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[Signing] Canucks re-sign J.T. Miller

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Just now, Boudrias said:

It was not long ago that the Sens and their management and ownership were the laughing stock of the NHL. IMHO what they have done is a classic rebuild. They aggregated a huge number of picks and then developed them, traded them and now are supplementing them as they are rapidly moving toward contention. They are way ahead of Vancouver. 


All this aside I still give the new management the opportunity to move this club along with some degree of optimism. There are pieces here. The primary need is still on defense. Hopefully that is addressed this fall.    

Certainly so.  At the very least, they have, and continue to, afford themselves a lot of time and capital to work with.  Even if the Senators finish just the below the wildcard spots this year, it has little to no impact on their future.  They can likely extend DeBrincat and continue adding pieces to their team, where seen fit.

Early days still but Melnyk's daughters seem to be more willing to spend to the cap, which likely only increases the potentiality of that team in the long-term

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15 minutes ago, gurn said:

The term is the potential problem, not the aav-though I'd not have gone that high- $7.5 was my limit.

And it does seem to indicate an "all in" decision was reached, in which case changes are coming.


Yep, for better or worse the plan seems to be to go for it now.


I hope there are changes, if they sign Miller and then just stay the course, that would be a huge disappointment to me.

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20 minutes ago, gurn said:

The term is the potential problem, not the aav-though I'd not have gone that high- $7.5 was my limit.

And it does seem to indicate an "all in" decision was reached, in which case changes are coming.


Yup.  IMHAO our owner has set a direction where he wants (as with Benning and Gillis before) to try and win now.  “No steps back, while improving”.  Hopefully this management is more like Gillis, and can do it well.  

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1 minute ago, Alflives said:

Yup.  IMHAO our owner has set a direction where he wants (as with Benning and Gillis before) to try and win now.  “No steps back, while improving”.  Hopefully this management is more like Gillis, and can do it well.  

Fortunately our current management all have functioning brains and don't have a history of destroying a franchise, unlike Gillis.  They've been given a decent core of talent; now it's time for them to finish the job.  We are lucky that the damage Gillis caused to the franchise has mostly been erased with the end of the Luongo penalty, but should be mindful of how crippling it can be to allow someone that stupid to run your hockey team.

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1 hour ago, JM_ said:

we do need to reduce the number of high danger chances, which better team play should help.


Some interesting ideas in this that we might be able to copy now that we have more team speed: https://blueseatblogs.com/2022/05/03/breaking-down-the-penguins-systems/

I watched a hockey movie the other day about pursuing the dream overseas. It's called Odd Man Rush. This kid gets traded from the German league to Sweden. After the coach and a couple players picked him up at the bus stop in his Volvo he told him his three simple rules.


1. Always give 100% in every practice and every game. 

2. If you are ever in your own end, chip it out or f#$k off.

3. Never sh!t on the bus.


I think this is a good start. :lol:


Seriously though development will be key. One more year of experience from Petterson, Hughes, and Bo, will mean a lot as they do a lot of the heavy hitting. Then there is Boeser, Dermott, as well and Hoglander if he is still here. Podkolzin, is still young and learning, but he is projected as a key cog defensively moving forward. Rathbone is in there too. Hopefully the new additions bring what they are supposed to defensively as this group needs to develop that TB style of defensive prowess from within. It's going to require a team buy in from all of these young guys and new players to becoming stingy defensively, and consistency is crucial.


I think there is a good chance that several of these players make strides forward this year. It's also up to Miller to set the tone. He's got to make good hockey decisions and smart plays with the puck as the other players will follow his lead now more than ever. I think the players are revved up as can be and and will bring their A games. It's also big having Petey and Hughes here, engaged, excited, and injury free, heading into camp.


What a different feel from last year's camp eh!


Thanks for the article. Good read. I had to laugh at the end. Special teams analysis: Well it's useless to talk about because Crosby is a baby and the refs give him all the calls. haha bitter Rags writer. :lol:

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So is the complaint about the contract or the state of the team?


So much negativity when we traded for him and now keeping him here. Pretty sure he's been arguably our best player (aside from Demko) every night since we have brought him here.


Regardless if we are "contenders" now or not, we should be capitalizing Demko's bargain contract. We were one of the best teams in the league in the 2nd half. The guys believe more so now than ever before. The forward group is arguably stronger (especially if Boeser can focus on this season), hopefully we have a backup we can trust more in Martin or Delia instead of a distraction that was Halak. Is there room for improvement in the lineup? Definitely, but there is reason for optimism.


