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[GDT/PGT] Preseason Oilers @ Canucks / Oct. 9 / 6:00 PM Rogers Arena

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1 minute ago, DefCon1 said:

Now they are playing podz with petersson?? Man they still dont have set lines. Am not sure we will have a good start to this regular season.

We will have a bad start.  6 road games.  No continuity. Blah.


This is going to be hugely dissapointing.  Green has not put together a cohesive group at all.


Didnt he think a priority was to get the 6 new guys to learn to play together? Obviously not as he focused on a scramble drill with having multiple fringe guys getting long looks and never focusing on when the actual roster would play together.





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2 minutes ago, Coconuts said:

You know, it's a shame the coaching staff decided not to give the team more than a single game as a unit to start gelling 


It's almost as if we could have spent more games doing something other than sifting through plugs 


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3 minutes ago, Canuckfanforlife82 said:

It should bother people we ice our best lines and they ice half their team and we look like crap. This game should be about setting the tone for the season for good habits. So for those saying it doesn’t matter, it does becuase they are beating us without their top players and the next game they will have all their players back. That is a scary thought. 

Yes. Why is ok for us to lose when we ice a minor league and an NHL lineup. Complete BS. Guys like Bo and JT will want out sooner rather than later if no one gives a flying f*ck 

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In the third period,





or some mix of the 6 of the best forwards spread over the top 2 lines should be tried. 


No real useful experiments were made in this preseason.


All Green experimented are Miller on C, Petan on Miller's wing, and sending Rathbone out when his strengths as well as weaknesses are already glaringly obvious. It's been 7 games and he's still running the same experiments over and over and over.


Maybe he plans to run the same experiments for the 82 games in the regular season?


Fire the f*cking clown already. Missing the playoffs is inevitable with him at the helm.

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