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Status Updates posted by -DLC-

  1. Love listening to Brian Burke.  On Bo:  I've never really met him - just say hi to him.  He was a rival...I didn't like him.....cuz he plays too hard.  Never takes a shift off, even in preseason.  Then talked about his gaff last night and how sour he was on the bench afterward..."that's what you want to see".  (A guy all in like that)



      Mr. Burke knows hockey and he can see that BO HORVAT is Captain material.

    2. Ghostsof1915


      I like how he does the lawyer thing and avoid admitting being wrong.

      "We had him as a 3rd line centre, but he's definitely a 2nd line centre..."




    1. Master 112

      Master 112

      Happy Birthday *\o/*

    2. smithers joe

      smithers joe

      thanks big casino. i passed the news to coastal view. told him that you deserve the credit. 

      thank you 112 for the good wishes. 

    3. J.I.A.H.N


      Happy Birthday Joe

      Glad you are one of us!

  3. Love that we have guys like SOB, Jovo and Bert on board still weighing in on the team.  With that, Bert was on (for BerTuesday..something like that) and stated exactly how I feel about Jake.  That they COULD give up on him but he's not the type of guy you want to watch flourish elsewhere.  That he has great potential and tools in the toolbox...just has to know how to put it together.  Says he loves when he is "on"...driving the net, involved physically, etc.  Good enough for Bert?  Good enough for me.  Because he should know what a potential PF looks like.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Coconuts


      Bert was a hulking monster of a man when he played, particularly as a Canuck. Jake has the frame and tools but I've never really seen what Bert had in him. Bert could be mean. 



      Years ago we gave up on a power forward too early and boom CAM NEELY showed the league whats what.

      Just be patient and wait for JAKE V. to go boom,even if we put him in Utica to get some confidence whats the harm,I just don't want to help other teams until we have won "our" STANLEY CUP.

    4. J.I.A.H.N


      I remember going to school with some kids that were skinny and not very aggressive, only to go to my 10 year grad reunion and finding these guys to have grown, added weight and had become men, in attitude and confidence. Somewhere during that 10 span they had grown up......imagine my surprise!


      It is a good thing I was a nice guy...…..I lasted the night anyways!


      This is why I am afraid of letting Jake go...…..we gotta find a way to give him a couple more years IMO

      My bet is he starts to show better this year


      The club house has changed, personell


    "Greet the Team" Monday @ 4:00



  5. The comments from Laine and the fact that there are reports of a bit of discontent in the Jets' room makes me so happy our guys aren't divas...even if they like Fortnite.  Good on paper doesn't always mean it works.  I feel our team "works" together.  Bo accepts his role when others are out.  Petey just wants to be better.  Jake is working toward how he can be his best and is working hard to prove that (not talking to the media about how unfair it is).  Stech is a beast.   Quinn's a treat.  Brock wants to be here with his brothers.  Etc.  That's a team.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more


      Loui E. will be gone soon enough(I know not soon enough for some) ,we still have some pretty young guys trying to fill huge skates.

      We will start to take it to the league pretty soon just like when the Sedins were here and a few more players will be older wiser and some will be skilled and speedy and be putting it all out there for our "TEAM".



    3. coastal.view


      laine has adopted the subtle nuances of the shanaplan

      you will all see he will soon be signing with the jets

      after declaring to train with some german speaking team

      ala marner

      6 years @ a shade under 11 million per season

      (and yes, i have been drinking a lot of blue koolade today)

    4. NewbieCanuckFan


      @coastal.view  Jets have over 15 million in cap space available.  Giving Laine a huge deal shouldn't be a problem.

  6. I'm glad that we can now put to rest all the smack talk about Brock and Jake.  How about we just enjoy some hockey for awhile now.  So much to look forward to.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Nuxfanabroad


      I knew Brock would be in like Flynn.


      They basically gave him the Isle time to be with his Pa. All sides played it like Champs.

    3. VforVasili


      Hope the numbskulls lay off our players for a bit, but I imagine they will just go back to bashing Loui. 

    4. -DLC-


      I have a great idea....how about we go back to the good old fashioned way of hating OTHER team's players?  That's always more fun.

  7. I'm on overload...as if it wasn't enough that I have not one but two Canucks games tonight AND they're showing the '94 game against the Flames...but BROCK IS SIGNED.  Merry Christmas everyone!

    1. goalie13


      I'm surprised CDC hasn't crashed with all that's going on.  ::D

    2. MJDDawg


      I'm doing the same thing.  I'm listening to/watching both pre-season games plus surfing on CDC. Not even paying attention to the Monday night NFL game. 


      I need help. :lol:

  8. This is hilarious...listening to these guys talking about their golf game.  

    1. -DLC-


      Jake's up now...Green wants him to be greasier in front of the net.  Goldy had offers for the KHL but really wants to play here.  Going to be pretty competitive between all these guys this year...should push them.

