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Status Updates posted by -DLC-

  1. GDT should be up shortly guys. 

  2. St. Louis scored 4 unanswered goals on the Avs.  Does that mean Colorado sucks?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Vinny in Vancouver

      Vinny in Vancouver

      @debluvscanucksColorado is actually a great example of how we need to be patient with a rebuilding team. In 2016, they had a very talented but young core of Duchene, MacKinnon, Landeskog, Rantanen, Barrie, Varlamov and still finished with a very disappointing record. It takes a while for the young guys to grow and figure out how to be dominant shift after shift. But you just knew that they were going to get there. That's how I see it with our young guys who are already the core.

    3. -DLC-


      I actually think they're great @vinny.   Pointing out the hypocrisy here and how good young teams still have those games.

    4. Chickenspear


      Nah, they don't suck, they're just bummed out they whiffed on the Taylor Hall Sweepstakes::D

  3. Was on my way to an appt. with a specialist today when an elderly woman was entering the hospital on her own (there was a seniors exercise group in session...could see through the window by the entrance she was heading to.  She was frail but had no support (cane/walker) and as she got near the curb, went to step up and her shoe came off.  She then lost her balance and fell face first onto the sidewalk ... didn't get to brace herself at all!  I heard the thud of the impact as her head took the brunt.  It was horrible.  It was a secluded entrance but there was another woman just getting out of her car so I waved her over to stay with the woman as I ran in to the hospital to get help.  It was gut wrenching.  I won't soon forget the image of her hitting the ground or just lying there in a crumpled, motionless heap.  Luckily, she was at the right place for this to happen, as 3 paramedics were quickly by her side.  But my God, her head/face were a mess.  I sure hope she's ok...just can't shake the worry.


    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Nuxfanabroad


      Cycling(out of Osaka, few yrs back) saw an elderly homeless fellow fall to ground, & go into convulsions. I guess it never leaves Deb..can't shake these images.


      In the end, for all of us..eventually our number comes up. But we're building societies with shyte priorities, which make common empathy appear some outdated relic of the past.


      As things get harder, the(in general, of course) hand will be forced. It's only then all folks will remember compassion.

    3. smithers joe

      smithers joe

      she was lucky you were there. prayers for her. understanding  your feelings. i can understand your worries over your dad’s mobility issues. i went through it with sandra and now i’m not as supple as i use to be. good luck, good lady.

    4. Bell


      Deb you are a true canuck. always caring for others,  I hope the lady is ok.

  4. We have an anthem travesty on our hands.

    1. Pears


      There’s surely gotta be better options in a city like Vancouver

    2. -DLC-


      (was talking that country yeeha edition....love Marie)

  5. What even is this?  No game until Saturday??  Guess the league figured we'd need recovery time after the Burr game.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more


      I hope they can practice their defense.

    3. Ossi Vaananen

      Ossi Vaananen

      Haha, they need the rest after 2 weeks on the road and returning to a back to back. 

    4. Nuxfanabroad


      Btw, took a sched-glance, & I think(for once) they've spaced the games quite nicely for us, last few mos. of season.


      Very few bxb's

  6. I really just want to hang out here all day and talk about Burrows with you guys.  Work?  Do we really need it?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. smithers joe

      smithers joe

      one thing i loved about burr’s game with the sedins, is he always knew when to be available to help with their cycle game and when to get in front of the net to screen or tip shots. sounds small but was very important to the sedin’s game. 



      Every team needs those heart and soul guys,it is what makes sports so great.

      Mr.Burrows was not he most talented player to ever wear a Canucks uniform,but the whole city loved his work ethic and his determination.

      Also scoring the huge goals didn't hurt his persona.

    4. -DLC-


      @smithers joe     We got it!!!  Well, it's in the works...but offer's been accepted, down payment sent, etc., etc.  Woo!!  Biking to work this spring/summer.  I will be much happier.

  7. Trying to temper things, because I don't want to set myself up for disappointment.  But my boss just put in an offer to buy a new office.  Six minute drive from my house (which means I'll bike in the summer).  Gorgeous office with 3 beautiful bathrooms (vs the one we share now...that doubles as our "kitchen sink").  A HUGE full kitchen...guy lived/worked at the office.  All SS and cherry/granite in the loaded kitchen.  Fireplace.  Hardwood floors.  (He has a huge wall mounted TV, pinball and pool table in there...wish those could stay).  Gorgeous SW facing building with skylights (one right over the reception desk that would be mine).  Rather than an ugly industrial area, there are two massive shopping areas up the road with a number of restaurants/amenities.  STOKED.  Come on now, get'er done.  Movin' on up time.

  8. Go Bluebombers!!   

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. King Heffy

      King Heffy

      Both ex-Lions with a great start to the game.  Hard to root against them.

