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Status Updates posted by -DLC-

  1. I'm trapped in spreadsheet hell right now.  Crunching numbers for the former employee who messed up invoicing and "lost" $11,000.00.  Found it, now just have to present to the client how it happened...even though it was 3 years before I started.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. -DLC-


      Thanks AJ!   I generally don't sleep well but this was an all night deal.  Going to hit the hay soon....likely won't last through Jeopardy.

      You hang in there too...we're almost there....Friiiidaaaay!

    3. Ghostsof1915



      1:24 to 1:39

    4. smithers joe

      smithers joe

      deb to the rescue. who better to make things right. the florence nightingale of business. 

  2. "Winning's always good...winning's great"  -TG  Love him.

    1. King Heffy

      King Heffy

      He's been here for 2 years now and I still find him a breath of fresh air.  I'm going to be very unhappy if he's not back next year.

  3. FB, Instagram, WhatsApp all down?  Is the world ending?

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Master 112

      Master 112

      Well, I had a good run.

    3. Odd.


      Nah, apparently half the world has access to instagram/facebook and half the world doesn't. im the half that doesn't have service. 


      some weird glitch or ddoss happening apparently

    4. naslund.is.king
  4. Canada is joining the growing number of countries that have grounded Boeing’s 737 MAX 8 jets.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. luckylager


      Flying to Kauai on Sunday. I'm glad westjet has grounded the planes in question, the recent news has been unsettling

    3. redhdlois


      @luckylager  Flying to Kauai on the 26th !



    4. luckylager


      We'll still be there! 

  5. Was so nice to hear Jim Robson on the radio on the drive in to work today...always love hearing his stories.  Said he tries not to be too big a homer but, as someone who sits in the stands, is a true fan of the team.  Thinks they get too much heat and is excited about our future.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more


      I truly hope that The Canucks can find that again for their Hockey night in Canada Broadcasts.

      That familiar voice, that voice that doesn't demean or ridicule.That voice that you know is alway for our team.Like John & John on Sportsnet,those familiar voices.

      Having anouncers come in from different teams is like having the enemy calling your home games.

      I really hate Jim H.'s voice now because he is such a Toronto Homey and he called that lose in 2011,that one hurt.

      We need a Cup here for the people of B.C. and Canada,that would be outstanding.

    3. -AJ-


      I love hearing Robson talk. I only wish I would've been around to hear him call games. I hope he puts out some  10 hour video series of hockey stories or something one day. I'd snatch that up in a second. Such a great story teller.

    4. milk and honey

      milk and honey

      don taylor and him are the best 2 people to listen to for sports. John and John are to homer for me but are still quality.

  6. Going to the game tomorrow!!  Which is great because I'm pretty sure my rabbits are sick of me yelling at my TV.  GO CANUCKS GO

    1. Shift-4


      I better hear you cheering!

    2. Nuxfanabroad


      Last game attended was 2002! Been a while...


      Hope they give you plenty to cheer, Deb(howz'bout 3 pts for the kid?:^)

    1. Art Vandelay

      Art Vandelay

      Google must be automatically updating. Both of my computers uodated without prompting it. 

    2. -DLC-


      Mine too.

    3. Wilbur


      Updated mine.  Thanks!

  7. "You don't wave the white flag" (surrender/tank). - Brian Burke.  He thinks Marky should play this out and, despite thinking we won't make it, that the guys have to give it their best shot.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. NewbieCanuckFan




      The thing is, a head coach pretty much is concerned with the here and now (given that their shelf life often is subject to the whim's of the GM or wins/losses).  A GM can afford to have a longer term perspective.


      At the time, Roger Neilson felt the series was slipping away.  He used that "white towel" to 'rally the troops'; and in that sense, he succeeded as the Canucks proceeded to win the next three games in the series & advance to the Finals.  Remember to that he was technically just the 'interm coach' as he was only given the head coach reins because Harry Neale decided to pay a visit in the stands with some new friends in Quebec.:P



      Not surrendering,more like asking for FAIR treatment by the officials.



      Blatantly making a bad call sent the Rams to the Superbowl.

      That is what i mean by a "FAIR"opportunity to win.

