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Torts proving why he is a top coach?


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CBJ is on absolute fire and they are off to the best start in their history, and I don't think this is a coincidence with Torts being there.  He has now coached 4 different teams and 3 out 4 are and were top teams.


Won the cup with TB, kept the Rangers at the top, 1 year in Van was below average/terrible, now his Blue Jackets are ripping teams apart.  I think it simply proves he is a great and top coach and is right about the Canucks when he said "the core is stale''



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6 minutes ago, JV77 said:

CBJ is on absolute fire and they are off to the best start in their history, and I don't think this is a coincidence with Torts being there.  He has now coached 4 different teams and 3 out 4 are and were top teams.


Won the cup with TB, kept the Rangers at the top, 1 year in Van was below average/terrible, now his Blue Jackets are ripping teams apart.  I think it simply proves he is a great and top coach and is right about the Canucks when he said "the core is stale''



He was ABSOLUTELY correct about us not living in 2011.  There might have been an owner meddling that caused troubles that season too?

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59 minutes ago, JV77 said:

CBJ is on absolute fire and they are off to the best start in their history, and I don't think this is a coincidence with Torts being there.  He has now coached 4 different teams and 3 out 4 are and were top teams.


Won the cup with TB, kept the Rangers at the top, 1 year in Van was below average/terrible, now his Blue Jackets are ripping teams apart.  I think it simply proves he is a great and top coach and is right about the Canucks when he said "the core is stale''




Lundqvist had more to do with NYR staying where they than Torts.   He has a young and fast team well built for his style that are buying in.  Their blue line is very mobile and make a good first pass....pretty much the opposite of what we had.  


Brobrovsky is playing lights out.....if not for Dubnyk he is the best goalie this season. 


His schtick will wear thin in a few years. 

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1 hour ago, JV77 said:

CBJ is on absolute fire and they are off to the best start in their history, and I don't think this is a coincidence with Torts being there.  He has now coached 4 different teams and 3 out 4 are and were top teams.


Won the cup with TB, kept the Rangers at the top, 1 year in Van was below average/terrible, now his Blue Jackets are ripping teams apart.  I think it simply proves he is a great and top coach and is right about the Canucks when he said "the core is stale''



Don't get ahead of yourself.  He had an extremely poor reputation going into this season and they were garbage at the start (opposite of us).  Wait this out and see if they make the playoffs.


Don't forget that when Alain Vigneault moved to the Rangers he turned them into cup finalists and President's Trophy winners.  He made the team better than under Tortorella.  He did poorly in Vancouver and he did VERY poorly for the US national team.  This is career revival/redemption or whatever you want to call it.  But do not deny that he had some rough years.

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Different coaches fit different teams. He's got a young team that's happy to buy in with a very compliant owners group. We had an old stale core with old rigid owners who wouldn't really change everything for Torts.


It's tough to completely trust a random coach but that's what we never did and it never worked. Columbus are doing so and it's paying off right now.


Also we had old, tired players who couldn't keep up to his rigorous style of play whereas the young guys in Columbus are happy to do so.


This Canucks team needs a coach like AV, before, now and in the next few years as well.

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The reality is that Torts plays an up-tempo game which requires teams with good skating and stamina. He also does better on teams with deep forward rosters that have scoring up and down the lineup... This is the exact opposite of what he had in Vancouver, but this is the trend of ALL teams in the NHL nowadays.. This is what every team wants, so I think even once his "schtick" as some are saying runs out in Columbus, he'll have no trouble finding his next job.

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5 hours ago, JV77 said:

CBJ is on absolute fire and they are off to the best start in their history, and I don't think this is a coincidence with Torts being there.  He has now coached 4 different teams and 3 out 4 are and were top teams.


Won the cup with TB, kept the Rangers at the top, 1 year in Van was below average/terrible, now his Blue Jackets are ripping teams apart.  I think it simply proves he is a great and top coach and is right about the Canucks when he said "the core is stale''



I couldn't focus on the topic. Your sig made me lose focus. Torts is a boss though. 

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Torts' style seems more effective with young teams than older teams. The New York team wasn't THAT young, but only Brad Richards (31) and Fedotenko (32) were over 30. Vancouver on the other hand had 6 people over 30, with Kesler at 29 (Gaborik was 29 on the NY team as well). Kassian and Tanev were our only young players. Kassian had his career high that season (scoring just two goals less than Daniel Sedin in the same number of games), and Tanev broke into the league.

It is surprising that Hansen struggled so much, given his style of play he seems like he should have been a favourite. 


This year, as a rebuild year, things don't look so bad with Horvat, Baertschi, Stecher, Sbisa, Sutter, and Granlund playing well. With the right linemate I think Baertschi and Horvat could make up our first line as soon as next year. Eriksson is really only the "black eye", as he is an older player under a huge contract. I would have preferred we way overpaid a Vanek, Hudler, or Perron on a one year deal for secondary scoring. 

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He is definitely not a top coach.


Everyone likes to think he was full of wisdom in saying our core was stale, but a top coach would have had better results regardless.


Remember how he treated Booth, or Burrows? How about not showing up to practice? Certainly didn't handle things properly.


His success this year has more to do with the emergence of Werenski and Bobrovsky playing at his best.

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16 minutes ago, Master Mind said:

He is definitely not a top coach.


Everyone likes to think he was full of wisdom in saying our core was stale, but a top coach would have had better results regardless.


Remember how he treated Booth, or Burrows? How about not showing up to practice? Certainly didn't handle things properly.


His success this year has more to do with the emergence of Werenski and Bobrovsky playing at his best.

How do you know it wasn't Torts who got them to play their best?

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12 hours ago, JV77 said:

CBJ is on absolute fire and they are off to the best start in their history, and I don't think this is a coincidence with Torts being there.  He has now coached 4 different teams and 3 out 4 are and were top teams.


Won the cup with TB, kept the Rangers at the top, 1 year in Van was below average/terrible, now his Blue Jackets are ripping teams apart.  I think it simply proves he is a great and top coach and is right about the Canucks when he said "the core is stale''



Yes completely agree! Didn't keep him here long enough to make a difference.

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14 hours ago, JV77 said:

CBJ is on absolute fire and they are off to the best start in their history, and I don't think this is a coincidence with Torts being there.  He has now coached 4 different teams and 3 out 4 are and were top teams.


Won the cup with TB, kept the Rangers at the top, 1 year in Van was below average/terrible, now his Blue Jackets are ripping teams apart.  I think it simply proves he is a great and top coach and is right about the Canucks when he said "the core is stale''



Hard to disagree with this.  

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All Torts is doing is whipping the young talent on CBJ into shape. When he was here he overplayed the Sedins, ragged on Hansen (look at how he's doing under Desjardins) and generally lost his $*!% way more often than he needed to. There was a reason why he was on the outs in New York as well, when Vigneault took them right back into contention.


CBJ's bubble will burst a little bit here and they'll come back to Earth. They could still do well if their young players stay on form, but Torts does not deserve all the credit here.


17 minutes ago, Creepy Crawler said:

Let's not forget that Folingo and Saad are also having a hot season.

Werenski having a Calder year as well and Wennberg at nearly a point a game. This is more about a team built to succeed by Davidson and Kekalainen.

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