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Status Updates posted by Sikhguy23

  1. Lol the same people freaking out over Benning not doing anything today were also freaking out about him trading for Toffoli last week ( mortgaging the future). The team is in a good spot; Boeser coming back eventually, exciting last couple weeks.

  2. we got Toffoli omg

  3. Just matched into an internal medicine residency position in Connecticut. That much closer to coming home in a couple years. When I got the email this morning, made the last 4 years of medical school seem like it was all worth it.:goat:

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Shift-4


      Awesome news!

    3. Cramarossa


      Congratulations! :towel:

    4. -DLC-


      Wonderful news, congrats!  

  4. anyone got the after hours segment from last night? Missed it :( 

    1. MikeBossy


      The video is up on Sportsnet still i believe




    1. goalie13


      You or Ferland?  Either way, good news.

    2. Sikhguy23
  6. I really hope Ferland comes back healthy sooner than later. Throughly enjoyed what he brought to the team lately.

    1. Alflives


      Totally agree.  I enjoyed his heavy play and deterrent as a top fighter too.  Is he done, if he can't fight?

    2. Sikhguy23


      I don't think so, the type of game he plays will allow him to continue in the NHL. But the question is, can he play that way with all the concussions. Sad day....

  7. Done med school, headed back to Vancity for the gap year. Can't wait for the NBA and NHL to start, so I can finally enjoy after a long 4 years.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. -DLC-


      Well done, way to go!

    3. DalesArmy


       Congrats! You can sleep for a week to catch up from all those late night study sessions.

    4. Master 112

      Master 112

      Try to be a good doctor. The bad ones do a lot of harm.



  8. Amazing episode, with a killer ending. What is the one thing we say to death??? NOT TODAY

  9. Ovechkin just manhandled Svehnikov wow.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Coconuts


      Ovi wrecked him, dude was asking for it

    3. SabreFan1
    4. King Heffy

      King Heffy

      If Ovi was born in Kingston Cherry would be in love with him.

  10. &^@# Rick Dhaliwal, he got me with his stupid tweet about Tryamkin being here. Ugh

    1. Strombone
    2. Nuck1991


      fudu la geya

    3. Sikhguy23


      @Nuck1991 need to find him and give him a nice thapard across the face 

  11. I don't understand why I see posts about hypothetically trading BO + for a chance at jack Hughes. BO is the type of centre you go into battle with, this guys a competitor and doesn't back down. Our centre depth is set don't mess with it, add players for the wings and D and we will be good. Sheesh.

    1. Ghostsof1915


      It's called the shiny new toy syndrome. 

    2. -DLC-


      Really?  I'm glad I haven't seen these posts...my eyes would bleed and fall out of my head.

  12. I think after the game tomorrow against the flames a lot of people will jump back on the Guddy wagon. He is a 4-6 D that is exactly the kind of D we would need in the playoffs. 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. bree2


      Guddy makes mistakes like Tanev, stecher, hutton,  even edler and especially Pouliot who has cost us games.  I like Guddy especially when he was paired with edler, they were a great pair

    3. King Heffy

      King Heffy

      Not sure why the Guddy-Edler pairing got discontinued.

    4. NewbieCanuckFan


      Guds it the player this team deserves....but not the one it needs right now....



  13. Alright everyone we can all relax. Looks like Virtanen is in tonight, hopefully yesterday was a little wake up call and he has a beast of a game tonight

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Type R

      Type R

      This whole thing really surprised me, especially given who we are playing tonight.  Skill is always necessary, but speed against a young team is paramount, and Jake has that in spades.  I hope he keeps his legs moving, and maybe uses some of that big frame to make an impact.  Goals don't hurt, but its his play away from the puck thats under scrutiny.  Tonight is an opportunity for him to bring it.

    3. 48MPHSlapShot


      Maybe the whole thing was just a scare tactic for him?


      Goldie must be kinda pissed tho.

    4. MJDDawg


      Relax??? I actually wouldn't have had a problem with him getting Goldobined.


      He's become a peripheral player and sitting for a game or three might have been good for him. Still think he should be sat down.

  14. If Lu retires, what are the cap ramifications for us?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. MikeBossy


      And "develop" an equipment rash to go along with it - problem solved :)

    3. ken kaniff

      ken kaniff

      If I was Aquilini I would fight that in court. You can’t retroactively punish someone for something that was legal at the time. It’s like if alcohol became illegal then the cops go around fining everyone who ever had a drink. Absolute garbage. 

    4. MikeBossy


      It was very strange that all of these types of contracts the NHL didn't like and changed the rules for weren't "grandfathered in" to the CBA. I used to do a lot of labour negotiating as part of a union and most CBAs had some type of language like this.

  15. Might be an unpopular opinion on this board; but if the Canucks somehow get a lottery pick this year I hope Jack Hughes DOES NOT fall to us. We don't need another small C, plus I like our top 3 of the future with Petey, Horvat, and Gaudette.

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. 48MPHSlapShot
    3. HerrDrFunk


      @48MPHSlapShot This isn’t directed at you but the tweet you posted:



    4. 48MPHSlapShot


      @HerrDrFunk It's a bunch of numbers that I can't quite wrap my head around either, but basically it's saying that Hughes underlying numbers aren't very good for a guy considered to be the unanimous 1st overall. 


      And, just for some context, this guy had Pettersson rated extremely high in his 2017 draft prediction. I think he had him at three, and said that he could very well be the best player out of the draft. Suffice to say his track record isn't too bad.



