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[Trade] Canucks trade Jonathan Dahlen to Sharks for Linus Karlsson

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From his recent games I feel two ways. 


1.) With his recent puck luck an finding 3 points in 2 games I could've seen him being a offensive catalyst with Hughes, Oli, Lind, Brock, EP, Bo etc. 


Which leads me to # 


2.) In 3 games sporting 3 assists with a shining minus 2 it shows he is a defensive liability. Our defense is 2 or even 3 years from molding itself into a stable formidable defensive core in the league. If Dahlen feels entitled to be a NHLer now then develope I can only see him being Poo 2.0. 


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3 hours ago, hammertime said:

I dont know what to believe here. So many conflicting reports. 

As far as I'm concerned Dahlen was 21 and not close to being a dominant AHL player chances of him suddenly turning into a top 6 NHL player were low very low. It was time to pull the pin on the fantasy of him ever playing with Pete. A 18 yo kid scouting staff had the hots for last year became available so they bought 3 development years. 

Forget all the drama. Burr for a 2018 3rd still a win in my books. I think people have too much emotional attachment to the story line of Pete and Dahlen. 


Pretty good take.  GM's know Jim's got stuck with a player wanting out, so don't got himself much trade leverage.  That'd be reason enough for souring on a prospect.

A benefit of picking up long-shot, young Karlsson is that comparisons of who-won-the-trade won't be immediate while Dahlen fails - judgment deferred until forgotten.

Wouldn't be the first time a face-saving GM has trumped up past interest in a player coming in. 

Agreed that a 3rd pick for Burrows is good for us, but San Jose used it already and gave their choice a pass for some whiner boy.  Not expecting much from Karlsson, frankly.

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15 hours ago, City-in-state-of-emergency said:

From his recent games I feel two ways. 


1.) With his recent puck luck an finding 3 points in 2 games I could've seen him being a offensive catalyst with Hughes, Oli, Lind, Brock, EP, Bo etc. 


Which leads me to # 


2.) In 3 games sporting 3 assists with a shining minus 2 it shows he is a defensive liability. Our defense is 2 or even 3 years from molding itself into a stable formidable defensive core in the league. If Dahlen feels entitled to be a NHLer now then develope I can only see him being Poo 2.0. 


He's a + 1 in the playoffs though, plays good defense when it counts B)

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On 3/3/2019 at 12:21 PM, Ghostsof1915 said:

It won't hurt the organization to review player development in Utica. I think players going to Utica need to know how tough the AHL is as a league. 

The AHL is full of guys who put up tons of points in Europe or the CHL. Then struggle to get to the next step. 


We've been pretty spoiled with players like Boeser, Pettersson. But we have to remember those are exceptions, not the rule. 

Look at our beloved Burrows. 1.5 seasons in the ECHL, 2.5 in the AHL. But he worked his tail off. He never forgot he literally worked himself up

the ranks. 


 Gaudette is a good example. One of the best players in college hockey. Struggled at the NHL level to score, but you can see he plays a 200 foot game. 

He's not a liability out there. But he's learning to put his offensive skills to use. It's just a lot tougher when you make the jump from college to the NHL. 


I just hope when Hughes signs, don't be surprised if he only scores a handful of points or less. That's a big jump he's taking. All I want to see is Hughes play a simple game.

Make a good breakout pass. And get a shot on goal when he can. Being steady and consistent goes a long way for a defenceman. 

A lot of people / fans don’t realize development takes time. 

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On 3/3/2019 at 9:14 AM, hammertime said:

I dont know what to believe here. So many conflicting reports. 


As far as I'm concerned Dahlen was 21 and not close to being a dominant AHL player chances of him suddenly turning into a top 6 NHL player were low very low. It was time to pull the pin on the fantasy of him ever playing with Pete. A 18 yo kid scouting staff had the hots for last year became available so they bought 3 development years. 


Forget all the drama. Burr for a 2018 3rd still a win in my books. I think people have too much emotional attachment to the story line of Pete and Dahlen. 



Even if Dahlen were to prove he could score at the AHL and then the NHL level, that still wouldn't necessarily make him a viable winger for EP imo.

The additional issue imo is if Boeser remains on EP's wing, that creates the need for a winger who brings more weight - and speed - to that line.  Boeser is probably never going to be a hard areas, hard in on the forecheck winger - and his job is not to go to the net or park in the crease, it's to find openings that enable him to release that shot.

I don't think Dahlen is a very good organizational fit - unless he were to pair with Horvat - but even there I'm not sure he's suited to Horvat's style of game either.  He may be a better fit in San Jose's mix, but he doesn't appear NHL ready by any standard in any event.


No problem with them moving him for a lateral prospect that probably has a more versatile game....not sure Dahlen stood out as a particular need.

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On 3/3/2019 at 2:44 PM, Phat Fingers said:



'Man managers' real men dont need managers, they can manage themselves.  


'Mindless drones' or hard working players that skate to the hard areas of the ice and play solid north south hockey.  If I wanted creativity I would go to art school.  

You seems to be proof of what I say.


Do you want to win? 

