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Status Updates posted by -DLC-


    1. smithers joe

      smithers joe

      i wonder if juice takes jovo's spot now?

    2. Chickenspear


      I like how Juice negotiated a snooze button clause in his contract

    3. -DLC-


      Jovo is still there too!

    1. BoKnows


      Wow.  RIP to an absolute legend.

    2. Rick Blight

      Rick Blight

      I have no idea how he held it together with hate mail like this over the last couple of season's chasing Ruth's record.

      “You are [not] going to break this record established by the great Babe Ruth if I can help it. Whites are far more superior than jungle bunnies. My gun is watching your every black move.”

      Imagine playing the game you love more than almost anything in the world, and in climbing the highest mountain, you are confronted with an avalanche of hate.

  2. Wow, Carroll Shelby's personal cobra just auctioned off for $5.94M!



  3. Kris Letang will always remain one of my favourite (non Canuck) players.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. -DLC-


      Yep.  I just love how he plays the game...watching the Caps/Pens and was reminded that I wish he played here.

    3. King Heffy
    4. Coconuts


      Ahh, what could have been. 

  4. Hockey Eve is better than Christmas Eve.  

    Finally...something good.

  5. Ken Jennings did a good job.  It's gonna take awhile though.

  6. Another shooting in Richmond WTH is going on?


    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. luckylager


      Epic. Were they wearing maga hats?

      Wtf is wrong with people?

    3. -DLC-


      Oh that would've been the icing.

    4. Ghostsof1915


      Hmm...according to CBC. Known to the police.

      Why am I not surprised? 

  7. RIP to Tommy Lasorda.  It's quite amazing to work for an organization for 71 years.  That's amazing.

    1. BarnBurner


      Wow. That really is amazing. I remember watching him manage the Dodgers but didn't know that he worked with them for that long. God rest his soul.

    2. Ghostsof1915


      Mr. Dodger.


      But I still would rather the Dodgers in Brooklyn and say the Mets in Los Angeles. 

  8. My God, get outta my hood!  Someone shot in Steveston in the exact location I used to work on Fentiman Place.  Right at the North side of the park.

    This is getting crazy...shootings daily.

    1. Ghostsof1915


      There's been shootings in South Surrey so I worry for my Brother and Sister. 

    2. -DLC-


      It's almost a daily occurrence now....something's gotta give soon.  This is crazy!

    3. TNucks1


      are the gangwars getting bad again?

  9. Twitter took out the trash!


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Phil_314


      2021 Donald Trump, we hardly knew ye... a dirge to you


    3. ImConfused


      Next we will be hearing about how Twitter is fake news and that their popularity is waning in comparison to the new Trump-backed social media company, "Trumpeter"

    4. Phil_314


      @ImConfused Donald be like "my platform, Trumpeter, is the greatest of all platforms.  There's none like it.  Zero.  That's why the slogan is 'we're so good, we need all da characters'.  Also if your name is Joe or rhymes with Pamela, or if you live in Georgia, you can't register".

  10. Throw the book at this guy.   Despicable, no excuse.


    1. goalie13


      Make sure it's a large book.  Something that will hurt.  Probably a hardcover.

    2. -DLC-


      It's every "d" word I can think of.  Deplorable, disgusting, etc.

      Everyone knows at this stage how inexcusable drinking/driving is.  And that there's help.  Employees, employers, etc.  

      It's a split second thing that can wipe innocent lives out.  People driving home with their kids, etc.  Absolutely inexcusable.

    3. Ghostsof1915


      Throw the entire New York State Law's at him. 

  11. GTO?  (Gateway Time Out).  I feel like there's possibly a letter missing.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. BoKnows


      504 happens all the time on my end.  Only have issues with this site.

    3. Ghostsof1915


      Maybe with Roger's on the helmet they can afford a few more servers? 

    4. Heretic
  12. LOVE this time of year as we anticipate a season start and our team is so promising!  Have to drive in to Van...going to blast 650 radio the entire time.  Life is good.

  13. Just for old time's sake.  Will always be in Stech's corner.


    1. Ghostsof1915


      Drove to Detroit from Vancouver. With his dog.

      Troy you are still awesome. 

