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[Trade] nashville/kings arvidsson To LA: Arvidsson To NAS: 2021 2nd RD, 2022 3rd RD

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First thought is great job by Poile getting full value in return, given Arvidsson's coming off a few sub-par years & the ED being around the corner.


We'll see if LA's bet on him returning to offensive form works out, he's definitely a good 2-way player. Should be a good support piece for their young centers. 


That said, I'm glad we didn't pay that price for him. 


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15 minutes ago, DeNiro said:

They’re not finishing higher than Vegas, Edmonton, or Calgary.


So they would have to be better than Vancouver, Seattle, and San Jose for the wild card.


Possible but very unlikely.

Vegas and Edmonton no, but they could finish ahead of Calgary.


Kings adding Arvidsson and possibly more, plus steps forward from their young players. Calgary hasn't done anything to improve.


Like I said, people are sleeping on the Kings. They'll be good quicker than many expect.

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7 minutes ago, Master Mind said:

Vegas and Edmonton no, but they could finish ahead of Calgary.


Kings adding Arvidsson and possibly more, plus steps forward from their young players. Calgary hasn't done anything to improve.


Like I said, people are sleeping on the Kings. They'll be good quicker than many expect.

Kings were in the weakest division this year.  Other then getting trounced by Vegas and Colorado, they got to play a lot of weak teams and look mediocre.  

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1 minute ago, VancouverHabitant said:

Kings were in the weakest division this year.  Other then getting trounced by Vegas and Colorado, they got to play a lot of weak teams and look mediocre.  

Minnesota too, and St Louis is no slouch, but yes the rest were weak.


LA won't have the same roster next season, and their young players will only get better.


After Vegas and Edmonton, the Pacific is wide open.

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3 minutes ago, -AJ- said:

In the pathetic Pacific division, there's probably a chance. Not much competition here.

They would have to improve their roster significantly.


Even then their core is just too far pst their prime.

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How did Byfield qualify to play in the AHL as an 18 year old? Covid related?


Byfield is 18 years old and has spent the last two seasons playing in the Ontario Hockey League for the Sudbury Wolves. The NHL has an agreement with the Canadian Hockey League (CHL), which is comprised of the Western Hockey League, the Quebec Major Junior Hockey League, and the Ontario Hockey League, that states CHL players under the age of 20 must play in the NHL or the CHL – they cannot play in the AHL.

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6 minutes ago, Rick Blight said:

How did Byfield qualify to play in the AHL as an 18 year old? Covid related?


Byfield is 18 years old and has spent the last two seasons playing in the Ontario Hockey League for the Sudbury Wolves. The NHL has an agreement with the Canadian Hockey League (CHL), which is comprised of the Western Hockey League, the Quebec Major Junior Hockey League, and the Ontario Hockey League, that states CHL players under the age of 20 must play in the NHL or the CHL – they cannot play in the AHL.

Yes. Same with Perfetti.

Edited by Rush17
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12 minutes ago, Rick Blight said:

How did Byfield qualify to play in the AHL as an 18 year old? Covid related?


Byfield is 18 years old and has spent the last two seasons playing in the Ontario Hockey League for the Sudbury Wolves. The NHL has an agreement with the Canadian Hockey League (CHL), which is comprised of the Western Hockey League, the Quebec Major Junior Hockey League, and the Ontario Hockey League, that states CHL players under the age of 20 must play in the NHL or the CHL – they cannot play in the AHL.


Exception for this season as long as the CHL did not resume they were allowed to play in the AHL.  There was no OHL so players could stay in the AHL all season.  The WHL resumed so players who started in the AHL had to return to the WHL.  

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5 hours ago, aGENT said:

I loved when LA did a #proper rebuild by selling all their vets like Kopitar, Brown, Doughty and Quick!


I agree, to a point, with this sentiment.


But Doughty has an NMC.  Kopitar a 7 team his option NTC.  Brown reasonably open, with an option to select 7 teams he does not want to go to.


Then there is living in LA? And that they already have their championship legacy.  Why leave?



Add to it the contracts effectively have 9 cat lives of NMC status all to their own...


5 hours ago, VancouverHabitant said:

Hahaha come on 


Who’s going to take on 6 more years at 11 mil/year for Doughty? 