    4. NewbieCanuckFan


      A distinction should also be made that you can have REALLY AWFUL officiating but not really effecting the outcome of a series.  For example that referring travesty in the Canucks-Sharks series a while back.  Clearly the Sharks were the better team but they sure as heck didn't need all the help they received from the zebras.  This is where that man of zero integrity Kelly Sutherland made his mark.

  8. Wow, Rangers tie it up with 30 seconds left.

  9. I'm into curling now.  I can't believe it...my parents loved it and I HATED it.  I mean, it's so damn annoying...I just recall a bunch of yelling and screaming.  Sweep harder??!  How about no.  But now I like it.  Go Rachel Homan!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. chon derry
    3. Alflives


      I like the new rules, that have greatly increased the excitement.  I miss the sounds of the old corn brooms though.  

    4. chon derry

      chon derry

      proof men do know how to hold a broom :bigblush:

  10. When I get invited to a game but can't go I:

    Rip my couch into shreds like a neglected dog.

    Scream into a pillow.  Then bite it.  And punch it.

    Swear in 7 different languages.



    Die a little inside.

    Throw plates off my balcony onto my car.

    All of the above

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Bell


      Would not want to fight deb over the last slice of pizza.

    3. naslund.is.king


      psh imagine living out of province and getting blackout

      love your passion tho:towel:

    4. -DLC-


      Add insult to injury...just had a second invite to the game.  AAAHHHHH

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. MJDDawg


      Who the !@#$ doesn't vaccinate their kids??  Unbelievable. Do parents think it was fake news or something?

    3. johngould21


      To some of these parents, vaccinations cause autism, totally unfounded.

    4. NewbieCanuckFan


      @MJDDawg  Just look at the various celebrities that are anti-vaxers.  Suddenly they’re medical experts...

  11. When you have Smashing Pumpkins Mayonnaise cranked and THINK your earbuds are plugged in at work but they're not.  I JUST WANT TO BEEEE MEEEE.

    1. brilac


      I was listening to NKOTB a few weeks ago at work, and others laughed at it.  Maybe they don't take me for someone who listens to them, and most of the time I talk about 2 Hockey teams, and today it was how I don't care for Calgary or the Bruins, and is Ottawa closer to Montreal or is  Boston closer to Montreal?  I think Ottawa is.  

    2. NewbieCanuckFan


      You know you’re freakin’ old when you have to look up (google) what “youngsters” have said (I didn’t know what NKOTB stood for).:P

  12. Fight already...HDIC is in full swing.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. goalie13


      Did Don finally take a swing at Ron?

    3. -DLC-


      Now that would be worth seeing!!

    4. -DLC-




      Bought a new scarf last night....without realizing what today was.  Perfect, all set!

  13. Happy hockey day in Canada.  Bittersweet for me...one of the last lucid moments with my Mom.  Will always be special to me, miss her so.  One of the original Canuck fans, she loved this team.

    1. smithers joe

      smithers joe

      my brother was a season ticket holder since canucks came into the league. he had heart surgery in 1999. he planned to go to their traing camp as he always had. the doctor told him not to go. he didn’t listen and ended up have a fatal massive heart attack. he died doing what he loved. it hurt losing him but he went out on his own terms. i hope i can too.

    2. -DLC-


      My Dad's at that point right now...has been through so much and really has the "I've lived a good life" loop on in response to what may need to happen.  Not sure he's willing to endure any more and I've accepted that same thing...his terms.  It's painful and I'm trying to nudge him gently, but I'm not the one having to go through it all.

      I hope you can too, Joe.  Your brother obviously lived life the way he wanted to and went out the same way.  Much to be respected in that. But you'd better be sticking around here for awhile.  xo


  14. Edmonton loses in OT. 

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. King Heffy

      King Heffy

      @Green Building really depends:

      Oilers - Owner willing to attempt to ice an NHL team, management too stupid to accomplish task.  Wasting prime years of generational talent due to sheer incompetence.

      Senators - Owner too cheap to ice competitive team and doesn't care about winning.  Management doing decent job despite working for a worthless bum.

      I'd love to see what kind of nightmare Chia could accomplish working for Melnyk.

    3. Green Building

      Green Building

      Right? It's such a toss up. At least the Sens made the finals, but their collapse has been meteoric whereas, despite enviable draft position, the Oil have just flat-out stunk.

