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1 hour ago, Robert Long said:

this pandemic has exposed so many people to just be selfish tools. I was at a market in Richmond yesterday, with signs everywhere saying masks are mandatory, and this mouth breather asshat is walking around with a mask hanging off his ear. 


I do see far more people over 50 not wearing masks in stores than anyone else too, these people should be old enough to know better. 

For all the crap the young crowd is getting I agree with you. Went to grocery store yesterday and there was honestly more percentage of the 25-40 crowd either wearing masks or at least giving space as opposed to many of the older adults who seemed to be brushing shoulders with me when there was plenty of room to give space, almost like they didn't want to move a few feet off their direct path. 

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1 hour ago, Robert Long said:

this pandemic has exposed so many people to just be selfish tools. I was at a market in Richmond yesterday, with signs everywhere saying masks are mandatory, and this mouth breather asshat is walking around with a mask hanging off his ear. 


I do see far more people over 50 not wearing masks in stores than anyone else too, these people should be old enough to know better. 

I donno, I’ve got no issue admitting that it’s my demographic (the 20-somethings) who are most responsible for screwing this all up.  Most of my friends are out camping in large groups with a different mix of people every weekend, going to the okanagan for a weekend with groups of 30+, never wear masks. 

I don’t really go anywhere I don’t need to, basically just work and coaching. Wear a mask when I do have to go into a store or other public settings. The only concession I’ve really made is going to the gym again, but even then I go at 5AM when there’s only a handful of people there in a ~25000 square foot facility. I’ll continue to do my part but it definitely feels a bit like “why bother?”. It’s frustrating to pop into Save-On and see maybe 20% of people wearing a mask. 

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32 minutes ago, Robert Long said:

this pandemic has exposed so many people to just be selfish tools. I was at a market in Richmond yesterday, with signs everywhere saying masks are mandatory, and this mouth breather asshat is walking around with a mask hanging off his ear. 


I do see far more people over 50 not wearing masks in stores than anyone else too, these people should be old enough to know better. 

This is an unfair assessment. At least he’s prepared...


I work in rehab for Long Term Care, My profession covers three different LTC facilities. 

We are mandated to wear masks at all times.... But it is not really possible.... Honestly, I’ll have questions/orders for nurses or care staff .... then masks come off... or they go to the chin.....or........ dangle on an ear!!!

Its not easy living with these things on your face all day. Personally, even when I’m treating a resident, I’ll pull the mask out from my face.... just to get an actual quality inhale... the put it back on for an exhale.


I usually can’t wait to get out of their room so I can hang my mask on one ear and take a couple normal breaths. Because I know, if I have to, I can slap it back on in .02 seconds.


I do not believe the person you saw was an “asshat”... Maybe he was. But if he had it hanging there, he was at least prepared.









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1 hour ago, Sean Monahan said:

I donno, I’ve got no issue admitting that it’s my demographic (the 20-somethings) who are most responsible for screwing this all up.  Most of my friends are out camping in large groups with a different mix of people every weekend, going to the okanagan for a weekend with groups of 30+, never wear masks. 

I don’t really go anywhere I don’t need to, basically just work and coaching. Wear a mask when I do have to go into a store or other public settings. The only concession I’ve really made is going to the gym again, but even then I go at 5AM when there’s only a handful of people there in a ~25000 square foot facility. I’ll continue to do my part but it definitely feels a bit like “why bother?”. It’s frustrating to pop into Save-On and see maybe 20% of people wearing a mask. 

for sure there have been some partying U25s but out in general public its the baby boomers that I count not wearing masks. You shouldn't see a single one really taking the chance, but they still think they're on top. 

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1 hour ago, Canorth said:

This is an unfair assessment. At least he’s prepared...


I work in rehab for Long Term Care, My profession covers three different LTC facilities. 

We are mandated to wear masks at all times.... But it is not really possible.... Honestly, I’ll have questions/orders for nurses or care staff .... then masks come off... or they go to the chin.....or........ dangle on an ear!!!

Its not easy living with these things on your face all day. Personally, even when I’m treating a resident, I’ll pull the mask out from my face.... just to get an actual quality inhale... the put it back on for an exhale.


I usually can’t wait to get out of their room so I can hang my mask on one ear and take a couple normal breaths. Because I know, if I have to, I can slap it back on in .02 seconds.


I do not believe the person you saw was an “asshat”... Maybe he was. But if he had it hanging there, he was at least prepared.









no, he was an asshat. A person working at the market asked him to put it on properly and he said no. People gave him a wide berth. 


I just have no tolerance for people who are still going into stores and public places and either not wearing a mask or wearing it like its some kind of protest. We all know we can do something very simple to help others and it just infuriates me to see people like this walking around not caring about the health of others. Its one thing if your are risking your own life, thats fine, but some of us have elderly parents.




Edited by Robert Long
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1 hour ago, Robert Long said:

no, he was an asshat. A person working at the market asked him to put it on properly and he said no. People gave him a wide berth. 


I just have no tolerance for people who are still going into stores and public places and either not wearing a mask or wearing it like its some kind of protest. We all know we can do something very simple to help others and it just infuriates me to see people like this walking around not caring about the health of others. Its one thing if your are risking your own life, thats fine, but some of us have elderly parents.




Fair enough 

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1 hour ago, Robert Long said:

for sure there have been some partying U25s but out in general public its the baby boomers that I count not wearing masks. You shouldn't see a single one really taking the chance, but they still think they're on top. 

Purely anecdotal, but in that trip to Save-On I referenced I think I may have been the only <65 person wearing a mask. This was the Save-On in South Surrey. 