Miller's contract now is well worth it for a near 100 point player that plays in all situations and is one of the best faceoff men in the league. Worried about term? Well the cap will rise and his cap hit will be less damaging 4 years from now while we are getting very good value now. I don't see a need to stress about 4-5 years from now on this contract when a lot can change by then.

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3 minutes ago, theo5789 said:

So is the complaint about the contract or the state of the team?


Those that are happy with the signing think we are closer to contending, next 2-4 years. Those that are unhappy think it will take longer. JT could be in decline and we would be hindered by his contract. 

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1 hour ago, -DLC- said:


A couple of things.


So you've obviously considered that, for teams, they can be "done" "if" this or that. That also applies to contenders...which means teams that may have "just made" the playoffs could take advantage of that "if". Could beat them. To think otherwise is naive. We've beat the "contenders" in regular season games.


I don't want "sustained success"....I want a cup. It takes one good run at that and it could happen. You start there, with "just making the playoffs" and move beyond that. I think that's my point for those wanting "a contender". You have to start at square one, then sustain that. Confidence and momentum can really factor in. 


On paper means that you may have to erase some names IF they're injured or slumping. Sure, some teams are deeper and can cover that but other teams won't fall to injury and all of that matters. I don't want 6 runs at a cup that are sustained and we contended. I want the team to win A cup, then we can worry about what comes next. And you don't have to have a track record of sustained success in the playoffs because all the uncontrollable aspects come into play.


I understand the hockey use of "contender" but I really don't like it. Let's face it, all the people out there deciding also give a whole lot of false information to us. Trade speculation and other stuff that not only never comes to fruition...never was. We're in an information era where it's thrown at us...doesn't mean we have to believe it all. 


Also...I've hit my ignore button hard because none of you need to hear my back and forth so I'll save you from further of that. It's overkill for the same  people to spout the same stuff, over and over. But, for those citing "the president" of the club....he seems to have been changing his mind a little recently. He believes in this team "if" we can stay healthy and that's a big unknown. For all teams, not just this one. If you're going to cite him, quote him (and the date) because the most recent interviews really have him saying "if" then "we can" (get into the playoffs). And once you're there, momentum, goaltending and a healthy roster can carry you.


Anyhow...many here want to prove something before it can be proven. I'm just happy the guy leading the charge to possibly get us there is on board and staying put. I won't let this other stuff grind me down because.....that's what matters to me in it all. I decide with my own eyes and information. I watch every game and go to many, so I know what I see in this team. And we're not as far off as some here predict IN MY OPINION.


Also...I will say I don't just watch hockey for the results (like some do)...even if that's what matters most. I want to see my team compete and for the last part of last year, they certainly did. So I don't look ahead and project "that they won't"...I just support them along the way and hope that they do. They are highly entertaining and every game they have a chance to win. Can hardly wait for the puck to drop....let's gooooo!!!  Miller time. 


Those of you penciling in the end results on your sure bet can bet your houses on it but I am not convinced.

Not every contender relies heavily on just 1 player. We've seen Tampa win without Stamkos. Yes, we could get extremely lucky and face 4 teams all riddled with injuries, but that shouldn't be the basis on how we need to win.


I think you're misunderstanding what I mean by sustained success. I'm referring to teams that make the playoffs regularly, have some levels of success, before they ultimately reach their goal. We can look to all recent cup winners and see that they built teams capable of being competitive every year. I don't buy the method of just making the playoffs then go from there. We did that in 2020, and that didn't lead us anywhere.


You say you don't want 6 runs at a cup -- but that gives us 6 chances of winning. Whereas if we go all in on a short window, there's less chance of winning. Of course winning a cup is better than having a contending window and falling short. I just want a cup too, but I don't think we're giving ourselves the long term best chance at winning one.


I'm not sure what trade speculation has to do with anything. It feels like a way of discounting the analysis of those who are deeper in the business than the average fan. But maybe I'm misunderstanding your point.


I may just be wasting my time if you've put me on ignore, but I've responded in case you decide to read this and we can end the conversation here.

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3 minutes ago, bishopshodan said:


Those that are happy with the signing think we are closer to contending, next 2-4 years. Those that are unhappy think it will take longer. JT could be in decline and we would be hindered by his contract. 

If your "window" is a make or break based off 9% of the cap... That contract isn't the reason for it lol


Why did giroux sign with the youngest team? Did their playoff "window" suddenly tank? 

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1 hour ago, bishopshodan said:


Those that are happy with the signing think we are closer to contending, next 2-4 years. Those that are unhappy think it will take longer. JT could be in decline and we would be hindered by his contract. 

