues on his same course.  It's not like he stuck his knee out further at the last second, it's just unfortunate.  Hyman should have just taken the hit instead of trying to dance around a viking.

You can see him change the angle of his skate to interfere with Hyman's attempt to go around him at :19 on the video you've posted.... you can't do that. 

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Intention doesn't matter. At the end of the day he hung a skate and went knee to knee. I'm guessing 2 to 3 games,


Edler clearly commits to the hit and Hyman comes inside. Edler shifts. Not saying he may have wanted to shift his entire body and still make the hit but he hung the leg.


Gives us sometime to see some of the younger guys. (Silver lining)

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