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Status Updates posted by -DLC-

  1. Stuck in spreadsheet hell right now.  HALP

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Nuxfanabroad


      That's like a plastic, picnic tarp, eh?


      I'm picturing a Three's Company, awkward misunderstanding, w/Chrissie Snow & Mr Furley!

      Hope it all unfolds okay...

    3. -DLC-


      My boss is super busy, chaotic, hectic and burns the candles at all ends, expecting us to do the same.   I love the fast pace, hate the long hours....feels like all I do is work.

    4. -DLC-


      KOS...I refuse a phone from work.  Nope...when I leave, I'm done!

  2. What a shot by Manitoba!   (When they yell to sweep I jump up and do as I'm told...housework IS getting done!)

  3. Gaud and a Roosterimage.png

  4. Jar Of Flies has to be one of the all time best albums ever.  EVER. Will never tire of it and if I was stranded somewhere, it'd be a go to.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. nuckin_futz


      Jar Of Flies is the best $5 I ever spent in my life. Nutshell is an absolute  masterpiece. Rotten Apple, Whale & Wasp, Don't Follow, all some of their best work.

    3. Ghostsof1915


      I miss A&B Sound.

    4. Coconuts


      He had one of the best rock/metal voices ever, and he had such power behind it. 


    1. Alflives


      Thank you for posting Deb.  We sure are blessed to have some genuinely fine young men playing for the team we love and in the city we care so much for.  

    2. King Heffy

      King Heffy

      Great to see our young core carrying forward the culture that Pat Quinn instituted.  We've been very lucky to have players that are great people on and off the ice as our leadership group every since.



      The Canucks doin' what Canucks do.

      Real deal goodguys.

  6. TT's on 650 right now...short & sweet.  As a veteran/leader, what will he share?  (Don't take any of it for granted...one year you win the cup, the next you miss the playoffs).  He and Pearson have been texting all week...heard the rumours.  First practice was good...all new drills but the guys helped out.  First trade - a bit awkward not knowing 22 other players on team ...was a bit nervous but has heard good things about the team.  Excited to get going.  Strange going from heated rival to the team he had some success against, but happy to be here.

    1. Nucker 67

      Nucker 67

      "...has heard good things about the team" - not from Doughty lol

      It's going to be kind of fun to watch Doughty lose every night until the end of the season. LA is losing players left and right.

  7. I'm kind of glad for the break between games...really absorbing the Sedins' night.  Rewatching the ceremony now on SN.  When you're there and in the moment, it's a whirlwind so it's nice to go back and see every single little bit in a quiet atmosphere.  All the feels take time to process.  

    So special.  

    1. King Heffy

      King Heffy

      Years from now the arena would need a capacity of 50,000 to accommodate those who claimed to be there.  You are incredibly lucky to have gotten to experience it live.

      Love re-watching games I saw live myself.

    2. 'NucK™


      I watched it on TV but also re watched it last night :D

      So nice seeing all the boys together again 

  8. Fights all over the place...HDIC is awesome. 

    1. Alflives


      It’s like recess at the local junior high.  

    2. Nuxfanabroad


      Peace, love & Ghandi sutras..'til they drop the biscuit, eh?!

  9. Let's swear that we will
    Get with the times,
    In a current health to stay
    Let's get friendship right
    Get life day-to-day
    In the forget-yer-skates dream
    Full of countervailing woes
    In diverse-as-ever scenes
    Proceeding on a need-to-know
    In a face so full of meaning

    As to almost make it glowimage.png

    1. ItsMillerTime


      He should be on that bill they're talking about putting someone on. R.I.P. to a Canadian legend.

  10. My Dad told me I'm cranky lately (I am).  Work stress and winter.  

    The great plan I had for biking to work in the Spring/Summer is on hold as our move at work fell through...building was renovated without permits and is a gong show. 

    Sigh.  Goodbye lovely closer to home workplace dream...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. -DLC-


      Thanks Joe.  Minor stuff for sure.  Really need to get outside and get some fresh air more than anything.  This weekend that's the plan.



    3. Alflives


      Mrs. Alf has been extra grumpy recently too.  But she’s a Leaf’s fan, so has good reason!  :lol:


    4. Wilbur


      I'm admittedly a little cranky too.  I'll get over it though.  It'll happen quicker if the weather improves though <_<

  11. Might have to leave early to beat the snow on the way home.  Maybe about 3:30...get home about 4.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. brilac


      I wish it would snow where I am at.  I like snow, and I like to go outside in it and walk around.

    3. goalie13


      To be safe, just leave now.  You have my permission.

    4. kingofsurrey


      I prefer sun.   I would love to live in San Diego with maybe a place in Palm Springs for weekends / winter holidays / get aways.....

  12. Anyone having issues making calls on their cell?  Have a few people saying they are, but only to some numbers?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. -DLC-


      Thanks Stealth....spent the afternoon running around (Dad doesn't have a cell and had no way to communicate with him as a result).


      Texts are fine...some numbers are fine, some are not. 


      Seems "they're working on it".  Things happen but timing was awful as my Dad relies on me.

    3. xereau


      Maybe this is why the refs have problems making calls too?

    4. Ghostsof1915


      Rogers Arena, Rogers Place......Heeeyyyyyyyyyyyy. 

  13. Got me some new workout shoes...$129.99 on for $51.97 then an extra 20% off.  

    Decent Reeboks for under $50 tax in.  Woo!