Kopitar at 10 mil/year?  

Dustin Brown at 6 mil/year?  

That’s why those players are still with them. 


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4 hours ago, 5nothincanucksohno said:

It is not an exception to a rule in my view, the mechanics of tanking are given way too much weight by many in terms of that being the key to success (i.e. a SC win). Yes, a team needs to draft a few core pieces in the first round but late round drafting, UFA signings, trades, and cap management all play just as key a role in actually winning a SC. For every team that tanks and wins, there are more that tank and fail.


If teams can draft 2 core forwards, 1 core goalie, and 1 core d-man (d-man usually in the 2nd or 3rd round), they are in good shape (picking number 1 helps but I don't view it as a determining factor). 


Pit (Crosby and Letang in 2005, Malkin in 2004, Fleury 2003) - Cup wins in 2009, 2016, 2017.

Chigago (Toews 2006, Kane 2007, Crawford 2003, Keith 2002) - Cup wins 2010, 2013, 2015

LA (Brown 2003, Kopitar 2005, Quick 2005, Doughty 2008) - Cup wins 2012, 2014

Washington, St Louis, & Tampa were slow builds




Demko 2014, Boeser 2015, EP 2017, Hughes 2018 - Cup window (typically four to 8 years after last piece drafted) 2022 - 2028


1) Drafting Core - Grade A - they have done well in drafting EP, Boeser, Hughes, and Demko. They likley still need to hit big on one more forward (ideally a centre) - hopefully they can find at #9 this year or trade back to acquire multiple picks (if a center and d-man are there). Prefer they stick with #9 and draft BPA (ideally it is a center).


2) Later round drafting - Grade B - they have done well at forward and goalie (Demko) but failed in terms of d-men. They need two of their existing or future draft picks to pan out in a big way (Rathbone, Woo,  2021 picks, etc.).


3) UFA signings - Grade D - obviously this has been a huge weak point - their NHL level scouting appears to be very weak. I understand that the team wanted mentors (which I agree with) but they signed way too many vets. Now that the core players are beginning to take a bigger role, I expect the team will avoid older UFAs (hopefully). Happy with one year deals but no more multiple year contracts. Team needs to improve significantly in this area - focus on quality and value rather than quantity.


4) Trades - Grade B minus - I don't think their trade history has been all that bad. It has been average with a couple big wins in Miller and Pearson. Regardless, they will likely need two more great trades (not necessarily wins vs. the other team but in terms of acquiring the right players for this team e.g. big steady d-man, a top six winger, etc.).


5) Cap Managent - Grade D - the last few years have been poor but the cap will open up next year and the team needs to use it wisely so that they can achieve their goal - SC win.


Their biggest summer is 2022 but what they do this summer will be key to setting up a successful 2022 summer. The exectutive team has been too rigid in terms of their UFA signings and cap management - there is no doubt they need to be more creative when it comes to acquiring players.


I think their only goal should be to acquire a top six forward and a d-man this summer from teams worried about the expansion draft. All UFA signing should be one year deals. If they do that, they should have a solid year and be well prepared for the summer of 2022 - without having to tank.



Good takes; and I agree that this is not the offseason to go all in; and I would add, that the shakeup off the ice (Shaw and Sedins) should be given some time to takehold before any major roster tweaking.

In general, the cheapest way for a team to acquire key pieces is through the draft; and once acquired, the team still needs to develope the player. Ofcourse, there is no guarantees the drafted player will not flop cause he might not click with the staff and/or teamates but good chance, a top 3 player will play in the NHL and perform (probably until he signs his last big contract or his only big contract)

Imo, when discussing the importance of tanking (in a losing season)  and the draft or a rebuild - a few things will have to be considered: the leadership team implementing the strategy
& choosing the picks; and secondly, the overall talent available in the draft cause some drafts are top heavy with no depth, some have more depth and so on.