    3. coastal.view


      wally did a lot for the lions when he was in charge

      he cut ties with players who had serious careers but were reaching their twilight

      he mostly was right

      not with andrew harris though

      still shake my head when i think about it

      local running back who had so much quality

      and so many good years left


    4. SixtyMinuteMan
  9. MacKinnon scores on the Leafs in the opening minute.  LOL

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. King Heffy

      King Heffy

      Best player in the NHL. 

    3. NewbieCanuckFan


      @King Heffy  ......plays for the Canucks and wears #40.:P

    4. King Heffy

      King Heffy

      Hopefully one day he will be as good as MacKinnon.

  10. When's Toronto winning the cup again?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Nuxfanabroad


      Hard to imagine a bigger waste of 100 mill.

    3. Drive-By Body Pierce

      Drive-By Body Pierce

      When the league goes to a soft cap with only a cash luxury tax for going over the "max".

    4. Wilbur
  11. Cheering for the Bombers...Adam Bighill's been tweeting back to me and I am officially his number one fan now - GO BIGGIE!  Plus, Andrew Harris.  I Do like Dave Dickinson, but that's all I got, Calgary.

    1. King Heffy

      King Heffy

      I miss Bighill.  Heart and soul of the defense.

  12. GDT anyone?  First one up stays.

  13. Congrats to Brock on his hat trick.  Tears of joy that Dad's getting to cheer him on and is likely his very good luck charm.

  14. Super scary...Tyler Seguin's house post tornado (it was empty at the time as he's just moved out)


    1. Nuxfanabroad


      Weather Gawds are Sedin fans?

    2. Tre Mac

      Tre Mac

      That's got to be a poorly built home, Tornado wasn't even that strong.  I guess all those windows shattered which allowed all that wind to lift up the ceiling.

  15. When you were invited to the Lions' game but couldn't go and your friend sends a picture from the seats...behind Gino.  Damn.

    1. -DLC-


      Good to see the big man doing better, health wise.Always a honest tough as nails, hard working team guy and FAN favorite.

  16. So we get back to back breakfast games.  

    Our schedule is crap.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Drive-By Body Pierce

      Drive-By Body Pierce

      There's a 10...am?

    3. sonoman


      @Tre Mac what time should we come? :) 

    4. Neil HD

      Neil HD

      I'm expecting losses. Can't remember a morning game I ever liked watching, although that happened more often in the Sedin Era.



    Got this card last week... treasure it.  Two years ago today he left us.  Still gutted over it.



  18. Canucks have outscored their opponents 16-5 at home so far.

    1. AlwaysACanuckFan


      3-0 at home so far. Awesome start to Bo's reign as captain.

    2. HerrDrFunk


      It was 15-5. The shootout winner doesn't count but it was still a damn impressive homestand. 

    3. #Canucks


      15-5, 16-5 who cares we are 3-0 at home. Our team is exciting and I’m glad our team has a bright future.

  19. Well it was fun while it lasted...Mike Reilly out with a broken rib.  

  20. I have to get out of the Bertuzzi thread...my BP's going up.  

    I will never change my stance or my mind.  

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Shift-4


      want me to report you?  :P 

    3. -DLC-
    4. -DLC-


      It's all good....I don't expect everyone to share my opinion.   It's why we have discussion...to share ideas.  Cheers.

  21. I think it's time for another 90 mile walk to escape the panic.

  22. Penalty shot for throwing a broken stick.  Tie game! 

    1. brilac


      If you're watching the same game as I am, it's tied!  Oh wait, now it's not!!

  23. “We took a look at Gaudette on the 3rd line today. We’ll see what we do tomorrow. He isn’t here just to sit around.” - Coach Green

    11:57 AM - 4 Oct 2019

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. J-23


      Lines should be, by the time Roussel gets back:


      Leivo/Baer - Gaudette - Virtanen/Leivo/Roussel

      Sutter - Beagle - Roussel/Virtanen/Leivo

    3. milk and honey

      milk and honey

      loving the leivo-gaudette-virtanen line


      that 4th line is killer to. all 3guys are good defensively and best suited to sutter atm imo.

    4. Nuxfanabroad


      Trial by fire..'dem Flamers are pretty decent.

  24. WHO abducted the Seahawks and replaced them with iguanas?

    1. Ghostsof1915


      You mean safety cones? :)

  25. My work peeps get me.  This was on my desk this morning.  I'm not eating it...I'm framing it for my wall.   
    Image may contain: food

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Tre Mac

      Tre Mac

      That'll suffice

    3. rychicken


      My coworkers get me...they leave me alone...

    4. coastal.view


      my coworkers all get me, they are all gone

      i work alone


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