    2. fanfor42


      I feel for him.  He wanted to stay in Van and is a good guy. It didn't work out. Wish him the best. And thanks Troy for not choosing a divisional rival.

    3. apollo


      Wish him nothing but the best...

  14. Is Calgary trying to steal our boards?  

    Timing out a lot today.   If the background turns red, I'm running.

    1. apollo


      Wouldn't surprise me if they tried :P


    2. Ghostsof1915




      Calgary's Domain.com? 



  15. CFL fans:  chime in with some of your favourite moments/players here. 

    One of mine:  as Dad's health was declining, he wasn't sure if he'd attend a Lions' game with me that we'd planned on...was on the fence.  Decided he could make it (mostly the stairs were a concern but I assured him we'd be fine).   As we sat, cheering our team on, he recognized the guy behind us...was "Dirty Thirty".  That was a HUGE bonus, as he spent much of the game reminiscing with one of his favourites.  "Remember that time there was a big puddle on the field......"

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. goalie13


      Living on the Island makes it hard / expensive to attend games, but of the ones I did, one in particular stands out.  I got to attend a game at the temporary Empire Field with my Dad.  He's the one that introduced me to football as a kid and so it was extra great to be able to treat him to a game (and a round of golf).  The Lions were 0-5 to start the season.  This was the game that broke that streak before going on an amazing run to win the Grey Cup.


      I've actually been to more road games.  I lived in Calgary for 5 years and attended every Lions game I could while I was stuck there.  One game I will never forget was getting to attend the Labour Day classic.  On the way to the game my wife tripped and did a face plant in the lawn of the church we parked at.  It turns out she broke her nose, but she powered through and stayed for the game for me.  She will never let me forget it.  ::D

    3. -DLC-


      Also for me...I never win anything EVER.   


      2011...was a huge year for sports for us here for obvious reasons.  After the heartbreak in June, the Lions were faltering, BADLY.  But I hung in there through the dismal season start and kept telling people our team was too good to bomb out.  Many abandoned ship.

      As they turned things around I entered a contest....and won 2 tickets to the Western Final!  Got to go down to the sidelines, etc.  Took my brother to the game...was fantastic!   Won!


      Then...to my shock...I won tickets to the Grey Cup in a different contest!!  My son and I....(it would have included airfare but the game was in town).  Got transportation to a pre game party/food/etc.  Then transported to the game...same behind the scenes deal...in the tunnel as the teams came through!  

      Had great seats and enjoyed every single second of the game...it was brilliant!   A memory I'll never forget.

    4. JM_


      you're misreading us @nux4lyfe we're just a bunch of happy drunks. But if you find yourself face to face with a green mob, just say "back off dill weed or I'll chuck ya in the rhubarb" and that should work. You'll confuse them with Saska-speak. 

  16. Cheese.  

    And crackers.


    1. Show previous comments  25 more
    2. Ghostsof1915


      Did anyone actually finish a Hulkburger? 

      I never even saw anyone order one. 

    3. -DLC-


      I think my brother may have tried to and came close.


      When I was pregnant I was starving...had been in labour for 24+ hours. My ex and cousin left and went across the street to eat...came back smelling like PJ's.  It was torturous.  

    4. smithers joe

      smithers joe

      i might have but wouldn’t remember anyone’s name from back then. it would have been in the 50’s or 60’s. how old is your dad, big casino?

  17. Well I guess it's fitting for this year....my Auntie just died today.  Dad's younger sister.  2020 has been horrible...I'm going to sleep until 2021 and hope things get better. 

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Bell



      Condolences Deb.  2021 has to get better right?

    3. smithers joe

      smithers joe

      sorry good lady but she is in, no more pain. she is probably much happier. i know, i will be when my time comes. prayer you and all her family. how is your dad doing?

    4. -DLC-


      Thanks everyone....heard my phone going off at midnight with lovely messages that boosted my spirits (had no spirits because the news meant I just wasn't feeling it).


      My Auntie was a fighter....diagnosed with brain cancer years ago...to the point that they called the family in to say goodbye.  But she wasn't ready to go and fought on for 20  years more!  It was lung cancer that finally proved too much.  She'd lost her husband to a drowning years ago and raised my 4 young cousins all on her own.  She was a huge role model to me...strong and independent.