    2. -DLC-


      S.O.B. up next...always an adventure.

  9. Petey (@ Northview) on Brock...been talking to him..."he'll sort it out ... or I'll drive to Minnesota and pick him up".  DO IT PETEY!

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. chapcreek


      It wouldnt surprise me if you dont see brock in a canuck uni this season.they dont have the room

    3. canuktravella


      ya they can paper down gaudette no one can claim him on waivers they can also waive eriksson and schaller biega and motte if need be  and im pretty sure no one would grab them if they did sweet  them in utica opens open 3.8 plus gaudettes cap hit 900k plus we have a space 4.5  so if u think boeser is getting 10 mill thats only way we cant sign him otherwise hell be here before or after training camp 

    4. chapcreek


      It wouldnt surprise me if you dont see brock in a canuck uni this season.they dont have the room

      His agent need to chill.There are new players here now that can fill that void.I am sure Brock knows this.I would fire the agent.he obviously wants to play hockey.Doesnt seem like a smart play in my books.And Im also sure that Travis isnt going to lay back.He and benning have a job to do and if brock cant be part of it then cest la vie.It is what it is.The game goes on without him.And it will.Brock or no brock.You can fiddle the numbers all you want.If he doesnt make camp then others will fill the spot.

  10. After informal skate...EP hung around and is working on his shot/one timer.  God, this kid's brilliant.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. redhdlois


      A coach’s dream.   So proud he is a Canuck.  Love him to bits. 

    3. Borvat


      Hates to lose and won't be outworked.  The intangible that can't be coached. I take these guys on my team every time.  This is how you win.

    4. Master 112

      Master 112

      I don't think it's particularly impressive to practice. I practice a lot of things.

  11. Congrats to Cam Wake on 100 career sacks!  We sure miss you here in BC.

  12. Annnd, your 2019 BC Derby winner (jockey) is:



    (Wish I'd been there)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. -DLC-


      Alf that's awesome...I would have LOVED that!!  Lucky.  I always want to know their "real" (barn) names...one of my favs at Hastings was Spaghetti Mouse.  But..his real name was Archie.  <3

    3. -DLC-


      (I took this picture of Mario last time he was at Hastings)

    4. Alflives


      It was fun the day Shoe rode at Ex Park.  Jockeys are small, but he was surprisingly tiny.  Those guys/girls are super amazing athletes.  Sitting a mount so quietly (while in full gallop) is not nearly as easy as those guys make it look.  My wife liked Spaghetti Mouse too.  Very cute name.  

  13. Happy birthday, Gino.  So glad you're still here, defying the odds and being awesome.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. ChuckNORRIS4Cup


      Crazy to think a few years ago they thought he only had a couple of months left, and no doubt he didn't look good, but glad he is a fighter (no pun intended) and is still going strong and looks way more healthier!


      Happy Birthday Gino!

    3. apollo


      Heart of a Champion.

    4. Western Red

      Western Red

      What a match! I haven't watched a match in 20 years, this one will stick. Way to go girl!!


      Whoops, wrong 'thread' 


      Happy Birthday Gino!!!

  14. She The North

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Dazzle


      @SabreFan1 I think Canada is rubbing on ya pretty well. ;)

    3. SabreFan1


      @Dazzle Actually I've cheered for Canada in international sporting events since watching my first Olympics as a kid.  I've lived in Buffalo (US/Canada border city) for most of my life. 


      Once the USA is out of any international event, I then cheer for Canada and then the UK after that. 


      If all 3 countries are out, then I usually don't care who wins unless it's a women's event.  In that case, I cheer for the hottest one.  If none of the women are hot then I go back to not caring who wins...

    4. -DLC-


      It's going to be tough...Bianca's looked tired, but has a fighter spirit and seems to hate to lose.  Serena's played lights out all tournament.

      I'm just glad they get a rematch after Serena opting out at the Rogers Cup.  


      Either way, win or lose, Bianca can hold her head high.  She's made huge strides and is proving she's a champion.


      Just love how invested she is ... even when she's down, she's not out.  Should be a great match.

  15. A medication that "may cause suicidal thoughts or actions" and "bone loss"?  I think that's likely worse than the original pain.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Nuxfanabroad


      It's like taking on a job that might blot out your vision of a better future. Death & drudgery to solve all our other-worldly ambitions?!

    3. smithers joe

      smithers joe

      i think if you have taken suicidal actions,  telling a doctor is a little late.  always hate to take medication hat may cause kidney damage, strokes,  blindness, deafness or death. we use to use a floor stripper that claimed that all those things in mice. then it said, it hasn’t been tested on humans. we got that stuff thrown out. 

    4. Master 112

      Master 112

      I still remember the day my femur disappeared.

