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Status Updates posted by -DLC-

  1. Fans who want to attend training camp this weekend can.  Details:


  2. Ripken the bat dog is awesome!


    1. -DLC-


      What a great idea to have a dog doing this job.  Shelter dogs should get a gig.

    2. Alflives


      That’s one of the coolest things I’ve seen.  As

      Ella May Clampett would say, “Critters are people too, Pa”.  

    3. Alflives
  3. Super stoked to hear hockey sounds.  Pucks and sticks on ice is music to my ears.



    1. Ghostsof1915


      I know it's a little thing. But I love the fact all the players are smiling. 

    2. -DLC-


      Me too my friend.  



    1. Drive-By Body Pierce

      Drive-By Body Pierce

      Save that clip for when they have a combined big night! :frantic:

  5. So why are people on Twitter saying 3 X 8 Petey 8 X 8 Quinn?  Did I miss something?  Two or three different people now.  I imagine this is just pure speculation?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Chicken.


      People are hopeful 

    3. Mike Vanderhoek

      Mike Vanderhoek

      Hoping just speculation, the annual values if correct are a problem.  Good players yes, but the trend during a flat cap era with the younger players and huge dollar contracts is mind boggling. In the minority I'm sure.

    4. Iron Fist

      Iron Fist

      not really mind boggling. average career of nhl player is 32 @Mike Vanderhoek after that its league minimums

  6. This is the face of a dog used for breeding moments after being rescued by The National Mill Dog Rescue.  *tears

  7. I care to read NO signing news unless it's about Petey (and Quinn).  I'm trying to be patient but it'll be a huge sigh of relief.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Heretic


      I'm quite surprised it has gone on so long.

    3. -DLC-


      @johngould21  Come on now, I'm a woman...ain't got none of that.

    4. Elias Pettersson
  8. The Canucks will have a new dj this year ... no more Barron S.  Not upset over this.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Gnarcore


      Didn't know there was drama! I do know the music selection was pretty meh in my opinion. That didn't make her unique in Canucks DJ history however ;) 

    3. Ballisticsports.


      Deb is not upset about this, (yet)  until she learns the new DJ is a huge fan of Air Supply and Celine Dion

    4. Roberts


      wasn't @DJ Dave really good? He was active on here before I joined CDC.

  9. RIP Ed Asner

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Ghostsof1915


      RIP Ed.

      He was pretty active on Twitter as well. I respected his opinions. 

    3.  johngould21


      Fun fact: does anyone other than me remember those athletic TV productions where they would pit male actors vs female actor, older ones, younger ones and do various running events, jumping events, etc. Ed Asner was in one of these and if I'm not mistaken they put him up against Rita Moreno. She had such a handicap, and Ed almost caught her.


    4. Ballisticsports.


      R.I.P. Looooooooooooouuu

  10. The Canucks Streakers (young ones missed the glory days in Vancouver)

    1. Nuxfanabroad


      It was such a 70's thing, they had that novelty hit:


      Ohh yes they call him The Streak

      He likes to show off his physique!


      Was just a youngin', but do remember that crazy trend

    2. Cromeslab


      I remember back in the day rinks were foggy,prime time for streakers lol

  11. That fatal car crash this weekend that took 3 young lives.  Ugh.  Just heart wrenching news.

    1. Nucker 67

      Nucker 67

      Curious what actually happened, why they crashed, really tragic

    2. -DLC-


      A parent's worst nightmare, I'd be done.  Game over.  I don't know how you move past something like this.

  12. A lot of proposals involving our young studs lately.  I'm just going to give a resounding NO to all of them right here and now.

    I have such a suspicious mind...are those planting seeds doing so more out of creating a rift than anything?  Not all, but some for sure.  I really don't buy in to them.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. VforVasili


      Personally I am happy to have the proposals section as it is a no mans land for me on the boards and contains the noises to an easily avoided zone. What would be AMAZING would be for the proposals section not show up in the updates and recent posts so you only see them if you venture there.

    3. VforVasili


      Same goes for White Noise or other places where people argue about politics.

