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[Discussion] Arizona/OEL


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Warming up to the OEL idea.


I think Arizona really needs to reduce salary, could likely be facing an internal cap that the ownership want them to get under.


If we could move out Sutter and / or Eriksson as part of the package, that would dramatically reshape the team in a time when there's about to be a glut of free agents available, due to the financial situation across the league. If Benning plays this right, we could become a serious cup contender in a few weeks.


Just my opinion.

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1 hour ago, NHL97OneTimer said:

I admit I'm quite naive about how effective OEL is.  I know he's good, but is he that good that we'd take on THAT contract?!!!  I get losing LE's contract would be great but that's only for 2 years.  Would OEL strap us for even more years?!!!  Would love to hear that he's worth it, but this write-up concerns me:  https://www.si.com/hockey/news/when-did-oel-become-the-second-coming-of-nicklas-lidstrom.  



Exactly, lean hard to riding out LE contract and don't repeat it

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2 minutes ago, peaches5 said:

Seabrook was never at the level of OEL.

OEL best statistical season was 55 points


Seabrooks was 49 points.


If you look at their career stats, they are fairly similar, so to say Seabrook is a lesser player seems silly. (What level are you referring to)?


OEL is a top pairing d-man. We will need all the $ we can muster to sign our 2 best players, who are both just dipping their toes in the big league. Would OEL help round out our D and make us better, hell yes. Is he worth the risk to take on for 7 more years at 8.25. I don't think so. If we can somehow get Arizona to retain 1 or 1.5 of his annual cap, then I would say to GM JB, go for it.

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12 minutes ago, oldnews said:

you don't know that.

we can play the game of naming cases one way or the other,,,


 I can point to Edler, or Giordano, or Chara, or Bourque, Lidstrom, Neidermeyer, Housley, Pronger, Leetch, MacInnis, Zubov, Chelios, Stevens, or Sami friggin' Salo.

You can make your list - I'll start if for you - Seabrook....


And it means literally nothing.


This player - is this player alone - and it won't be known until it's known.

Sorry ON....not at $8M...I'll pass, just like I did with LE 

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1 hour ago, GarthButcher5 said:

For me it would take less than that to land Pietrangelo for probably less term and Pietrangelo is a player that has a right handed shot and has an element that we do not currently have. He also will not cost us a player, prospect and likely a pick.

The slightly older (albeit right side) AP has already turned down a reported $8m+ x 8 years contract from the team he won a cup with and is reportedly looking for $9-$9.5m x 7 on the open market.


Not sure how that's cheaper $ or shorter term...?


And whatever assets we're spending to acquire OEL (who wants to be here) and send cap back to ARZ, would need to be used to clear cap to make room for even having a one in thirty shot of landing AP (without any reported interest in coming here).

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2 minutes ago, Jayinblack said:

Exactly how i've gone from warming to the idea to hoping JB pulls it off (but only if he takes advantage of Arizona's situation).


In the next year/two the following caps hits will be gone:  LE, Sutter, Baertshi, Pearson, Edler, Benn, Roussel, Beagle, Luongo's cap hit, Spooner's buyout


I imagine we'll resign Edler and Pearson for cheaper deals, but that still leaves lots for the upcoming Petey, Hughes and Boeser deals.

We'll also have Podz and Hoglander in the lineup on ELCs.


Bottomline is that if JB gets OEL the right way, then next year might be the only one that's a cap squeeze but then we're in a great position to add as our top players are hitting their prime.

Totally agree! Everyone's talking about the cap issues, which i understand are an issue at the moment, but it's like people forget about the contracts coming off the books and act like they're permanent. I hope he pulls off this trade as well...def upgrades the team! 

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4 minutes ago, KirkSave said:

OEL best statistical season was 55 points


Seabrooks was 49 points.


If you look at their career stats, they are fairly similar, so to say Seabrook is a lesser player seems silly. (What level are you referring to)?


OEL is a top pairing d-man. We will need all the $ we can muster to sign our 2 best players, who are both just dipping their toes in the big league. Would OEL help round out our D and make us better, hell yes. Is he worth the risk to take on for 7 more years at 8.25. I don't think so. If we can somehow get Arizona to retain 1 or 1.5 of his annual cap, then I would say to GM JB, go for it.

The big difference though is their skating. One of the reasons Seabrook fell off a cliff (aside from injury problems) is because he started to look like he was skating in quick sand, and skating was never one of his strong-suits to begin with. OEL is an absolutely effortless skater, and although I'm not suggesting he's Nicklas Lidstrom, I truly believe he'll be able to keep up with his skating later in his career - much like #5 himself. 


There's no denying that Seabrook in his prime was a top-pairing/1B RHD, but because of better health and being the much more superior skater, I'm very confident in saying that OEL will have proved that he had a much longer shelf life when all is said and done.

