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Benning on donnie and dhali

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3 minutes ago, wallstreetamigo said:

I said "you all" wasnt directed at you specifically. 

Oh, I just wondered because I do agree with that thought. Also with this last part from your response to @Devron44

Personally I don’t put any posters on ignore but I do ignore some posters, specifically extremists on either side of the argument.

Most of us do not think Benning is perfect, many of us would be accepting of whichever way FA went on this. Just because we disagree with specific criticism doesn’t mean we are blind supporters.


“ People can be Benning supporters or detractors and still be objective and realistic about common sense things. There are a lot of them on here actually. The equally annoying extremes of fanboys and haters overshadows them as they are both the loudest and most annoying elements on cdc.”



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6 hours ago, Hairy Kneel said:

Yes. Like if can get a dman better than Schmidt at a reasonable price.

Hmmm Schmidt was a cap casualty.  Okay here we go Hairy Kneel, I'm about to analyze every trade that happened around the Vegas expansion draft that didn't include Vegas....  




There's just NOTHING there.  Mirco Mueller?  


Like I get it that there's this hypothetical perfect move where you get compensated well for a piece that you're losing, but it just doesn't happen in reality.  That's all i'm saying.  

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4 hours ago, appleboy said:

After listening to this interview a will bet you that the Canucks do very little in this off season. 

The playoff talk is for season ticket drives. They will have minimal cap space even with some buyouts 

Jim says they will look at everything.  Yet he says that they will not be high end players.

Today he said that many of the holes that need to be filled could be done internally. LOL

I think management realizes their screw ups and they know that fans will have no tolerance for more of the same.

This may be a very cautious aggressive off season.

That's the whole point of the rebuild appleboy.  To fill holes internally.  


You can believe that they can't do it, but the proof is in the pudding.  Hoglander, Rathbone, Juolevi and soon to be one of Lockwood/Lind/Gadjovich are new editions to our lineup and will be regulars next season.  So it's not really an LOL matter, now is it?  

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6 minutes ago, Devron44 said:

I get the whole everyone is entitled to their own opinions thing.


I guess I don’t understand a couple things. 

Who are the Benning fanboys? Are they the ones that insult people as you say because other posters continue to try and push hard that Benning is the wrong guy? And why is it that that is what some posters always talk about or poke fun at? Personally I would like to see people succeed. If Bennings our guy then I’m supporting him. He’s the guy that puts the product on the ice that we cheer for. 
If Benning was fired I’d probably be supporting the new guy. We don’t get to make those decisions. Pretty obvious isn’t it. There was a mass amount of people that wanted Benning fired. We are lucky on CDC, there are some very reasonable people here to talk hockey with. 

What’s with the connection of Benning supporters are the same people that were saying bad things about so and sos life/family. I don’t see that. Some people post crap just to stir the pot. Can be either. Seems to be your grouping people together and calling it hypocrisy. We all have different opinions, some more are on the same page then others. 

You say it doesn’t matter and it’s just a forum but I get the sense your generally offended a lot of the times. Like can’t be too positive around here. Always gotta find something to find faults in. 


Today’s interview was very positive and provided some clarity on things but somehow let’s find some dirt to dig up and if someone says something non Benning related like someone’s wife they are Benning supporting hypocrites? I don’t know, like I said I don’t get what the message is here. Pretty hard when you’re labelling a lot of people as the same.


There’s only a few posters on here that really cause a ruckus with the negativity and frankly I don’t see anything else in what they post so if people call them out on it doesn’t bother me a bit. Like are you trying to change things? Weed out the name callers? 

I love this forum. I see eye to eye with quite a few and some not as much but I respect their opinions cause they don’t come on here and feed us lies and bs to push a their narrative on the GM on us like a few do. Honestly it’s a very small minority. Are you trying to save them for the other posters? I don’t know.


Doesn’t seem like we can get through a single thread her on Canucks Talk without the same stuff popping up even after we have fresh off-season, draft etc. coming up.


Benning fanboys to me are no different than Benning haters. One supports almost everything Benning does and has trouble seeing his mistakes and the other criticizes almost everything he does and has trouble seeing his positives.


I dont think I qualify as either. I give him credit when i think he deserves it and criticize him when i think he deserves it. Some think I am a Benning hater. So be it.


I have said clearly many times that Benning still being here means I am rooting for him to prove me wrong. I am not rooting for him to fail, I simply worry about the possibility he repeats past mistakes. You can support the team or gm or coach and still criticize them. It doesnt have to be one or the other.


The comments about Tryamkin and Gaudette and their wives generally had one thing in common. It was used to justify Benning made the right call to get two cancerous players with cancerous wives away from our "winning culture".


I can assure you, the only thing that offends me on cdc is the hypocrisy and the inability of many to disagree without personal attacks. But those are in general not specific to me. I really dont care about how people act toward me. Too many other things in life to care about and worry about.


Oh, and I call out the hypocrisy and personal attacks with zero regard for which side of the aisle its coming from.


