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(Speculation) Freidman "I wouldn't be surprised if The Canucks threw some serious money at Stamkos"

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3 minutes ago, WHL rocks said:

I'm sure I won't need to let you guys know, I think you guys will let me know IF Cooper gets fired at end of season.

Comparing Canucks hiring Torts to Tampa extending Cooper makes absolutely Zero sense. None whatsoever. Torts was a disaster, he was fired after 1 season. Cooper signed an extension after being very successful with the team.

If Y had the slightest thought of firing him there's no way he extends his contract now, it's not like he extended him before the season started, he did it just before Xmas.

Droin had already asked for a trade by then and Stamkos situation was the same that day as it is today.

St Louis trade was a steal  by Steve Y. He would do that all over again, St Louis was done as a hockey player.

Of course coaches get fired, Bowman got fired. But in this case there is no evidence to make such claims, evidence points to the opposite. 



Actually, comparing Cooper to Torts is VERY apt.


Torts at the years end, he's our guy.  A week later fired.  how about Carter Richards?  They're Flyers for life.  Rick Nash?  He's not going anywhere.  St Louis?  We haven't entertained any talks about St Louis.  Burke (endlessly) he's my guy he's not going anywhere...only to see someone fired.


Again, very apt.  If Y had the slightest thought that he was about to lose 2 of the most dynamic young offensive players in the game based off of a coach, he'd fire his arse yesterday, if he doesn't than no matter what his playing days say there's very little rope left for him to hang himself with


There's every possibility they mend fences, there's even more possibility they sign Stammer and a good shot that no matter what one of Drouin or Stamkos is gone.


But at days end, a contract extension to a coach means about as much as Prusts "toughness" does to this team on a California road trip

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1 minute ago, SilentSam said:

... So, I'm enjoying a pop,. And following this thread.,, but I've got to ask,  

Spock..? ... Is that you?   ;) 

How Original, did you come up with that all by yourself?

IF you're interested in discussing the subject I'm in.

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Just now, Warhippy said:

Actually, comparing Cooper to Torts is VERY apt.


Torts at the years end, he's our guy.  A week later fired.  how about Carter Richards?  They're Flyers for life.  Rick Nash?  He's not going anywhere.  St Louis?  We haven't entertained any talks about St Louis.  Burke (endlessly) he's my guy he's not going anywhere...only to see someone fired.


Again, very apt.  If Y had the slightest thought that he was about to lose 2 of the most dynamic young offensive players in the game based off of a coach, he'd fire his arse yesterday, if he doesn't than no matter what his playing days say there's very little rope left for him to hang himself with


There's every possibility they mend fences, there's even more possibility they sign Stammer and a good shot that no matter what one of Drouin or Stamkos is gone.


But at days end, a contract extension to a coach means about as much as Prusts "toughness" does to this team on a California road trip

Ok let me know when Cooper gets fired at end of this season.

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Just now, WHL rocks said:

Ok let me know when Cooper gets fired at end of this season.

I never said he would my man, don't put words in my mouth I am far from picking a fight with you.


I am simply stating the truth.  An extended coach means about as much as a Sedin being abused in front of a ref after a whistle in the playoffs.  Which is to say nothing.


Imagine if you will Willie D chasing Horvat and McCaan out and Linden extending him just before this became public.  How long do you think Aquaman would allow that to stand?


Again, coaches are hired to be fired.  If they lose both Stamkos AND Drouin in the next year can you seriously see Cooper still having a job knowing how integral Stammer is to the TBay offense?

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Just now, Warhippy said:

I never said he would my man, don't put words in my mouth I am far from picking a fight with you.


I am simply stating the truth.  An extended coach means about as much as a Sedin being abused in front of a ref after a whistle in the playoffs.  Which is to say nothing.


Imagine if you will Willie D chasing Horvat and McCaan out and Linden extending him just before this became public.  How long do you think Aquaman would allow that to stand?


Again, coaches are hired to be fired.  If they lose both Stamkos AND Drouin in the next year can you seriously see Cooper still having a job knowing how integral Stammer is to the TBay offense?

 I never said a coach never gets fired, so I don't know where you're coming from. LIke I said even the great Bowman was fired.....

I don't understand what point you're trying to make. 

Cooper got extended last month. Y knew the Drouin situation, he knew the Stamkos situation because both those situations were exactly the same last month as they are today. 

When a coach gets extended it's safe to say the owner knows because he'd sign off on it. So there is absolutely no evidence to say today that Cooper will be fired in 3 or 4 months. Evidence points to the contrary. 


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Just now, WHL rocks said:

 I never said a coach never gets fired, so I don't know where you're coming from. LIke I said even the great Bowman was fired.....

I don't understand what point you're trying to make. 

Cooper got extended last month. Y knew the Drouin situation, he knew the Stamkos situation because both those situations were exactly the same last month as they are today. 

When a coach gets extended it's safe to say the owner knows because he'd sign off on it. So there is absolutely no evidence to say today that Cooper will be fired in 3 or 4 months. Evidence points to the contrary. 


Now should they miss the playoffs and lose both Stamkos and Drouin.  Do you still feel comfortable Cooper stays?

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24 minutes ago, Ryan Strome said:

I must have you mistaken but your name looks very familiar. No mud throwing I don't support your opinion much like the majority of posters in this thread.

You referred to me as one of the most ridiculous posters on CDC, you said I spent all my time trashing JB, and you claimed that I made terrible trade proposals. Not once did you consider having an actual adult argument concerning my opinion. That is the definition of mud-slinging.

I am also not arguing that Stamkos is not elite. He is one of the best players in the NHL and is still very young. My opinion is that Kopitar, Toews, Kane, Crosby, Benn, Tavares, Malkin, and Ovechkin are more valuable players than Stamkos. That still doesn't mean he isn't a phenomenal talent. Just not worth 9-10 million in my opinion. 