When I really think about it, I don’t think I can point the finger at any one demographic as being the worst for mask wearing. In places that don’t mandate masks I find the mask-wearing to be a little underwhelming overall. Certainly less than half I would say. 

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30 minutes ago, Ghostsof1915 said:

Over/under on Lockdown September 1? 

Lockdown, na not happening.  If our hospital numbers were suddenly skyrocketing then maybe but the fact they are continuing to drop theres no need to panic and lockdown.  Can we see a scale back and go back towards Phase 2?  Or have more health officials going around and fining buisnesses, etc. for breaking the rules, yea I could definitely see it.  Hopefully people can smarten up and get our numbers down a bit but until fall comes and the weather turns I have a hard time seeing it changing much. 

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9 hours ago, debluvscanucks said:

I went to the beach today to unwind after I got the news about my uncle.  Carted a heavy lounger lawn chair all around to find adequate space for myself.  A family comes along (as I was on the phone with Dad) and plunks down right beside me (with half a football field of empty beach just beyond me).  I politely asked the lady to give me more space...husband walks up and says "yeah, you got two metres do you need the whole beach?".  Attitude for miles.  (My Dad heard him and was so pissed).  I said, "I have a father with a very compromised immune system and I'm visiting him after I leave here...I'd appreciate you moving a little further away".  He persisted with his bad attitude so I finally flipped him off (wife said quit being an ass and scooted him along).  


Then some beached whale of a hag chimes in and tells me it's not my beach and they can sit wherever they want.  She was with her grandchildren and she cackled to them that I was a Karen because I didn't want people right on top of me.   Kids were about 10 and 12...what a great example she was setting for them....she, too, seemed ready to make a stand.     

I left.  People are so ignorant and defiant about it all.   Covid deniers are the rudest of the rude.


There are some out there who are just proud as peacocks and imposing their "right" to do whatever they want out there.  It's their opportunity to just outwardly be rude and prove a point.  I tried the "be kind" approach but the people I encountered yesterday were flat out unwilling to comply with basic guidelines or a polite request to observe social distances.   


this thing has brought out the best and worst of our society. I'm glad at least we're not armed up here. 


re: your beach family - thats the kind of people that you could never teach anything to. Thats why the province needs to bring in more enforcement if the trend continues, pigs like that just don't care. 


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11 hours ago, Sean Monahan said:

Purely anecdotal, but in that trip to Save-On I referenced I think I may have been the only <65 person wearing a mask. This was the Save-On in South Surrey. 

When I really think about it, I don’t think I can point the finger at any one demographic as being the worst for mask wearing. In places that don’t mandate masks I find the mask-wearing to be a little underwhelming overall. Certainly less than half I would say. 

it could be a combo of where we shop + my own confirmation bias at work as well, but I do feel like I see more boomers not wearing masks, and more younger people being complaint in stores. On the beach maybe thats another matter for the U30s. 


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9 hours ago, debluvscanucks said:

I went to the beach today to unwind after I got the news about my uncle.  Carted a heavy lounger lawn chair all around to find adequate space for myself.  A family comes along (as I was on the phone with Dad) and plunks down right beside me (with half a football field of empty beach just beyond me).  I politely asked the lady to give me more space...husband walks up and says "yeah, you got two metres do you need the whole beach?".  Attitude for miles.  (My Dad heard him and was so pissed).  I said, "I have a father with a very compromised immune system and I'm visiting him after I leave here...I'd appreciate you moving a little further away".  He persisted with his bad attitude so I finally flipped him off (wife said quit being an ass and scooted him along).  


Then some beached whale of a hag chimes in and tells me it's not my beach and they can sit wherever they want.  She was with her grandchildren and she cackled to them that I was a Karen because I didn't want people right on top of me.   Kids were about 10 and 12...what a great example she was setting for them....she, too, seemed ready to make a stand.     

I left.  People are so ignorant and defiant about it all.   Covid deniers are the rudest of the rude.


There are some out there who are just proud as peacocks and imposing their "right" to do whatever they want out there.  It's their opportunity to just outwardly be rude and prove a point.  I tried the "be kind" approach but the people I encountered yesterday were flat out unwilling to comply with basic guidelines or a polite request to observe social distances.   


This pandemic has really exposed how many selfish, narcissist people there really are out there.  It has not done much to boost my faith in humanity, sadly.

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37 minutes ago, Robert Long said:

it could be a combo of where we shop + my own confirmation bias at work as well, but I do feel like I see more boomers not wearing masks, and more younger people being complaint in stores. On the beach maybe thats another matter for the U30s. 


Come to Kelowna/Lake Country if you want to see the under 30 crowd flaunting rules.  On the water especially

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4 minutes ago, stawns said:

Come to Kelowna/Lake Country if you want to see the under 30 crowd flaunting rules.  On the water especially

yeah no doubt. Throw in some drunk Albertans that dont give af and you have a mini-pandemic all on its own there.



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On 8/15/2020 at 5:21 PM, coho8888 said:

Its true that there are quite a few people having a tough time coping with this.  Something interesting that I heard while listening to the Lynda Steele show on Thursday was that one of the possible reasons for why these 20 somethings are partying it up and ignoring the rules is that because of Covid, they are in despair and see no hope for the future.  Many of them aren't going to school and are getting CERB funds from the govt.  This was coming from an interview with someone from that age group.  Not sure how much stock I put in this though.  There is just so much crap posted out there right now.  Some are in denial and cope by discounting the severity of this Virus and believe what they want to hear.  Some lose all hope and throw all caution to the wind.  Not sure what we can do about this.  

My grandparents generation went through the great depression and the wwII in their teens and 20's.  This generation can't even inconvenience their life enough to stop partying or wearing a mask to help

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