Imo, only Buffalo, Deadmonton, Ottawa & NJ (changed GM last year) are current teams that I would consider to be a part of the perenial losers club - teams that seems to be stuck in mediocrity with some sprinkled in success (sounds familiar). As a counter, I am presenting: Yzerman, Blake and Murray (Anaheim) as counter examples to compare against those clubs as they go through there own rebuilds cause at this point these teams seems to be (mostly) following the slow rebuild plans of the teams you've mentioned. Also I agree, that tanking to draft higher is just one part of the equation - this is why I have always stated, that when looking at the perenial losers vs the (eventual) cup winners, the leadership team will have to considered as important context cause it is the gradual yearly improvements of the team that will buy them the time from an impatient owner and fanbase.

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9 minutes ago, Canuck Surfer said:

I agree, to a point, with this sentiment.


But Doughty has an NMC.  Kopitar a 7 team his option NTC.  Brown reasonably open, with an option to select 7 teams he does not want to go to.


Then there is living in LA? And that they already have their championship legacy.  Why leave?



Add to it the contracts effectively have 9 cat lives of NMC status all to their own...



I read this and look at your avatar and the following song comes to mind lol:



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I agree with @Master Mind  > Dont sleep on LA.


C ice depth; Kopitar, Vilardi / Turcotte, Byfield / Andersson-Dolan still have Tyler Madden & Kempe has been a C. That has potential to be the best in the NHL.


Doughty, a d!ckhead, is also a great D. Mikey Anderson is a legit young D, Maata serviceable vet for a top 4, Matt Roy a good one.  Have Clague & Bjornfot to inject this year. H-Grans next PMD, Jordan Spence...


Wicked young wing prospect depth; Fagemo, Anderson Dolan, Kupari, Akil Thomas, Arthur Kaliev, cough Lias Andersson.  



A lotto pick this year, STILL a full compliment of picks even having traded for Arvidsson.


They could easily trade for an impact D, find some extra help at goalie to be a very dangerous team. As early as this year!  My actual projection?  I see them as NYR this and last season.  Ready to launch?

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1 hour ago, DeNiro said:

They would have to improve their roster significantly.


Even then their core is just too far pst their prime.

I wouldn't bet on them making the playoffs, but I don't think it's impossible. Here's the Pacific Division teams in 2020-21:


2020-21 Pacific Div.png


Just swap out Arizona for Seattle next year. 


6 of the 8 teams had a below .500 record, which is insanely bad, especially in our current era where .500 isn't even very good anymore. I would bet on both Calgary and Vancouver improving, as well as Seattle being in playoff contention, so I'd probably slot them in 6th for next year, but it's not out of the realm of possibility for Calgary or Vancouver to continue to struggle, or Seattle not to be as good as some expect. I also think LA, while they have some old pieces, also have some strong young pieces in the likes of Vilardi, Kempe, and Petersen. Let's not forget that Doughty still isn't that old at just 31 years old (32 by next season).


So, in short, I wouldn't expect LA to be a playoff contender, but I also don't think it's wildly unlikely.

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30 minutes ago, -AJ- said:

I wouldn't bet on them making the playoffs, but I don't think it's impossible. Here's the Pacific Division teams in 2020-21:


2020-21 Pacific Div.png


Just swap out Arizona for Seattle next year. 


6 of the 8 teams had a below .500 record, which is insanely bad, especially in our current era where .500 isn't even very good anymore. I would bet on both Calgary and Vancouver improving, as well as Seattle being in playoff contention, so I'd probably slot them in 6th for next year, but it's not out of the realm of possibility for Calgary or Vancouver to continue to struggle, or Seattle not to be as good as some expect. I also think LA, while they have some old pieces, also have some strong young pieces in the likes of Vilardi, Kempe, and Petersen. Let's not forget that Doughty still isn't that old at just 31 years old (32 by next season).


So, in short, I wouldn't expect LA to be a playoff contender, but I also don't think it's wildly unlikely.

Throw out this seasons points percentages.


Realignment likely caused them to be much lower than if they were in the pacific.


Van, Arizona, and Calgary playing Anaheim, LA, and San Jose will boost those winning percentages up. 

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23 minutes ago, DeNiro said:

Throw out this seasons points percentages.


Realignment likely caused them to be much lower than if they were in the pacific.


Van, Arizona, and Calgary playing Anaheim, LA, and San Jose will boost those winning percentages up. 

Could you not also say the same of LA, which fill be facing easier competition now? Shouldn't their percentages also boost up? I think it could go both ways.

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