  16. anybody got videos of Virtanen stirring it up last night? I missed the game unfortunately.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Alflives


      wow!  Jake sure is solid on his skates.  Josi tries to push Jake, and he bounces backwards!  Crazy how great a player Jake is turning in to.  So glad he's not a Smurfette.  

    3. TNucks1



      yeah Bo making sure Virt doesnt get a match penalty backing him away lol, Bo for Captain.

    4. MikeBossy


      Truculence - I like it - good job Jakey

  17. Really hope we sign some good ufas this summer (Defence-man and a winger), I feel like this team could do more then compete for a playoff spot next year. (depends who our goalie is though)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ghostsof1915


      Edler's agent is already talking extension with the Canucks. 

      Either he walks, or he stays, trading him is not an option. At least unless he has a new contract

      without a NMC. 


      That leaves Del Zotto, and Tanev. And not sure what the market is for either one. 


      Next year we could see:

      - Hughes.

      - Woo.

      - Juolevi. 


      Help is coming, it's just not right away. 

    3. chon derry
    4. NewbieCanuckFan


      If Edler walks in the summer or traded that leaves TWO D we need to sign in the summer.  Hard enough signing one.  Current group is hardly going to do it (even if Juolevi makes the jump without any hiccups).

  18. Alright Greener time to get Schaller in to the lineup. Tomorrows game should be great from a fans perspective, but I'm getting nervous about the potential cheap shots that may come up.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Type R

      Type R

      Meh, Guddy has got this.. He took care of Schaller didn't he?  https://youtu.be/t7GEcfLXGfM

    3. Bissurnette


      @Type R strength in numbers friend. Strength in numbers.

    4. Sikhguy23


      @Type R it's not about who he has taken care of, it's about the team as a whole not backing down and sticking up for one another. Having schaller in there will give the flames another big body to worry about.

  19. Going to the game tomorrow, really hope Virtanen is playing.

    1. Chicken.


      me too and I'm confident he will be :)  not sure who will be sat... Motte or Leips is my guess unless someone is hurting (Erikson?)

    2. Sikhguy23


      I think the line ups will be similar to yesterday, so he’ll be on the third line. I was more talking about him missing practice today because of back spasms. 

  20. Greatest canucks goal scorers of all time; 

    1. Bure

    2. Naslund

    3. D.Sedin

    Yay or nay?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Nuxfanabroad


      where's Petrol Shreik-o?

    3. AlwaysACanuckFan



      Busy travelling, looking for Euro talent


    4. NewbieCanuckFan


      Petri was more of a streaky goal scorer (hence his nickname - Streak).

  21. Can't believe there are people out there who are stiff refusing to vaccinate their kids.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Sikhguy23


      @Alflives that report was quickly debunked. The conspiracy theorists are running with this idea despite that. Crazy how false science can lead so many astray. 

    3. JM_


      @Ghostsof1915 actually I think its that our society has had a generation without any major health issues, thanks to things like vaccination. People feel too safe, then people get dumb. 


      @Alflives thats been debunked many times over. People claim religious reasons, which is even more frustrating. 

    4. luckylager


      Two or three kids at my son's school got the measles a couple of years ago. The school sent home a letter warning parents not to send their unvaccinated children to school during the outbreak.


      I asked my son which children weren't in class after the letter, so I could judge their idiot parents and make a list of houses he's not allowed to visit due to the risks of a sudden alergy to gluten,  compassion for meat animals, or heaven forbid, a raw food diet.

  22. This Boston series proves we need skill, but we also need to add players throughout the lineup that play a hard nosed game, and can keep up with a 7 game series. 

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Herberts Vasiljevs

      Herberts Vasiljevs

      Guys like Lind and Dahlen epitomize that. 

    3. Jam126


      Thanks for your contribution of stating the obvious.

    4. Sikhguy23
  23. If the canucks tank just right, we could find ourselves dead last. #doitfordahlin #bettmanplease

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ghostsof1915


      I'll believe the NHL isn't rigged if the Canucks win first overall. 

    3. Brad Marchand

      Brad Marchand

      The Canucks will win the draft lottery when Vatican City wins Olympic gold in men's ice hockey.

    4. Ghostsof1915
  24. Say by some miracle we win the #1 pick. Would you trade that for Karlsson given he signs an appropriate extension? 

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. SliteriousBlackbeard


      As good as Karlsson is, after his comments, I would rather other defenseman before him. With that being said there is no defenseman I would rather have than Rasmus!

    3. chon derry
    4. chon derry

      chon derry

      unless its for  edler strait up then its


  25. Why can't we try Virtanen in front of the net on the PP? Not like it's working anyway, and in the pre-season it looked to be a lot better when he was there. Giving him 7 minutes a game is pathetic when he is bringing a lot more to the ice each shift than half the forwards on the team.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. -DLC-


      Actually, at least get it correct...he's averaging nearly 9 minutes a game.  And it's not pathetic that, during an assessment phase at the season's start, our coach is trying different things.  There's a reason he was hired as coach and we weren't....

    3. -DLC-


      As well, it takes a lot to be that guy in front of the net...crosschecks galore and you have to stay focused and not buy in to that or get distracted.  I like his game when he's mobile with the puck and would hate to see him used as a pylon to deflect shots off.  Just my two cents.

    4. Sikhguy23


      Whether it's 7 or 9 (really?), it still doesn't make sense that he is getting the last amount of ice time, when he is out playing at least 3-4 other forwards.

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