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Status Updates posted by -DLC-

  1. My Dad is the most amazing man I know. In his 80's, he had to have an already replaced hip redone - a very tough operation as everything was cemented in and had to be removed first.  They started the op only to discover...he also had a fractured femur!  No wonder he's been struggling and in pain!  But he silently sucked it up and still tried to garden and care for his cat.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Cerridwen


      Oh Deb, I'm so sorry to hear this....what pain he must have been in and yet no complaints. Did any of his doctors not think to take an x-ray to see what was going on in that leg...especially because that is a hip replacement leg? My heart hurts for both of you as so much quality pain-free time has been missed... Sending love and hugs from afar and wishing your Dad as speedy a recovery as possible! <3


    3. Guest


      He'll garden...  you know he'll garden!  He'll take care of his cat and garden on crutches if he has to!  




      I wish him a full recovery from the surgery Deb!

    4. Elias Pettersson

      Elias Pettersson

      Sorry to hear about that Deb.  I'm sure he will pull through.  He is one tough dude.  Tell him Petey says hi.  I'll score a hattrick for him in our first game next year...  :)

  2. I am washing outside things these days.  Deck.  Car.  Mostly an excuse to spray myself with the hose (with a shut off valve of course...no wasting water!).

    Too damn hot.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ghostsof1915


      I got two fans going. :P

    3. -DLC-


      Me too.  I was in Cdn Tire yesterday (looking for a kiddie pool) and grabbed a fan, then decided I didn't need another one and put it back.  Mistake.

    4. TNucks1


      i should go and steal my nephews kiddie pool lol, i do got a sprinkler though lol, friggen disgusting out right now.

  3. OK, I was over the whole Toffoli not being here deal but now I'm not.  He is an awesome human.

    1. Ghostsof1915


      I still find it interesting that his wife refuses to watch games, but follows on twitter. :)

    2. ChuckNORRIS4Cup


      GMJB out GM'D :bigblush:

    3. 4petesake


      I guess you had forgotten this.

      JB just ran out of time to keep that little Yorkie in Vancouver.


  4. Father's day picnic tomorrow...cooking like crazy.  Lasagna, veg lasagna, potato salad, salad, corn on the cob, buns, tiramisu, lemon shortcake (from Save On...so good).

    Looking forward to it!


    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. -DLC-


      Happy Father's day to all the Fathers out there in CDC land.

    3. TNucks1


      hope you guys have a good one, my dads working emerg at the hospital tonight he's just leaving too start his shift which is kinda of a bummer would been nice too watch the hockey game with him and my brothers, but tomorrow were gunna get together and do steaks and stuff.

    4. Ballisticsports.


      Sounds Yummy and fun and great weather makes it a hard to beat day

      I am off to Osoyoos Fathers Day morning

      My dogs treat :)

      Happy Fathers Day to all the good dads out there

  5. I typed 3 comments then erased them and CDC followed with the same thoughts.  It's like y'all can read my mind.  

    1. NewbieCanuckFan


      Debs reading Newbie's mind:




    2. smithers joe

      smithers joe

      the world according to deb.  probably much better than the one we got.

  6. Editing report cards LIKE A BOSS

    1. TNucks1
    2. -DLC-


      That's right!  ^


      I have a whole new appreciation for teachers and the workload they have at this time of year.

    3. The Lock

      The Lock

      Now here's the real question:


      Do you have to make a report card report? 

  7. Watching the Bret Hart biography...he was always my favourite.  <3


  8. Welcome to new members of the Canucks alumni (including Burr and Juice!)

    1. -DLC-


      (Decided to put a thread together in the alumni section)

  9. Bure interview coming up:


    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. -DLC-


      For years

    3. Patel Bure

      Patel Bure

      Bure created some of my greatest childhood memories during the 90’s.


      I was Pavel Bure on every single goal that I scored on my drive way playing street hockey with my friends.    

      His goal in 1994 against the Flames is one of my favorite memories in life, along with his very first shift against the Jets in his first game.   