You can't win with players running back and forth, hitting players all over. Sure, if you have half the team with creative, intelligent players and the rest is mindless drones, it's nice. 

But, we still need the creative players before the drones. Because drones are all over. 


Real men don't need managers... Interesting... What is a real men in NHL? Or, who are they and how many more could have been star players but stopped playing icehockey du to your neanderthal way of thinking? 

I am part neanderthal so I recognize the way you think.  ;)



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10 hours ago, Timråfan said:

You seems to be proof of what I say.


Do you want to win? 

You can't win with players running back and forth, hitting players all over. Sure, if you have half the team with creative, intelligent players and the rest is mindless drones, it's nice. 

But, we still need the creative players before the drones. Because drones are all over. 


Real men don't need managers... Interesting... What is a real men in NHL? Or, who are they and how many more could have been star players but stopped playing icehockey du to your neanderthal way of thinking? 

I am part neanderthal so I recognize the way you think.  ;)



Sarcasm doesn't translate.  



I was having some fun.  From your user name, is it safe to assume that your Swedish? 


Dahlen is a young player whom I think wasnt happy and showed that he wastn happy.  He has skill but, and this is important, he has had a brief time in North America and he hasn't done great.  He has been okay, but in the AHL, okay isnt going to win you a roster spot in the NHL.  


5v5 his production is poor, but he is a rookie here.  IMO he needs time to improve aspects of his game to play in the NHL.  His skating is number one.  


He or his agent is not being honest.  Dahlen's agent,  JP Barry is on the record of requesting or inquiring about a trade.  Dahlen has denied this.  Someone in Dahlen's camp is not being honest.  


This is a mistake.   When the management found a rookie with mediocre rookie season (not bad, but meh) having his agent complain and request a trade... management decided to get rid of a potential problem.  


It too bad, but such is life.  Dahlen was highly thought of, his character seemed unimpeachable after his season last year in Trimra.  



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8 minutes ago, ItalianCanuck1 said:


Don’t know if it’s already been posted...


So, basically I just wanna score and not do the "other stuff"? Has he watched his friend play away from the puck? 


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2 hours ago, Jimmy McGill said:


So, basically I just wanna score and not do the "other stuff"? Has he watched his friend play away from the puck? 


kid has a disconnect, for sure.  He'll be in the SHL inside of 2 yrs, which is probably the best place for him

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On ‎2‎/‎26‎/‎2019 at 8:47 AM, D-Money said:

My first reaction was that we took a downgrade in skill here.


But if 21 year-old Dahlen - who in his first year in the AHL, who is only 5th in scoring on his team, who has only SIX even-strength goals in FIFTY games, and has the worst +/- on any forward on the team - actually had the gall to demand a trade or call-up, then I'm glad to get his entitled monkey-a** out of here.


After reading Dahlen's parting shots at Canucks/Utica, in his first season, I feel even more strongly.


It's one thing to think that, but to go public with the criticism? Who does he think he is?



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3 hours ago, ItalianCanuck1 said:


Don’t know if it’s already been posted...

Is he serious? Give it a chance kid. One partial year in the AHL does not a development make. The trade hurts as I have seen him play and he has talent. But, offense only approach will not get you in the NHL unless you are a star. Kid has some growing up to do. Will be interesting to see if he prospers or goes by the way of Shinkaruk. 

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4 hours ago, ItalianCanuck1 said:


Don’t know if it’s already been posted...

A professional listens to the ones that tell him how to make the NHL. You do what you're asked of if you want to make it. By saying it's not the proper way to develop him, well what does he know about making the NHL? Because his dad made it? Not to say that the Canucks cannot learn from this and hopefully it fine tunes the development process. But when Dahlen suggests he didn't ask for a trade, either he's lying or there was some miscommunication from the agent and management and then that comes down to the agent being at fault for not portraying the right message.


Despite everything Goldobin has taken during his development, he hasn't complained once (aside from the one word comment by Larionov which wasn't taken as a trade  demand) and probably why the team continues to try to work with him and hope it all clicks one day. This whole thing has made me appreciate Goldobin a bit more.


I hope Dahlen figures it out that he needs to listen to make the NHL as it seems like he has the drive and talent to be impactful.

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17 hours ago, ItalianCanuck1 said:


Don’t know if it’s already been posted...




With an sense of entitlement like that, how can you coach him?  


He already knows everything he needs to know...  give him the Hart and put his name on the cup.  He has earned it!



If this is his response, he should stop talking for a while, until say he turns 30, then he can have interviews where he remembers what a young cocky pos he was.  


If he had the play to back up his words, he would be EP40, he is no EP40.  

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8 minutes ago, Phat Fingers said:




With an sense of entitlement like that, how can you coach him?  


He already knows everything he needs to know...  give him the Hart and put his name on the cup.  He has earned it!



If this is his response, he should stop talking for a while, until say he turns 30, then he can have interviews where he remembers what a young cocky pos he was.  


If he had the play to back up his words, he would be EP40, he is no EP40.  