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5 minutes ago, KirkSave said:

OEL best statistical season was 55 points


Seabrooks was 49 points.


If you look at their career stats, they are fairly similar, so to say Seabrook is a lesser player seems silly. (What level are you referring to)?


OEL is a top pairing d-man. We will need all the $ we can muster to sign our 2 best players, who are both just dipping their toes in the big league. Would OEL help round out our D and make us better, hell yes. Is he worth the risk to take on for 7 more years at 8.25. I don't think so. If we can somehow get Arizona to retain 1 or 1.5 of his annual cap, then I would say to GM JB, go for it.

Visnovsky used to put up a lot of points and never was considered for the Norris.. comparing point totals doesn't mean players are at the same level. OEL is a far better player than Seabrook. 

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16 minutes ago, KirkSave said:

*cough *cough Seabrook

Are you coughing on his 3 cups! I want one! 

No, still a $&!#ty contract, but &^@# Chicago.

But I think OEL can play into his mid 30’s. Cant pull an Edmonton and not have any elite journeymen on the team. 

He is ONLY 4 years older than Bo. 

And when he’s $&!# we can just refinance him. Am I doing this right? Lol. Jk.


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Give OJ, Rafferty and Tryamkin a chance....if they fail, then do something the following year. At least give these players a chance at the NHL level...if they succeed or fail, you won't be stuck with a bad contract in 4 years or maybe less.

This team has made strides and some of the dead money will be coming off in two years...let it ride for a year to see what these guys bring. If they don't work out, then we get a high draft pick and changes can be made. 

I'd put more faith in these three being successful, then OEL being a good player at 34, 35 and 36 getting paid over $8M.


Rathbone can be added in two years time. Develop your players and then give them a chance ffs

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1 hour ago, Nuck1991 said:

yes but i dont see edler playing against top players on a daily basis for next couple of years either. 

Dude is aging, getting slow

All players age, reaching your mid to late 30's doesn't mean they can't still be capable players


Should we expect him to be the 49 point guy he was at his peak? Of course not, but that doesn't mean he isn't capable of being productive in a role, he's a smart player with good tools 


He's been great for us the last few seasons, and was particularly huge for us last season, I won't be surprised to see more of the same this coming season


One of the biggest things working in his favour is that as we've built more depth (Hughes, Myers, potentially OEL, Fanta, Tanev) he hasn't had to take on as much, and given that JB is reportedly looking to bolster our back end that should allow him to shoulder less of the burden 


I fully expect to see him hit the 1k mark as a Canuck, assuming he can stay reasonably healthy 





Edited by Coconuts
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3 minutes ago, Pete M said:

Give OJ, Rafferty and Tryamkin a chance....if they fail, then do something the following year. At least give these players a chance at the NHL level...if they succeed or fail, you won't be stuck with a bad contract in 4 years or maybe less.

This team has made strides and some of the dead money will be coming off in two years...let it ride for a year to see what these guys bring. If they don't work out, then we get a high draft pick and changes can be made. 

I'd put more faith in these three being successful, then OEL being a good player at 34, 35 and 36 getting paid over $8M.

There's no way we going into next year with a weaker D corps after what the team showed this playoffs.  Nothing against those 3 players, but inserting all 3 of them next year would set us back.


I'm hoping JB can get Arizona to take LE and retain 25% on OEL.  The cap hit for the next 2 years is the same for both teams (unless they buy LE out), but then they save the long cap hit of OEL (along with 10's of millions more in real dollars).


The question then becomes what makes it worth it for Arizona....   JV, OJ, + 2nd rounder ?


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2 hours ago, oldnews said:

so..what you're saying....is....

For example:

Give Zona a prospect or pick to take on LE (or Gaudette to Ottawa to take on LE, or whatever)....but for 'future considerations' instead of OEL.

And then sign Pietrangelo instead?

It's an interesting comparable alternative outcome - but do those dance partners line up with us?

Is that preferable?

I wonder what the actual marketplace will be, even for a UFA like AP.....if Zona hypothetically couldn't even dump an OEL for a prospect/pick to a couple relatively competitive teams, one (Boston) that would appear a pretty good and readily workable fit...then what will AP be able to command on the market?

If a player like Ekman-larsson's market value tanks that dramatically - what is a Nylander worth on the open market?  What are the Leafs' 11 milllion forwards worth in a cap crash?

If we weren’t in Covid..  I’d send LE to the minors..  he either would not report, or retire.

There will most likely not be an AHL season,. So Eriksson is safe from a forced issue,.  
or is he?

I would leave OEL alone,. 
.. and I beleive Eriksson is frozen in clauses with Vancouver,.  Apart from a waiver situation.

Ive heard of no talks with Eriksson,.

only rumours of a buy out situation.


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