      Safe to say that I’ll be listening to this interview.

    4. Nuxfanabroad


      Also recall his first night, & that hysteria which swept over the Lower Rainland at the time. Them early 90's teams were such a breath of fresh air.


      We'd straight-out sucked for 2 decades, then suddenly were one of the most exciting squads to watch.

  10. Really great seeing Canada rise up to the occasion and not let the early faltering get in their heads.

    A great win!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. -DLC-


      Wonder what that plane trip home'll be like?  Canada and the US on the same plane.  I imagine it's all good at that point....tourney's over, so just a bunch of guys relaxing and having fun. 

    3. JM_


      I wonder if they make the US team sit in the back :lol: its probably all good, likely a lot of fun. 

    4. Alflives


      Might need to stagger the seating.  Gold weighs a lot more than silver.  :gocan:

  11. Juice calls it like it is


  12. SO ticked off.  Was really looking forward to the Canada semi final game today...except I guess the 10:30 am game I saw in the guide is a replay and they announced the winner on the news!  Will watch anyhow, but damn.  I was up in the wee hours too...didn't even THINK to look for it on the TV.

    1. Ghostsof1915


      That's ok I don't have TSN anyways. So I was going to miss it regardless. 

    2. -DLC-


      Shaw is such a mess.  Their guide showed it at 10:30 this morning.  They updated the guide just before and it no longer shows it there!

  13. image.png

    KesHouse (Sportsnet.ca and on the YouTube Channel, Instagram and Twitter).  June 5-18.   Hmm, have to check it out.

    Hilarious...Bieksa "promoting" it just now.  Sort of.  

    1. J-23


      I've seen the commercial on TV but I really have no idea what it's about lol

    2. bigbadcanucks


      Hopefully Kes has had some production/acting lessons since his Between Two Zambonis (or whatever his show was called in Anaheim).  Otherwise, it'll be another trainwreck.

    3. -DLC-
  14. Burr was so clutch


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. J-23


      This one, Torres and Lapierre goals all hit different. :unsure: 

    3. NewbieCanuckFan


      Saved AV's job with this goal (WAY, WAY back in the first year of Gillis as GM), there was a fair bit of pressure to fire Vigneault for 'high up' the organization (Vigneault implied this as much after he was let go by Gillis years later) during that very long stretch where we lost a bunch of games:



    4. King Heffy

      King Heffy

      @NewbieCanuckFanthat's probably my favourite goal of his.  Would love to see him back here at some point.

  15. "Oh what a move by Stecher"


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ghostsof1915


      Nate Schmidt, less whoop, more umph. 

    3. Dekey Pete

      Dekey Pete

      That twitter post should definitely read: "Stecher is the hero..."  Mangaman just had to tap it in after that clinic by Stetch.

    4. Nuxfanabroad


      Such a beautiful OT winner!

  16. Just got the text that my kids are now all vaccinated (my 2 + their 2 people).  It is a good day...signing out to go be happy/positive and celebrate this huge milestone.  A Mom sighing with relief...we're almost there, people!  Have a great day!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. King Heffy

      King Heffy

      @Alflivesplease stay at least 12 feet away from my cats.

    3. Cerridwen


      That is FABULOUS news, Deb!! I'm so excited for you! My sister gets her second vaxx on Wednesday (Front line worker); my Mom soon after and everyone in the family has had their first dose including a 14 year old! Just the 10 year old waiting for her first one!


      Tis indeed a MOST glorious day to celebrate!:towel::wub::towel:

    4. Johnny Torts
  17. We lost Luc 13 years ago today.  What could've been.  So tragic.

    1. Ghostsof1915


      I still have my Luc Pin from the game honouring him.

      Way too young. Such potential.


    2. -DLC-


      Me too...it's on my Burr jersey.

