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Elias Pettersson | #40 | C

-Vintage Canuck-

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1 hour ago, RetroCanuck said:

Skilled guy that can go to the net, play physical and bang home pucks. Need someone to go tap in rebounds when a goalie gets lucky enough to stop Boeser's shot!

I have to edit this after some thought . 


Going to the net is what horvat does . They dont need a guy like him on their line . They need a fast playmaker with a good shot that can either help get the puck to Boeser , or laser one in himself . You will see Leipsic there way before a guy like gadjovich imo . 

Edited by cuporbust
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1 hour ago, RetroCanuck said:

Goldy is no guarantee but he has so much skill he deserves a good hard look this year and I think he'll prove himself.


Put him with defensively responsible players who also have some offensive toolkits and he can be a great player long term

I say if Dahlen shows more than he does this training camp and pre season, it's Utica or ......! The better part of three seasons in this organization and all that skill that he has, but, he only drew into the lineup because of so many injuries last Spring. He did show flashes, but RC, how many more opportunities does he get?

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7 hours ago, NUCKER67 said:

If Virtanen worked on his hands during the off season, and has made a big improvement there, I'd like to see him on Pettersson's wing. He's got speed and grit, and if anyone takes liberties with Elias, Jake could step in to at least stand up for him. I'd also like to see a veteran with some size and skill on his other wing.


Eriksson - Pettersson - Virtanen


I agree, whole heartedly, that as much as Boeser seems logical on Pettersson's wing?  


Jake has a certain ring to it?  I'm forgetting any ''stand up'' type comments. Jake is big, not afraid, but not known as a fighter.  Its that speeeeeeeeeeeeed! With an absolute wicked wrister. He could jump to 25 goals if all he had to do was fire it when it hit his stick? In fact, he played off wing in junior, coming in on his off wing firing howitzers through traffic;


Jake Pettersson Boeser! 


Wowee, that sone boys who can shoot!


It's also may be more of a long term thing. Perhaps too young as a top line?


To start I thoroughly believe its EP who will crossover, he's also played LW.  Which as a lefty is his natural wing, just with his shot has always played that off side! And Pettersson will start on our top line as LW; Pettersson Horvat Boeser.  EP will also command some double shifts. A third line I also expect to surface this year, when opportunity surfaces, will match dual pivots, 1 left handed, one right & Jake! Jake a fore checker & puck digger. Gaudetted & Pettersson both master at hounding and stealing pucks shook loose by the pressure.


Gaudette Pettersson Jake is a line that could see opposing forwards and D constantly checking their stick to see if they still have the puck!

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2 hours ago, SergioMomesso said:

Is anyone feeling nervous about his first game in a Nuck unit or is it just me? Yesterday I was super pumped, today not so much. Tomorrow I should even out and just let whatever happens, happen. Time to crack a beer 


We all want him to succeed. We all want him to show something that clearly demonstrates just how special he is...

But 'special' isn't a move, or a play, or a pass, or a shift. Special is spread out over 82 games and through the playoffs. Special is carved out over a career.

We can only hope he uses these games to show our fanbase just how seriously he takes this opportunity to be part of something huge.


I recall a small moment last preseason when the young players stayed in Vancouver and the vets went to China - Brock Boeser, for some reason, had the puck behind his own net. 

He was so calm, bringing the game to a complete halt with the puck on his stick; he assessed the ice and the random assortment of guys on the roster that night, and carried it out of the zone confidently. It was such a nothing moment, but for me, my eyes lit up. It felt like the beginning of a new era, honestly.

I knew he was special in that moment, the way he seemed so aware of what the stakes were (being a pro hockey player, a young leader, part of a community starved for somebody to rally behind) simply by the way he handled himself on the ice.


I expect some similar moments with EP in the coming weeks. If he can have his 'ah-ha' moment early enough, his rookie season will be legendary.

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5 hours ago, Chronic.Canucks.Fan said:

EP40 is historically a bit of a slow starter so he might have to wait until the second game for that :lol:

Guarantee you EP will have 2 G, 1 A tomorrow and CDC explodes like a mushroom....  all the fans camp out overnight outside the team store for his jerseys!! 

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9 hours ago, nergish said:


We all want him to succeed. We all want him to show something that clearly demonstrates just how special he is...

But 'special' isn't a move, or a play, or a pass, or a shift. Special is spread out over 82 games and through the playoffs. Special is carved out over a career.

We can only hope he uses these games to show our fanbase just how seriously he takes this opportunity to be part of something huge.


I recall a small moment last preseason when the young players stayed in Vancouver and the vets went to China - Brock Boeser, for some reason, had the puck behind his own net. 

He was so calm, bringing the game to a complete halt with the puck on his stick; he assessed the ice and the random assortment of guys on the roster that night, and carried it out of the zone confidently. It was such a nothing moment, but for me, my eyes lit up. It felt like the beginning of a new era, honestly.

I knew he was special in that moment, the way he seemed so aware of what the stakes were (being a pro hockey player, a young leader, part of a community starved for somebody to rally behind) simply by the way he handled himself on the ice.


I expect some similar moments with EP in the coming weeks. If he can have his 'ah-ha' moment early enough, his rookie season will be legendary.

Nora Roberts is that you?

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My Penticton primer. I spent most of the day watching EP highlights on Bing Video and my conclusion: EP is a very talented player when the games are rolling. He is also very much like a Geoff Courntnall that has the unbelievable streaky stretches where he is  a goal scoring machine, where Geoff would cool off EP will still get points because his vision is above most of his peers. He scores in bunches because defenders have to respect how well he can see the ice. A couple of times defenders didn't give him any shooting time he set up very nice goals, And that created more space for him. Watching the World Championships and you noticed EP's skill set was above even veteran NHLer's . Many of his fellow swedes have commented on how excited they are to see just how good he can be. But my favorite is all the belly itching fans are saying that we are putting "Too much pressure on EP to succeed". His agent said "Nobody puts more pressure on EP to be good, more than EP puts on himself"  Top tier players get used to being top tier players and put the time in to be just that. I am not convinced that 80 points would be a stretch for EP. Especially after watching 2 hours of unbelievable highlights. Just watch his play-off run last year, he was  to say it simply  "a highlight reel machine". Coaches, players and fans simply watched him alone crush their play-off dreams. And in my mind he was on a Geoff Courtnall streak. So what can we expect. We can expect when he is just playing the game at basic skill level, to be a point per game player. When he hits the streak he will get 3 and 4 point nights in bunches, (he has done that for years now). In fact in the SHL it was a 5 point night that started the streak if you want to call it that, But it woke him up from a slow start.(As well as convinced him he could play with men). If they crowd his space Brock will get more goals. When they crowd Brocks space Elias will get more goals. Unlike a set up man with, lets say Henrik's skill set, if they give him space he will score. Hard not too enjoy a very special player that comes around every 10 or 15 years. I doubt any young players touch what Elias has done for many years to come. Yeh we didn't win the draft Lottery when we drafted EP. But we might just have won the draft's best player ,and time will tell. He alone could be the Matthews or the McDavid that rapidly accelerates the rebuilding curve. And we still have a Hughes in the pipeline. By Christmas time the Canucks will be way better than the media expects. Will they push for a play-off spot. Well I am not saying they will. But I expect some awesome games, with the young players as well as where we're the young players games?    If Oli makes the team I would not be surprised if they challenge for the last spot. I certainly would not be surprised. My prediction for EP is 72 points.  But if he has a few 3 point games early on and gets his Geoff Courtnall swagger he will hit 80. So to me its all about that Base. 


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