How did you get entitled out of that? Lol. He doesn’t like how he was being deployed. Felt like his offensive game was being limited. You know, the thing he’s good at. This organization has a hard on for making everyone two way players. It’s why they traded him for a two way player. And we wonder why we have trouble scoring :rolleyes:

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30 minutes ago, N7Nucks said:

How did you get entitled out of that? Lol. He doesn’t like how he was being deployed. Felt like his offensive game was being limited. You know, the thing he’s good at. This organization has a hard on for making everyone two way players. It’s why they traded him for a two way player. And we wonder why we have trouble scoring :rolleyes:

How did you not get entitled out of that????  He knows more than his coaches and management after half a season in his rookie year in the AHL.  


He gets his agent to ask for a trade and then says otherwise when questioned.  


He doesn't want to work on his areas of weakness as identified by the people who's job that is and isnt willing to stick things out.  


For reference, what are Goldies weaknesses?  Similar, similar players in terms of skill first, one zone offence guys who have struggled to play even strength and away from the puck.  Fair comment?


Let's compare their situations and how their agents went about things.  Goldy has never complained, been benched, sent down, played alot of AHL games etc.  His agent Larionov shot down any talk of Goldy going back to Russia or seeking a trade.  


He is sticking so far and if he continues to work hard he could be a decent player.  


Compare that to the Dahlen situation.  Son of a NHLer, hero of Trima, came into the NA pro leagues and wanted to be treated differently.  He sees his buddy gaining fame and success and maybe feels left out struggling to find his groove in the AHL. 


40 games into a different league, style of play and etc he complains enough to staff, his agent etc to have his agent ask for a move.  Then he denies doing any such thing and is now deriding his former coaches and staff for not treating him just so.  


This is entitlement and what ever Dahlen did in Trimra means nothing the say he hit the NA ice.  Maybe that statute has given him a inflated ego.  


He can still grow and learn, but this opportunity to become a NHLer is looking further and further away.  This will hurt him not just in our org, but in other organizations too.  


I hope he shuts his yap and gets back to hockey.  He is still full of potential, but full of $&!# too.  


PS look to Baer, are alot of crow in Calgary, kept his head down and worked hard, when Management tapped about him being a poor player (thanks Burke) he is traded for a 2nd.  Now he is suffering PCS and that sucks, but he made it, after another full year in the AHL.  It took alot longer than anyone though, and he is a far better player at the same age ad Dahlen.  Tons of examples.  I can bring them all day. 

Edited by Phat Fingers
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2 hours ago, Phat Fingers said:

How did you not get entitled out of that????  He knows more than his coaches and management after half a season in his rookie year in the AHL.  


He gets his agent to ask for a trade and then says otherwise when questioned.  


He doesn't want to work on his areas of weakness as identified by the people who's job that is and isnt willing to stick things out.  


For reference, what are Goldies weaknesses?  Similar, similar players in terms of skill first, one zone offence guys who have struggled to play even strength and away from the puck.  Fair comment?


Let's compare their situations and how their agents went about things.  Goldy has never complained, been benched, sent down, played alot of AHL games etc.  His agent Larionov shot down any talk of Goldy going back to Russia or seeking a trade.  


He is sticking so far and if he continues to work hard he could be a decent player.  


Compare that to the Dahlen situation.  Son of a NHLer, hero of Trima, came into the NA pro leagues and wanted to be treated differently.  He sees his buddy gaining fame and success and maybe feels left out struggling to find his groove in the AHL. 


40 games into a different league, style of play and etc he complains enough to staff, his agent etc to have his agent ask for a move.  Then he denies doing any such thing and is now deriding his former coaches and staff for not treating him just so.  


This is entitlement and what ever Dahlen did in Trimra means nothing the say he hit the NA ice.  Maybe that statute has given him a inflated ego.  


He can still grow and learn, but this opportunity to become a NHLer is looking further and further away.  This will hurt him not just in our org, but in other organizations too.  


I hope he shuts his yap and gets back to hockey.  He is still full of potential, but full of $&!# too.  


PS look to Baer, are alot of crow in Calgary, kept his head down and worked hard, when Management tapped about him being a poor player (thanks Burke) he is traded for a 2nd.  Now he is suffering PCS and that sucks, but he made it, after another full year in the AHL.  It took alot longer than anyone though, and he is a far better player at the same age ad Dahlen.  Tons of examples.  I can bring them all day. 

Can you post the rest of the tweet that shows the entitlement, you only posted the one where he told his agent he felt like he wasn't properly developing into a two way hockey player.


He told his agent this, his agent approached Benning and they said maybe a trade would be good, nowhere does it say that Dhalen requested the trade, he voiced his concerns to his agent, and then his agent and Benning talked.  JFC it's people like you that are why a 21 year old kid quit social media due to harassment and threats. Talk about entitled, you add your own spin to a story and expect everyone to treat is as the damn gospel to worship.


Palmu felt the same

Lind isn't developing

Gadj isn't developing

Our entire prospect pool sucks under Cull, can't think of one player now we have there.


But hey lets blame the kid whos agent brought up concerns to Benning and they ended up trading.


Until you post something where Dhalen says "I asked my agent for a trade"  quit putting words in his mouth.


Dhwali also said Utica is doing a horrible job.

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