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Status Updates posted by -DLC-

  1. Don Cherry needs to be muzzled.  If Petey didn't stand his ground, Double Standard Don would call him a soft European.  

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. -DLC-


      Well past the "Best Before" date at this point.  

    3. NewbieCanuckFan


      Funny how he doesn’t go on a tirade on the rat.  Wearing a Ruins jersey gives them a license to kill according to Don “I can’t count to five” Cherry.

    4. 6string


      I dumped the bigot and his lap dog a long time ago, hard to believe he was a coach but he did have Bobby Orr, Esposito and others to make him look good.

  2. I'm procrastinating, hard, today.  Do 7 minutes of housework, rest for 15.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. brilac


      Hey that's like me.  I worked on my quilt, went to the gym and ran a mile, but housework, that's boring.  Like, really boring.  My apartment is clean, but things could be put away. 

    3. nux4lyfe


      I've been the same lately....sleep loads wake up, get half the crap done and lounge...blame it on the weather and the previous night of drinks!

    4. NewbieCanuckFan


      I work cheap deb.  I even supply my own uniform!



  3. I really don't get this whole "drawn on eyebrows" thing that women are doing.  I have an online friend who does  it and I don't have the heart to tell her she looks like Mr. Bean.  They get bigger and bolder.  Could you imagine if men started drawing on mustaches?  Oh Lord...

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Twilight Sparkle

      Twilight Sparkle

      au naturel, baby

    3. -DLC-


      She told me to close my eyes so she could spray me and I asked "with what".  "Something to set your face with".  I'm not Jell-O.  I guess being beautiful is "a process".  I ain't got time for that.

      The  eyebrow friend prompted this whole train of thought when she posted that she "slept" in her eyebrows last night and now had to wash them off then reapply them.  Wut?

    4. Alflives


      I don’t see why women wear makeup?  It’s us men who should.  Seriously, women are naturally beautiful, but us guys ... we need masks.  And perfume too ... we stinketh.  We are ugly and smelly.  Oh, and we’re sweating beasts too.  Thank God we can fix things.   :shock:


    Bieksa up next!!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. -DLC-
    3. -DLC-


      "We don't use the word hip anymore"

    4. -DLC-


      The ending of that interview was perfect.  "See ya later...it's important, but not that important".  Quickest wit going.

  5. Oh wow

    1. -DLC-


      Finland does it.  An exciting finish to the game for sure.  Well, they played hard and deserved it.

    2. SabreFan1


      They played nearly the entire game with urgency.  The US team didn't.


      Well at least the Sabres own the rights to Finland's goalie!

  6. Really wish the Swiss team had won a medal.  A great showing though.

    1. SabreFan1


      I know one team that will win a medal...



    2. -DLC-


      I'm on board with that.  GO USA

    3. NewbieCanuckFan


      deb has no love for those evil Icelanders!



  7. SOB on 650 radio re Pettersson.  When he talks to hockey guys, they bring up "that Swedish kid" right away.  Hockey world's buzzing.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. chon derry

      chon derry

      SOB  I thought you were talking about J.O'neil  ,lol both having paid the price for hanging out at the roxy, 

    3. canucklehead44


      From what I've heard about SOB is that he is one of the best dudes you will ever meet. 

      In Vancouver he was a young, handsome, professional hockey player who was not married, no kids, and made over a million per year. Can you blame him for wanting to go out and enjoy himself? I am not going to name names but I've heard much worse things about other players who did have a wife & kids at home. 

      As for paying the price, he is an 8th round pick who played over 500 NHL games. In today's dollars he earned over 11 million dollars in the NHL (plus 5 years in the AHL and 3 in Europe). That is just slightly below average. Plus he will receive a pension starting at 45, so he is very set. 

    4. milk and honey

      milk and honey

      sob was a good guy some dumb plays but always gave his all and was a tough body who wasn't afraid of anyone.



  8. Can't find my gas bill...that means I don't have to pay it, right?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. -AJ-


      I'm an accountant and I can confirm--if you don't know if you have to pay something, ignore it and it will just go away.

    3. Alflives


      I have extra gas.  I guess that’s the (price) bill for eating all that extra turkey, stuffing, and gravy.  I love this time of year!!!  :towel:

      Mrs. Alf pays the bills, and takes care of all that stuff.  I’m kind of a kept Alf.  :lol:

    4. NewbieCanuckFan




      “I have extra gas”...unfortunately anybody near you is well aware of you errrr excess gas emissions.::D  I blame Mrs Alf for feeding your tacos instead of cats.:wacko:

  9. My terrible Shaw cable is crapping out (again).  It had BETTER not be like this at game time.  It's based in Calgary, right??  Hmmmmm..........

    1. LordCanuck


      u can watch it through the sportsnet app, just have to login with ur shaw info


    2. HI5


      Shaw Cable supports the pipeline. Boooooo!

    3. Twilight Sparkle

      Twilight Sparkle

      supporting shaw is supporting calgary. c'mon deb. do wuts right ;D

  10. Dear Guy Dragging His Entire Exhaust down the road:  Do you not have ears?  You should fix that. 

  11. You've gotta love the Swiss coach's energy.

    1. King Heffy

      King Heffy

      He's a character alright.  No easy wins in the medal round this year; both Slovakia and Switzerland have been very competitive.  He's a big reason why IMO.

    2. -AJ-


      He's my favourite Swiss coach right now.

  12. KB3 in HD  #Spenglering

    1. goalie13


      That was a weird goal review.

    2. chon derry
    3. Western Red

      Western Red

      Hows he lookin Debs?

  13. Best.  Getting a tongue in cheek talking to from an NHL ref's Father sent via voicemail to my brother (they golf together).  "You better straighten out that sister of yours....".  LOL.  Saw me ripping into refs on a status.  Was all in good fun.  FTR..he was the ref who awarded Petey the penalty shot.  I asked if he could ref all our games.