  18. OMG concert ticket prices ain't what they used to be:


    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. PhillipBlunt



      Funny how 44 years ago, one of the greatest bands to ever walk the Earth charged $10 for a show in Seattle. Times have changed. The talent has monumentally waned, yet these "artists" now charge 40 times the price for a fraction of the concert. 

    3. coho8888


      What I wouldn't give though to see a Zep reunion.  I know there is little to no chance of that happening.

    4. PhillipBlunt


      @coho8888 I hear you. Plant didn't want to retread through the past and tour. I agree with him. That band would play for up to (and many times over) three hours a night. Can't see how the remaining members could maintain that standard over what would be a world tour, with well over a hundred dates. 

  19. 10 years ago, today


    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. J-23


      Back when we were absolutely stacked and the NHL Playoffs were still entertaining.

    3. Bruce Boudreau

      Bruce Boudreau

      10 years later Boston is still a quality consistently good playoff team year in and year out meanwhile in Vancouver, Benning has had 1 playoof team in his entire tenure!


      Tale of two different cities....

    4. fanfor42


      Love it!  We are on the way back up now and these type of memories will be created again.


      Any sad sacks who are still posting how we've made mistakes in the past need to let it go and start cheering for the team again.  Enough with fans who think it is more important to complain than cheer!



  20. Every year our strata gets a 20 ft trailer to throw away crap that can't go in the garbage bin.  Other weirdos are carrying out a broken lamp.  A small aquarium.   A plastic pet carrier with a broken door.

    Then there's me.  Hauling a two seater leather loveseat and solid wood super heavy cabinet a block down the sidewalk to get to the bin in the back.  Bikes.  Eyeing up my old fridge downstairs...hmmmm.

    I win.  


    1. Ghostsof1915


      Before I moved back to Vancouver, I had some furniture that wasn't going back with me.

      I left it by the curb near a tall apartment building, where people basically had a free stuff section.

      In 90 minutes. Poof! Gone. 

  21. Anyone else having issues with the site?

    Or did the banner plane crash here?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. goalie13


      I'm still having issues, but none related to this site.

    3. -SN-


      ^ You should get a hamster too

    4. JM_


      Uncle Laleet has hacked us. 

  22. When I said I was boycotting the playoffs this year?  Apparently I lied.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ghostsof1915


      I didn't even make it past last night. I wasn't going to, but everyone said to check our Tampa vs. Florida.


    3. goalie13


      Don't think of it as a lie.  Think of it as you underestimated your love for hockey.

    4. Roger Neilsons Towel

      Roger Neilsons Towel

      Not me. Cable is getting canceled as soon as the last game is over. 

  23. Hockey's becoming a cesspool side show.  

    Good, honest, hard working teams get penalized and the dirty ragers get a free pass.

    I'm feeling more and more WWE storyline than real, competitive sports here.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. King Heffy

      King Heffy

      The last guy who even tried to run the DOPS like a professional was Burke.  He wasn't perfect, but at least he had some integrity unlike the clowns who have been endangering the players since he left.

    3. Nuxfanabroad


      Yeah, I also date the corruption back to the early 90's.


      It's a Yank-run league now, & they always want to win. Rigged decks are their specialty. From politics to foreign policy, to the sport of bread & circuses.


      I'd been b*tching about this a long time, beforehand. Now it's become blatantly obvious.

    4. JM_


      at the risk of getting whined at more about "conspiracy theories" by some around here, you do have a good point. Thats why I really like to enjoy things like prospect development and enjoy the small stuff because sometimes the big picture stinks. 

  24. Well that feels better.  Throw on some loud music, do a kick ass cardio/taibo inspired workout and release all that pent up frustration. 

    Until the next game.

    1. Cromeslab


      How many reps u get on the Cowbell?

    2. -DLC-
    3. Cromeslab


      You’re slakin:bigblush:

  25. Hey guys, Utica game's on for free here (leading 4-1):

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. -SN-


      Thanks for the link!

    3. -AJ-


      7-1! Still late in the 2nd!

    4. J-23


      Gadjovich is having himself a year.

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