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Status Updates posted by -DLC-

  1. image.png


    1. Jaku


      Atta be Juice.

    2. -AJ-


      I literally laughed so hard at this. Murph and Juice have a special relationship.

    3. -DLC-


      I love that Juice has maintained a connection with Van.  In his interview, he suggested this will one day be "home" again for them.

  2. Is this interview about him or me?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. -Vintage Canuck-

      -Vintage Canuck-

      I have noticed the 19-year-old has great answers to the dumb questions asked by the media.

    3. chon derry

      chon derry

      its about him , go with it, sounds like he needs to let you know he knows what he's doing , he may have a Harley and/or a corvette that he knows nothing about , and if thats the case then you exactly what his real insecurity is. but... give him just a little credit for using his big head

    4. coastal.view


      but dahlin ?



  3. Wow, 70 goals scored in the NHL last night?  Incredible.  That's hockey I wanna watch.

    1. SabreFan1


      11 of those were scored in the Sabres vs. Montreal game.  That was some serious back and forth hockey.  Every time the Sabres would score, the Canadiens would kill the afterglow a minute later.  Finally the Sabres won it in OT.

    2. -DLC-


      LOVE those back and forth games!  Hard on the bp, but when the outcome is the right one, it's all good!  Good win, SF!

  4. Of course...scheduling is that the Lions playoff game starts at exactly puck drop  time for the hockey game.  How dumb.  I'll be going back and forth but my loyalty is to this team/game, so mostly hockey it'll be.  WE ARE ALL LION CANUCKS


    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. xereau


      This is what two TV's was invented for.

    3. coastal.view


      also is a good reason

      why attendance at a sports pub

      is required when there is a busy sports schedule happening

    4. -DLC-


      I hate pubs for sports...just too much noise/chaos and I can't "concentrate" on the game.

  5. Pionk goal was pretty fantastic.

    1. luckylager


      Paul Coffey approved.


      But Bobby Orr only gives it a C+.

  6. Woo.  More hockey on...with Woo!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. AlwaysACanuckFan
    3. MJDDawg


      That headline writes itself! :towel:

    4. chon derry

      chon derry

      tbh i'm more excited about woo than hughes , but then again thats kinda how I felt about petterson ,    ; shakes cane at clouds......

  7. @smithers joe   Going for a bit of a long shot...have to.  Mario's riding "Pavel".  That's my bet.

    1. Show previous comments  27 more
    2. -DLC-


      Oh wow, this is great.  Don't worry about derailing, this is very cool stuff.  Is this your picture?

    3. chon derry

      chon derry

      no but I do have lots of REAL  pics old and new ,  I did bring some to show joe when we got together those couple of times. this particular spot is in Canada . the road starts in stewart bc travels thru hyder Alaska and then comes back into bc again.

    4. -DLC-


      Please feel free to share more stories/pics here.  It is extremely interesting and I appreciate it a great deal.

  8. New coworkers shows up to work  everyday in a......BRUINS HAT!  What are my options here?  Burn it.  Stop issuing his paycheque.  Look into deportation.  Quit my job.

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. King Heffy

      King Heffy

      Boston Bruins urinal cakes.

    3. diesel_3


      crop dust his deck.

    4. brilac


      That reminds me! Years ago this co-worker was a Chicago Blackhawks fan.  I went to a Canucks game where it was against the Blackhawks, and the Canucks lost big time, total shut out! The day prior, it was a condensending conversation of who would win the game. And he was right.  Then one Monday, he was so happy to see me! And wrote the score on the board with who won with exclamation points.  The same thing happened with a Bruins fan at work. I went to a Canucks game on a Saturday against the Bruins, and Monday, he kept asking when Brilac would be in.  Is Brilac here yet?!


      Then when I was wearing a Canadiens hat around the time I got half my head shaved with a CH logo, a co-worker from Boston who didn't like the Habs, said something about my hat in distaste, and I showed him what I really did in Montreal!