    1. Nuxfanabroad


      I buy a half size bigger, & put an extra insole(cut to shape), under the heel, & run it up the back of the heel.


      If you run distance, shoes can last 3,4 yrs(not 6 mos)!

    2. Bissurnette
    3. -DLC-
  14. Heard some Kobe Bryant news...hope it's fake.  Died in a helicopter crash??

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Alflives


      Don’t really care at all about Kobe dying.  There are likely women out there who will sleep better.  It’s is little girl that is the real tragic loss.  Just 13.  Now that’s the terrible part. 

    3. coastal.view


      you can be talented

      you can be rich

      you can be powerful


      unless you are intentionally ending things

      you cannot really pick the time of your passing


      enjoy life if that is a value to you

      every day

      as one day will be your last one



      This is just a shame,my heart goes out to their family and friends.

  15. Almost forgot how much I love Legends of the Fall.  Watched it for about the 18th time tonight.  

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Shift-4


      Some people hear their own inner voices with great clearness and they live by what they hear. Such people become crazy, or they become legends.



      I must say Brad Pitt is one of the best actors out there and hasn't done many stinker movies,he is what they call a mans man,appealing to the ladies but also a guy that most men would like to hang out and have a drink or two with.He has done some classic movies  Snatch,A River Runs Through It.Once upon a time in Hollywood,the Mexican Legends of the Fall,just to name a few

    4. Violator


      The weekend pays homage to the song in "starboy"


      Legend of the fall took the year like a bandit


      Its a great movie listened to that song twenty times reminded me of the movie same pace and feeling.


  16. Any suggestions for a good place to buy a mountain bike (a moderately priced one...not more than $500 or so)?  Want to start looking now for Spring/Summer.  I have a great frame (Marin) so may just get that fixed if it makes more sense...been outside awhile though, so a new one might be a better option.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. goalie13


      @coastal.view Yup.  Sorry, I rounded that up a bit.  It's $74.70 each way for car & driver.  $91.90 if you bring a friend.  That's pretty close to $200 for the round trip.


      While I would be happy to provide that service for Deb, selecting a bike is a very personal process.  It's not just about frame size.  If it was, then she could just buy one online and have it delivered.

    3. -DLC-


      Thanks for all the input, it is appreciated.

    4. Squamfan


      corsa cycles

  17. Quinn is in!!!  Yea!! Congrats 43!



  18. To lighten up the post loss mood

    1. JM_


      honestly I can't be upset by yesterdays beat down, it happens. When its that bad its easy to shake off because its so out of character. Just one of those nights. 

    2. Chickenspear


      That intro of Petey (with that mean-mug) and Huggy-Bear on scooters made my night, lol. It was a good game up until the end of the second... I don't think I've sworn so many times in short succession in a good while. Way she goes though, I guess...

    3. Borvat


      I feel bad for Marky especially leading up to the All Star game. 

  19. Just went back and got me those cozy Canuck winter socks.  Started off at $24.99 then $19.99 then $11.50 and today I got them for $8.49.  All set for the game!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Nuxfanabroad


      Hung a spag plate, Canucks jersey(with a stick) in our kid's English classroom.


      Taught the word Canuck to a few of the lil' rugrats..wonder & enlightenment attained...


      Think it's assisted the streak!

    3. RetroCanuck


      I do a lot of volunteering overseas and I think my next trip Ill bring some Canucks paraphernalia to spread the word of the Canucks

    4. -DLC-


      Shoppers Drug Mart has some good items on clearance right now.

  20. Just heard a quote during the Canada game about skating ability.  Guess who it's about?

    "No one went further with less effort"

    1. Shift-4


      Neidermayer, Scott
      Best skater I have ever seen

    2. luckylager


      Our own Huggy Bear has been drawing a lot of comparisons to the great Scotty Neidermayer.

  21. Watching old time hockey...the game where Gretz takes over the all time points leader.  

    1. xereau


      Watched the game recently where he beat Esposito's single season goal record vs the Sabres.


      He scored three goals in 7 minutes in the 3rd period.


      And afterwards in the interviews he was just so classy.


      Sure wish he had a meaningful place in the NHL today.

    2. coastal.view


      problem is deb

      that the nhl brass does not honour the game

      in the way we as fans feel this should be done


      on a team level the nucks have been pretty good

      at looking after the post retirement reputation of retired players

      burrows is just another example

      we as fans saw the honour given to him to be a foregone conclusion

      an expectation, not a surprise, and there would have been back lash if burrows were ignored for years


      the nhl is simply not the same

      howe was largely ignored .. until gretzky

      gretzky kept howe in the spotlight while gretzky still played

      howe was the greatest nhl player until gretzky

      but largely ignored by the nhl

      now that legacy is also being visited on gretzky


      i guess there is no particular fan base that can speak to or influence nhl brass

      we fans are all focused on individual teams

      that is why the commissioner's role in keeping the historical spirit of the game alive is somewhat crucial

      but he is money/investment focused based on his mandate from ownership

      and so we cheer our teams (ignoring the mandate they have given to bettman)

      and boo bettman for carrying out his cold-hearted mandate to a tee


      the nhl really needs to create

      at the nhl level

      a position of power to be filled by a key historical player

      who has a mandate to keep an eye on protecting the game

    3. Shift-4


      So glad I got to watch him growing up.

      Great way to imprint the game of hockey on my very being

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