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1 minute ago, Warhippy said:

Now should they miss the playoffs and lose both Stamkos and Drouin.  Do you still feel comfortable Cooper stays?

I'm sure we'll revisit this subject if he gets fired.

Not only are you arguing in hypotheticals but you've got multiple hypotheticals in one sentence. 

If they win the Stanley Cup are you sure they'll fire him? See how that works, it's nonsense and pointless. 


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I'll take Stamkos if all it costs is salary cap. If we are NOT tanking or having a fire sale at the deadline and aim to be competitive next season, then why the hell would you not even make an offer to one of the more natural goal scorers in the league when you don't even need to give up a single asset to acquire him!

What the hell guys?

Yeah, we need an actual #1 defenceman. Well we've needed one of those for forever so I'm not holding my breath. In the meantime, take the guy that costs only salary cap if he wishes to play hockey here. If he's unhappy in 3-5 years, then we can move him before his contract expires.

The key to this is not to sign him to a NMC/NTC. Keep it limited, but give yourself some wiggle.

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23 minutes ago, WHL rocks said:

How Original, did you come up with that all by yourself?

IF you're interested in discussing the subject I'm in.

I'm kinda on the fence with this one "rocks".  I believe Torts was a forced hand by ownership, not Gillis.  Kinda heard a story back then of an argument over dinner where ownership wanted AV out, Gillis was trying to talk method, a plan, and patience to re-tool,. Ownership wanted playoff revenue. When ownership realized how big of a mistake they had made, out went the baby and the bath water.. An xGM on the payroll and their recently hired Torts deep in USD.

Thus, the re-invention of Trevor Linden, and our doughnuts have sprinkles on them again.

so,. I think I'm agree with you on this one Rocks.. But I've just finished my second pop...  And like Stamkos, . And Hockey,. Anything can happen :) 

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9 minutes ago, SilentSam said:

I'm kinda on the fence with this one "rocks".  I believe Torts was a forced hand by ownership, not Gillis.  Kinda heard a story back then of an argument over dinner where ownership wanted AV out, Gillis was trying to talk method a plan and patience to re-tool,. Ownership wanted playoff revenue. When ownership realized how big of a mistake they had made, out went the baby and the bath water.. An xGM on the payroll and their recently hired Torts deep in USD.

Thus, the re-invention of Trevor Linden, and our doughnuts have sprinkles on them again.

so,. I think I'm agree with you on this one Rocks.. But I've just finished my second pop...  And like Stamkos, . And Hockey,. Anything can happen :) 

I heard the exact same thing Sam, Re:  Aquas, MG and rebuild/retool.

Torts was Aquas decision not MG's. I heard MG say on 1040 that he wanted a retool after they lost to LA in 4 straight but was overruled by Aquas.

With Stamkos I think it's much ado about nothing, he's not signing here. IF he leaves Tampa as UFA why would he come to Vancouver. There is absolutely no connection, and he'll get big money offers from around the league. 

Edit: I'm gonna pour a drink. Good call on the pops. 

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It's a no-brainer the Canucks will be kicking the tires on him.... but that goes for pretty much every single team in the NHL.

That being said, the Canucks will really need to off-load Burrows, Hamhuis, and Vrbata to make this work, and then pray and hope the Sedins will take yet another hometown discount going forward and that players on ELC won't be asking for / unable to ask for a heavy raise. 

Having Stamkos or the Sedins as the 1A, 1B line would make the Canucks almost instant contenders.  That's all assuming the Twins will be 60+ points players, the youngsters continuing to improve and defenders like Hutton, Pedan, Tryamkin, Subban, Brisboise are able to reach their potentials.  A lot of maybes...

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3 hours ago, RRypien37 said:
2 hours ago, Canucks Prophet said:

Dude, Stamkos is a first liner and a star on virtually every team right now. And at age 25, that's not changing anytime soon.

Why wouldn't he be? He is 25 right now....in 2 years when the Twins contracts are up he would be 27. That's just the entry into the prime years for most players. 

Hank guys, obviously. Not Stammer

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2 minutes ago, WHL rocks said:

I heard the exact same thing Sam, Re:  Aquas, MG and rebuild/retool.

Torts was Aquas decision not MG's. I heard MG say on 1040 that he wanted a retool after they lost to LA in 4 straight but was overruled by Aquas.

With Stamkos I think it's much ado about nothing, he's not signing here. IF he leaves Tampa as UFA why would he come to Vancouver. There is absolutely no connection, and he'll get big money offers from around the league. 

The only thought I can offer with this is that Stamkos is a true Canadian kid,. and I think somebody here did state that he got snubbed by Team Canada 2010 GOLD (Steve Y).   I think he would embrace the idea of being a top Canadian kid, bringing Lord Stanley back home to Canada after a very long vacation.   A good Canadian market, a great fan base, with a  media that's on Prozac might look like fun.   Oh,. did I mention Swedish Twins? ;) 

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17 minutes ago, Down by the River said:

You referred to me as one of the most ridiculous posters on CDC, you said I spent all my time trashing JB, and you claimed that I made terrible trade proposals. Not once did you consider having an actual adult argument concerning my opinion. That is the definition of mud-slinging.

I am also not arguing that Stamkos is not elite. He is one of the best players in the NHL and is still very young. My opinion is that Kopitar, Toews, Kane, Crosby, Benn, Tavares, Malkin, and Ovechkin are more valuable players than Stamkos. That still doesn't mean he isn't a phenomenal talent. Just not worth 9-10 million in my opinion. 

If your boy, Kesler is schedule to make 7M, next year putting up 30-40 points. Then Stamkos is definitely worth 9-10M.

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