  14. Bieksa on 650 radio right now talking of prep for the Spengler.  He is as hilarious as ever.

  15. I love rainy, wintery nights spent inside watching sports in a room full of Christmas lights.  A happy feeling. 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. chon derry
    3. ReggieBush


      4 more days till I'll be able to do that. In the mean time, I have to say goodbye to friends who I might never see again.:(

    4. -AJ-


      I'm getting happy warm feelings :) 

  16. Sampled Dad's pickled salmon...it's officially the Christmas season.

    1. chon derry

      chon derry

      my wife worked at P.R. fishermans co-op we used to get a  1L jar of pickled and a 1L of smoked pickled and a flat of sockeye , those days are gone...….ENJOY... jealous.

  17. Wow, Philly.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. -DLC-


      Hutty worked out with Giroux last summer (and it shows).

      Giroux was a big factor in my son winning his hockey pool a couple of years ago. too. Piled up the points for him.

    3. -DLC-


      Watching Preds/Flames now.  Flames came out fast and furious but Preds have adjusted and it's all tied up now.

    4. -DLC-


      LOL wild trumpet playing going on during the game.  :blink:

  18. Mornings after a win are much better than after a loss.  Got up earlier than usual, spring in my step.

    1. smithers joe

      smithers joe

      thought was a good game. not a fan of pouliot and goldobin's games but everyone else had good games. i think i heard your cow bell ringing last night, all the way from richmond. cheers lass.

    2. Alflives


      I love it when our guys play well, and compete hard.  Winning (during this rebuild) is a delightful bonus.  I think the day after the draft of 2019 (here too!) will be the morning I get up early and super excited, because we will have both HUGHES - Quinn and Jack!!!!!!!!!!:towel:

  19. Last year my cheap boss and his son tried to crash a Christmas pizza party I threw (out of pocket) for students who'd helped cover my desk when I was away one day.  This year, my new boss has given us a week of paid time off, is buying everyone huge Purdy's gift baskets and is providing substantial bonuses to staff.

    My how things change.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Dazzle


      He was visited by the three ghosts of Past, Present and Future.

    3. Tre Mac

      Tre Mac

      Grats, unfortunately  I am in the opposite end of the boat.  New boss won't even get us a turkey for a Xmas bonus.  Even when I made minimum wage I would get something from my boss.  No presents for me this year.

    4. luckylager



      You deserve it Deb!

  20. Guy who wears a Bruins hat to work and tells me he only eats clean?  Right, sure.  Pringles?  He also chomps, slurps and gurgles loudly from his desk beside me.

    It's a wonder I can even work here at all.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. -DLC-


      I wonder if I can stuff him AND his hat into the Pringles tin?  Then roll it down the stairs.

    3. luckylager


      We might need to chop him up first.

    4. brilac


      The guy who wears the Bruins hat, I think I would have a little fun with him by wearing my Montreal Canadiens watch which I wear everyday, and talk about Carey Price all day long! Or leave in a panic 'cause there's is Habs game on a 4! 

  21. Maybe my throat bleeds because I "talk" too much? 

    I apologize, in advance, for posts that take 3 days to read.  But I probably won't change any time soon either.  The ignore button was likely built with me in mind.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. smithers joe

      smithers joe

      hare today gone tomorrow. why are rabbit's feet lucky? it wasn't lucky for that poor hopper. 

    3. NewbieCanuckFan


      Joe...you should know better...it ain’t wabbit season, it’s duck season!




    4. -DLC-


      My rabbit's feet are lucky...they're sprawled on a fuzzy blanket in my living room.

  22. Suddenly loving the Habs...going after Marchand and all.  Penalty box looks good on him,

    1. brilac


      I'm watching that game too! And drinking champagne.  

    2. chon derry

      chon derry

      @brilaccareertshirts.net Im-a-Hockey-and-Wine-kinda-girl.jpg

    3. -DLC-


      You're doing it better than I am, @brilac

  23. Just loving the Friday Night Marchand Gong Show.  Yeeha.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. NewbieCanuckFan


      "No scoring, but plenty of action."


      Sounds like a typical W/E for Alf.:P

    3. luckylager


      @StealthNuck can you change @NewbieCanuckFan's title or username to

      "Obsessed with @Alflives" or something of the sort?


      Every status, even in threads, the NewbieCFan is harassing our scooter driving, married to a leafs fan, sidewalk menace.


      Quit trolling the old boy, Newbie. It's lost its charm.


    4. Alflives


      It’s funny!  I like it.  Oh, God. I drink a lot of scotch tonight.  Mrs. Alf hidden the bottle.  I want more s ithivj.  Okay, I know she put it in a top cupboard.  I hate that!  I can’t reach, or get to, the top cupboards.  Damn!  I wish my legs workec.  This sucks:(

      im now drinking Draino.  Hahaha!  

  24. Oh Lions, sigh.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. johngould21


      Wally's best before date, had long expired.....sad commentary, to end his career in the CFL.

    3. -DLC-


      Ha, I used those very words, john.  He was old school and had become little more than a cheerleader.  No real strategizing to be seen on the sidelines.  CV...hilarious...that made me lol. 

      The more sports the merrier for me, 1915.

    4. 6string


      I dumped Wally back when Casey Printers ( queue up the Printer bashers ) replaced an injured Dickenson putting up some serious CFL regular season numbers....Took them to the finals and was replaced by Dickenson who failed in the first half of the Grey Cup, Wally then called on Casey -too late!

  25. Curling (go Homan) then CFL (GO LIONS) then NFL.  In betweeen, remembering those who fought so valiantly for the freedoms we have today.  That's the most important part.


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