  16. Ugh, the more you do the more that's expected of you.  On both of my weeks vacation I've volunteered to go in to do payroll as no one else can/will do it.  I'd planned on going in today but a guy was leaving on his vacation last night, so I went in a day early and changed my plans.  Had to leave during the Shapavalov match as a result (grr).  I arrive to find my desk covered in work waiting for my return (no biggie, happened last time too), but then my boss starts giving me tasks to do before I leave??  Then cops an attitude when I tell him "I'm not here for long".  I am taking time off in lieu of the time spent there during my vacation time (saving it for hockey!!) but it still doesn't take away from the fact that ... rather than appreciate the effort, he was taking advantage of it by ignoring the gesture and piling on.  Guilting me.   I'm getting better at establishing boundaries, however, sigh.  I want to be a good, dedicated worker but please...don't interpret that as doormat.

    There, I feel better now.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Alflives


      Here’s a pre meet with your boss video.  


    3. AV's Coin

      AV's Coin

      same $&!# just happened to me. Switched my vacation to help out during a busy time. My boss was ungrateful so I switched it back lool. Also called my boss a dick but he's my brother so I can get away with that ))))

    4. -DLC-


      Welcome to the thankless jobs club!

  17. My vacation week:  Day one...took the car in for an 8:30 am appointment - it sat in their parking lot all day and I walked home (10km).  No biggie, but not the start I'd hoped for.  This morning?  6:30 am the paving crew arrived and fired up their machinery.  AFTER me not having a good night's sleep realizing my car was likely unlocked, out on a public street and had stuff in it.  Like my brand new Canucks storage cubicle.  

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. -DLC-


      Never had Timothy's...might be a plan!   And the dartboard too, yep.

    3. smithers joe

      smithers joe

      you should get yourself one of those damn it dolls. you could take all your frustrations out on it.

    4. -DLC-


      is that another name for "ex husband"?

  18. 8 years ago today we lost a beast of a man in Rick Rypien.  He may be gone but he'll never be forgotten.  


    1. Master 112
    2. Aladeen


      What a Warrior. RIP Ryp. 

  19. I'm such a hockey geek...reading this gem right now (given to me by a neighbour).

    1. -DLC-


      1966 .  Pretty sure it's a kid's novel, but I'm enjoying it so never you mind.   Good "cool down at the beach" material.

    2. NewbieCanuckFan


      I had this "45" (heh, the good old vinyl days) when I was wee little lad:




  20. Happy pride everyone!




    1. Alflives


      I just love this picture of our two local boys, and how they support our city.  


  21. Saw this question on Hockey News:

    If you could have dinner with any NHLer, past or present, just to hear the stories they have to tell, who would it be?

    1. Show previous comments  26 more
    2. ynwa


      Igor Larionov, he was one of the pioneer Russians to come to the NHL. He must have some great stories to tell.

  22. Just hanging around, waiting for the TRS thread to be updated with Boeser news.  Until then, I'm dead inside.

  23. GINO!


    1. King Heffy

      King Heffy

      He's looking healthy!  Even death is scared of Gino.

    2. NewbieCanuckFan




      "but the one man he could always count on was Pat Quinn. Early on, Quinn would stop by a couple of times a week to visit, and when Odjick travelled back east to be with his family, his old coach was on the phone, urging him to listen to the doctors and take care of himself because he was getting better.

      Stick with the program, Quinn would tell him, his coach till the end.

      “He was a special person,” Odjick says. “He not only made me a better hockey player, he made me a better person. He’ll have an impact on me my whole life.”

      Once, Quinn went the better part of 10 days without visiting, and Odjick thought he must have been out of town. He later learned Quinn was in the hospital himself, but he never once mentioned his illness to his former player. In fact, he left strict instructions that Odjick wasn’t to be told about his cancer.

      “He never mentioned anything about being sick,” Odjick says, shaking his head. “He went so quick. It was a shock.”

    3. 6string


      Pat Quinn was ONE special man! Gino and Ron are warriors that sustain the Canuck tradition of being a great organization to play for.Congratulations Ron!

  24. WTH happened to Twitter?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. nucklehead


      trump broke it


    3. NewbieCanuckFan


      For some odd reason.....THIS popped in my mind (yes, it’s REALLY weird in there heh...):



    4. J-23


      I had to delete Twitter last week after I saw some dude getting head from a fish. That app has the best memes, but sometimes you see the most disturbing $&!# on there smh.

  25. Out for my walk at lunch when a bunch of screaming kidiots came running toward me throwing sand at each other as they ran past.  Got some in my eye, but I'm not allowed to body slam them so I look for a sign of life with their parents, who are seated on a bench, busily ignoring each other as they check their phones.  Hopefully for a parental handbook that tells them they're failing, miserably.  I won't blame the kids - it's the sadults who are clueless.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Twilight Sparkle

      Twilight Sparkle

      next time you get drunk af, save the empties and hurl them at the parents



    3. Master 112

      Master 112

      Pocket sand!

    4. J-23


      Body slam them and show a fake birth certificate to the cops.


      Image result for i am 12

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