  9. Wow, what a finish to the Lions' game!   So good.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. -DLC-


      Was watching the Riders Argos game and that one, too, was right to the wire. 

      @Twilight Sparkle  ??

      @smithersjoe     No lead is safe is right.  So many left the stadium and missed the best ending in awhile.  I never leave...just because I know it ain't over till it's over.

    3. Twilight Sparkle

      Twilight Sparkle

      I'm a ti-cats fan XD

    4. smithers joe

      smithers joe

      no one is perfect.

  10. Start a new job Monday....was just getting used to being a sun bum, training hard for the slow swim in the local pool Olympics.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Ghostsof1915


      Congrats Deb, will they build you another house? :)

    3. Tre Mac
    4. chon derry

      chon derry

      sounds kinda arthur ericksonish  formal , no nux jersey casual jeans Friday for you.  all kidding aside ,sounds like a pretty good gig, GOOD LUCK!

  11. RIP Jim The Anvil

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Alflives


      Wife and I watched a lot of wrestling during the 80’s - 90’s, and were greatly entertained by the “Heart Foundation”.  “Best there is; best there was; and the best there will be”.  

    3. Twilight Sparkle

      Twilight Sparkle

      I. Having a pretty bad day at work. This makes it worse. I've been binge watching RAW and 94-95 Anvil with Owen was great 

    4. -DLC-


      Those were the days....I remember having to go to Rogers (?) video, pick up equipment and pay $50-$80 for the ppv's.  My son was so into it...he was 8 and I was both the worst and best mother for letting him watch it.  Took him to Monday night RAW when it was here.  Sad, as that era's greats are leaving us....

  12. I feel like I'm beating the system when I use every single scrap of bread in the bag...even the heel of the crust.  An accomplishment.  Yes, my life has come to that.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. smithers joe

      smithers joe

      bread pudding is good.

    3. brilac


      I'm like that when it comes to face wash or any kind of product. I like to get every last of it!  When I am unable to squeeze the remainder out of the bottle, I take sizzers and cut the bottle in half, and then put it in a ziplock bag.  It's like saving/getting more bang for your buck!  Gosh, I even got excited over a coupon organizer today! But not for $5.99.

    4. Alflives


      I love the crusts, and dig them out first.  Then I over toast them, so they are charred along the edges.  Then I toss them to the birds off the balcony.  I hate over toasted bread.  Yuk!  

  13. Stoked!   I'm going to a 5 year old's birthday party at a water park. 

    1. Ghostsof1915


      Sunscreen Deb!


    2. Alflives


      Too much fun!  Gotta Love birthday parties!  My fingers are crossed for you to get at least a Toonie in your piece of birthday cake.  :towel:

    3. NewbieCanuckFan


      I almost gave Alf a heart attack when I substituted the birthday candles on this cake with these:



  14. G * O *** E * N * G * L * A * N * D

    1. Alflives


      Goal early.

      i really want to see France v England Final.

    2. Squamfan


      think there winning it hall, so far every team that won a championship broke a curse

    3. -DLC-
  15. A & W has a Beyond Meat veg burger starting today.  Been told it's hard to tell it's not meat...taste, texture, etc.  I will be sampling soon.

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. chon derry

      chon derry

      @Ghostsof1915 so beets, beat meat...…..hands down?

    3. Ghostsof1915


      @chon derry Well I hate beets, so anything that makes them taste good would be a vast improvement I say. Sorry childhood trauma with some veggies. :D I don't mind meat or veggies. It's good to have a choice. 

    4. chon derry

      chon derry

      roasted beets with butter , jarred tangy beets …….mushrooms now that's traumatic:sadno:   

  16. Achugh sniff.  Just showed the dragon slay of a goal...man, those were the days. That day will forever live in my memory.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Ghostsof1915


      Need a hug Deb?

    3. Western Red

      Western Red

      I remember where I was, at a great place in a small town with guys I've known my whole life and graduated HS with.