I am an analytical person and I enjoy fixing problems. So what you see as looking for only faults I see as me talking about aspects of the team that I am interested in and that I like to give opinions on fixing. If all we could talk about is how perfect everything is I would be bored in a matter of days. 


Benning essentially gets a clean slate from me in terms of moves he makes this offseason now that he is staying. But if he keeps making mistakes like previously I will certainly criticize him. I dont think its ever realistic to completely absolve any GM of past mistakes that are still haunting the team though. Accountability does matter.

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12 minutes ago, VancouverHabitant said:

Hmmm Schmidt was a cap casualty.  Okay here we go Hairy Kneel, I'm about to analyze every trade that happened around the Vegas expansion draft that didn't include Vegas....  




There's just NOTHING there.  Mirco Mueller?  


Like I get it that there's this hypothetical perfect move where you get compensated well for a piece that you're losing, but it just doesn't happen in reality.  That's all i'm saying.  

Are you saying that there is zero possibility that some team will not trade an asset due to protection problems? 

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5 hours ago, wallstreetamigo said:

Why are people so butthurt about a banner being flown? I just dont understand why it bothers you guys so much. Its free speech. Would I do it? No. But I dont see it as a huge deal at all.

Let's say that your name is Dean Lombardi.  You have a family with kids.  When you see someone in the tight knit group of execs whose family is being hurt and harassed in a city, what in the freaking world makes you think that you'd want to drop what you got going on and sign up to work there?  


There's zero f'n incentive to come to work in Vancouver.  


- You'll pay more tax then in the States. 

- Your family will have no privacy 

- Your family will be dealing with mental stress and abuse 

- You will have to be an imbecile to actually come work in Vancouver, why the F would you want to do that?  Seriously, what's the attraction?  


People are butthurt that our city is in the upper echelon when it comes to outside influences being a negative impact on our on-ice performance due to idiots in the media mostly.  That's all. 

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5 minutes ago, Hairy Kneel said:

Are you saying that there is zero possibility that some team will not trade an asset due to protection problems? 

Well the history doesn't suggest it, but there is a history of teams trading away assets for the team (Vegas) NOT to take their d-man or whoever they want to keep.  


It might be different this time around though. 

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Just now, VancouverHabitant said:

Let's say that your name is Dean Lombardi.  You have a family with kids.  When you see someone in the tight knit group of execs whose family is being hurt and harassed in a city, what in the freaking world makes you think that you'd want to drop what you got going on and sign up to work there?  


There's zero f'n incentive to come to work in Vancouver.  


- You'll pay more tax then in the States. 

- Your family will have no privacy 

- Your family will be dealing with mental stress and abuse 

- You will have to be an imbecile to actually come work in Vancouver, why the F would you want to do that?  Seriously, what's the attraction?  


People are butthurt that our city is in the upper echelon when it comes to outside influences being a negative impact on our on-ice performance due to idiots in the media mostly.  That's all. 

How exactly was Benning's family being harassed?


Families of public figures understand criticism of varying degrees is part of the job. They know they will hear things they wont like.


Its not a problem unique to Benning.


And Dean Lombardi would take the job if he wanted it. Worrying about fans criticizing him and hurting his family's feelings would not likely register with him or factor in. Just like Benning said it doesnt with him.


All fanbases that actually care about their team are similar. Some excessively praise, some excessively criticize. Some chant fire X. Some wear bags on their heads at games. Etc.


Its really not a Vancouver phenomenon.





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14 minutes ago, wallstreetamigo said:

Benning fanboys to me are no different than Benning haters. One supports almost everything Benning does and has trouble seeing his mistakes and the other criticizes almost everything he does and has trouble seeing his positives.

I only know one true Benning fan boy on this board and I get a kick out of his posts actually. They are funny as hell and I see no reason to shame the guy. Back to my question who are the fan boys? I think a lot of us try to see things from the perspective of what the GM has has to work with and what he has done well. Personally I’d rather talk about that. Cause all it takes is for someone to read the comments on a IG page or something and you get to see all the stupid contracts and trades he’s done. It’s a lot easier to point out faults then the good stuff. To a certain degree it’s human nature.


19 minutes ago, wallstreetamigo said:

The comments about Tryamkin and Gaudette and their wives generally had one thing in common. It was used to justify Benning made the right call to get two cancerous players with cancerous wives away from our "winning culture"

I don’t know who these people are but I’m sure there’s lots of them and maybe I haven’t paid enough attention. Tryamkin never wanted to be here. He’s been gone for how long? Honestly who cares. If people think he was some of cancer then maybe they are the problem. Why sign a guy that doesn’t want to be here. Family is always first, he can stay in Russia. Gaudette wish him luck but let’s not get wrapped up in this. Pretty much every speculation from the media was lie this year. The people pushing that stuff on them are jokers.


25 minutes ago, wallstreetamigo said:

I can assure you, the only thing that offends me on cdc is the hypocrisy and the inability of many to disagree without personal attacks. But those are in general not specific to me. I really dont care about how people act toward me. Too many other things in life to care about and worry about.