      @smithers joe...funny, just as I was typing out this response he called.  He's "hanging in there" too...lost brother and sister within months.  Both younger than he is (he's the oldest of 4 children).  We're really in protective mode of him....he's everything.  How are YOU doing my friend?

  18. Anyone use Garageband here?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. -DLC-


      Thanks, everyone, for the input....truly appreciate it.

      Mostly it's just a way for the students in music class to do a bit of their own composing/recording and play around with it a bit.  We bought a full size weighted key digital piano and will be using up to 10 midi keyboards as well.  Bought a drum kit and also looking to purchase a guitar.  Have the Roli Songmaker kit on order.  Have a Steinberg interface and speakers.  Going to purchase a mic (Shure SM58).

      We have iPads so that's the reasoning behind Garageband.  I was put in charge of getting things set up, but with very limited knowledge.  I quickly learned that there's a whole lot to know!!   Both regarding the instruments and the equipment needed to make things go.

      I believe we need plug ins/Jam Packs as we'd like to have saxophone/trumpets/etc.

      I did reach out to Tom Lee and L & M...but, being right before Christmas, they were pretty swamped.  A lot of instruments are on back order as the pandemic has them on high demand.

    3. nux4lyfe


      I could be wrong but I'm pretty sure you're going to need an adapter to use your steinberg interface to connect with ipads.


      SM58 mics are great, They are dynamic mics however..I mostly use them to mic drums or something that is a little more 'harsh'. They are not bad for recording rock vocals for example.


      But if you are looking to record voice recordings, I would go for a condenser microphone..I use the Rhode NT1a (I swear by it). Never looked back but I've had this for many yrs so I can bet the have a newer version out.


      Headphones ; audio technica ath-m50x , not even a second thought.


      Midi keyboard on a budget : M-audio


      Good luck, I do this for a living, so if you have any questions, feel free.

    4. -DLC-


      That is great info....I appreciate it a great deal and likely will be back for more "updates".   You guys rock, literally!

  19. Super excited...playing Jackbox with 3 other households tonight.  Should be good for some laughs (much needed).  Also...will probably have to crack open a bottle of wine.

    1. Master Mind

      Master Mind

      Jackbox games are great, which ones did you end up playing?

    2. -DLC-


      A bunch of different ones....Quiplash...I know that was one.  Trivia Murder Party.   The one where you have to draw "competitors" and "challengers".

      My son sets it all up and we just all join in.  It's a great way to have fun together while apart.

    3. -DLC-


      I really like the t-shirt one...but we didn't play that one last night.

  20. Merry Christmas to all.  


    1. Ghostsof1915


      Huggy Bear and TD get no love? 

      Maybe the full version.


      Merry Christmas to all! 

      And a better 2021. 

  21. Just waiting for 3:00.....

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. -DLC-


      Well it's just a good excuse to stay indoors and watch hockey (and football).  Cheers my friend.

      (I have to go grab some stuff for Dad but will be rushing back to catch the Canada-Russia game).

    3. ImConfused


      I assumed you meant for the Bonnie update and I was a little confused lol


      But I didn't know Canada had an exhibition game today so I'll tune in too! Thanks! :D

    4. Beary Sweet

      Beary Sweet

      I’m as excited as you are Deb. Can’t wait to watch one of our best prospects in Podz and see what we have in him

  22. @brilac    Did you watch it?!?

    1. brilac


      Yes, I liked Ben, but she did not choose him.  I’m excited about the upcoming Bachelor season!  Matt James is very good looking and the show will be good to watch. 

      Overall, I don’t get why they are getting caught up with falling in love so quick.  They don’t know each other, and getting engaged is a commitment. Plus, what about finances, do they want children or not, religion, politics, etc. 

  23. And I had trouble re-filling the pepper shaker this morning with 2 hands.  This guy's AMAZing.

    1. -DLC-


      I only wish we could watch him play the entire thing....I'm in awe.


    2. smithers joe

      smithers joe

      who were the two hands?

  24. image.pngI realllllllly miss hockey.  This came up in my memories today.

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