Which is a fair concern.


But if COVID taught us anything it's you just never know what's going to happen in the future. Expect the unexpected. You take things one day at a time and enjoy the moment because tomorrow's never certain. Sure, you also plan FOR the future but be ready for the plans to do an abrupt halt at any time.


Those thinking we're far off need to be patient as we "see"/get a better picture this year, under a full year of Bruce. I feel like we'll have a much better idea of what this team is then. Not the past couple of years that were real anomalies. 


Funny MT, I had the exact same thought about Giroux. How does that 34 year old fit in then? I know they have more space and his contract isn't such a huge demand....but he'll be 37 when it's done (I believe). So that counts.

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4 minutes ago, Mustard Tiger said:

If your "window" is a make or break based off 9% of the cap... That contract isn't the reason for it lol


Why did giroux sign with the youngest team? Did their playoff "window" suddenly tank? 

I dont know what you are asking me.


I dont care about contract length or cap hit after the next few years.

Well before this thread I have been saying he will re-sign and we should load up now for a push.

I think the core is good and at the right age. I also know our ownership is impatient. 


I never had a doubt. 


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1 minute ago, -DLC- said:

Which is a fair concern.


But if COVID taught us anything it's you just never know what's going to happen in the future. Expect the unexpected. You take things one day at a time and enjoy the moment because tomorrow's never certain. Sure, you also plan FOR the future but be ready for the plans to do an about halt at any time.


Those thinking we're far off need to be patient as we "see"/get a better picture this year, under a full year of Bruce. I feel like we'll have a much better idea of what this team is then. Not the past couple of years that were real anomalies. 


Funny MT, I had the exact same thought about Giroux. How does that 34 year old fit in then? I know they have more space and his contract isn't such a huge demand....but he'll be 37 when it's done (I believe). So that counts.

yep. just trying to answer that posters question,



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7 minutes ago, bishopshodan said:

yep. just trying to answer that posters question,



My understanding of it is (and I could be so far off the mark...but I'd just typed a Giroux response myself, then deleted it).


If our young core doesn't line up with signing JT, how does Ottawa's up and coming young core fit with the Giroux signing? An old guy who'll be 37 when his contract expires. If they're "supplementing" their young studs.


I deleted it because I do understand the mechanics of it...they have space and we're up against it. But if age is relevant, it's relevant. If the window doesn't fit with the old guy signing with the timing of it all, it matters.

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5 minutes ago, Chris12345 said:

He grew up in Ottawa.

But notice how big money in the later years on another younger team isn't an anchor at all. Infact alot are saying playoffs??


Canucks are in a more seasoned position than the sens and it's just closing of windows, Failure, all the good stuff lol. So fun being a Canucks fan ::D

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44 minutes ago, Provost said:

I hope there are changes, if they sign Miller and then just stay the course, that would be a huge disappointment to me.

At this point,  after realizing there's virtually no market out there to shed cap and/or address the deficiencies on defense, it seems like the only change likely would be a player for player proverbial 'hockey trade' where there's equal cap out & cap in situation.  That or a combination of roster players & picks where essentially the same cap is moving both ways.


Makes one lean towards a winger being shipped out and a rhd incoming.   Trade with whom is the question?  

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1 minute ago, -DLC- said:

My understanding of it is (and I could be so far off the mark...but I'd just typed a Giroux response myself, then deleted it).


If our young core doesn't line up with signing JT, how does Ottawa's up and coming young core fit with the Giroux signing? An old guy who'll be 37 when his contract expires. If they're "supplementing" their young studs.

Sorry, who are these Otterwahs?



They cant be winning anything as now is our time. 


Everything about JT as a player is right for our team at this moment. Few tweaks on the squad and plan the parade. 

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12 minutes ago, bishopshodan said:

I dont know what you are asking me.


I dont care about contract length or cap hit after the next few years.

Well before this thread I have been saying he will re-sign and we should load up now for a push.

I think the core is good and at the right age. I also know our ownership is impatient. 


I never had a doubt. 


Seemed like you were implying a right now / shortened window due to Miller signing. I countered with if 9% if the cap effects that window that much... The problems lie elsewhere


No real question, I think I read what you said too fast and confused myself :P

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12 hours ago, Master Mind said:

Haha yeah the want for success can cloud people's judgement.


I just can't resist the urge to post the truth!

Here’s a suggestion: first have him define what main stream media includes, then provide examples from them to support your argument. Otherwise, every quote you provide will be labelled as not being mainstream.

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