You’ve made your point on this one countless times but I don’t see the hypocrisy in it’s entirety you’re talking about. Sure I can see a little bit, we all are from time to time. I’m sure if you look back at some of your posts you’ll find somewhere that you’ve been hypocritical of yourself. Frankly people are just sick of everything that piled up this year. The lies from the media and some of these fans riding that train. The banner was a joke and an embarrassing moment. Other team fans probably think “classic Vancouver” Time to drop it and focus and talk about the work coming up this off-season. What are our options, what do we think will happen etc. All of these threads just end up being a pile of rubbish time to move forward again like you’ve mentioned in your closing statements.


30 minutes ago, wallstreetamigo said:

Benning essentially gets a clean slate from me in terms of moves he makes this offseason now that he is staying. But if he keeps making mistakes like previously I will certainly criticize him. I dont think its ever realistic to completely absolve any GM of past mistakes that are still haunting the team though. Accountability does matter.




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39 minutes ago, VancouverHabitant said:

That's the whole point of the rebuild appleboy.  To fill holes internally.  


You can believe that they can't do it, but the proof is in the pudding.  Hoglander, Rathbone, Juolevi and soon to be one of Lockwood/Lind/Gadjovich are new editions to our lineup and will be regulars next season.  So it's not really an LOL matter, now is it?  

I'd like to share your enthusiasm, but they are all unproven regular players at the NHL level - except Hogs (he's gonna be good).  But fingers crossed...... 

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Uncle Jim said absolutely nothing new and of any value in that Interview.   About the only thing that's apparent (that many of you stated) is that after he signs our two wonder boys he'll have little money left over to do much of anything and will be forced to plug the holes with more internal/cheap/rookie plugs because he boxed himself in with all his bad contracts he doled out blindly over the years.  Get ready for the possibility of an eighth year of failure under JB.   


The only thing that is a certainty about next year is that there will be no late season Banners flying high above us because the fans will be chanting FIRE BENNING - FIRE GREEN in person - if we have an encore of this year,


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Edited by RU SERIOUS
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7 hours ago, gurn said:

Might be what Loui actually got paid that year. Cap hit is averaged out, after all.

Correct. Loui was paid $8m ($7m signing bonus + $1m salary) in each of his first 2 years of the contract with VAN, so this places the timeline for the article somewhere in the 2016-2018 seasons.

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5 hours ago, Devron44 said:

Guaranteed Bennings girl has been picked on. I don’t care what the circumstances are of having a high profile job or whatever. Wrong is wrong no matter how many directions you spin it.


Benning never brought it up. He was asked the question and he answered it honestly. No one should be questioned for showing sympathy in the matter.

I say Loui and Dahlen then... Why didn't Benning understand that he caused them and their families to be picked on? 

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6 hours ago, Devron44 said:

I only know one true Benning fan boy on this board and I get a kick out of his posts actually. They are funny as hell and I see no reason to shame the guy. Back to my question who are the fan boys? I think a lot of us try to see things from the perspective of what the GM has has to work with and what he has done well. Personally I’d rather talk about that. Cause all it takes is for someone to read the comments on a IG page or something and you get to see all the stupid contracts and trades he’s done. It’s a lot easier to point out faults then the good stuff. To a certain degree it’s human nature.


I don’t know who these people are but I’m sure there’s lots of them and maybe I haven’t paid enough attention. Tryamkin never wanted to be here. He’s been gone for how long? Honestly who cares. If people think he was some of cancer then maybe they are the problem. Why sign a guy that doesn’t want to be here. Family is always first, he can stay in Russia. Gaudette wish him luck but let’s not get wrapped up in this. Pretty much every speculation from the media was lie this year. The people pushing that stuff on them are jokers.


You’ve made your point on this one countless times but I don’t see the hypocrisy in it’s entirety you’re talking about. Sure I can see a little bit, we all are from time to time. I’m sure if you look back at some of your posts you’ll find somewhere that you’ve been hypocritical of yourself. Frankly people are just sick of everything that piled up this year. The lies from the media and some of these fans riding that train. The banner was a joke and an embarrassing moment. Other team fans probably think “classic Vancouver” Time to drop it and focus and talk about the work coming up this off-season. What are our options, what do we think will happen etc. All of these threads just end up being a pile of rubbish time to move forward again like you’ve mentioned in your closing statements.





That guy is a severe troll. Like you said there is one Benning Lover and his posts are satirical and obvious. Then you have all the Benning haters like him that turn every single topic into a list of Benning mistakes. Like really WSA, can we talk about Ericksson, rebuild plans, Toffoli, and cap space again? It's so new and interesting. That's where the fight begins, level headed people (like myself) aren't even supporting Benning as much as they are supporting, can you not be a douchebag and drag this into a flame Benning thread when you're a goof that can't see in front of his nose let alone run an NHL team like they think is so easy.


Absolute tools in my book. Like could you imagine how annoying this guy is in real life?

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