    4. Coconuts
  15. Thanks Joe!

    1. smithers joe

      smithers joe

      your welcome, big casino. thanks for the friendship. your the godmother of cdc. cheers lass.

    2. -DLC-


      I am so grateful to call you "friend".  You're the respected elder of our tribe here and we're blessed to have you.

    3. Master 112

      Master 112

      I love me some wholesome CDC. :)

  16. IKEA has become my lunch hour happy place, the veggie patties are to die for.  Where else can you eat lunch for $3.14?  GRÖNSAKSKAKA I <3 you.

    1. chon derry
    2. JM_


      sometimes my wife and I go for a cheapie dinner out and split a plate of meatballs there <_< 

    3. -DLC-


      They have greasy spring rolls too, also love those.

  17. I've resorted to....curling today.  Housework and curling.  We're hitting a low point.  Hurry up (real) hockey.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. smithers joe

      smithers joe

      i hope your able to land the piano in the house. i guess if you can sweep it across the room you’ll be okay.  please send us pictures.

    3. -Vintage Canuck-

      -Vintage Canuck-

      This week is going to go by very slow.

    4. Alflives


      Do curlers still drink pints, and smoke stogies while playing?  

      I hear this is the new curling champ. 


  18. I'm SO conflicted.  I've put my friends off recently as I started a new job and have been crazy busy.  So we booked a dinner for tonight because I checked the Canucks' schedule and it was "clear/good"...except I didn't realize the SS was tonight.  Aaahhhh, I don't have a PVR so am kicking myself.   I really don't want to miss Petey in action.  Sigh.

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. J.I.A.H.N


      I will now muffle my comment! :bigblush:

    3. Alflives


      Three attractive girls who are sports enthusiasts!  Now, what guy likes girls like that?  How long is the line?  If I was thirty years younger!  I’m sorry For being so forward Deb, but you ex must be a friggin’ moron.  You like sports, you’re fun, and you work hard.  Some men are just STUPID!  Again, my apologies.  

    4. chon derry
  19. I really hate the scheduling...how come we don't play all week after the ASB??  It's like they want us to have this feast/famine deal so we can't get into any sort of rhythm.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. CanuckleHorse


      With the amount of games in February I think that Green is going to have to get creative or the injuries are going to pile up.

    3. Wilbur


      Like @Alflivessaid, all teams get a 9 day break around the all-star break.  Some have it starting now, I believe, while other teams, like the Canucks, have the bulk of the rest after the all-star game. 

    4. Coconuts


      I hate long breaks but the guys probably need it, if we've got any lingering injuries here's hoping we're able to heal up for February.

  20. When Bo puts his head down and skates hard with the puck, he's a bit of a charging bull in a good way.  Love how he plays the game.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. chon derry

      chon derry

      watched this a while ago .


    3. Jaku



      I'm just going to leave this here.


    4. Alflives


      Bo is a true farm boy.  He's got the farm boy strength too.  He is great now, but if he added mean, he'd be close to the best in the league.  30 goals and 70 points and mean.  

  21. What a glorious day...football followed by hockey.  Perfect Sunday stuff.

    1. MJDDawg


      I feel conflicted. It's almost too nice to stay inside. Watched both games yesterday, but fixed the leaky shower fixture between games so felt productive. Am watching this blowout Pats game right now but think I'm going to go for a nice walk before game 2 starts. Then I can enjoy the Canucks game later without feeling guilty. 

    2. Shift-4


      Was hoping for a more interesting opening game

  22. Petey not playing tomorrow?  I'm ok with this...rest, heal, don't take chances. 


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Trebreh


      yes, we need him for the playoff run. :emot-parrot:

    3. Jaku


      Ugh :( I dont get to see another game until later this month. I guess that's how it goes :/ 

    4. -AJ-


      Kinda hoping he's back for when I'm going to the game in Edmonton, but I'm feeling it's probably a 90% no for that day.

  23. Mike Patton to sing the anthem for the Cowboys-Rams game.  Hell yeah.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. NewbieCanuckFan


      Rosanne not available?





    3. -DLC-


      So he didn't show??  There was a violin player instead?  

    4. Squamfan
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