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[Report] Eriksson “NOT” likely to be moved on

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48 minutes ago, MystifyNCrucify said:

Lets all be realistic for a page or two. 


Loui is worth, at best, “future considerations”. At best. 


Benning doesnt want to have to pay to get rid of him. 


Other teams dont want to take his cap hit. 


He threw his coach, gm, and teammates under the bus for his lousy play. He cant be on the comets, let alone the canucks next season. 


Good job tanking your nhl career “Little Loui”.  Most of the world wont get a sniff of the millions you’ve floated into. Take it like a man. 

He made a comment about not seeing things eye to eye 100% of the time about Green. When did he throw the GM and teammates under the bus for his play? Do you agree with everything you boss/superior decides? He shouldn't have said it to the media and there's no denying that, but I think this is getting blown way out of proportion.


Remember the Ottawa's Uber scandal? Duchene got a 8 million dollar a season contract. Chabot is doing just fine and still in Ottawa. And I believe several other players were involved trashing the coaching in a much worse way and they're not being run out of the league altogether and being suggested they shouldn't be around other players or even teammates anymore.


The only problem for Loui is that he isn't worth a 6 million dollar contract and he's got 3 years more on it. I bet if LE was on another team and this similar thing happened, many would be suggesting we take him on for a sweetener which is simply something we don't want to pay. There's no need to dump on LE beyond that.

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1 minute ago, prix57 said:

When did LE throw the team under the bus? What did he say exactly? 


I hope his contract is off the books, I hated the signing from the get go. 

He told the Swedish media he wasn’t given enough playing opportunities 

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I'm sure there's infinite problems with this (I hate proposals), but every day that passes I want Eriksson's contract gone more and more.




Tanev @ 50%





Conditional OTT 2021 2nd Round Pick (Converts into 4th Rounder if Tanev does not re-sign)


Ottawa gets to add D depth on both sides + a bit of a mystery player in Goldy + an Eriksson with a fresh start (and salary below cap hit) for a pick in a round for which the have two others already, or less in the event that Tanev does not stay with the team.


Vancouver gets rid of the Eriksson conundrum and Tanev, who most want traded to free up capspace. I like Sautner, but he is expendable. Same goes for Goldy at this point. Really, the return itself isn't as important as regaining the ability to keep building our team without worrying too much about a cap crunch.

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26 minutes ago, brian42 said:

No surprises, glad the Canucks are trying.  I’d move an asset with LE depends exactly how prime. 

Agreed.  Moving LE and TS would make this a great off season.  I'd want to keep Sutter as insurance for Gaudette and maybe move him at the deadline/next off season.  


Trading Tanev to re-sign Hutton cheaper would be great too.  If JB can do all that it will be an A++ off season.  

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Loui can still play limited 2 way game his D is above average it is his offense that has been anemic since he as been here.

his cap hit won’t be so bad for a team picking him up.3 mil?


i could see him going to Rangers an or NJ Devils playing on third line .

The Luongo recapture has forced   Jim to now unload him.

otherwise he stays an at next TDL perhaps may be moved at that point? ( if he can not be traded this September)

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42 minutes ago, tas said:

assign the guy to the echl. if he's going to be stuck in the organization, you can at least try to shame him into retiring early. 

Players on an NHL contract have to agree to report to the ECHL. This is why Binnington played for Providence last year- the Blues wanted him to go to the ECHL but he refused so other AHL options were explored. 

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1 hour ago, Gäz said:

I'm sure there's infinite problems with this (I hate proposals), but every day that passes I want Eriksson's contract gone more and more.




Tanev @ 50%





Conditional OTT 2021 2nd Round Pick (Converts into 4th Rounder if Tanev does not re-sign)


Ottawa gets to add D depth on both sides + a bit of a mystery player in Goldy + an Eriksson with a fresh start (and salary below cap hit) for a pick in a round for which the have two others already, or less in the event that Tanev does not stay with the team.


Vancouver gets rid of the Eriksson conundrum and Tanev, who most want traded to free up capspace. I like Sautner, but he is expendable. Same goes for Goldy at this point. Really, the return itself isn't as important as regaining the ability to keep building our team without worrying too much about a cap crunch.

I have heard Mikkel Boedker is a contract Ottawa may want to trade. 4 mil/ 1 year. Maybe we take him back as Ottawa is a budget team.

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5 minutes ago, babalu said:

I have heard Mikkel Boedker is a contract Ottawa may want to trade. 4 mil/ 1 year. Maybe we take him back as Ottawa is a budget team.

I'd be fine with that.

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1 hour ago, brian42 said:

No surprises, glad the Canucks are trying.  I’d move an asset with LE depends exactly how prime. 

If moving Marleau from the Leafs cost a 1st..How much do do you think the Canucks would have to cough up?..We are in no position to give up anymore picks/propects...He's a boat anchor that we're stuck with for better or worse.

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6 minutes ago, Honky Cat said:

If moving Marleau from the Leafs cost a 1st..How much do do you think the Canucks would have to cough up?..We are in no position to give up anymore picks/propects...He's a boat anchor that we're stuck with for better or worse.

It is a different situation though.

Carolina was buying Marleau out for one.

LE has only 9 mil total owed to him in real dollars whereas his cap hit is 6 mil.

For a budget team this can actually be a good thing.

I am not saying  there won't have to be a sweetener but look at what TO just gave up to getvrid of Zaitsev.

Basically Brown was the sweetener

Edited by babalu
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2 hours ago, brian42 said:

No surprises, glad the Canucks are trying.  I’d move an asset with LE depends exactly how prime. 

I don’t think we’re going to have to send out a “prime” asset. He’s only get paid 3mil in cash. Just this guy being an idiot. Someone will take him once the dust settles on free agency and teams need to reach the cap floor. He can still play and at 3 mil it’s not bad, and we can always retain. Just typical Van trolling media creating drama. 


Moreover, we don’t “have to move him”. We can send him to the minors. We aren’t going for it this year where we must have the cap room. 

Edited by 18W-40C-6W
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17 minutes ago, babalu said:

I have heard Mikkel Boedker is a contract Ottawa may want to trade. 4 mil/ 1 year. Maybe we take him back as Ottawa is a budget team.

That’s a great deal for us.  Saves two million on the cap, and the guy is off the books next year.  

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