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Status Updates posted by thejazz97

  1. First piece of homework for one class was to do something I've never done before.


    I'm currently at anacoluthon.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Green Building

      Green Building

      I'm just kidding Jazz, enjoy the dictionary.

    3. RRypien37


      @Green Building is that supposed to be Mike O'Hearn in your display pic?

    4. Green Building

      Green Building

      Had to Google that one. It's actually the real Mr. Universe, Ash Williams.

  2. I thought there was some pretty good music to come out this year.



  3. I'm either a great jersey collector or the worst Canucks fan...


    I bought the SJ sharks throwback from last year and a Rask Winter Classic jersey... they were both at pretty good prices...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Cramarossa


      It's ok Jazz, so long as the jerseys are for style and not substance. I just got a Minnesota alt jersey for Christmas and I love it. 

    3. Beary Sweet

      Beary Sweet

      It's all cool. Both the Sharks and Rask are highly respected in the league and deservingly so. I respect them myself even if I'm a Canucks fan

  4. I guess I'll be having my first drink next week.

    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. Cramarossa


      You'll change your mind soon enough :lol: Maybe try a mixed drink. Or an eggnog with brandy! Very seasonal! Happy birthday! 

    3. thejazz97


      Haha we'll see! Thanks!

    4. Nuxfanabroad


      No one taught me how to properly imbibe..so went thru a period where I rightly shoulda' been caged in a zoo!

  5. Bobby Brown's got some goooood hits.

    1. Green Building

      Green Building

      There's an insensitive joke about Whitney around here somewhere.

    2. Toni Zamboni

      Toni Zamboni

      you can go ahead and like Bobby Brown, that's your prerogative, its the way that you wanna live.


    Oh come on, I already got the shirt for 2020.

    1. Nuxfanabroad


      Get yer 2020-vision, anti-nuke suit for the Tokyo games!

  7. After a year on a work term, I'm moving back in with my parents in a week and a half...

    1. Nuxfanabroad


      You're just a youngin', laddy. Precisely one yr(to the day) elder than our daughter. Slow down & smell the roses..don't take things too seriously.

    2. Effigy
    3. Green Building
  8. I last won the day on September 7th.

  9. All my friends are heathens, take it slow

    1. Effigy


      We always take it slow

    2. JohnLocke


      quoting song lyrics like its 2007

  10. Square avatars are back

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sean Monahan
    3. Tortorella's Rant

      Tortorella's Rant

      Very fitting for you, ya square.

    4. Alflives


      What's an Avatar?  I've heard of the movie.  Is it coming out on TV or something?

  11. Attention CDC: Vote for Horvat in the ASG! https://www.nhl.com/all-star-ballot

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Heretic


      Your ballot has been submitted. You may submit 9 additional ballot(s) in this 24-hour window. (I also voted for Luuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu)

    3. HerrDrFunk


      It keeps giving me an error <_<

    4. Cramarossa


      The only way I will watch that trash is if Bo is in it. 

  12. Sbisa is our new 1LD.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. apollo


      I believe this was #1 on the list... pretty predictable. Lord Sbisa has fulfilled his prophecy ;)maxresdefault.jpg

    3. Phil_314


      @apollo I think you mean Sbeezus?  Hahah

    4. apollo



      Sbeezus... I love it hahah! Gonna start using that sir! 

  13. Here's hoping Ye is okay.

    1. Bigturk8


      I'm not a fan of the guy, but I'm not about to wish ill will on him. Hopefully it's not as serious as it sounds and he just needs some time to get his head right.



      i wonder if it's a PR move to detract from the backlash over his stupid comments. turn himself into the victim type deal

    3. thejazz97


      @GLASSJAW It could be, but I don't think it is. His mom died around this time of year a few years back. That combined with his wife being robbed (which some have argued is also a PR stunt) and touring probably doesn't help.


      It sounds like he'll have to refund $10m worth of tickets, so I don't really see what he gets out of it.

  14. They're taking the hobbits to Isengard!

    1. Master 112

      Master 112

      how long ago was that

    2. Jam126


      10 hour version! :P

  15. RIP Emma from Corner Gas

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Guest


      Really? I used to love that show.

    3. Cerridwen


      Janet Wright was an incredibly talented woman........much more than just Emma....her acting credentials and mentorship to young Canadians in the theatre world are outstanding. RIP, Janet.


    4. Jaku


      Huge loss for the world. Janet Wright was an amazing actress and a wonderful person. 

  16. Gonna buy an eggplant Ducks and a Kachina Coyotes jersey tomorrow. $450 though...

    1. Lil B From The Pack

      Lil B From The Pack

      go spend da money on textbooks ya dum dum

    2. smithers joe

      smithers joe

      that's just chump change for you. pictures to prove you spent the dough.

  17. I might cry, and I haven't cried in five years #USElection

  18. Remember, remember... seems that movie could become more relevant than ever.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ghostsof1915
    3. Shift-4


      I would vote for a bald Natalie Portman.  Just sayin'

    4. Hugor Hill

      Hugor Hill

      I would vote for any Natalie Portman. Just sayin'


  19. How does a ragtag volunteer army in need of a shower somehow defeat a global superpower?

    1. Green Building

      Green Building

      Grime > Satellites ?

    2. Mr.DirtyDangles
    3. Alflives


      Nothing beats the rock. 

  20. Every time I listen to Carl Sagan, I find myself humbled by the universe.

    1. luckylager


      Heavy stuff eh. What really gives me the mind @#$% is the realization of how tiny our life time is compared to the reality of time and the sheer size of our universe. It's almost incomprehensible, almost. But man, does he ever make you feel tiny, yet appreciate how miraculous it is we have these consciousnesses and connections to it all.


      However, this conversation is far better served with small doses of mushrooms or LSD, weed and a six packpack.

    2. PhillipBlunt


      The universe scares the crap out of me.

  21. For some reason I decided to listen to the Hamlet soundtrack again. 


    brb just crying myself to sleep

    1. Alflives


      Is "there something rotten in [your fridge ?] B)

      It could be the onions.  

  22. "It's not a palindrome! The palindrome of Bolton would be Notlob!"

    1. Aladeen


      A slut nixes sex in Tulsa!

    2. c00kies


      Bolton and Notlob is an example of a semordnilap, which is one word one way, and another word the other way (although Notlob is not a valid word).

  23. The only winner of the debate Trump vs Clinton is Voyager spacecraft, which is moving away from Earth at a speed of 17 km/s...

    1. Qwags


      Even this might not be enough.

  24. Got into an accident today... fun times. Car's a wreck, but I'm not :lol:

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Western Red

      Western Red

      What did you do? Whose fault? Sure great you're ok and typing but did you have alcohol in your system? Come cry on a public board.... and not give explanation... good idea. Sure its insensitive on my part, but equally so on yours.. All the best if you're innocent.

    3. Toews


      @Western Red

      Do you always jump to the worst conclusion? Not sure why you think jazz came on here to "cry" about it.

    4. thejazz97


      Wasn't my fault @Western Red and I'm not a drinker either :P I had the right of way and someone ran the intersection. Kinda sad my car's gone, but I'm not injured, so that's good

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