    4. Devron


      Ahh that’s what it is. It shows up in the updates. Yes I agree V. I never paid attention to that section before now it always pops up it seems then I go ape haha. If it didn’t show up in updates that would be the perfect solution 

  13. Dave Grohl trolling the Westboro Church also gets a gold medal today by my standards.


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. King Heffy

      King Heffy

      As a big fan of both Grohl and trolling these nutjobs, I love this.

    3. -AJ-


      As a Christian, it's very hard for me to even watch anything involving Westboro. Shameful that such hateful people call themselves Christians.

    4. bigbadcanucks


      Westboro Baptist...hypocrites.  Jesus would have been flipping the tables over and calling out the church leaders like he did in the synagogue back in 33 A.D. if he walked into Westboro Baptist Church today.

  14. CFL?   Anyone?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. smithers joe

      smithers joe

      waiting for the lions roar again.

    3. Zhukini


      How you get someone in their 20's to ask that is the question.

    4. King Heffy

      King Heffy

      Winning helps.

  15. RIP Dusty Hill  :sadno:

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Ghostsof1915


      Want's to know where Nuxfan was raised? I didn't get gorgeous girls hanging around me in vintage hot rods, in the 80's. 

    3. Nuxfanabroad


      @Ghostsof1915We were ALL there Ghosts! At least our horny, lil' adolescent hearts were, right?

    4. Ghostsof1915


      Well yes, but that was dreams. Lol

  16. Sutter's deal will be just over $1M


    1. JM_


      Benning's hitting home runs this week 

    2. -DLC-


      I'm happy to have him back at this price.  So much so.

  17. I love this:


    1. Ghostsof1915


      Maybe everyone should have said that to Vegas too. 

    2. Chickenspear


      When I see your name now, I think of downloadable content, and then want to play video games...

    3. Dazzle


      I'm loving your DLC

  18. Did anyone catch John Horgan on 650 this morning?  Said he climbed on board the Habs bandwagon for the playoffs (650 guys did an ew, nope).   Then they asked Horgan if the Leafs were in if he'd cheer for them.  Was an immediate, emphatic "NO".  The jokes followed about how he'd lose an election if he said yes.

  19. I love the summer.   

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Drive-By Body Pierce
    3. Ghostsof1915


      Great song, but don't drink and drive.



    4. diesel_3


      @smithers joe Me too! I'm a Fall guy. Like to sit under my tin roof lean-to and spark up at night, most relaxing place in the world.

  20. I am enjoying some quality "me time" this weekend.  It feels great to slow the pace down a bit.

    Driving range, putting fun with family and today it's green tea followed by a good workout.

    1. brilac


      Nice, I worked on my quilt today.  I originally did not like the way I put it together with the triangles and squares and took it apart. I am going to do squares and cut the triangles into squares and sew them together so the quilt is squares. 


    2. -DLC-


      You should post a picture when you're done...would love to see it!


    3. brilac






      The squares on the left are what I’ve sewn together this afternoon. I originally had a bunch of pieces sewn together with triangles and squares and it looked like a mess, so I took it apart.  The triangles above, I could get one to two squares out of each.  I’m going to take a square and stencil it on the triangles.


      When done, I’ll definitely post a pic!

  21. This is a great video


  22. Elliotte's hair deserves a segment of its own.  Like Coach's Corner.|


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Nucker 67

      Nucker 67

      Got a head made for radio

    3. ChuckNORRIS4Cup


      I saw this last night and imo he looked like a mess, so much for trying to be professional anymore I guess, just show up looking like a mess no problem. 

    4. nuckin_futz


      Elliot looks like he spent the night in a dumpster.

  23. Was actually cold this morning with the fan on and windows open.  

    Nice to get some relief from the intense heat we've had.

    1. smithers joe

      smithers joe

      it could be worse. be glad it isn't 40 below with ice in your beard.




    2. Ghostsof1915


      I haven't run the fan in my bedroom in 4 days. 

      I only used the fan last night because it warmed up a bit in the evening, and shut it off after 8pm. 


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