    4. -AJ-


      I still tear up sometimes when watching that goal again and it was over 7 years ago now.

  17. Stoked to see the prospects today!  Hockey in July is awesome!

    1. chon derry

      chon derry

      I do miss hockey schools , UBC  used to have clinics here in Rupert ,bob hindmarch , father david bauer , and then it was off to smithers for the Watson bros school.  3 summers I did this.... HOCKEY FOREVER!!!!


  18. Here we go with the ALL TAVARES ALL THE TIME TV.  Brace yourself.


    1. Ghostsof1915


      Easy Deb, I'm about to have lunch!

    2. goalie13


      Tavares Sports Network

    3. canuck2xtreme


      Now that he's a Leaf, how much higher up the "Best player on the Planet" list is Tavares?  Ugh..

  19. Oh Toronto, how is it possible that I despise you even more today??  UGH, I can't wait for the discussion that should go on 24-7 for a year and bust into the evening news and children's programming to celebrate the cup that still ain't gonna show up.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ghostsof1915


      @AlflivesFans won't, the media will. 

    3. chon derry

      chon derry

      the hockey gods even things out eventually....when auston  Mcmatthews contract expires and he refuse's to re-sign. I hope he's able to just walk away...…….

    4. chon derry

      chon derry

      watching cbc Canada day celebrations, and  rosemary barton starts talking about the travares signing?:wacko:. happy john travares day Canada :picard:  maybe they can re-name Toronto to  travares.   travares Ontario  the new center of the universe.

  20.  @smithers joe I'm taking #4 & or #15 in the Queen's Plate.  Would probably do an exactor box.  Strike Me Down (grey) & Ahead By A Century.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. smithers joe

      smithers joe

      that's easy for you to say. are you still horsing around?

    3. Ghostsof1915


      I'm impressed that Deb knows about exactor boxes. 

    4. goalie13


      I never realized that Joe was Deb's bookie.  :D

  21. Fourteen years ago my son met someone ON THIS SITE....they were married on Sunday.  Two of the attendees also met on here, are married and expecting their second child.  So this site delivers! 

    1. Show previous comments  22 more
    2. NewbieCanuckFan


      "I can see some potential couples coming out of the Trump thread...."


      I'm saving myself for Rob_Zepp.:wub:

    3. Qwags


      I don't know. Some of the people coming in and out of the Trump thread...

    4. Qwags


      All of you are beautiful people. :wub:

  22. There's no place like home...... taptaptap the ruby slippers

    1. Ghostsof1915
    2. smithers joe

      smithers joe

      if you see the good witch of the north with a cow bell, you'll know your in the right place, toto. 

    3. Nuxfanabroad


      They say the road to Hell is cobbled with yellow bricks!

  23. Listening to the calls of the past:   "He'll play, you know he'll play" & "Alex Burrows, 5:22 into overtime/clobbered the Hawks"/dragon slay, etc.  Getting a little teary here.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Roberts


      Jim Rodson
      Jim Hughson
      John Shorthouse
      John Garrett

    3. -DLC-


      I often see Jim Robson in his seat at home games.  I always feel so honoured and privileged to see him...he is so friendly and accommodating (although I tend to not bug him and just smile and say hello as I pass).  A legend.

    4. NewbieCanuckFan


      I don't exactly "miss" Mr. Pauser calling into Dan Rusell's program (back when he was a great program - not the version that developed later on....) with his "Craig Coxe update".:P

  24. There is a terrible rabbit virus in Richmond and it is terrifying.  Is killing ALL the rabbits out there and pieces of my heart right along with them.  If you have rabbits, be aware.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Stelar


      Have they been exposed to dilbit:ph34r: 

    3. Nuxfanabroad


      Save the Bunny! Watch "Fatal Attraction" backwards...

    4. AngelicHearts


      That's terrible. Poor bunnies... :(

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