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[Report] Canucks fire Jim Benning, name Stan Smyl as interim GM

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1 minute ago, Beary Sweet said:

The question is now what is the direction of the team now going forward? We hired Boudreau which means we’re still gunning for playoffs this year. New management though will have their work cut out for them. Will they retool the squad during this year and go for the playoffs or will they commit to another rebuild which we’ve been through for the last decade since our 2011 Cup run.... lots of things for the new management whoever we hire next to consider

I'm not sure they'll be "gunning for the playoffs" tbh, I'm sure ownership understands that we're only technically in it at this point. 


At this point I think it's about listening to the fanbase and working towards being better next season. We've got enough talent on the roster that it shouldn't need to be a teardown, but we could be looking at a retool or mini rebuild of sorts. As for the direction? I'm sure they've got an idea, or a hope, but it's very up in the air. 

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2 minutes ago, JamesB said:



Finally! I can start posting again. (I admit that the few people who remember me might not think that is a good thing.)


I used to post quite a lot. I tried to be positive but I always thought Benning was a poor GM -- among the worst in the league and worst GM who has ever been with the Canucks. Finally I gave up and said to myself that there is not much point in posting as long as Benning remains as GM. 


The obvious criticisms of Benning have been repeated many times but there are two points I would make that I have not seen discussed much..


1. Many people, especially Benning defenders, like to say that Benning inherited a weak team with no meaningful pipeline. Admittedly, the core of the team was aging and Mike Gillis had not drafted well.


However, I would argue that the most valuable players over the Benning era in terms of total contribution were Markstrom, Tanev, Edler, and Horvat -- all of whom were in the organization when Benning took over. Ultimately, Demko, Hughes and maybe EP may contribute more, but Hughes still needs to improve his defence and EP obviously needs to find his game again. And Demko needs to put in a few more years to get into that category although he looks good so far. 


The Canuck D would be better now if Benning had kept Edler and Tanev instead of overpaying UFAs. In the Benning regime the team just kept getting worse, despite some short-lived ups along the way. And the pipeline (players not currently on the big club) is probably weaker than it was when Benning took over.   


2. Benning seemed to dislike smart people, I think two smartest guys in management during the Benning era were Larry Gilman and Judd Brackett. I liked them both a lot but Benning got rid of both of them (and I think the loss showed in both cases.)  


Anyway, its a good night and I am now looking forward to the rest of the season. 


I feel bad for Green, who I think was given a poor hand to play.  But Boudreau is quite likely to be an improvement.   

I'm not sure things are as bleak as they were when Benning took over, at one point we were all clamoring about Frank Corrado and Hunter Shinkaruk. And our lack of blue chip guys is because our top prospects have been graduating. We don't have many standouts at this point, but we do have some legitimate prospects in the system.


And for Brackett, guys move all the time. Malhotra left too. 


I was fine letting Tanev go, I'd have preferred it if Edler had decided to stay. We miss him. 


But yeah, welcome back. Should be interesting to see how things unfold from here on out. 

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16 minutes ago, Coconuts said:

At this point I think it's about listening to the fanbase and working towards being better next season.

My God, you can't be serious. Since when did the fanbase prove they know anything about running a hockey team?

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2 hours ago, RWJC said:

I guess jersey tossing onto the ice is the new mgmt barometer for change. 

Yeah. Next time we want change, just do the following: 


1. Throw jerseys onto the ice.

2. Chant "Fire ___________" and do it on national TV

3. Boo your own team out of the building on national TV.


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2 minutes ago, LesPaul81 said:

Benning wasn't the issue.  But I guess hanging on to that coaching staff was.  Thanks JB for making trades that interested the fan base.  Kept us excited.  

Benning was a big part of the process,  the process failed. Unfortunate,  but true. 


Way too many mistakes.  His building of the locker room by over paying for character alone was enough considering the gaffs he made ruining it . 


He made too many costly errors that didn't pay off. Most GM'S would never get that much rope. He should be grateful he lasted as long as he did . 

Edited by cuporbust
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4 minutes ago, Curmudgeon said:

My God, you can't be serious. Since when did the fanbase prove they know anything about running a hockey team?

Who said anything about running a team? Real talk, the average Canuck fan knows we've been awful this season, doesn't take a genius to understand we needed change. 


And the NHL is a business, owners can't simply ignore their customers when profits start to dissipate. 

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27 minutes ago, Beary Sweet said:

The question is now what is the direction of the team now going forward? We hired Boudreau which means we’re still gunning for playoffs this year. New management though will have their work cut out for them. Will they retool the squad during this year and go for the playoffs or will they commit to another rebuild which we’ve been through for the last decade since our 2011 Cup run.... lots of things for the new management whoever we hire next to consider

Id say there’s zero chance (or need) to go into a full blown rebuild at the moment.

There’s just too much young talent on the roster to tear it all down.  Maybe one big trade  for a D man and a small move or two… but assuming Boudreau can do his thing I’m hopeful it’ll start to even out if the team hasn’t gone full Oiler.

Given the hole we’re in - we don’t make the playoffs this year you also have a decent pick in a deep draft plus the option to sell anyone who isn’t fitting in at the deadline.  Prospect pool could be restocked in no time without losing too much firepower.  

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53 minutes ago, aznmonk said:

I'm terrified he is a racist towards goalies??? I hope it is not the case



No one cares about French people in Vancouver, now if he was homophobic it’d be a problem here.  Just watch some media clown here make a big deal about theodores comments 

Edited by KelownaCanucksFan
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1 minute ago, KelownaCanucksFan said:

No one cares about French people in Vancouver, now if he was homophobic it’d be a problem here.  Just watch some media clown here make a big deal about theodores comments and make a big deal about it 

Perhaps Theodore needs to brush up what “racist” actually means. “French” is not a race…

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